Infinite script kill

Chapter 476 Who dares to touch me

Chapter 476 Who dares to touch me

Xu Tong looked at the master, then at the ghost king who had been beaten to a bloody mess and his ring was shattered, and slowly put away the virtuous incense in his hand.

He coughed lightly, and argued: "Who hit him, I just think he's too ugly, so I'll give him a plastic surgery."

Xue Gui waved his hand, and saw Taoist Xunlong with a reluctant face coming out of the gate with a bundle of iron chains on his shoulders, and kicked King Minggui with his foot: "You are lucky."

As he spoke, he put the chain on the body of the Underworld Ghost King, dragging him into the gate like a dead dog.

"Master, you are not mean enough this time."

Seeing that the ghost king was dragged into the gate like this, Xu Tong showed aggrieved eyes, and brought out a small stool for the master to sit down first, then hugged the master's thigh, and gently rubbed the master's leg.

"Always have to fight, I will help you now, what should I do if I can't fight in the future?"

Xue Gui asked back with a smile.

"Then run."

"Can't you run away?"

"Then join, you can also become a married couple." Xu Tong didn't forget to take out the mirror to take a look.

Faced with Xu Tong's weird answer, the master was not angry, but said meaningfully: "But you will always have something you want to protect."

Xu Tong's eyes flickered a few times in the mirror, and then slowly put down the mirror in his hand.

"From now on, I'll just recycle and do some logistics for you, and you can do the rest yourself." Master Xue Gui said, patting him on the shoulder lightly.

"Eh...then my mountain worship can't be learned in vain, right?"

You always worshiped the mountain button to knock on the door of Hades, but I worshiped the mountain button to knock on loneliness? ?

"That's your business, not mine. Don't always confine yourself to the framework I created, otherwise when will it become a reality, don't knock on my door if you have the ability, think of another way to go."

Faced with the master playing a rogue like this, Xu Tong really has no temper at all.

"Let go of me!! You stupid pigs, I am the king of Jiue Minggui, you dare to catch me!!"

At this time, the Underworld Ghost King, who had been dragged into the master's hall, had woken up from a coma, and immediately started yelling after realizing that he was not dead.

"Okay, let's get to work again."

Master patted his thighs and stood up and walked into the gate.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this moment, Taoist Dragon Xun lifted him up from behind and kicked him in the lower leg, King Underworld Ghost fell to his knees involuntarily, and was then held down by Taoist Dragon Xun on the hard floor tiles ,kowtow.

How could the Underworld Ghost King accept this, and the yelling and scolding became more and more incessant for a while.

The master sat down on the dragon chair, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Ghost King! You used to do wrong in the underworld, and you were sentenced to exile for thousands of years. I didn't expect you to still have no repentance. You took the Yin-Yang Mountain, reversed Yin-Yang, and dared to stand on your own. The crime is extremely heinous. I want to send you to death. tower!"

But after King Jiu'e Minggui heard it, he felt as if he was listening to a joke.

There was a stern sneer in his mouth, he didn't know it was the Yin God who came, but if he wanted to send himself back to the Yin Cao, or even send himself to the Soul Breaking Platform, wouldn't that be a joke?

"I think you are an idiot, and you sent me to the Soul-Breaking Stage? Do you know who my master is?? Speaking out scared you out of your wits!!"

As soon as King Jiu'e Minggui said this, what he got in exchange was a soft voice: "Roaring to the court, open your mouth thirty!"

"Ah!!! How dare you hit me!"

As soon as King Ming Gui stared, he felt that someone grabbed his hair from behind and forced his face up, and saw an old Taoist coming towards him with a board.

The ghost king looked at the willow plank in the hands of the old man, his eyes turned green: "Old man, you dare to hit me?"


Taoist Xunlong squinted his eyes, raised the board in his hand, pointed it at the face of the ghost king, and slapped it down.

Clap, bang, bang, bang, light and crisp.

This is no better than manual beating, it is a willow wooden plank, and the face that was smashed by Xu Tong's fist was bloody and bloody.

No matter what kind of god you are, if you fall into the palace of the King of Hades, any divine power will be suppressed.

The Underworld Ghost King was beaten so dizzyingly that his mind was full of two words, "Revenge!"

When I go back, my master will definitely come to save me. When the master saves me back, I will definitely let the master send you and that little thing outside to the eighteen hells. wait for me.

However, following a voice, his fantasy was shattered.

"Lord Underworld Ghost, I know who your background is, but he can't save you."

The ghost king raised his head, squinted his hazy vision and gradually focused on it, then suddenly widened his eyes: "It's you!!!"

Immediately, a bad premonition flooded into the heart of the Underworld Ghost King.

"How could it be you!!"

Isn't this old guy in front of him the same boy who made trouble with Gao Xiaoshan in his dojo back then? How could this old guy be here? ?
Why did he dare to wear this imperial robe on his body? ?What kind of thing is he, dare to wear this suit? ?
In horror, King Hades' mind began to spin rapidly.

Master narrowed his eyelids, his eyes gradually became sharper: "Of course it's me."

As the master said, he took out the ghost emperor's document and showed it to the king of ghosts, and at the same time said solemnly: "By the order of the southern ghost emperor, I am the special inspector of the Yin Cao, to supervise the yin and yang ghosts, and to eliminate all ghosts and evil spirits." .”

"The Southern Ghost Emperor?? Du Ziren??"

The Underworld Ghost King's heart skipped a beat, and he became more and more frightened.

There are five ghost emperors, but it does not mean that there are only five ghost emperors. On the contrary, each ghost emperor has two ghost emperors to check and balance each other.

Only the Southern Ghost Emperor, Du Ziren, is the only one who monopolizes the power.

It can be said that he is the most overbearing and unreasonable one among the five ghost emperors.

Even if his master interceded in person, depending on Du Ziren's temperament, he might not refuse to agree.

Now his only hope is to be escorted back to Yincao, as long as he enters Yincao, his master will definitely come to save him.

However, Master Xue Gui's next words completely shattered the thoughts in the heart of King Nether Ghost.

"Before the Southern Ghost Emperor ordered me to go out, he gave me the emperor's robe, gave me the power of convenience, and gave me the dragon and bird to break the god gate. You can go on the road with peace of mind, King of Ghosts."

I saw the mountain ghost lift a switch knife from one side.

The switch knife doesn't look big, but its weight is astonishing. The mountain ghost's huge body actually requires both hands to barely pull the switch knife forward.

On the broad spine of the knife lies a red-eyed sparrow coiled on it, opening its teeth and claws, and devouring anyone it chooses.

"No!!! You... I dare to kill me, my master will not let you go!!"

King Ming Gui's expression turned extremely ugly for a moment, and he screamed at Master Xue Gui.

Master Xue Gui was expressionless, like a clay sculpture of a Bodhisattva: "I will send your cat's head back to your master for the last time, and execute the sentence!"

"Let's go!"

Taoist Xunlong, carrying the ghost king, threw his head under the knife.

No matter how the Underworld Ghost King pleads, it will not help.

Until the moment the big knife fell, Longque's eyes burst into a ray of red light, and immediately the huge head of the Underworld Ghost King was chopped off.

Taoist Dragon Xun found a box from nowhere, threw the head of King Underworld Ghost into it, and placed it on Xue Gui's desk.

"What a waste."

Xu Tong stood at the door and watched. He could see clearly that the Dragon Sparrow Knife fell, not only beheading the head of the Underworld Ghost King, but also shattering the Underworld Ghost King's divine ring.

From now on, there will probably no longer be such a character as the Underworld Ghost King in this world.

It's just that he still feels it's a waste, if he throws it into his fairy furnace, he doesn't know what kind of magic pill he can refine.

As if seeing Xu Tong's thoughts, the master smiled and patted the box with the head of the ghost king on the table: "Silly boy, I can kill some people, but you can't, but your benefits are also indispensable, the head If I take it down, I will naturally reward you."

"Hey, master, if you say this, I won't be sleepy."

Xu Tong's eyes lit up when he heard the reward.

The master raised his head and looked into the distance, then stepped back from the dragon chair, and walked out of the gate: "Don't worry about this matter, you can come to me in three days, that maid's workmanship is not bad recently, our grandson is drinking slowly chat."

As he said that, the master actually walked out of Xu Tong's space, his figure stepped on the void, and went straight to the direction of Yinyang Mountain, as if he was in a hurry to meet someone.

"Hey, where are you going, master?" Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuju walked over, and when they saw the master leaving, they couldn't help asking.

Xu Tong shook his head and didn't know what the master was planning to do.

Looking at it again, the two had already dealt with Wang Zhao. This guy's ass was full of blood holes, which were all smashed up. It was a horrible sight.

Xu Tong glanced at the screwdriver that Chang Wuzhi wiped and frowned, "When did this thing get so strong?"

Chang Wuzhi just concentrated on wiping the screwdriver on his hand, for fear of leaving a little bit of blood on it. Hearing this, he just wrote lightly: "I spent [-] script points to enchant it."

Chang Wuzhi wiped the screwdriver on his hand, as if it was his lifeblood.


Gao Zhuo pulled Xu Tong aside: "This guy seems to have the ability to teleport through space, let's be careful, don't be attacked by this kid that day."

Gao Zhuo recalled the scene of Chang Wuzhi's attack, and couldn't help but feel a chill. It's fine if this guy doesn't make a move, but once he makes a move, he is like Teddy possessing him, and he has the ability of the space system, which makes it hard to guard against.

"Hey, don't worry."

Xu Tong patted Gao Zhuo, signaling him to be relieved.

Chang Wuzhi, if he hadn't been restrained by the old man's affairs, this guy would have rushed towards him like a mad dog.

But I know this guy too well, and there are ways to tame him slowly.

"Let's go, let's leave here before the old man wakes up."

Xu Tong urged them, and before leaving, Xu Tong did not forget to take back the soul lamp made of the other two heads of the ghost king.

These were made of the other two heads of the Underworld Ghost King, and they were still shining with gray radiance at this moment. After the envoy Xu Tong threw it into the item book, he found that this thing still needed to be appraised.

But it is conceivable that this thing is definitely a good thing, take it back and study it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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