Chapter 482
The front door under the abyss was opened, and the familiar small house was still in sight.

The only difference from last time was that there was a huge black water river in front of the house.

This thing looks familiar, isn't it the black water summoned by the eldest princess? ?
Xu Tong took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw the dao fruit floating on the water surface, shining brightly, but this dao fruit turned into two at this moment.


At this moment, bubbles appeared under the water surface, and a woman stood up from the black water, wearing a long black silk dress, who could it be if it wasn't the eldest princess.

"Master is back."

The eldest princess teased Xu Tong with a half-smile, but her eyes were fixed on his neck. Xu Tong was sure that this old lady was still thinking about gnawing herself.

"Hey, it seems that the master still has a hidden hand. This method of training people has not been passed on to me."

Xu Tong said with a little regret.

The eldest princess could hear Xu Tong's sarcasm, but instead of being annoyed, she smiled and said, "That's a pity, otherwise, I really want to learn the tricks of the young master."

As she spoke, she couldn't help licking the corners of her lips. The dangerous and seductive look in her eyes made people look hot for a while.

Even the big girl couldn't bear it, the big princess started flirting, she was even more vixen than her vixen.

Xu Tong waved his hands again and again: "Don't, I don't have the blessing to enjoy it. I think my master loves this one the most. You can go to him and try it."

"Hmph!" Seeing Xu Tong admitting defeat, the eldest princess waved her finger, and a floating bridge of bones appeared on the black water.

"Let's go." The eldest princess waved her hand to indicate that Xu Tong could pass.

Before Xu Tong left, he heard a rattling sound in the distance. Following the sound, he found a gray area in the distance, as if some huge monster was moving slowly.

what is that? ?

He was a little dazed, and felt more and more that the virtual reality he had created was becoming more and more unfamiliar, and it began to look like something that didn't belong to him at all.

As the huge black shadow approached, Xu Tongcai finally saw the whole picture of the thing clearly.

It turned out to be a mountain ghost.

Good guy, if this guy was just a mound before, now he is a veritable mountain.

His physique is more than ten times bigger than before.

It really looks like a big mountain in action, moving with a strong sense of oppression.

The mountain ghost also seemed to have noticed Xu Tong, and let out a hey laugh, and slowly lowered his head, revealing his ugly head that had no friends.

At this time, Xu Tong noticed that there was a bright red crystal on the forehead of the mountain ghost. This thing seemed to be inserted in his head out of thin air, and it was continuously shining with agile light.

"Hello, Master!"

Even though the mountain ghost had lowered his voice as much as possible, it still made people feel pain in the eardrums.

Then he opened his huge palm, and there was a fruit tree in his palm.

The fruit tree has no bark and leaves, and is as black as ink, but there are some fruits growing on it.

Xu Tong didn't know where this thing came from, but soon he was relieved, because he saw a huge mountain behind the mountain ghost's buttocks. This mountain came from nowhere and passed through the back The gray world, brought here by the mountain ghost, is full of this kind of fruit.

Before Xu Tong could move, Fa Cai from the entrance of the tree jumped out, jumped up to the crown of the tree like a huge golden mouse, picked all the fruits on it in one go, and returned to the entrance of the tree happily.

Xu Tong took a fruit and threw it into the item book.

【Qingping fruit】

May there be no more disputes in my afterlife, and the singing and dancing will be peaceful.It is rumored that a singer who died in the war, shed tears all the way into the netherworld, the tears fell on the netherworld, and gave birth to a fruit named Qingping.

First-time eater: 10% increase in understanding
The fruit is good, Xu Tong wiped it a few times and put it in his mouth to chew it down. The taste is...well, a little sour and bitter, but after eating it, his mouth is very refreshing, with a little lingering sweetness on the tip of his tongue.

This thing was originally pulled in from the Netherland. Xu Tong knew that the master's worship button could enter and exit the netherworld, but he didn't want the master to directly pull all the things from the Netherland into his space between reality and reality.

In his heart, he didn't dislike the master's doing this, after all, the original design of Baishankou was like this.

But the master is like this... I always feel a bit like imitating the King of Ghosts.

Ignoring these, after Xu Tong strode across the pontoon, he saw Taoist Xunlong sitting outside the door. He took off his Taoist robe and changed into a rough sackcloth, with white hair and long beard, and a pair of mountains. The state of the woodcutter.

After seeing Xu Tong, his face was even more rosy and he said with a smile on his face: "The young master is back."

Forget about the eldest princess and the mountain ghost, this old monster who has almost completed the old way of searching for dragons is so flattering at this moment to call out young master, Xu Tong is not to mention how happy he is.

The only thing that puzzled me was that these guys didn't look like they were being succumbed to the master's lust.

Since it is not coercion, it must be lure.

Xu Tong couldn't help thinking of the crystal on the mountain ghost's head, so he didn't rush in, and squatted beside Taoist Xunlong, looking up and down the old Taoist carefully.

"The princess Dao fruit has become two, the crystal on the mountain ghost's head, what benefits have you gained?"

Taoist Xunlong is definitely the No. 1 closest to perfection in modern times. If Xu Tong hadn't been a hindrance, this old Taoist would have been able to rise from the ground.

Xu Tong couldn't figure out how this old guy was able to get through the ideological work by his master. If he could let go of this grudge, Xu Tong would change his name to political commissar for his master.

Taoist Xunlong seemed to have seen through Xu Tong's mind, he put his beard in his hand and said mysteriously, "Not much, just a promise."

"Let you go??"

Taoist Xunlong shook his head without saying a word.

"Return your body?? Then it's over, your body is probably ruined by my friend now."

Taoist Xunlong's mouth twitched a few times, but he still shook his head in denial.

"Hiss~~~" Seeing this, Xu Tong said with a bitter face, "Could it be to find you a wife?"

"Hey, young master, don't make fun of being poor, let's just go in, the uncle and the master are waiting for you."

The uncle is the master, and the master is naturally the master.

On the other hand, I became a young master, hehe, it's only been a while, and all of my family have become masters.

Seeing that Taoist Xunlong refused to speak, Xu Tong didn't ask any more questions. He opened the courtyard door and saw that there was already another universe in the courtyard.

The path paved with goose warm stones, a rockery is erected in the huge courtyard, surrounded by green plants, it seems to be in the style of a Jiangnan garden.

"Xu Tong, come here."

Elder Song’s voice came from the gazebo. When he walked over to take a look, he saw Elder Song was boiling tea. Before Xu Tong could sit down, he pointed to the courtyard behind: “Go to your master first, and then come and accompany me.” Drink tea."

Xu Tong waved his hands helplessly, turned around and walked to the back yard, walked to the gate of the yard, and poked his head in carefully to have a look.

From a distance, I saw a Vajra Yaksha standing there like a statue, holding a big sword in his hand, dancing with a clumsy posture.

"In your own home, you can enter if you want, what are you hiding outside to watch?"


Xu Tong grinned, walked into the yard, and saw the master sitting by the pond, holding a fishing rod in his hand, so he walked forward with a smile and sat on a chair beside him.

"The change is too great, and I didn't react for a while."

"Don't say you didn't realize it. I haven't gotten used to it in the past two days. It's uncomfortable to lie on such a big bed. I'm still used to sleeping on that hard bed."

"Understood, next time I will look for you and pick two girls with big buttocks and send them in."

The master rolled his eyes: "Go and honor your master."

At this time, the fishing line in the master's hand tightened, and immediately he saw a strange fish poking out from the pond.

The strange fish poked its head out and struggled.

The beating made the water in the fish pond rippling, but the fishing rod and fishing line in the Master's hand did not move at all.

He even calmly said to Xu Tong: "The last time I beheaded King Jiue Minggui, the Ghost Emperor rewarded you with a few things, and the one next to it is yours."

Xu Tong glanced at the box on the side, then at the master, and opened the box. Inside was a book and a bottle of elixir.

"Sword weapon."

Xu Tong picked it up and took a look, it turned out to be a sword manual, but when he looked more carefully, he didn't think it looked like it.

"In the past, there was a beautiful woman named Gongsun, who swung her sword in all directions. This is a book of swords left by Mrs. Gongsun. You can learn it by watching. How much you can learn depends on your own luck."

Master said while holding the fishing rod.

Who is Gongsun Auntie? It is said that Du Fu, the poet saint, wrote the quatrains for her through the ages.

There are many things left behind by her, but there is no inherited swordsmanship, and only this "Sword Weapon" is the only true inheritance left behind.

After Xu Tong threw the book into the props book, the entry for the book immediately appeared in the props book.

Proficiency: (0/100)

The holder can get the full-level bonus of basic swordsmanship, and master the sword moves.

Passive Skill 1: Sword Heart

When the holder uses a sword-type weapon, he can quickly master the skills and usage methods.

Active Skill 1: Sword Moving Quartet

Consumes 5 script points, and after activation, it bursts out a strong sword energy to strike and slash the target.

Cooldown: 1 seconds

(Note: This prop card is a unique item)

When Xu Tong saw the entry of this item card, he couldn't help being taken aback. Although the entry is simple, it is definitely the best of the best.

It is enough to make the holder obtain the full-level basic swordsmanship bonus. What's more, the two skills of passive and active are extremely practical, and can be used as a core item card To cultivate, you only need to cooperate with some swordsmanship skills.

The most important thing is that this is still a growth item card.

Through the cases of Dark Physique, Five Birds Grabbing Hand, and the Eye of Fate, it can be confirmed that the effect of this kind of prop card is not obvious at the beginning, but the potential for growth is very considerable.

Then Xu Tong looked at the bottle again.

Pick it up and throw it into the item book, oh, he is familiar with this thing, the thing in the bottle is exactly a Bi Luo Dan.

(End of this chapter)

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