Infinite script kill

Chapter 490 The Great Church Earthquake

Chapter 490 The Great Church Earthquake
How powerful is the church.

Early the next morning, someone saw Mayor Randall being sent to a black van and disappeared at the end of the street, never to return.

Completely disappeared without a trace.

This was a wake-up call, making the officials of Amantes finally remember that they had not only the empire above their heads, but also the church with the supremacy of theocracy.

And for those ordinary people, what happened last night can already be described as a fantasy.

From the hotel to the coffee shop, there are stories about last night.

"Have you heard of it?"

"I heard about it."

"Hey, what we heard is different??"

"Whatever, just praise the great God of Light."

Whether it was the common people or the nobles and rich men in Amantesli, people's eyes were all focused on the direction of Morgan's house.

In the morning when the sun illuminated the earth, Xu Tong had already begun to enjoy the exquisite breakfast and a cup of strong sweet coffee, but the difference was that he could eat breakfast with his belly open.

Last night, Xu Tong's answer to Berent made Mr. Morgan so happy. Before he left, Berent even expressed that he believed that the church would give rich rewards for past piety in the near future.

Grandpa Morgan doesn't care about rewards, because he has plenty of money.

But Berent's subliminal meaning is implying that this award must be the honorary award he craves.

For Mr. Morgan, who was eager to take off his watchmaker's hat, this was definitely a gift that he couldn't ask for.

As for getting married...

Xu Tong didn't mention it, but Master Morgan shut his mouth tactfully.

Josie stared blankly at the guy who was one year younger than herself, as if she still didn't understand why her identity changed so quickly in just one night based on her experience.

Xu Tong finally let go of the dignity of the so-called aristocrats, and boldly filled his stomach with delicious food. Faced with him eating breakfast for nearly seven people in one go, Mr. Morgan not only didn't find it offensive, but was very happy, because This is the performance of treating him as a confidant.

"By the way, Miss Josie, I'm very interested in the businessman from the East you mentioned earlier. I don't know if he is still in Amantes."

Josie was still in a daze, but suddenly heard Xu Tong's question and didn't have time to recover. It wasn't until Josie's mother reminded her that she realized that she was rude.

So he quickly responded: "It's still there. The Eastern merchant's ship seems to be damaged, and he won't be able to go back for a while, but I don't know his whereabouts."

Xu Tong nodded with regret. In fact, he still hopes to see the face of his hometown in a foreign land, and by the way, understand what era China is in at this moment.

However, judging from the industrial scale of Amantes, the era should not be too far from the Qing Dynasty.

But since there was no news of his whereabouts, he put out the idea.

Because I have more important things to do.

That is to try to improve your own advantages as quickly as possible. Don't forget that this time the script is a killing mode, and your opponent is also a certified player, so you can't underestimate it at all.

There is one more important thing, he has a very bad feeling in his heart, his strongest enemy may not necessarily be these players.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong raised his head and looked at the aura above his head. It seemed that Kevin's aura had changed dramatically after the fuss last night.

But that wasn't enough, he wanted more.

Attracting the attention of the church is only the first step, and the second step is my main purpose.

Although he had already observed the amazing weight of Berent's fate as a regional bishop through the door of fate last night, he did not expect that in this script, the power of the church would be so amazing.

As the mayor of the second largest city in the empire, he disappeared as soon as he said it, and no one in the entire municipal official system raised any objections to this.

I even looked through today's newspaper by myself. What's interesting is that the news on the headlines of the newspaper has no information about Randall, and there is no news about what happened last night, even though all kinds of gossip have spread all over the streets.

It can be seen that although the church does not intervene in the secular world, the power of the church still pervades every corner of the secular world.

Such a behemoth will be his best protection.

His ultimate goal is to successfully integrate into the church system, gain the protection of the church, and even control part of the church's resources by virtue of his unique advantages.

That's why he chose to use such a high-profile way to complete his first main mission.

"Mr. Morgan, as you know, this is the first time for me to come to Amantes. As the pearl of the empire, I really want to go around and learn about the local customs, so can I ask Miss Josie to do it for me? guide."

Xu Tong put down the coffee in his hand and asked Master Morgan with a smile. Although it was just a question, there was no room for Master Morgan to refuse in his words.

Of course, Master Morgan will not refuse this proposal.

However, he was still a little embarrassed: "Of course this is no problem, it's just... Archbishop Evelyn may be on his way."

Berent had repeatedly told him not to let Master Kevin make any mistakes. The archbishop would come over as soon as possible, so Master Morgan was very worried that when the archbishop arrived, he happened to miss Xu Tong.

"It doesn't matter. If he comes, you can let him wait. I will be back at noon at the latest."

Grandpa Morgan's hand shook unconsciously, and spilled a little of the coffee in his hand. Fortunately, the coffee spilled on the napkin in front of his chest, and did not wet his expensive shirt.

Let the archbishop wait for you? ? ?

Such arrogant words, if heard by others on the street, are enough to be treated as heresy by others.

But such words came out of Master Kevin's mouth, but it was so natural, and it was impossible to refute. After all, a bishop like Berent wanted to kiss Master Kevin's face. The archbishop has the same qualifications.

Although Master Morgan was not very willing, he readily agreed.

It's just that he asked his housekeeper to follow along, and arranged for Xu Tong to wear reasonable casual clothes.

Although the law and order in Amantes has always been good, it doesn't mean that there are no such daring untouchables. At least the damned crime detection rate of the police station has maintained a terrible level so far.

Shar naturally wanted to follow Xu Tong's side every step of the way.

So Xu Tong's originally planned two-person trip had to become a four-person trip.

As for the Morgan family's carriage, Xu Tong refused. He hadn't forgotten that there was a carriage waiting for him outside the door, and it had been a day and a night.

When Xu Tong and the others walked to the carriage again, the coachman put his arms around his arms and leaned back on the seat to sleep soundly. Fortunately, the night in Amantes was not as bitter as that in the northeast.

"Cough cough!!"

Seeing that the driver's snot was about to flow to his mouth, Shar couldn't help showing a bit of guilt, because he had completely forgotten about this tool man.

Hearing the sound of coughing, the coachman didn't open his eyes, but said impatiently: "Go away, every second of mine belongs to the Corleone family."

Hearing this, Shar was even more embarrassed.

Xu Tong didn't care whether the coachman woke up or not, he stepped into the carriage first, and at the same time did not forget to extend his palm to Qiao Qian behind him.

The coachman woke up when he realized that someone had boarded the carriage. Just as he was about to lose his temper, he saw Shar sitting beside him: "Get ready to drive."

The coachman was pleasantly surprised to find that Xu Tong and Qiao Qian were already sitting in the car seat.

Surprised, he quickly took off his hat and said, "No problem."

Pulling up the reins, releasing the brakes, the thin horse began to move slowly along the street.

Xu Tong didn't know where he was going, so he asked the driver to walk around Amantes to see what the world looked like.

Although Ms. Qiao Qian was used as the guide, it was the coachman who really played a role.

"That's the best bakery in Amantes, and the police station, though they're sometimes more than robbers.

The big chimney in front is the factory area, and one-third of the steel in the entire empire comes from this great factory.

If you want to relax, see that alley, I promise, for ten pennies, those roman girls will spread their legs for you, they are the best girls, but be careful, they are too The best of thieves and liars. "

The coachman was so excited, and what he said made people blush more and more.

Although Shar and another housekeeper tried to shut him up several times, Xu Tong would always reach out his hand to signal them not to interrupt.

So much so that Miss Qiao Qian on the side was already blushing, and her hands were tightly grasping her skirt.

The number of pedestrians on the street gradually increased, and the carriage also began to slow down appropriately.

Shar looked at the low wooden houses in the distance, frowned for a while and said, "Master, don't go any further, there is a slum in front, you shouldn't go to that kind of place."

"Yes, please forgive me for being rude. Even Amantes, the pearl of the empire, cannot get rid of these humble rats." The steward's words were full of contempt for these poor people.

Xu Tong didn't take it seriously, but signaled the coachman to go on.

Now Shar and the butler lost their temper for a while, Shar wanted to stop him, but he couldn't point out the young master's mistake in the street, which hurt the majesty of the young master, and the housekeeper and Qiao Qian dared not disobey Xu Tong's voice.

Only the coachman continued to drive the carriage forward without any pressure.

"Boom blah blah..."

The wheels rolled on the uneven dirt road, causing the people in the car to feel the bumps.

Gradually, a pungent smell wafted in, causing everyone in the car to cover their noses. It wasn't the smell of garbage, but a gas similar to that produced by chemicals.

White liquid flowed out along the cracks in the street, staining the ground gray and white.

The figure of the carriage made the children on the street cast curious eyes, but when Josie saw these children, she covered her eyes for a moment and dared not look any further.

Those children had no shoes, and they stepped on the dirt road mixed with white ash with their bare feet. The gray sewage had already formed a thick layer of white scars on their feet, which looked disgusting.

The drying line in the distance is covered with white cloth, and some women look up blankly.

The original appearance was covered by thick powder on the face. It was not the application of makeup, but the color of the cloth.

They turned their gazes to the passing carriage, and when they saw the exquisite Miss Josie in the carriage, the eyes of these women imperceptibly passed through longing, and more of it was a deep sense of inferiority.

Shar nervously held the crutch in his hand, he had already noticed the unkind eyes cast by the men in the shadows.

As for the butler, he tightly held the money bag around his waist.

Only Xu Tong stared silently at the slum in front of him with clear eyes, and he was already thinking about another thing, how to use his own way to reap the incense merits of these poor people under the eyes of the church.

After all, in order to deal with King Jiu'e Minggui last time, the incense merits have been almost exhausted.

But this also made him discover a new use of incense merit, smashing God!

It took half an hour for the carriage to get out of this slum.

The faces of Shar and the butler were already covered with sweat, and they both breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that the mob would rush out.

Miss Josie tried her best to calm herself down, but everything she witnessed seemed to have a great impact on her.

To say that the only one with a normal mentality is the coachman humming a ditty.

"Stop and rest."

Xu Tong saw the viewing platform not far away and signaled the driver to stop.

Shar and the butler also thought it was a good idea. Although the area was far away from the city center, the scenery was still pretty good.

Close to the sea, you can see the largest port of Amantes.

Jumped out of the carriage, the sea breeze blew in front of me.

The four of them came outside the coffee shop, admiring the scenery in front of them, but they also forgot the depressive feeling they had just had in the slums.

"Please forgive my wording. With such a noble status, you can never set foot in such a place easily. Today is really too dangerous."

The housekeeper said seriously to Xu Tong.

Even Shar on the side surprisingly didn't refute.

Because it was really too dangerous, he even noticed the scary eyes of some men looking back and forth at Miss Josie.

I can't imagine what a terrible scene it would be if someone really took the lead and rushed out.

Thinking of the beautiful Miss Josie being dragged into a dark alley by those dirty pariahs...

Shar didn't dare to think about it any more.

Josie didn't want to mention this matter again, so she told the butler to shut up, then stood up and said, "Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom." Josie got up and left.

The butler knew that he was talking too much, so he looked at the coffee shop beside him: "This coffee shop should taste pretty good, Master Kevin, do you want to try it?"

Xu Tong nodded: "Add more sugar."

After the butler expressed his understanding, he got up and walked into the coffee shop in the distance.

After the housekeeper and Qiao Qian left, Xu Tong looked at Shar: "How about you, do you have anything to tell me alone, such as my relationship with the church?"

Shaar has served the Corleone family for 40 years, and there are few secrets in the family that are deliberately kept from him.

After Kevin's father was shot dead on the street, it was the old butler who took care of Kevin meticulously, so that Kevin could live until now.

So if there is any flaw in his identity, it must be on the old housekeeper.

Hearing Xu Tong's question, Shar shook his head after thinking for a while, without even the slightest doubt about Xu Tong.

Just when Xu Tong wanted to inquire further.

Josie had already walked back. Seeing that the butler was not there, she looked around and said, "Where's Angus?"

Angus is the housekeeper's name.

Shar pointed to the coffee shop beside him, indicating that the butler had gone in to buy coffee.

Josie nodded and didn't care, but as time went by, after waiting for more than ten minutes, Josie finally couldn't sit still.

"I'll go take a look."

As Josie was talking, she walked to the coffee shop, but when she got closer, she noticed that there was already a thin layer of dust on the door of the coffee shop.

This made Josie suddenly have a bad feeling in her heart.


Josie stood outside the door and called out, but there was no response from inside. Josie bit her lip and slowly stretched out her hand, but just as she was about to try to open the door.

The closed door was suddenly opened, and Angus stood in front of Josie with a smile on his hand holding a cup of coffee.

"Huh... Angus, you old guy, are you trying to scare me out of a heart attack?"

Josie cursed loudly, and snatched the coffee from Angus.

Angus explained with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry miss, there are too many people in the cafe."

Hearing this, Josie was startled, and looked back suspiciously at the coffee shop behind Angus: "Are you sure there is really someone in there?"

"Of course, there are so many people in such a remote coffee shop, it's really a hell."

Angus still didn't forget to look back as he spoke, but the expression on Angus' face froze at this moment.

The originally bustling coffee shop suddenly emptied out.

But what was weird was that in front of the bar, a man in a brand new tuxedo was sitting there stiffly.

The figure, clothes and appearance of the man are the same as Angus himself...

The same.

(End of this chapter)

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