Infinite script kill

Chapter 475 Who dares to touch me

Chapter 475 Who dares to touch me

"How could this happen??" Gao Zhuo was stunned, he poked his head into the door to have a look, but saw that there was really no shadow on the huge hall.

"This... Master... Master... That... Are you there?"

Gao Zhuo also tentatively yelled twice, but there was no response at all. Gao Zhuo's face collapsed for a moment, and he turned to Xu Tong's ear and said, "Damn, the master is going to the toilet, right?"

Xu Tong rolled his eyes, and looked back at the gate behind him, only to see that the throne was empty, and he really didn't see the figure of the master.

"Hey Hey!"

The corners of the ghost king's mouth showed sharp teeth: "I know, you can summon the gods of Yincao and Yanluo, right, but your parents must have never told you that this trick is useless to me. If you don't believe me, just try it, Yincao ten Shuai, Shidian Yan Luo, who dares to touch me."

If the gods in the underworld dared to take care of his affairs, then he wouldn't have lorded over them for so many years.

Even if you mess up Yin and Yang by yourself, who dares to control, who can control? ?
Even if I caused such a big turmoil back then, in the end, the major incidents were reduced to minor ones, and the sentence of expelling Yincao for 1000 years was simply an explicit punishment and a hidden reward.

Xu Tong put down his hands and stared intently at the Underworld Ghost King in front of him: "You say that, I really want to try it, so what if I touch you... After all, you are just a dead cat."

The ghost king's expression froze, the hair on his body exploded, and he broke through the gap between Xu Tong's reality and reality in a single leap, and came to Xu Tong's side in an instant, his sharp claws went straight to Xu Tong's heart.

When Xu Tong saw this, the flames of hell exploded between his hands.

The flame exploded in Xu Tong's palm, forming a terrifying fire dragon that instantly devoured the ghost king.

"Is this enough patience?"

The black hair danced in the sea of ​​flames, layers of black halos appeared behind the ghost king, and after each round of halos, thousands of skeletons emerged.

Every time he turned it, wisps of gray divine brilliance burst out from the body of King Jiu'e Minggui in front of him.

Under the divine radiance, Xu Tong's hellfire disappeared without a sound.

It is completely different from the phantom of the Five Evil Gods on Beiman Mountain in the script world, he is a real god.

Time has passed, and his divine power has begun to recover.

This is his dojo, and he is also the only god here.

In front of the gods, the power of a mortal is small after all, even if this person is a great master, it's just an ant.

Xu Tong's expression changed drastically, he pushed Gao Zhuo away, and shouted to Chang Wuzhi behind him, "Run!"

After saying run quickly, Xu Tong rushed forward to face the sea of ​​flames in front of him.

"act recklessly!"

Wang Zhao stood behind and shook his head. What about the great master? This is Yinyang Mountain. In front of a real god, any great master is just a ridiculous little ant.

Even a Taoist who has gathered three flowers at the top will not dare to compete with the gods before he is consummated.

However, to everyone's surprise, Xu Tong suddenly took out an object and threw it at the Underworld Ghost King head-on.

The thing was shining golden, as ethereal and invisible as a cloud of smoke.

With Xu Tong's fist swinging, the group of golden light spots, ignoring the divine brilliance around the ghost king, exploded in front of the ghost king.


The ghost king's body was shaken violently, as if struck by lightning, he could not move.

After that, he could only watch helplessly as Xu Tong's fist slammed into his face in the cloud of golden smoke.

"I'll move you, so what can you do."

When the fiery fist, wrapped in a smell of sandalwood, hit the face of King Hades, King Hades felt as if his head had been hit by a sledgehammer.

This caught everyone, including King Wrapping Ghost, off guard.

In an instant, the king of ghosts recognized it. It was the merit of incense and fire. The offerings for worshiping gods in the world are also the source of gods.

"Where does this guy get the incense merit??"

The reason why he keeps devouring living souls is precisely because he has no incense merits to maintain. If he wants to stay in the world for a long time, but also to ensure that the god position will not be shaken, he must rely on the power of living souls to replace incense merits.

However, how could this kid have something that he didn't have? ?
Fortunately, the power of the incense merit has already begun to dissipate. After all, this little merit cannot suppress him for too long.

But what everyone didn't expect was that a cloud of golden smoke appeared in Xu Tong's hand again, this time more than last time, a total of tens of thousands.

This time the face of the Underworld Ghost King turned green, tens of thousands of merits? ? ?
"you dare!!!"

"Crack!!" I saw the incense merit ignited in Xu Tong's hands, turning into a huge incense slap and slapping the face of the ghost king again.

With this slap, Da Bidoufan fell to the ground, half of his face was bloody and bloody.

This time Wang Zhao was dumbfounded.

Good guy, after living for so long, I have never seen a mortal beat a god so simply.

But after he saw that the golden thing in Xu Tong's hand was actually incense merit, he was relieved, it was smashing with incense merit.

And it's one hundred thousand merits, this is not fighting, this is burning money.

"You dare to hit me!"

The Underworld Ghost King's eyes widened. Except for the time in Jiajingnian, he had never been offended like this before. What's more, the person who beat him turned out to be a small grand master.

"If you don't hit it, you can't do it."

Xu Tong's face was cold, hey!The huge incense palm grasped the throat of the ghost king, followed by another fist transformed from the merits of the incense, aiming at the king of the ghost and knocking on the head of the ghost king.

Immediately, there was a shrill vibration from the body of the Underworld Ghost King, and the divine ring behind him was split open.

The Underworld Ghost King probably never dreamed that he would be able to suffer such a wealthy beating in his life.

Xu Tong let go of his hands, as if he didn't want money for the incense merit, he aimed at the ghost king's head and beat him hard.

For a while, his body was just like that sandbag, swaying left and right after being beaten, and he couldn't even stand on the road.

He has the ability to kill Xu Tong with one blow.

But now he can't even move a finger.

He could only watch helplessly as Xu Tong swung one after another of the incense merits and smashed them on his face.

While smashing, I could hear Xu Tong scolding: "I told you to be cute, I told you to be handsome, and I told you to pretend to be 13 in front of me."

Immediately, Wang Zhao was stunned and felt his tongue tightened. After a moment of recovery, he planned to run.

When you meet such a demon king in chaos, why stay here if you don't run away.

However, just as Wang Zhao was thinking about it, he heard a sound of wind breaking behind him, and immediately after, he saw the black-faced Gao Zhuo, who looked like a runaway vicious dog, with black corpse spots all over his face, walking directly towards him. pounce on.

"Old thief, don't go away!!"

Gao Zhuo, who had nowhere to vent his anger, turned into a corpse and rushed over. When he stretched out his hand, he saw the Buddha's light shining all over him. Wang Zhao was so frightened that he almost lost his wits. He was a half-step master zombie, why was his body full of Buddha's light? ?

Gao Zhuochong came quickly, and he slapped him head-on. Wang Zhao hurriedly blocked with both hands. Although he was a zombie, he was not an ordinary zombie.

Immediately put up your hands, put your legs on the horse, and after blocking Gao Zhuo's sharp claws with a white elephant tower, you are about to follow up with a fairy to guide the way. an eyeball.

However, the abacus was well calculated, but suddenly felt a gust of cold air from behind, and looked back.

I saw that Chang Wuzhi actually appeared behind him.

What made Gao Zhuo even more terrified was that this guy was holding a shiny silver thing in his hand, like a dagger, but not like it, straight and round, with a red handle on the back.


Chang Wuju's eyes showed a sinister smile, his eyes aimed at Wang Zhaoyuan's bulging buttocks, and he swung the screwdriver in his hand with all his strength, and his hands were so fast that there was an afterimage.

"Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!"

Accompanied by the violent shaking, Wang Zhao, even a zombie, couldn't stand such a high-intensity attack speed, and his buttocks were instantly pierced with bloody holes everywhere.

Now, Wang Zhao was under the enemy's front and rear for a while, and he was a man on both sides.

He had no power to resist at all, and was pressed to the ground and rubbed every minute.

Fortunately, he was not the only one who was pressed to the ground and rubbed against him, and now the Underworld Ghost King was also pressed to the ground and exploded with a hammer.

Originally, he still had a handsome face, but he was beaten so badly that he didn't even recognize his parents when they came.

There were three other guys at the entrance of the hall, shouting for the head teacher to beat him up, while bleeding was dripping from their hearts, after all, what they threw down was all their rations.


At this time, a hand fell lightly on Xu Tong's shoulder.

Xu Tong was startled, and only saw Xue Gui when he looked up.

Xue Gui looked at him with a smile: "Stop beating, if you beat him again, you will be killed."

(End of this chapter)

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