Infinite script kill

Chapter 489 The Great Church Earthquake

Chapter 489 The Great Church Earthquake
As the door was pushed open, Xu Tong's figure was revealed in front of everyone.

All eyes on the scene were focused on him.

The dark black tuxedo shone with crystal light in the night.

The blonde hair and dark blue pupils, together with the confident smile on his face, all dazzled the eyes of the ladies around him.

It has to be said that Kevin has an excellent skin. In this era of chaotic styles, appearance is also a rare capital. At least at this moment, those ladies have stopped gossiping and continue to boo.

And Xu Tong's calm and confident aura is also gradually rising, activating the eye of fate, stepping on the most appropriate position with every step, making himself echo the surrounding environment and lights.

With the help of Mingyan Qimen, Xu Tong can see that each person has a different fate and luck, as well as a different aura exuding from their body.

He looked around like a king, and finally locked his eyes on Mayor Randall and Bishop Bertram.


The aura of Mayor Randall is very strong, and the aura of Bishop Bertram next to him is a bit insignificant. However, what is interesting is that Bishop Bertram's fate is surprisingly strong. There are even shadows of angels on the cross.

In comparison, Mayor Randall's fate seemed so insignificant. Beside Bishop Bertram, his fate could only crawl under the golden cross.

Not just Randall, but most of the people here, including Mr. Morgan.

It seems that the power of the church is far stronger than I thought.

Seemingly aware of Xu Tong's gaze, bishop Bertram was startled for a moment, his eyes gradually became sharper, he felt the dark breath, it was an evil force.


However, when Bertram focused his gaze on Xu Tong, doubts gradually appeared on his face, even puzzled, until unbelievable.

Of course, these subtle expressions were not noticed by Randall.

"Oh, praise the light, I thought there was nothing left of the Corleone family, but now it looks like you still have a pretty face."

After a brief moment of stupefaction, Dorum immediately continued to taunt.

It's just that Xu Tong has already walked past him, without even looking at him from the beginning to the end.

This made Dorum startled, feeling the humiliation of being ignored, he reached out and grabbed Xu Tong's shoulder, intending to teach this poor boy from the countryside a lesson.

"Arrogant guy, I'm talking to you!!"

However, his hand didn't even have time to touch Xu Tong, a black crutch had already hit the back of his hand hard, Duolimu instinctively withdrew his hand in pain.

But following that black cane, it was still drawn on his face, and Dorum, who was already standing unsteadily, hit the ground heavily.

Blood spilled out of Dorum's face for a moment, which undoubtedly aroused the screams of the noble ladies present. They stared at Dorum who fell on the ground with wide eyes, but excitedly clasped their hands tightly. own skirt.

It seemed that they were more excited by the splashed blood than Dorum's pain.

The aged Shar stood behind Xu Tong with a grim face, took out a white silk scarf from his pocket, wiped off the blood on the cane, and threw it on the ground.

As the butler who has followed the Corleone family for 40 years, even though he is just an ordinary old man, the murderous look in his eyes still makes Dorum tremble in his heart, and he feels a chill in his bones.

Shar did not agree with the young master's approach, but if anyone dared to hurt the young master, he would definitely make the other party pay the price in blood.

Dorum didn't even dare to make eye contact with the old man in front of him, so he could only cast his eyes on his father Randall.

Sure enough, when Randall saw his son being knocked down to the ground, his face immediately became sullen, but the clever Randall did not vent his anger on Xu Tong who was walking towards him, but instead stared viciously at Xu Tong. On the side of Mr. Morgan who was already stunned.

"Mr. Morgan, you are attacking my son so openly. I hope you can understand the price of doing so, which is definitely something your family can't afford."

For a moment, Master Morgan panicked. He knew very well that Randall was shifting the conflict and shifted all the responsibility on himself.

As a businessman, he knows very well that the most important thing he should do at this moment is to break away from these two guys immediately, take off their clothes and throw them out, and then immediately donate money in the name of treating Dorum. A large sum of money in exchange for Randall's understanding.

Just doing this, everything I prepared tonight will come to naught, no, it should be a laughing stock, and the whole streets and alleys of Amantes will spread this matter in the morning.

But at this moment, Master Morgan suddenly noticed that Xu Tong's calm smile even gave him encouraging eyes.

What the hell is this guy doing? ?

As long as they walked out of the Morgan's gate, they would be dead in the street tomorrow morning.

But... why, he couldn't see any fear in his eyes, is this the Kevin Corleone he knew? ?

Master Morgan has been quietly watching the heir to the Corleone family for the past two years. After Kevin's father died, the child seemed to be in some kind of panic, locking himself in the building every day.

If it wasn't for the care of the housekeeper beside him, he would have starved to death in the ancestral house long ago.

And the young man in front of him seemed to be very different from the little earl he knew.

Besides, this is Amantes, not the headquarters of the Corleone family. He wouldn't naively think that his status as an earl can really be enjoyed here? ?

In a short moment, a hundred thousand reasons flashed in Master Morgan's mind.

But time has not allowed him to think too much. In just a moment when his eyes met, Master Morgan already understood that he could no longer shrink back at this time.

He responded forcefully: "My lord mayor, they are my honored guests!!"

As soon as this remark came out, Master Morgan began to regret it in his heart.

Even Randall was shocked, and couldn't help sneering: "Your guest? Mr. Morgan, I think now, you are an unreasonable idiot, they just..."

Randall's hand was about to point at Xu Tong, and when he revealed the fact that the Corleone family had existed in name only, Randall was suddenly stunned.

Seeing the gradually weird expression on Randall's face, Master Morgan turned his head suspiciously and followed Randall's fingers.

Suddenly, a scene that Mr. Morgan will never forget appeared.

The bishop Bertram, who was wearing a pastor's robe, even took the initiative to meet him, knelt down on one knee and kissed Kevin's ring.

The pious voice trembled with excitement: "Please forgive my crimes. If we had known it was your arrival, we would have greeted you in person."

Bishop Bertram's words instantly silenced everyone in the audience.

They couldn't believe it for a moment, their eyes and ears.

That is the bishop of the church. Even though the church has never been involved in any political and people's livelihood issues, in an era of theocracy like the empire, it is not an exaggeration to say that the church is the one who controls the empire.

Even if Bertram is only a regional bishop, if he is willing, any so-called dignitaries will prostrate under the sanction of his theocracy.

Randall is very aware of the amazing power behind the friendly face of the bishop.

But at this moment, he actually knelt down in front of a fallen count and kissed his face.

Is that an oath of allegiance?

This scene is too incredible.

As everyone knows, Bertram's heart is really turned upside down at this moment.

When the little earl walked out the door, he was still suspicious that this was a disguise of a certain monster, and he was even ready to purify the monster.

But until Xu Tong approached him and showed the ring in front of Bertram.

Only then did Bertram notice that the black ring was the divine ring symbolizing the authority of the church, the angel's tears.

This is an artifact held by an archbishop. Even if it can only simply inspire the most basic Holy Word Shield, as the tears of an angel, its symbolic meaning is irreplaceable.

What shocked him even more was that he felt the holy and sacred aura hidden under the appearance of the dark aura, which was the aura of the Archangel Michael.

Bertram made such a shocking move in such a haste after a brief shock.

In fact, what Bertram didn't know was that the sacred and majestic aura on Xu Tong's body was not only from the aura of the archangel Michael, but also from the angel's tears.

Another reason is that Xu Tong's item card was rewarded after the settlement of the last script world.

【Holy See advisor】

The holder will receive extremely high authority blessings from the Holy See at any time.

Although there is no detailed explanation in the entry, one can only tell from the literal meaning how convenient this item card will bring to oneself.

"Archbishop Evelyn is in Amantes Church. Please allow me to inform him. I think he will come as quickly as possible."


When Bertram said this, everyone felt their scalps go numb, and goose bumps stood up all over their bodies.

Berent is the regional bishop and already has extremely high authority here.

And the archbishop, also called the archbishop in red, has only twelve seats in the church, and their status is second only to the pope, a terrifying figure who can cause an earthquake in the entire Amantes by stomping their feet.

But from Berent's point of view, it seems that even if the archbishop in red came in person, he would be polite to this little boy? ?
For a while, Randall's brain was not enough.

Didn't it mean that the Corleone family was ruined? ?

Did I know it was fake news? ? ?

Mr. Morgan on the side was paralyzed. He had sent someone to monitor him for two years. Did they all monitor the dog? ?
Damn, those idiots who take money and do nothing must be fooling me, I'm throwing them down the drain to feed the rats.

Thinking of this, Master Morgan has started to constantly recall whether he has neglected Master Kevin.

After thinking about it carefully, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that he did a good job, um...although it was a bit abrupt.

Under the completely opposite moods of the two, Xu Tong finally helped the bishop who was half kneeling on the ground.

"No, I plan to live here for a while. During this time, Mr. Morgan will take care of me. It is his piety that moves me. He is the most loyal servant of the church."

Xu Tong imitated Anritat's tone and said.

As soon as these words came out, Master Morgan was already trembling with excitement, his devout eyes seemed to be looking at an angel.

Sure enough, Xu Tong was highly recognized by Berent: "Yes, Mr. Morgan's contribution to the church has proved his devotion to the church."

In fact, Berent was also thinking in his heart, could it be that Master Morgan's donations over the years really touched the Almighty, otherwise how could the angels descend on his family? ? ?

Xu Tong did not continue chatting with Berent.

Because he has already received the prompt from the main mission.

"Main task 1: Please start your performance, complete, your evaluation is SSS."

"Ding! You get the highest rating in the main mission 1 and unlock special achievements. After completing this script world, the achievement rewards will be settled separately for you."

It was the first time Xu Tong had heard of achievement rewards, but they sounded pretty good.

After expressing that he was tired and needed to rest, Xu Tong turned around and walked back to the gate with the support of Berent.

It's just that when walking past Dorum, Xu Tong suddenly stopped and looked at Dorum coldly, which made Dorum suddenly feel like a catastrophe was imminent.

"You insulted the honor of the Corleone family, and I will not let this matter go away."

As soon as these words came out, even Bishop Berent's eyes became unfriendly. Now Randall felt a chill all over his body, and a fear that he had never felt before swept his whole body, even permeating his entire pores. middle.

"Your Excellency Kevin, this must be a misunderstanding."

Randall screamed and rushed forward to explain, but Xu Tong didn't give him this chance, just like the arrogance he showed just now, as if no one was qualified to speak to him except Bishop Berent.

After watching Shar close the door heavily.

Everyone woke up like a dream for a while, and the pious smile on Berent's face was also covered by thick haze. He walked to Randall and his son: "Go back."

"My lord bishop! Please believe me. My devotion to the church has never been lost to anyone. Tomorrow I will issue a new municipal plan to increase church maintenance expenses."

Randall grabbed it as if he was about to grab the last hope, and reached out to grab Berent's robe, but Berent avoided it lightly.

When Berent looked at Randall's bewildered expression with indifferent eyes, he found sadly that this idiot has not yet understood the seriousness of the matter:
"If there are no accidents, tomorrow morning, the head of the Inquisition Office will pay a visit in person. Cherish the last chance to reunite with your family tonight. It's not a good place."

"Heretical Inquisition!!"

Everyone present felt terrified by the name.

That's a scarier place than prison.

But only those who were found to be related to witches, as well as those heretics, would be imprisoned there.

People who go in have almost no possibility of coming out again.

Even if this person is Mr. Mayor...

"Morgan's Diary: The moment the noble bishop kissed the ring, I knew that the era of the Morgan family had come. "


 And at night

(End of this chapter)

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