Infinite script kill

Chapter 485 Entering the script

Chapter 485 Entering the script
【Thousand Machine God】(damaged)

For the script task, find the Mohist Mechanism Thousand Machine (Kill) and assemble it to get a complete prop card.

Task time: unlimited.

Mission era: unlimited.

Task background: Huaxia.

Passive skills; Mohist organ.

The holder can obtain the identification of the primary agency category and crack the agency's ability.

Active Skill: Thousand Machine Key

Consume 20 basic points, after activation, you will get a thousand machine key, which can open all locks.

(Note: Except for the thighs of a chaste and fierce woman, there is no lock that I cannot open!!)

The information entry of the item card floated in front of him.

In this regard, Xu Tong called out: "Blood loss!!"

"Is this worth [-] script points??"

A lockpicking skill, and an ability to identify traps.

When it comes to the show, it can't be more than 100 script points.

But just the appraisal fee is as high as 600 script points, which is too outrageous.

Seeing Xu Tong's painful expression, Amei finally showed a little smile on her face: "If you feel bad, you can take it back to me, 2000 script points, how about it."


Xu Tong rejected the proposal without even thinking about it.

The two skills of these things are worthless, but it does not mean that this item card is rubbish. Its real value is that it comes with a task, and the task itself must have extraordinary value.

Because of the item card that comes with the task, I happen to have one in my hand, and that is 【Source】

Although I don't know if this kind of item card is really rare, but apart from [source] this is the second time I have seen an item card with a mission, so even if it is left in the item book to occupy a precious item card slot, Xu Tong will not dispose of it easily.

"Hmph, you still have some brains."

A-mei snorted coldly, and took away the other prop cards on the table.

Then he glanced at the time: "You should go in, good luck."

Xu Tong looked at the time, nodded and prepared to enter the hall.


At this time, Amei called Xu Tong: "Take this away! Give it to me when you come back."

I saw Amei talking, throwing the paper crane quietly left by Xu Tong on the bar to Xu Tong.

After Xu Tong caught the paper crane casually, he was startled, looked at A-mei meaningfully, nodded, then turned and walked into the hall.

In the usual hall, more or less, there will always be one or two people who arrive early.

But today, there was no one there.

Time passed by, Xu Tong sat on the chair and waited with his eyes closed.


At this time, the sound of the door being pushed open came, and Xu Tong opened his eyes, unexpectedly seeing a thin figure standing in front of the door.

"Hey, it's you!"

The thin young man in front of him was the man who replaced Amei at the bar when he came last time.

At this moment, he had already put on a set of black tight leather armor, with two daggers stuck in his waist. With his silver hair and pale skin, and this costume as a foil, he felt like a medieval ranger.

"You can call me Mr. Tai. As the host of this episode, I will be fully responsible for the running of the script."

Mr. Tai took out a rose from his sleeve, like a conductor at the opening of a concert, bowed slightly, even though there was only Xu Tong in the audience.

"Now, please follow me."

Xu Tong stood up and followed Mr. Tai into the door behind him.

It is completely different from the previous few times when I entered. There are many glass cabinets in the bright corridor.

In each glass cabinet, there are all kinds of strange things.

"These are my collections. There are winners and losers among them. Oh, please allow me to introduce you to my favorite friend, Ms. Zhang."

Mr. Tai didn't seem to be in a hurry to take Xu Tong into the script world, but deliberately slowed down, pointing to the shattered broken sword in the glass cabinet beside him.

"She is an excellent player. Maybe she learned dance since she was a child, which gave her a perfect figure and elegant lines. She always likes to associate swordsmanship and dance. I have reminded her many times that martial arts and Dancing is not a way, but she didn't seem to listen, so..."

Mr. Tai's fingers passed through the glass display case, and lightly tapped on the broken sword.

Suddenly, a dark red light spread rapidly on the broken sword, and then a beam of light burst out and reflected on the glass.

Immediately after Xu Tong saw a terrifying picture, a man holding a big sword slashed down expressionlessly. The picture was instantly blurred, but if you listen carefully, you can even hear the tearing sound when the bones and internal organs are shattered. .

"Unfortunately, she didn't follow my advice."

Mr. Tai continued to introduce the next item.

It was a skeleton with a thumb-sized hole on its forehead.

Under Mr. Tai's finger, Xu Tong saw the scene of the skeleton being killed. It was a fair-skinned, blond-haired girl.

With a distance of several mountains, the girl bent her bow and set an arrow and shot an arrow, which killed the people dozens of miles away.

Mr. Tai kept knocking on these collections along the way.

Play out scenes of death.

There are even scenes of death that even Xu Tong finds inconceivable.

For example, someone just looked in the mirror, was sucked in by the mirror, and when he spit it out again, there was only a pile of bones left.

But soon Xu Tong found the commonality of these death scenes.

"They were all killed by other players!"

Mr. Tai raised his brows slightly, turned his head to look at Xu Tong and gave him a complimenting look.

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly stopped, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and he stared firmly at the things in the showcase in front of him.

I saw a mass of sarcoma in the glass cabinet.

"This guy is dead!"

Xu Tong frowned, and couldn't help thinking of the scene of being chased and killed by this guy outside the White Horse Temple in his mind.

He also has a deep understanding of this guy's methods.

Can be immune to damage to a great extent, and transfer its own damage to a single piece of flesh and blood.

With such a weird method, his survivability should be extremely strong. How was he killed?


Sensing Xu Tong's gaze, Mr. Tai stepped forward to look at the display cabinet, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became contemptuous: "Stupid guy, always self-righteous."

As he spoke, he clicked on the sarcoma.

Xu Tong's doubts were finally answered.

Under the light of the death replay, a man with bare upper body was waving his fist expressionlessly.

It was just the most ordinary fist, and the fist was not fast at all, punching down one after another.

But every time he punched, he could hear the sound of something shattering.

It's muscle.

It was the sound of this guy's muscles being smashed by fists.

The screams continued, and Xu Tong saw him resisting desperately under the man's fist, but no matter what method he used, this muscular man never even moved his brows, even if he was poked off. There was no movement in the eyes or on the face.

Raising his fist mechanically, his concentrated expression made people feel terrible.

It seemed that there was only one thing left in this world, which was to smash the man in front of him to death bit by bit with his fist.

Cutting flesh with a blunt knife is undoubtedly the most painful thing. Perhaps the strong vitality has become a kind of pain at this time.

The picture ended soon, not that it was gone, but that Mr. Tai turned off the picture, because it was destined to be a long process, and they didn't have much time to appreciate the death scene of this idiot.

From time to time, Xu Tong paid attention to the things in the surrounding display cabinets, as if he was looking for something.

It's just that maybe it's an omission, or maybe it's not qualified enough. He didn't find Yang Zixuan's things here.

When the door at the end of the corridor was opened, only a black door appeared in front of Xu Tong. The black door was stained with various bloody handprints.

"Oh, a kind reminder, if you can't confirm whether the other party is the hunter or the prey, my suggestion is... to shoot first!"

Mr. Tai looked at Xu Tong with a smile, and reminded him.

"You're right, it's just that I'm not a talented person when it comes to shooting."

Xu Tong's response froze the smile on Mr. Tai's face, and he quickly narrowed his eyes again: "Then you have to run faster, those who cannot be hunters will always be regarded as prey."

"As you wish."

Xu Tong didn't want to continue to talk about these big truths in front of Mr. Tai, so he walked to the black door, took a deep breath, slowly opened the door and walked in.

However, just as he walked into the door, a strong sense of crisis hit him, and he subconsciously raised his hand to block his chest. At this moment, a gray palm came out from the darkness and firmly grasped the On his wrist, a rotting face was revealed in the faint light: "Welcome to hell!"

With the sudden feeling of suspension under his feet, Xu Tong's figure instantly fell into the darkness and gradually disappeared.


Seeing that Xu Tong had disappeared behind the gate, Mr. Tai pouted and snapped his fingers.

A woman appeared behind Mr. Tai. The woman wore light makeup, but she still couldn't hide her charm. She was like a succubus in hell, and her every move gave people a sense of fatal temptation.

"Boss, do you really want this kid to die in there in a daze? This seems to be against the rules. If the higher-ups know about it, I can't afford it."

"Kill him, and no one above will know."

Mr. Tai turned around, pinched the woman's delicate face, and took out a strange black claw from his arms. The claw seemed to be covered with blue scales, and a faint light appeared on Mr. Tai's hand.

"Remember, that prop card is bound to his soul. Bring the soul back together. After the matter is done, I can give you back what you want, freedom."

After hearing the word "freedom", the woman finally made up her mind, took the strange claw from Mr. Tai's hand, and followed Xu Tong into the black door.

(End of this chapter)

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