Infinite script kill

Chapter 488 If I make my debut, I will be the peak

Chapter 488 If I make my debut, I will be the peak
When the twilight of the sun is still on the coastline, doing the last struggle.

The lights at Morgan's house are undoubtedly the brightest on the block.

As one of the best businessmen in Amantes, the Morgan family's business is doing very well, all thanks to Mr. Morgan's shrewd investment, whether it is in automobiles or heavy industry, the Morgan family has made a lot of money.

But when people mention the Morgan family, they often add the word "watch repairer" in addition to their envy.

Because the history of the Morgan family started with a watchmaker.

This is also the case, which has made it difficult for the Morgan family to truly integrate into the circle of the upper elite. Even though he spends a lot of money every year to raise donations and build the church of Amantes, the church seems to just regard him as A stupid lamb.

Even though the Morgan family often gave generously to poor municipal finances, the municipality could only award him the title of an outstanding citizen.

Even though he donated a teaching building to the local noble academy, his daughter Josie was still not eligible to enter the academy.

Because in people's eyes, the Morgan family is still just a watch repairman, a nouveau riche standing on the cusp of the wind.

Until one day, a small local family offered an olive branch to Master Morgan and asked their son to marry Miss Josie, which would improve their family's status.

This was originally a good thing that Mr. Morgan couldn't ask for, but when he knew that the other party's son was not only a romantic alcoholic, he had even been married once, and beat his wife until he could not take care of himself. , Master Morgan decisively rejected the other party.

But it was precisely because of this incident that Master Morgan was inspired.

A genius idea came to his head, there were a lot of down-and-out nobles in the empire for hundreds of years, and he could choose one of them to join his family.

In this way, you can also raise your own social status, at least let the next generation of the family completely get rid of the hat of watch repairer.

So Master Morgan spent a lot of money to spread the news and mobilized almost all the courtesans to inquire about the news.

As a result, before the news came back, the matter of the Corleone family broke out.

After Master Morgan learned of the upheaval of the Corleone family, he began to move his mind. For this reason, he waited for two full years, determined to let Kevin, the heir to the title, come to talk with him after suffering some hardships. .

It was under the operation of Master Morgan that Xu Tong came to this city from Corleone's hometown.

Under the night, dresses of various bright colors kept pouring in under the lights.

Many wealthy and distinguished guests who could not be invited by Mr. Morgan have flocked here impatiently.

The reason for this is precisely because many people on the streets today are discussing how noble and extraordinary this guest from afar is, which has attracted many people's interest.

Look at the carriage at the door of Master Morgan's house. The coachman still stands there like a loyal guard.

When people tried to get some more information about this distinguished guest from the coachman, the coachman raised his head and proudly told them.


Before the banquet officially started, the famous Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra had already played a moving symphony on the lawn of Mr. Morgan's house.

This is one of the best bands in the empire.

Ordinarily, Mr. Morgan would not be able to invite such an orchestra to make music for tonight's banquet.

After all, art that is tainted with the smell of copper is not art.

But the shrewd Mr. Morgan invited the orchestra in the name of the Corleone family. More importantly, Mr. Morgan gave too much.

The price of a full three hundred pounds is simply sky-high. Who would not be tempted by it.

"Damn, the air here is really uncomfortable, I said, only a watch repairer would like the pungent smoke oil smell in the city."

Holding the wine glass in her hand, the noble lady chattered endlessly.

But the other hand did not forget to take out the exquisite pastry from the fruit plate and put it in his own mouth.

These pastries are definitely from the craftsmanship of Alice's family.

Their cakes are the best cake shop in Amantes, but the price is too expensive.

"It turned out to be a poor orphan, really poor."

A woman came out from a grove on one side, wiping the corners of her lips with a handkerchief.

When these noble ladies saw her, the smiles on their faces became unfriendly.

Staci is a widow from a noble family, but she is also a well-known courtesan. They more or less know that their husband has an unclear relationship with Staci.

The most important thing is that Staci and Morgan's family are actually relatives.

Master Morgan's current wife is Staci's own sister.

Even though they were very upset about this damned slut (female Hum), their strong curiosity still made them gather around and ask about the mysterious guest.

Staci took the wine glass, rinsed her mouth, and made sure that there was no smell left in her mouth before sharing the news she got from the housekeeper of Morgan's house.

"The Corleone family!"

After learning the identity of the protagonist tonight, everyone was surprised, and immediately understood the plan of this Master Morgan.

After all, such incidents are not uncommon.

A down-and-out little earl was exchanged for the wealth of the Morgan family, which made everyone faintly disappointed with this distinguished guest.

If Morgan's family hadn't released the news in advance and sent a valuable gift to every guest tonight, these ladies would have turned around and left long ago.

"It's a good idea, but I don't want to come here for nothing. Such a boring trick is really too boring."

Staci raised her wine glass with a meaningful smile on her face, following her gaze, a young and handsome boy was chatting with some ladies who didn't know whose family they were.

"what are you going to do??"

Hearing what Staci said, the ladies looked at each other and asked impatiently.

The corners of Staci's eyes were raised slightly, and after throwing a seductive look at the young man in the distance, she gently lifted the hem of her skirt with one hand, and at the same time said in a small voice: "Of course it will make tonight more beautiful." It's interesting."

Just behind the gate that separated from the banquet, Xu Tong was ready to appear like a bride who appeared as the finale at a wedding.

Next, according to the rhythm prepared by the Morgan family, when the door opens, he will be the focus of the banquet.

Put on the new clothes prepared by Morgan's family. The black dress is inlaid with thousands of diamonds inlaid with broken diamonds. Two valuable cat's-eye gemstone buttons have raised the price of this dress to a higher level.

On the position of the cuffs, there is a golden imprint imprinted in gold, which is the family crest of the Corleone family.

It can be seen that the Morgan family has made detailed preparations for tonight's banquet.

Of course, this is also related to whether Kevin Corleone can become the new business card of the Morgan family in the future.

"Master, please remember that even though the Corleone family temporarily loses its brilliance, you are still the master of Corleone, the hereditary earl. A feat that no one can erase."

Shar was still repeating the final brainwashing in Xu Tong's ear.

Facing Shaar's chatter in his ear.

A smile gradually appeared on Xu Tong's dull face, he patted the back of Sha'er's hand, and turned the callused hands over, only to see that the palms were already covered with rough calluses.

This made Shar's face stiff, and he seemed a little unnatural, because as a butler of a wealthy family, such rough hands could not be on the stage.

But he quickly took a pair of white gloves out of his pocket and prepared to put them on.

However, Xu Tong took the gloves away first: "Shar, have you heard a word."

Sal froze for a moment.

Suddenly, he felt that the young master was a little different from before, at least he hadn't seen such a smile on the young master's face for a long time.

Um... yes, since the master was shot.

Just when Shar wanted to ask Xu Tong what he was talking about.

Outside the gate, there was a sudden commotion, and even the moving music stopped.

"I thought it was some distinguished guest, but it turned out to be just a poor boy picked up from the countryside, hahahaha..."

The ear-piercing ridicule was heard clearly by Xu Tong and Shar behind the door.

The two were startled, and looked through the gap in the gate, only to see a drunk young man shouting loudly while holding a wine glass.

"Don't you all know that the Corleone family has been torn apart. It is said that the heir not only did not get a penny, but was even driven into a pigsty in the countryside."

When this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Immediately, someone laughed in a low voice.

Although the laughter is small, the laughter is contagious. When more and more people start to smile, it is inevitable that the voice will be raised.

"Who is this guy!"

Xu Tong looked at the servant beside him calmly.

"It's the mayor's boy, Dorum."

The servant carefully looked at Xu Tong, for fear that Xu Tong would turn his anger on himself.

"This bastard!! I'm going to kill him!!"

However, Xu Tong's anger did not show up, but the butler beside him, Shar's eyes were already red with anger. This is definitely an insult to the Corleone family. If it had been two years ago, this guy and even his family would have suffered. To the mad revenge of the Corleone family.

After cursing, Shar seemed to have finally remembered something, and turned to look at Xu Tong: "Go!"


"Leave immediately!" Shar nodded solemnly: "The decency of the Corleone family must not be their sacrifice. If you don't show up at this time, there is still room for maneuver."

Speaking of which, Shar was about to pull Xu Tong to leave as soon as possible.

However, Xu Tong was like a magic needle that fixed the sea, fixed there, no matter how much Shaer pulled it, he would not move.

Xu Tong patted Shar on the shoulder: "Don't worry, wait and see, after all, Master Morgan hasn't come yet."


Shar was in despair. He never thought that the young master would pin his hopes on this idiot Morgan at this time. This mercenary businessman would definitely blame the young master for his failure.

At this moment, Shar can already foresee the scene of them being driven out of Morgan's house in a state of embarrassment.

The laughter outside became louder and louder, and now Master Morgan, who was discussing with the bishop about whether he could officiate the marriage for their family, had to rush over.

When he heard that Dorum was exposing to everyone the current poverty and decline of the Corleone family through his drunken madness, and he had to marry into a merchant's family for bread and milk.

Master Morgan's face darkened instantly.

He couldn't stop Dorum because he was the son of Mayor Randall.

At the moment, Mayor Randall is standing aside with the bishop of the church, watching with cold eyes, as if he has no intention of controlling his son at all.

Now Master Morgan was even more annoyed.

"Bastard, what are you doing?"

As if sensing the unfriendly eyes of Master Morgan, Mayor Randall immediately reprimanded him.

But my heart is already happy.

Reasonably, they shouldn't be such villains, but the Morgan family's financial resources are too amazing. If such a person can successfully squeeze into the upper class, it will not benefit him at all.

Even when the next mayor is elected, he may have an extra rival.

This is what he does not want to see.

But Randall didn't know that the distinguished guest invited by Master Morgan didn't dare to act rashly for a while. Seeing that Master Morgan was willing to donate [-] gold pounds to the church in exchange for the support of Bishop Bertram, he could only feel anxious At that time, his son sent a divine assist, how could he be unhappy.

Everyone can see Randall's rough acting skills, and Master Morgan's face turns blue and white, and the anger in his heart is about to break out.


It was supposed to be the highlight, but the door that was left open at the climax of the music was slowly pushed open.


Shar's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly wanted to stop him. He knew that when Kevin walked out at this time, he would never be greeted with amazing eyes and applause, or even humiliation, and finally left in despair.

If this is the case, the last dignity of the Corleone family will be ruined.

However, Xu Tong still pushed open the door in front of him, turned his head to look at Shar, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually became brighter: "There is a saying, if I debut, I will be the peak!"

 Although the update is a bit late, both chapters have a lot of updated words.

(End of this chapter)

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