Infinite script kill

Chapter 473 Make a joke to the king

Chapter 473 Make a joke for the king (sorry for being late)

At the top of the tower, the wind mixed with ice shavings hit the face. Strange to say, the temperature here started to pick up as soon as you climbed to the top of the tower, instead of being as cold as below.

The three of them stood on it, and they could see the whole picture of Yinyang Mountain from a distance.

A ray of green light became more dazzling on the cliff of Yinyang Mountain.

"That old woman started desperately. It's an ancient witchcraft. It's really surprising. It's just that she might not survive."

The coffin lid was opened with a tiny gap, and one eye was silently watching the ray of green light in the distance through the coffin lid.

"Hey, we're here now, let the old man out!"

Gao Zhuo knocked on the coffin and said.

"What's the hurry! I'm coming out now, but I'm no match for a grand master."

The guy in the coffin was extremely cunning, and he knew very well that when he went out at this time, Xu Tong and the three would rub him on the ground in all likelihood, so he refused to get out of the coffin easily.

Xu Tong looked at the glazed lamp in front of him. The lamp body was very small. It was said to be glazed, but in fact it was covered by a layer of crystal. Looking carefully, there were actually two heads inside the crystal.


The black cat in his arms looked at the lamp eagerly, as if what was in front of him was not a lamp, but a piece of dried fish, exuding an irresistible temptation.

"Old man, don't play this game with the young master, at worst, you will die together. If I risk half my life, I can pull you out and explode the hammer!"

Gao Zhuo angrily knocked on the coffin, he was a dignified family of corpses, and one day he fell into the hands of a zombie, it was a great shame.

But the one in the coffin seemed to be determined, he couldn't come out unless he lit the lamp, Gao Zhuo was cursing, but he didn't have any temper in his heart.

"Yes, but you must first tell me what is the cost of lighting this lamp."

Xu Tong walked to the coffin and asked.

He didn't believe that King Jiu'e Minggui was so easy to talk to, it was as simple as asking them to light a lamp.


Xu Tong reached out and pulled out the black cat from his arms, held it in his hand and looked at it: "I always feel that there is something wrong with this little thing."


The black cat looked at Xu Tong with an innocent expression, as if it wanted to tell him that he was also an innocent victim.

But Xu Tong held it, and walked to the edge of the tower step by step, looking at the surging water below: "If you don't tell me, I won't light the lamp. At worst, it's our challenge failure. Anyway, there is no loss at all."

Hearing this, the person in the coffin finally stopped being silent, and his voice suddenly became cold: "Boy, are you not afraid that I will kill this old man?"

"Just kill it." Xu Tong picked up his finger and teased the cat nonchalantly.

After hearing Xu Tong's words in the coffin, he didn't speak, as if he was waiting for the movement of Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi.

However, the two of them didn't say a word, and they didn't intend to speak at all.

Life is very important, and neither of them wants to die, but just like the tacit understanding that Xu Tong reached with the old man at the beginning, whether it is passive or active, the premise of cooperation is that there is restraint from each other, so that the game can continue.

If this guy is allowed to lead him by the nose, it will be a big deal, and no one will think about it. After all, whoever is not that angry, if they are afraid of death, neither of them can make it to today.

The attitude of the three of them made Wang Zhao in the coffin unexpected. After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth to explain to Xu Tong.

"The Underworld Ghost King was actually exiled from the Yincao. I don't know the reason, but there is a great god behind him to protect him, so no one from the Yincao came to arrest him.

In the First World War that year, Qin Tianjian summoned the ghosts and gods of the underworld with the emperor's list. As a result, none of the gods of the underworld was willing to come.

Only a little ghost came to deliver the letter, and we knew the reason. The people of Qin Tianjian were not incapable of killing him, but just dared not. "

Wang Zhao talked about what happened back then. He hid in a corner and heard with his own ears the private discussions of the Qin Tianjian.

"Can't be killed, kill King Jiue Minggui, after they die, they will be settled in the underworld.

But if you don't kill them, you will violate the emperor's order, and the emperor's order cannot be disobeyed. "

So they cut off the two heads of King Jiue Minggui and made this lamp. Only by lighting this lamp can King Minggui leave here. "

The people of Qin Tianjian had a good plan, as long as the ghost king can't be born, who knows if they killed him or not, just go back and return to life.

"Such a big matter, can you hide it?"

Gao Zhuo asked from the side, feeling that this guy was full of nonsense, and he couldn't easily believe a single word. There were so many experts back then, if any one of them revealed the matter, the Qin Tianjian group would be finished.

Wang Zhaowen couldn't help sneering: "Yes, so those who left with Qin Tianjian, I think in all likelihood, they will never appear in the Jianghu again."

"Murder and kill!"

Gao Zhuo's eyelids twitched, and he immediately felt relieved. That's right, such a big event has never been circulated in the world, and his family has never heard of it in the local area. He only found out after reading the content on the Feng Shui map.

It seems that the matter of killing people to silence them, nine times out of ten, cannot escape.

But Xu Tong interrupted Wang Zhao at this moment and continued: "What I'm asking is what is the price for lighting it up!"

If this lamp was better, King Jiu'e Minggui would have already lit the lamp, so why wait until now.

When Xu Tong said this, Gao Zhuo immediately reacted and kicked on the coffin: "Old thief, at this time I'm still playing the game of changing the subject for the young master, if you don't say it, you can light the lamp yourself. "

There was a wry smile from inside the coffin. Knowing that there was no way around it, he could only say: "There are three requirements for lighting a lamp. The first is a living person. You must use your own real fire to light it. This thing can only be found in living people."

The so-called real fire refers to the three fires on the shoulders and the top of the head.

"Secondly, the lighting time is very short. If you miss the time, you will have to wait another 44 years, so this is the reason why you are limited to lighting the glazed lamp within half an hour.

Third, after the lamplighter dies..."

Speaking of this, the voice in the coffin became weaker and weaker: "After death, the soul cannot enter the underworld, and death cannot be reborn."

This price is actually very serious. After all, as long as it is an individual, it will eventually die.

Even from another point of view, being alive is just the definition given by human beings, and perhaps death does not necessarily mean disappearing, it can also be understood as being temporarily offline.

But if after death, the soul cannot enter the underworld, it can only wander in the world as a lonely ghost, exposed to the sun, blown by the wind and rain, with nowhere to go, it will not be long before it will be muddled, and finally disappear completely.

But this price is like this for others, but for Xu Tong, it is like scratching an itch.

Because of the characteristics of Baishankou, if I can find a generation of heirs, I will pass on Baishankou all the way.

Then, even if I die in the future, I can learn from my master and live in the reality of the next successor.

Since then, the line of their family has been continuous, and they have repeatedly nested dolls and passed them down from generation to generation.

In the end, it became a part of the master's plan, gathered the power of ten generations, opened the gate of heaven, and soared in the daytime.

What if I am not willing to be like the master.

It doesn't matter, I can go to heaven to play, I heard that angels don't like to wear clothes, so I can be an excellent fashion designer.

You can also go to Lilith's kitchen and taste her unforgettable superb cooking skills.

In short, it doesn't matter whether you go or not in this place of Yincao Difu.


Gao Zhuo didn't believe it: "It's so simple, why should the high priest work so hard, why not just light the lamp?"

"How could King Jiu'e Minggui tell his enemies so easily about this kind of thing, besides, the voodoo religion has a long tradition, and those weird witchcrafts are as evil as they are.

This lamp was made from the head of King Jiu'e Minggui, if people from the voodoo sect were to light the lamp, wouldn't that just let Sun Houzi go to the Peach Garden? "

"Then how dare he ask us to light this lamp now??"

Gao Zhuo continued to question.

But this question is no longer important, even Chang Wuzhi can figure it out.

There is a big difference between being able to run and not running.

Right now, King Jiu'e Minggui must be aware that there are no more living souls for him here, so he wants to turn passive into active.

"In short, if you light the glazed lamps, the ghost king will be able to return the soul of Gao Xiaoshan to you, and I will also get what I want. Everything is happy."

Seeing that Xu Tong did not directly refuse, Wang Zhao urged him to light the lamp immediately, and the time was almost up.

However, Xu Tong did not light the lamp, but slowly raised his hands, lifting the black cat over his head.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place, right!"

The black cat was stunned, and then the animal pupils tightened its limbs, and suddenly there was a strong feeling of stepping on the air. It turned out that Xu Tong suddenly let go of his hand at this time, and threw the cat directly into the tower.


The black cat let out a sharp cry, and quickly flew down the tower.

But at this time, someone couldn't sit still, and the coffin lid, which had been closed all along, was suddenly pushed open, followed by a black shadow jumping out of the coffin, and jumped down the tower desperately.

He held the black cat in mid-air tightly in his arms, and then grabbed the wall of the tower with the other hand.

Sharp nails protruded from the black palm, like cutting tofu, and inserted straight into the outer wall of the tower.


A crack extended down the tower, striking like a huge scar.

"You bastard!!"

After confirming that the black cat in his arms was safe and sound, Wang Zhaocai finally raised his head and showed his true colors.

Even if he turned into a zombie, it can still be seen that when Wang Zhao was young, he was quite handsome, with sharp edges and corners, and a full sky.

Xu Tong looked at Wang Zhao with a smile, waved at him, took out his mobile phone from the props book, and checked the time. There were less than 3 minutes left in half an hour.

"Since you also said, King Jiu'e Minggui, it is absolutely impossible for him to reveal his secret so easily. Why should he believe that I will really light the lamp? He is not afraid that I will steal the lamp. , give it to voodoo??
So the best explanation is that he will follow me personally, and there are still 2 minutes before the king can recover his real body. If I don't light the glazed lamp by then, you won't be afraid of what I do. "

The black cat narrowed its eyes and stared at Xu Tong unkindly, and Wang Zhao glared at Xu Tong even more.

I don't know how this guy came up with this.

In fact, Wang Zhao is full of nonsense, but he is a clever liar, but he shouldn't say these things in front of Xu Tong.

Because Xu Tong is better at telling lies than him.

Everything Wang Zhao said was the truth.

But he will deliberately omit some questions, for example, he said that during the god sacrifice, the ghost king will be very weak, but he didn't say how weak he is.

He said that he has been here for a long time, since it has been so long, why does he not want to leave, and what is the relationship between him and the ghost king? ?

Connecting these hidden information together, the answer is already clear.

Xu Tong made a bold guess.

This cat is the King of the Underworld Ghost, and Wang Zhao has already taken refuge in him, so he must follow up to protect the King of the Underworld Ghost from accidents, or he may have other plans.

Of course, this is all my own conjecture.

But it doesn’t matter if you guess wrong. Anyway, cats have nine lives, and they may not die if they fall. At worst, just pick them up.

On the contrary, Wang Zhao was eager to protect the lord, not only exposing the ghost king, but also losing the reason to blackmail them.

Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi hurried to the coffin, only to see the old man lying in it unconscious, they took a closer look.

After finding that the old man was fine, he felt relieved, and even to make sure that nothing would go wrong, Gao Zhuo even gave the old man a Lingrou Huoxue Pill.

Afterwards, the two put the coffin back on and walked aggressively to the edge. Wang Zhao had a few extra silver needles on his fingers. This guy opened his eyes.

There was still about 1 minute left, let alone killing a cat, even if there were ten more Wang Zhaos, it would not be enough for the two of them to kill.

But Xu Tong stopped the two of them, and looked down at the black cat in Wang Zhao's hand: "Of course these are just a little joke with the king, I'll go and light the lamp."


Gao Zhuo's expression changed, and he looked at Xu Tong puzzled, wondering why he wanted to light the glazed lamp.

But soon Gao Zhuo remembered that the purpose of their business was to rescue Mrs. Gao's soul. If they really killed the ghost king, how would they get this soul back!
Thinking of Gao Zhuo's hesitation, he still stretched out his hand to stop Xu Tong: "Head! What if this guy doesn't keep his word? This is our family's business. I can't risk your life."

Chang Wuzhi heard the words behind him, and couldn't help pursing his lips.

Xu Tong pushed Gao Zhuo away, walked to the glazed lamp with strides, and called out a wisp of hellfire on his fingertips.

The fire light shone on Xu Tong's face, making the expression on this face flickering, a ray of smile appeared on Xu Tong's face: "That's even simpler, he doesn't keep his promise, so just treat him to fists. "

As he said that, Xu Tong tapped his fingertips lightly, and the weak real fire floated in the air and landed lightly on the wick covered with solid ice.

 Sorry, it’s a little late. I finished writing a chapter. After reading it myself, I found a logical error. I changed it for a long time, and the more I changed it, the more chaotic it became.

(End of this chapter)

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