Infinite script kill

Chapter 483 Bargaining

Chapter 483 Bargaining
Up to the poor and down to the underworld.

Biluo refers to the sky, and Huangquan refers to the netherworld.

However, the strange thing is that Bi Luo Dan can only be found in the Netherworld.

At the beginning, the master also thought about looking for this thing, but he couldn't find it in a daze. When he came to Xu Tong, he seemed to catch up with everything.

"There is nothing more suitable for you, so I took a bottle of elixir, and it was this thing."

The master talked about the reward he got in exchange for the head of King Jiue Minggui this time.

Among them are what the princess needs, the crystal on the mountain ghost's head, and this sword manual and Bi Luo Dan. As for the old Taoist and the new zombies, there are none.

On the old way's side, the master gave him a promise.

Xu Tong wanted to ask what it was, but the master just smiled and didn't answer him. Seeing this, Xu Tong stopped asking.

He knows the master's temperament, don't say it, even if you pester the master, it's useless to be coquettish and cute.

The new zombie better talk because he can't talk at all.

Although he is the ancestor of the Mei family, the step of becoming a yaksha may have come to an end, and his intelligence is stronger than that of ordinary zombies. The master is still slowly training him.

"But you've been working so hard, so there's no benefit for you, right? If you can take the elixir, you can take a walk in the sky, and maybe you can hook up a goddess."

Xu Tong said half-jokingly.

The master raised his hand and slammed his head on his head: "It's not big or small, it's getting more and more presumptuous. I'll let your master teach you how to write the rules."

After speaking, he changed his voice and pointed to the surroundings; "Do you think these are for nothing?? Opening a mansion and building a government office is a reward."

"Oh, was it a private court before co-authoring with you?"

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he immediately covered his head.

The master curled his lips and pointed to Xu Tong: "You know a hammer, that's called going on tour on behalf of the emperor, didn't you see me wearing the emperor's robe before?"

After finishing speaking, the master had to sigh again: "Unfortunately, I won't be able to wear it in the future. Old ghost Du is very stingy, so I took the clothes back."

It can be seen that the master is still very rare about that imperial robe, Xu Tonghua turned to ask another matter: "Master, is the backer behind King Jiu'e Minggui very powerful? Let's kill him like this, will he?" Won't be retaliated??"

Mentioning this matter, the smile on Master's face gradually subsided: "Big, very big, if his background is not big, can the King of Hades of the Ten Palaces dare not take care of this matter? As for the matter of revenge, soldiers will come to block it." The water is coming and the soil is covering up, we just see the tricks and dismantle them, if we are afraid, he won't come to operate."

Xu Tong rubbed his forehead: "Yes, today is not in vain, you have taught the kid another lesson."

As early as when the master told him to stop, and then he personally beheaded the king of ghosts, Xu Tong wondered in his heart whether the business of Yinyang Cave was something that the master had planned for a long time ago.

Hearing what the master said now, I have already confirmed it in my heart.

"It's all a matter of going with the flow, and calculations don't count."

The master pulled the hook a few times casually, and the strange fish in the pond jumped more happily for a moment.

Xu Tong originally wanted to ask about Taoist Plum Blossom, but Master Plum Blossom is not familiar with this path.

Although it is said that the lineage of paper piercing is said to have come from Plum Blossom Village.

But it would be ridiculous to say that it was all due to Taoist Plum Blossom alone.

Zhao Yanwei of the Southern Song Dynasty once said in "Yunlu Manchao Volume [-]": "An ancient artifact is also an artifact of the gods."Today, paper is used as it, which is called a dark vessel.

Therefore, the work of paper maker had already appeared in the Song Dynasty, but it was not very popular, and it was not really perfected until the Qing Dynasty.

So among them, Taoist Plum Blossom actually just integrated the craft of paper-making, and made a new revision and change.

Qimen admits that it is a branch handed down by Taoists of Plum Blossom, but in fact, very few people really know about Plum Blossom Village.

Therefore, it is impossible to talk about knowing much about Taoist Plum Blossom.

After chatting with the master for a while, he saw that the master had already started to compete with the strange fish in the pond with all his attention. Seeing this, Xu Tong got up to say goodbye to the master, and went to find his master Song old.

"came back."

As soon as he entered the pavilion, Xu Tong smelled a special tea fragrance, and he felt refreshed just by taking a sip.

"Hey! The old man said that you are lonely at home, let me bring you a companion some other day."

Xu Tong was still so out of tune when he sat down, but he didn't sit down immediately. Instead, he stood obediently and waited for the master to speak.

"Don't mess around with me, sit down, and wait until your tea is almost cold."

Hearing this, Xu Tong dared to sit down honestly. Don't look at his master, he jumps up and down like the Monkey King in the palm of Buddha, but when he comes to his master Song Lao, he is the Monkey King under Tang Seng's hands.

Elder Song poured half a cup of tea for Xu Tong, and took the hookah pipe filled with shredded tobacco from Xu Tong's hand, and put it to his mouth to smoke.

"Your master needs to be strong. There are some things you can't say directly to you, but you have to know something in your heart. In the future, you will take care of the outside and we will take care of the inside. The benefits will not be without you. What your master wants is a performance. The gang under his hands, all I rely on you to feed me."

Master Xue Gui wouldn't say these words, why?drop in price.

There is no one who bargains with his grandparents and grandchildren, talking about money will affect the relationship.

But these words have to be made clear to Xu Tong in advance. In the face of interests, not to mention deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, even father and son killing each other is not uncommon.

Even if they both know each other's character well.

But it is precisely because I know it well that I need to say these things clearly.

So this drudgery naturally fell on Song Lao, and only Song Lao came to tell Xu Tong the most appropriate thing, and whoever said it would inevitably hurt his feelings, but he would not.

Because Xu Tong knew very well that Mr. Song always gave his family fortune to his own people.

Without Mr. Song, I would not be who I am today.

For him, Elder Song will never have selfishness.

Xu Tong drank the scented tea and felt the fragrance of the tea overflowing. After hearing what his master Song Lao said, he raised his head and looked serious: "Who do you want me to kill next?"

"Don't worry, the higher-ups want performance, but we can't be people's messengers. Some can offend others, and some can't. There are too many offenses, and your master can't handle it.

Anyway, there are a lot of ghosts and monsters in this world. If you meet them, you can fight them if you can beat them, and run away if you can't beat them.

But there is one thing, you can only fight, not kill, whether to kill or catch or let go is up to us. "


After Xu Tong finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and looked outside the door: "Then I can't keep this bunch of idlers for nothing, right? I really can't beat them, so why don't these guys come out and help me?"

Elder Song seemed to be waiting for Xu Tong's words, and said with a calm smile, "Help, but... if you want to pay, how can you negotiate with yourself? I have a simple price list here, you can refer to it."

Mr. Song sent the price list to Xu Tong, and Xu Tong took a look.

The mountain ghost's request is very simple, two words: eat enough!
The eldest princess' request is also simple, two words: drink enough!
Taoist Xunlong's request is also two words: interview!

Xu Tong didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment.

At first glance, except for Taoist Dragon Xun, the eldest princess and the mountain ghost are very satisfied, but the problem is how much of the mountain ghost can eat enough? ? ?

The eldest princess went too far, she was full, and she probably could be squeezed dry.

"Well, let me tell you, how did the master train them, each of them was so polite to me, one by one, the young master, and they are waiting for me here together."

Song Lao smiled without saying a word, offered Xu Tong another cup of tea, and pointed to the small words below: "There is still a time limit."

Xu Tong took a look, and each service should not exceed 3 minutes.

"It's too much, master. I've never seen such a short clock. The barber shop next door is giving regular customers a [-]% discount."

"The safest way is the way you can walk by yourself. What we old guys can help you is to level some stones and rotten wooden piles on the road for you. You can't expect us to help you. If you take a way out, you may not be able to go out."

In terms of reasoning, ten Xu Tongs are no match for Mr. Song.

Xu Tong sighed, knowing that there was no need to discuss this matter, so he simply accepted it openly.

This is forcing yourself to go another way.

He remembered that just now the master said that he wanted Mr. Song to teach him how to write the rules. Now it seems that the master is determined this time and does not intend to let him continue on the road of Baishankou.

Seeing that Mr. Song wanted to continue pouring tea, Xu Tong hurriedly covered the teacup, and poured more tea until it was full.

"Master, I saw my wife last time."


Hearing this, Elder Song was taken aback, and hurriedly motioned him to lower his voice, glanced furtively at the back, and after making sure that the master couldn't hear him, he said in a low voice: "You brat, just talk about business, don't you Do this, the price is not set by me."

Obviously Song always misunderstood what Xu Tong meant.

Xu Tong waved his hand: "That's not what I mean. After all, it's my teacher's wife. There is no credit but hard work. I have taken care of you for so many years, how can I do anything to her."

"Hmph, you have a conscience, kid."

"What I mean is, others don't know what is the background of Shi Niang. You have slept with her for so many years, so you should know something."

Elder Song was silent for a moment, did not speak, but dipped his finger in some tea, and wrote seven words on the table.

"God is famous beyond words, Ba."

Xu Tong didn't sit for a long time, and left. As soon as he left, the master walked over and sat in Xu Tong's place just now: "Don't be angry."

Song Lao sighed: "Don't mention how uncomfortable this child is. He has raised a bunch of idlers, and he has to work for you."

"Hmph, why don't you say, without my relationship, he beheaded King Jiue Minggui, and he must poke out the big basket. He saw the thief eating meat, but he didn't see the thief being beaten?? I am my own master. !"

The master took a sip of the tea angrily, then frowned and said: "I said back then that Baishankou is walking up on the shoulders of his disciples. If he doesn't go out by himself, he shouldn't come out." Take on this legacy."

"Then you don't have to be an evil person. I'm caught in the middle and I'm not a human being. I'll be angry when I'm alive, and I'll be angry when I'm dead. I might as well cast a good baby." Song Lao complained, but his hands were still Brew a new cup of tea for Master.

The master narrowed his eyelids: "Then let's talk about your daughter-in-law!"

Elder Song's heart skipped a beat, he jumped up and wanted to run, but it was too late, he saw an extra green vine in the master's hand, rushed up and slapped Elder Song on the ass.

This twitch caused Elder Song to grin his teeth in pain, "Okay, hit me with a willow branch, and I'll help you talk next time, I'm your own son!!"

"Stinky boy, don't run away, let's have a good chat, how did you let the girl out..."

(End of this chapter)

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