Infinite script kill

Chapter 487 The Morgan Family

Chapter 487 The Morgan Family

Do you want to save face and suffer?
of course not.

In Shar's simple sentence, he really expressed some small rules of the upper class society in this era.

I can be down and out, but I can't lose my decency.

Lost my dignity, I'm worthless.

To put it bluntly, this is a bit like the character of the ancient literati. It doesn't matter if you are poor. You can't lose your character. Without this character, you are worthless everywhere.

Xu Tong's heart is like a mirror, but he still has a half-understanding look on his face.

As Shar said, Morgan's house is not far away, and the two of them walked there in less than 3 minutes. This was because Shar deliberately slowed down.

Outside the gate of the Morgan family, the members of the Morgan family were already waiting in their costumes.

Even the passers-by couldn't help but stop and watch, as if they were curious, wondering who could make the Morgan's house so grand.

It wasn't until Xu Tong and Shaer came that everyone had the answer in their hearts.

But what's interesting is that Shar didn't go up to meet him immediately, but instead took out his pocket watch, as if he was waiting to bring something.

It wasn't until about ten seconds later that Shar walked up to the groom and handed a penny to the groom's hand: "Please continue to wait here. From now on, every minute of your time will belong to the groom. We, the Corleone family, please remember this day, it will be one of your proudest futures."

The groom was also sensitively aware of the gazes cast by the people around him. This kind of gaze that attracted so much attention made him, who had never experienced such an experience before, feel his head buzzing, and his whole body became excited.

He didn't know what kind of family the Corleone family was. Even for a commoner like him, even the owner of the mansion in front of him didn't know what the Morgan family did. He only knew that the people here were rich.

But at this moment, the groom felt a strong sense of honor in his heart.

This was a feeling he had never felt before, and his face flushed with excitement.

Xu Tong stood aside and watched this scene, and couldn't help but secretly stunned.

Shar is 100% an ordinary person, but when he changed his clothes and rented the carriage at a price of one penny a minute, a different feeling came out of him, as if invisible Gather all the spotlights on himself.

This kind of thing is called "potential!"

Borrowing other people's momentum to promote one's own momentum, forming a huge aura invisibly.

In fact, this method is not uncommon. In reality, some so-called qigong masters use this method to quickly stand out.

But it is definitely rare for someone who can master the middle of the middle so well as easily as Shar.

Xu Tong can be regarded as unrestrained buttocks today, and his eyes are opened.

This made him suddenly recall the confidence in Shar's eyes when he swears in the name of God just now. It seems that the old housekeeper really didn't just comfort himself casually.

At this time, Xu Tong also received a task prompt from the main line.

"Main task 1: Please start your performance.

For today, the Morgan family also hosted many local celebrities. For the Morgan family, this is a rare opportunity to get close to the upper class. As today's vase, your every move will affect the future image of the Morgan family.

Mission objective: Try to get a good impression for the Morgan family.

Task punishment: If the score is lower than D, the Morgan family will cancel their engagement with you and kick you out. At the same time, your wealth privileges will be deprived and you will be marked as a [laughing stock] until the end of this script. "

Like the previous script world, although I have obtained the advantage of a new identity by virtue of the privilege of wealth, but this advantage is not so easy to obtain easily.

Even if it fails, it will even be accompanied by a passivity that puts you at an absolute disadvantage.

Reminiscent of the hunting mode this time, it means that there will be other players, even certified players joining in. If you want to take an absolute advantage in the hands of these certified players, then the Morgan family in front of you must take Down.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong already had a decision in mind.

After Shar solved the groom's problem, he stood behind Xu Tong again, and the two walked steadily to the front of the Morgan family step by step.

Facing the son-in-law walking in front of them, everyone in the Morgan family exchanged glances, and everyone's faces were extremely excited.

It seems that they did not expect that this defeated family could still have such an aura.

Especially Mr. Morgan who facilitated this marriage.

Originally, people in the family were not optimistic about this marriage, and the fact that the Corleone family was torn apart was not news for a long time, but Master Morgan resisted all opinions and finalized the marriage.

Until now, when he saw the young and handsome young earl walking towards him, a smile could not be concealed on Master Morgan's fat face.

He stepped forward and tried his best to conceal the excitement in his heart. With one hand flat on his chest, he bowed deeply to Xu Tong.

In fact, this kind of clichéd etiquette has been out of fashion as early as more than ten years ago.

But Mr. Morgan is an excellent businessman, he knows how to maximize the value of a person, a thing, or even a penny.

That's why he insisted on waiting outside the door with his family.

"Welcome Earl, we have been looking forward to your arrival for a long time, please allow me to introduce my family to you."

After Xu Tong nodded slightly, under the introduction of Master Morgan, he met Grandpa Morgan's wife.

Even though Mr. Morgan is 50 years old, his wife looks only in her thirties, and she is even more charming under the luxurious dress.

"You are more handsome than I imagined. I believe you will live happily here."

Although this sentence is a line written by Master Morgan long ago and asked her to recite it, but for some reason, when this sentence comes out of her mouth, it always makes people feel like walking into a brothel and facing the old man. mother feeling.

The corner of Master Morgan's mouth twitched a few times, and he squinted at Xu Tong.

After seeing Xu Tong smile at this, according to the etiquette in Kevin's memory, he walked forward with one hand flat on his chest, leaned behind slightly, and lifted Mrs. Morgan to gently kiss the back of her hand.

The whole process did not say a word, and the high cooling is not annoying.

The next woman was none other than Master Morgan's daughter and his fiancée, Miss Josie.

Although they are fiancees, this is the first time the two have met.

There was no expression on Miss Qiao Qian's face, she just rolled up her skirt and bowed slightly behind her, then stood there expressionless, obviously she was not interested in her airborne fiancé.

Master Morgan noticed that there were already a lot of people watching on the street, enough to achieve the effect he wanted, and then he took Xu Tong and Shar into his mansion with satisfaction.

For this first meeting, Master Morgan prepared an extremely sumptuous lunch.

It comes from the most famous specialty of Amantes, a delicious ingredient called sandfish.

The meat of this fish is tender and delicious, and it is a top culinary ingredient, but its bones are more valuable.

The bones, which resemble brittle bones, are filled with thick fish marrow, and there is a faint golden light shining inside, as if there are countless golden sand grains inside.

This bone marrow has a gelatinous texture and an extremely umami taste.

What fascinates people the most is its unique effect, which can bless weapons. Even an 80-year-old man can briefly return to his youthful peak state after eating.

In the aristocratic circle with chaotic private life, a bottle of this kind of thing can be sold for three pounds.

Even in a bustling commercial city like Amantes, the average monthly income of people is only 15 soli, which is 180 pence.

One pound is 20 soli, which sounds like a lot, but this is the average monthly income. For a really good worker, 5 soli a month is considered pretty good.

Seeing the delicious food on the table, Shar couldn't help swallowing, but he still maintained the reserve of a housekeeper.

The only worry may be whether his young master will reveal his true colors.

Even on the way before coming here, he had already eaten half a piece of bread for the young master.

Compared with the delicious food on the table, those gorgeous tableware is even more dazzling.

The exquisite silverware knife and fork is paired with an oriental plate, which is particularly weird.

In the words of Master Morgan, these dinner plates are all porcelain from the mysterious East, and each piece is very valuable.

At this time, Xu Tong noticed that Ms. Qiao Qian who was sitting opposite did not use a knife and fork, but used chopsticks instead.

This still made Xu Tong stunned for a moment, and there was a moment of suspicion in his heart.

Noticing Xu Tong's gaze, Miss Qiao Qian finally showed a little smile, and introduced him: "In the mysterious ancient oriental country, this is a more intelligent way of tableware. I learned it from an oriental businessman."

When Qiao Qian said this, she couldn't help showing a bit of arrogance, and even specially signaled the servant to give Xu Tong a pair of chopsticks: "Although it is very simple, it is also somewhat difficult. Your Excellency Kevin can give it a try."


At the side, Master Morgan interrupted his daughter with a displeased face. Just like his daughter said, chopsticks are not so easy to use. I have tried it many times, let alone pick up a noodle, even a piece of bread. Can't get up, God knows how those orientals would think of such a difficult tableware.

Xu Tong smiled, but it wasn't that kind of elegant smile, but with a bit of banter.

It’s fine if you compare yourself to other things. Are you comparing chopsticks with a Chinese man in a white man’s skin? ?
I saw him pick up the chopsticks casually, and lightly picked up a fishbone and put it near his mouth. Miss Qiao Qian's eyes widened in disbelief with his skillful technique. It took her a long time to learn how to use chopsticks. Got the hang of it.

"As early as a long time ago, our family has already started to deal with businessmen from the East, and even invited a mentor from the East for me."

Shar, who was standing behind Xu Tong, was very cooperative and added: "Yes, the caravan of the Corleone family has already had in-depth transactions with the mysterious ancient country in the east."

The mysterious East?How is it possible, their fleet has not appeared on the ocean for a long, long time.

But who doesn't know how to brag, anyway, you can't find it now.

Of course, Master Morgan would not believe it either, but he couldn't help but believe it when he saw how Xu Tong was easily pinching the two pieces of wood between his fingertips, and he could only praise: "I knew that Corleone's inheritance has never been broken. "

Josie's insignificant little plan failed, and she could only eat a few mouthfuls of food with a face full of disappointment, then got up and left.

Master Morgan made an apologetic look.

What can Xu Tong say about this? After all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Who made me greedy for your resources?

In the last script world, Xu Tong has fully experienced the convenience brought by wealth and power, and those conveniences are by no means something you can achieve with your strength.

The delicacies that were constantly changing on the dining table were filled with tempting aromas, and even Shaer couldn't help swallowing two mouthfuls of spit standing behind Xu Tong.

But to Shar's relief, Xu Tong kept chewing and eating slowly, without even making a sound, and still maintained the elegance and decency of a nobleman.

It seems that the young master has really grown up.

While Shar was relieved, he couldn't help but feel distressed. In his opinion, the young master has experienced too much in the past two years.

His father was shot to death, his family property was robbed, and the days of restlessness caused the innocent and innocent young master to begin to change a little.

That might be a good thing too.

Shar thought to himself.

After Xu Tong ate a small amount of food, he stopped eating.

Master Morgan keenly noticed that Xu Tong only tasted each of these foods.

As shrewd as Mr. Morgan, he knew very well that the Corleone family could no longer afford a single gold pound, and even the clothes on their bodies were of a style long ago.

But it was precisely because of this that Grandpa Morgan was extremely happy, and even felt that it was worth the money.

Grandpa Morgan was happy, but Miss Qiao Qian, who was sitting opposite Xu Tong, seemed very uncomfortable. After eating, Xu Tong was arranged in an exquisite room. Standing in front of the door and window of the room, you can enjoy the busy servants in the manor , making arrangements for tonight's dinner party.

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly noticed that a black car was driving directly into the manor outside the door. Although the car was not marked, the unique cross on the front of the car had already informed people of the owner's background.

"Oh, it's the church's car. It looks like the Morgan family is bound to get it tonight."

Shar stood behind Xu Tong with a faint smile on his face.

Once Master Morgan officially announced the news of the two marriages in front of the members of the church, the wedding would be officially approved by the church.

Since then, Master Kevin has officially become the son-in-law of the Morgan family, even if he is married.

At this time, the maid brought hot water and two new sets of clothes. It was obvious that Master Morgan still cared about the old clothes on them.

After the maid poured the water into the tub, she didn't leave, but wanted to carry out the next service.

But this service was seriously rejected by Xu Tong.

This made Shar on the side very unhappy.

After the maid left, Shar reminded: "Master, you shouldn't refuse, this is your honor."

Xu Tong froze for a moment, then ignored Shaer's suggestion, took off the tight clothes on his body, and jumped into the bucket.

Seeing that Xu Tong was silent and was about to continue persuading, Shaer saw Xu Tong take out a ring and put it on his hand. The gems on the ring reflected charming light in the sun. Xu Tong was playing with the ring like a smile Fei smiled and said, "But I think it's more decent to earn it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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