Infinite script kill

Chapter 474 Who dares to touch me

Chapter 474 Who dares to touch me


With the waving knife and the flickering figure, the two were fighting on the edge of the cliff, and they were like gods and demons for a while. Behind the high priest, vortexes surged, and all kinds of strange and strange spells pierced through the sky.

These charms turned into ice, lightning, flames, and smashed out like a violent storm.

It was the natural power of magic correction without any refinement, with a primitive breath, just smashing it overwhelmingly.

The red shadow below flickered and moved, constantly changing figures from the cracks amidst the indiscriminate bombardment.

In a moment, I saw the red shadow flickering, turning into a strong wind. The next moment, I moved a hundred meters away in the air, and looked out immediately. When I saw the faint silver light flashing on the water in the distance, the red shadow A sinister smile gradually rose on his face: "You can't kill me, and I'm not the king of Jiu'e Minggui, the king will come over soon, and then you will pay the price for your recklessness."

The high priest's eyes were shining, facing the shocking news from the red-armored ghost king in front of him, he was not surprised by it, but said indifferently: "I'm afraid of him, he won't come back."

The high priest said, looking towards the direction of the lighthouse in the distance, and the past year the three of them were on the top of Wulingyuan Mountain flashed in his mind.

Xue Gui, who was dressed in a long gown and Confucian shirt, faced the mountains: "Old Gao, my mountain worship has been completed."

"Hey, isn't this a good thing? As you said, after three generations, this branch of your family can be separated independently. At that time, you can follow the example of Plum Blossom Village, half-retired and half-retired, and the gods will be at ease."

Gao Xiaoshan said, gently took the slender little hand beside her, and put the other hand on her lower abdomen: "However, I am not as tall as you when it comes to fighting, but in terms of luck, I am still better than you , I think you should quickly find a wife, otherwise it will be difficult for you to find an apprentice in the days to come."

Xue Gui looked back at the pair of gods and couples in front of him enviously, but said with a little regret: "But I don't intend to pass on this mountain-worship button."

"Sarcasm? Why are you Scattered?"

Gao Xiaoshan's eyes widened. The mystery of this mountain-worship buckle is no less than those handed down techniques in Longhu Mountain. Even once it is spread out, it can be passed down from generation to generation like the five immortals in the Northeast. Not afraid.

"Old Gao, this road is to step on the shoulders of apprentices to climb up."

Xue Gui lowered his head so that the two of them could not see the expression on his face clearly, but it is not difficult to hear from his tone that it is difficult for him to make up his mind on this road.

The inheritance of other people's family is to hope that disciples will step on their own shoulders to climb up. My own path is the opposite. Walking up by stepping on disciples' shoulders will inevitably make people feel ashamed.


Gao Xiaoshan was speechless for a moment, he knew very well the particularity of the technique of worshiping mountains and buckling.


At this time, Xue Gui raised his head, his expression gradually became firm: "Unless this successor has a chance to break this layer of restraint, otherwise I will never teach it to him."

Gao Xiaoshan couldn't help slapping his forehead when he heard the words, and smiled with his mouth wide open.

"It's too early to take off the lid of the pot, you, you can get such a good thing on your head that day, those bald donkey Taoist priests of the Three Sects are all treasures? There are really such good seedlings, can they keep them for you?? I see you It’s better to find a daughter-in-law and give birth to a baby. It’s more reliable to teach your baby Baishankou. Now it’s not all about science. A few talented ones."

"Hmph, my brother and sister are here, so I'm going to be a witness. If one day I see someone using the mountain bow again, then this kid must be able to surpass me."

"Why? Just because you can fight??"


Xue Gui grinned: "Just because I am Xue Gui!"

The image of the memory flashed, and the high priest squinted at the distant tower: "Brother Xue, let me witness the power of Baishankou!"

Thinking of this, the high priest's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he turned his head to look at the red-armored ghost king. He waved the seedling knife in his hand, and his own fate appeared above his head, and a golden-headed centipede appeared on top of the high priest's head.

Strangely, there were four pairs of cicada-like wings behind the centipede, shaking its body and making ear-piercing buzzing sounds.

Immediately afterwards, the high priest saw the head of the centipede beheaded with a knife in his hand, and a little bit of golden blood sprinkled on her body like rain and dew.

The red-armored ghost king frowned: "Ladies, you even sacrificed your own life, you are crazy!!"

"There are no tigers and monkeys in the mountains to call themselves kings. If Yinyang Mountain is not destroyed, I don't know how many more kings will occupy the mountain as kings."

"You!!! Do you want to..."

The red-armored ghost king was full of disbelief, thinking that the old woman had completely lost her mind and gone crazy.

I saw that the high priest's face was as usual. In her whole life, she had been ashamed of her husband and her children. Only her own clansmen and her grandson could no longer be ashamed of her.

The knife in his hand was slowly raised above his head, and the high priest chanted a strange incantation, and his body was ignited with golden light.

The Red Armored Ghost King seemed to have sensed something, and raised his head in shock, only to see abnormal and sudden fluctuations in the vitality of the heaven and earth above his head, and a huge energy covering a radius of hundreds of feet crashed down.


The Red Armored King's heart trembled. This old woman actually wanted to destroy Yinyang Mountain by herself.

Immediately turned around and turned into a black light to escape, but at this moment, an embroidered shoe pierced through the air, and the shoe slid out of a strange trajectory in mid-air, hitting King Hong's face impartially.

I don't know the origin of these shoes, the red armored king suddenly felt dizzy and fell to the ground head-on.

As soon as the shoe was hit, it disappeared without a trace.

Following the direction in which the shoes disappeared, the high priest vaguely saw a woman in Miao clothes, who gradually disappeared from his sight.

Although she didn't know who the other party was, she might have knocked the red armored king down to the ground lightly. Such strength was by no means inferior to her.

It's just... who the other party is, I have never seen it before.

After thinking for a moment, the high priest stopped thinking about it, and raised the blade in his hand above his head, aiming at the red-armored ghost king with all his strength.

"Create the world!!"


Accompanied by a huge cracking sound, Yinyang Mountain was split open with a huge crack, the crack reached the depths of Yinyang Mountain, and the entire mountain was about to be split in half.

"My darling!!! This old woman is too strong, she really split the mountain."

On the tower, Gao Zhuo stared dumbfounded at the cracked Yinyang Mountain in the distance, and saw that as the mountain was torn down, the mountains on both sides were divided into two, and the crack in the middle was getting bigger and bigger.

And in the crack, where is there a vortex, the vortex does not know where to go.

Such a terrifying power is truly terrifying.


At this time, a cold snort came from behind the three of them, and Wang Zhao had already climbed up from the tower, and the black cat was squatting on his shoulder, staring at the three of them condescendingly.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. Your Majesty has regained his freedom. From then on, he can go anywhere in the world. Then...Gao Xiaotian's soul, please give it to us, Your Majesty."

Xu Tong walked forward with a smile.


The black cat stared at Xu Tong's face with its two pairs of beast eyes, and the slender tail behind it swayed in the air as if it had escaped gravity.

The tail swiped lightly, and two dots of soul light floated out from the tail.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo hurried forward, pinched his fingers, and drew a bloodstain on the fingertips, and then dripped the blood into the air.

As if summoned by the breath connected by blood, the two soul lights immediately wrapped up the blood.

"That's right, it's my grandfather's soul."

Gao Zhuo felt relieved when he saw this, Xu Tong took out a small crystal soul coffin pendant from under his neck, opened the coffin lid, and gathered these two points of soul light into it.

This small soul coffin was given to him by Guishi Jiyu, but he didn't expect it to come in handy.

After Xu Tong handed over the soul coffin to Gao Zhuo, he slowly raised his hands: "Your Majesty really keeps his word, since that's the case, we will leave without disturbing you."

The black cat wagged its tail, watching Xu Tong bow down to him face to face, and finally couldn't help poking out its sharp nails from its claws, and scratched at the top of Xu Tong's head.

"You should stay!"

The fluffy little black paws were quick and quick, but Xu Tong's hand was also bowing down head-on at this moment.

"It's better for the king to come in!"

The two obviously had no intention of letting the other party go from the beginning, and they chose to attack at the same time.

It's just that Xu Tong's mountain bow was obviously prepared. In an instant, the furry claws did not tear Xu Tong's head as it expected, but the world in front of him changed drastically in an instant.

Looking around, the pavilions in front of you are intertwined with each other. It looks prosperous, but it is decadent and desolate.

The figures of Xu Tong and the three were stretched infinitely in an instant.


The black cat looked at the changes around him with some surprise: "It seems that the two guys who broke into my mountain gate back then are really the elders of your family."

I saw the black cat jumping off Wang Zhao's shoulder, and before it landed, it transformed into a young man who looked like a human.

The young man has very long hair, and on his angular face, he still retains the long whiskers of a cat.

Who would have thought that this old ghost who had occupied Yinyang Mountain for so many years would actually look a little cute.

He looked around curiously.

"It can't be wrong, although the shape is different, but the spirit is still there. Back then, these two little guys almost overturned my Yin-Yang Mountain."

The ghost king remembered that a long time ago, two people broke in, and one of them used a very strange spell, which made him suffer a lot.

Now that I think about it, it really seems like a lifetime away.

"If you failed to keep the elder of your family back then, it would be good to keep his descendants."

The beast pupil of the king of Jiu'e Minggui stared straight at Xu Tong's heart, and couldn't help swallowing, that heart, the source of darkness, how could a mortal have such a treasure.

"Hey, it's up to you, you are amazing if you have a backstage, and so do we!"

Gao Zhuo walked forward with his head raised, he had a master in charge, and he was afraid that a mere brat would fail.

After finishing speaking, he still did not forget to stare at Wang Zhao with provocative eyes: "And you, don't let the young master catch you, or the young master will tear you apart."

The aggrieved journey along the way almost drove Gao Zhuo crazy.

Since he was tearing his face so quickly, it was precisely to vent out this bad breath.

Chang Wuzhi didn't speak, but silently carried the coffin, and after taking two steps back, he had a strange short knife in his hand, and his eyes scanned Xu Tong and King Minggui back and forth.

Xu Tong raised his hands and bowed to King Jiu'e Minggui in front of him, but strangely, the black door behind him slowly opened.

Xu Tong waited for a while, but there was no movement at all.

He couldn't help turning his head in doubt, and saw that in the empty gate, there was no master, no trace of Taoist Dragon Xun, it was just pitch black, and he couldn't see anything.

 The next chapter is almost finished and will be posted later.

(End of this chapter)

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