Infinite script kill

Chapter 486 The Decent of Nobles

Chapter 486 The Decent of Nobles

"Going into the script...

This script is a certified script, killing mode (in killing mode, killing a player, you can randomly draw the opponent's prop card twice or select a prop card, and get all the script points)
Since you are not a certified player.

Get some compensation, your task difficulty level will be lowered by one level, and when you encounter damage from certified players, the damage you receive will be reduced by 15%
Ding!You have a special wealth bonus, and your identity has changed in this script! "


The prompt sound gradually disappeared, replaced by a loud roar.


The filthy and rancid air mixed with a strong fishy smell gradually poured into the nasal cavity, making Xu Tong, who had not yet opened his eyes, frowned subconsciously.

"Be careful, my young master!"

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly felt that someone was pulling him.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a carriage running past in front of me. The horseshoes and wheels splashed a piece of mud on the muddy road, making people on the side of the road unable to dodge in time, and were instantly splashed all over.

If it wasn't for the people behind to help, I'm afraid that I would greet the grandmother of the owner of the car with an authentic British accent like everyone else.


The passenger ship sailing into the port made a deafening buzzing sound, and black smoke gushed out of the chimney enough to drive the Environmental Protection Agency crazy. People on the pier waved their palms to say goodbye to the relatives on the passenger ship.

Tuxedo and bowler hat seem to be the mainstream of this world.

Even poor people wear a thick woolen robe.

Occasionally, the hum of the engine can be heard when the car comes.

Xu Tong has a strong sense of strangeness on his face, which is completely different from that of an oriental person.

"It's really unlucky."

Xu Tong lamented his luck in his heart.

He doesn't like the West, not because he is patriotic, but because it is strange.


A voice calling from behind interrupted Xu Tong's thoughts.

The man standing behind him stepped forward, and the cold wind blew on his hair, which made his already thin hair even more messy, so that the bare Mediterranean Sea was exposed.

He stared at Xu Tong with his warm eyes as much as possible: "Believe me, young master, I swear in the name of God, the Morgan family will never dare to neglect young master, even if Corleone's flag is no longer bright, but our empire's oldest noble."

When referring to Corleone, Shar's aged face showed a pride that had not been shown for a long time. Although several ugly patches had been exposed on his worn-out robe under the cold wind, Xu Tong was from him. In his eyes, he saw the obsession with the glory of the past.

As the steward of the Corleone family, he has served the family for nearly forty years, and once witnessed the most glorious time of the family, even the king of the empire did not dare to ignore their family's advice.

It's just that Shar doesn't understand anyway, why after the death of the old knight, the family that was once able to control the empire fell apart in an instant, and even fell to the point where it is today.

Shar couldn't figure it out, but Xu Tong knew it in his heart.

After sorting out the background information about his identity in his mind, he also understood his current identity and family background.

The Corleone family, as Shaar said, was once one of the most influential aristocratic families in the empire.

On the surface, it holds minerals and steel.

But in private, they control the business of smuggling, brothels, casinos, and even private brewing.

There is a saying in the empire that the emperor's treasury is far inferior to the purse of the Corleone family.

But who would have thought that the Corleone family would be disbanded like this. After the patriarch of the family, the old man, died, before the old man's three underground sons could think about how to divide up the family property.

The situation changed rapidly in less than half a year.

First, there was a mining accident in the mine, which led to the closure of the mine, and then a reporter broke the news that the steel factory had deducted wages from employees.

Immediately afterwards, the underground businesses originally controlled by the family were all divided up and looted by other gangs.

His own father was also shot dead on the street by gangsters.

So much so that my second and third uncles who didn't live up to expectations directly divided up the family property, and my descendants, apart from the dilapidated ancestral house at home, didn't even get a penny.

After Xu Tong carefully recalled all the details, he basically understood why the family collapsed so quickly.

The reason is actually very simple. The patriarch, the old Sir, died too suddenly, which caused problems in the transfer of power. Most of the political resources were all because the old man was in Zhou Xuan's control.

It just so happened that my father, including the two uncles, were all foolish and foolish. In front of those proud mayors, dukes, and even officials, they couldn't speak at all.

Without official protection, the other families would naturally be unable to hold back, and rushed forward to bite the weak lion of the Corleone family.

Of course, the above are all his preliminary conjectures, and there must be many details in it, but because he only has such a little information in his head, he has no clues to further scrutinize the details, and there is one more point, that is, it is unnecessary.

Because I have nothing to do with the Corleone family, even in this status.

A direct descendant of the Corleone family.

Little Earl, Kevin Corleone.

I said this not because I was unfamiliar with the Corleone family just emotionally, but more importantly, because of the defeat of the family, a large amount of wealth was distributed to the third and second uncles.

So poor that the little Earl could only humiliately accept a businessman's suggestion and join their family.

So my life at this moment is not in the Corleone family, but in the Morgan family that Shar said.

"Hmm... this time the book is... interesting."

After Xu Tong examined his current situation, he finally had some expectations for this script world.

Although the background of the script is his most unfamiliar West.

Because he has never been abroad in his life, and it is still a question of whether his abilities will be greatly reduced in the west, not to mention that this is Lilith's hometown, God knows when this bitch who covets his body will come and fuck him.

However, in Xu Tong's eyes, these difficulties are also an advantage.

Don't forget, he was blessed by the Archangel Michael. In this era, he believed that this would be his greatest advantage.

Xu Tong already had a preliminary idea in his mind, but the expression on his face still looked a little dull.

Comforted by the butler Shar, they turned and walked out of the pier.


The second most prosperous city in the empire is the pearl of the empire, with a complete industrial system and commercial unions.

The Morgan family's property here is also quite large.

Of course, compared with the Corleone family a few years ago, they are like younger brothers.

The butler Shar took Xu Tong to the window of a bakery next to the street, looking at the golden and attractive bread in the window, Shar asked Xu Tong to wait here for a while, and then walked into the bakery.

Following the reflection of the glass window, Xu Tong examined his current appearance.

She is very young, about 16 years old, with a young face and freckles on her nose.

But that doesn't hide Kevin's good genes.

He inherited the iconic dark blue eyes and blond hair of the Corleone family, even though the family's decline caused him to lose weight during this time.

But the butler, Shar, still loyally protected him and freed him from working, so that this thin-looking little guy had fair and delicate skin, and even his veins were faintly visible.

"Poor man, I never sell half a loaf of bread here, take your money and get out before I hit your dirty bald head with this beautiful baguette."

At this time, Xu Tong's ears moved, and even through the glass and the door, he could clearly hear the roar in the bakery, and the housekeeper Shar was still arguing inside.

The argument lasted for about 10 minutes before the butler Shar was pushed out of the bakery by the owner.

As if he didn't want Xu Tong to notice his embarrassment, Shar stood firm, turned around angrily and cursed: "Bastard, repent for what you did today, God will punish you."

After speaking, he dragged Kevin away quickly with an angry face, until he walked around the corner, Shar looked back to make sure that the shopkeeper did not catch up, and then he was relieved.

He took out half a piece of bread from his arms and handed it to Xu Tong.

Xu Tong was actually not hungry, because he had already eaten three pots of stewed goose in an iron pot before entering the script.

But he couldn't wait to take it, put it in his mouth and ate it vigorously.

The appearance of wolfing down made the butler Shar very distressed.

Afterwards, he took out new clothes from the suitcase to change for Xu Tong, then took off his patched robe, and carefully took out the tuxedo that he hadn't worn for a long time, and the custom-made bowler hat .

And from the box, he took out a crutch inlaid with a silver edge.

With a sudden change, he has turned into the appearance of an upper-class old gentleman.

Of course, without opening his sixpence purse, no one would associate him with the pauper who had been arguing in the bakery just now.

When the two walked out of the narrow alley, the passers-by on the street cast amazed glances.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles.

After Xu Tong changed into this set of clothes from a long time ago, he looked refreshed. In addition, his appearance exuded an air of nobility. Standing there, one could see that he was the young master of a rich family.

Of course, the only fly in the ointment is that the trouser legs are too short, exposing his ankles.

It seems that even though the family was in decline, Shar never made him hungry, at least in terms of physical development, it was considered normal.

Shar put on a bowler hat and a tuxedo, and his silver cane shone brightly in the sun.

But he was always standing behind Xu Tong, which added to Xu Tong's aura.

Shar glanced at the carriage parked on the side of the street, and casually tossed a penny to the driver.

The coachman froze for a moment, looked at the old gentleman in doubt, and wanted to show that he was not a beggar, but the gorgeous makeup and unique temperament of Shar and Xu Tong made the coachman afraid to speak for a while.

"Just follow along. I will give you a penny per minute, and the fare will be calculated separately."

As he spoke, he dragged Xu Tong forward. The driver didn't know what he was going to do for a while, but it was a good deal for a penny a minute.

So naturally he followed obediently.

Ever since, people saw on the street, a young man in gorgeous clothes, followed by an old housekeeper, walking on the street like a leisurely stroll, and the carriage on the side slowly trailed behind the two, as if Time is always ready for the two of you.

"Shar, we don't have much money..."

Knowing that there were only six pennies left in Shar's wallet, Xu Tong reminded him reluctantly.

However, Shaer lightly pushed Xu Tong's waist with his crutches, making him stand up, and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, we'll be there a few steps ahead."

Seeing Xu Tong's suspicious eyes, Shar raised a smile: "Young master, as a nobleman, you will lose a lot if you don't have money, but you will lose everything if you lose your decency!"

(End of this chapter)

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