Infinite script kill

Chapter 491 The Great Church Earthquake

Chapter 491 The Great Church Earthquake
Angus was in a bad mood, because he had just walked out of the slums and realized that he had once been one of them.

But fortunately, because he was appreciated by Master Morgan, he became the housekeeper of the Morgan family, and he completed the change of fate.

It's just that he was born in a slum, and he didn't have the slightest sympathy for these former neighbors.

On the contrary, it is precisely because he walked out of the slums that he knows that people living in that kind of dirty environment can only be called untouchables.

There must be no mercy in dealing with these untouchables, otherwise they will be like hunting dogs smelling blood, and they will pounce on you and tear you to pieces.

"What a stupid and conceited quail, does he think that those damn pariahs can open their thighs for you like a pious bishop!"

Angus cursed all the way in his heart, and finally came to the coffee shop.

Looking at the coffee shop in front of him, Angus gradually felt better and relaxed a lot.

After pushing open the door of the coffee shop, a warm current spreads over the surface, and the air is filled with the aroma of baked pastries and the unique aroma of coffee brewing.

Angus couldn't help but raised his big nose, and looked at the coffee shop in front of him. Surprisingly, there are still many people drinking coffee in such a remote place.

"It should be here to see the scenery."

Angus thought to himself, after all, the scenery on the viewing platform here is pretty good.

"Welcome! Do you need a cup of Komat, this is our latest coffee variety."

The young woman behind the bar beckoned to him.

Angus dared to use all his wealth to bet that this woman was definitely a Roma, because only a Roma bitch would have such plump breasts and a tempting sausage mouth.

"No, two cups of coffee with sugar."

Sitting in front of the bar, Angus looked at the corners of the woman's lips unscrupulously. The plump lips reminded him of Mrs. Staci's flexible ventriloquism last night, which almost made him go to heaven early.

Thinking of this, Angus couldn't help feeling a little hot in his heart. He put a brand new Sule on the table, and rubbed it on the back of the woman's hand: "You don't need to look for it."

Women seem to be used to such blatant fishing for oil, and they didn't even forget to take care of this new customer, and brought a stack of buttered bread to Angus. When he bent down, his wide neckline was completely exposed. in front of Angus.

At this moment, Angus was already thinking about whether he could ask Grandpa Morgan for an extra vacation this month, so as to come here to purify his impetuous mind.

The woman's movements were swift, and the coffee was gurgling and bubbling as it was brewing.

"Is it Maxwell's coffee?"

Angus sat in front of the bar, raised his nose and asked.

The woman nodded and praised meaningfully: "Your sense of smell is as sensitive as my brother Hill. He is an excellent detective."

After finishing speaking, he continued: "It seems that you like coffee very much, right?"

"do not like!"

Anglo shook his head, firmly denying.

He doesn't like coffee, the bitter taste makes him sick.

But every morning before the master got up, he asked the servant to prepare a cup of coffee for himself, and then sat in front of the window and drank the cup of coffee quietly.

It sounds contradictory, but it seems that only in this way can Angus feel that he lives more like a person.

It is precisely because of this dislike that he often changes the brand of coffee, hoping to find a taste that he can accept.

Maxwell's brand of coffee is exactly the taste he hates the most, not one of them.

"It's a pity, I thought you'd like it."

The woman leaned down and lay her chest on the bar, her brown eyes seemed to have some kind of powerful magic power, she stretched out her fingers and moved in front of Angus: "Coffee takes time, and you are willing to take it?" How much time do you have to stay here?"

Angus looked at the woman's chest, her Adam's apple squirmed, and her abdomen seemed to be stuffed with a hot iron: "The longer the better."

"as you wish!"

The woman was getting closer and closer, and Angus could even smell the smell of rotten apples on her body.



At this time, there was a shout, the familiar voice, and the reaction out of professional instinct, which made Angus turn around subconsciously.

"Miss Josie."

Only then did he suddenly realize the purpose of coming to the coffee shop, and he stood up abruptly from his chair.

It was also at this moment that the woman had already put the brewed coffee on the table: "Good luck, Angus."

For some reason, Angus looked into the woman's eyes, and suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart, as if he lost something when the woman called out his name.

But before he had time to think about it, he picked up his coffee and walked out.

Tiptoe opened the door of the coffee shop, and saw Miss Josie standing outside the door.

When Angus turned his head and saw himself sitting in front of the bar, his consciousness gradually became trance, and the strong anxiety swept his whole body, forcing him to rush back.

But when the sun shines on the shadow, the shadow follows the sunlight, like a cracked oil canvas, with cracks spreading along the body, tearing apart every inch of skin until it turns into powder and disappears without a trace.


The exquisite ceramic cup was torn apart, but what was spilled on the ground was not coffee, but gray powder.

Anglo's body fell heavily on the ground.


Xu Tong, who was chatting with Shar, couldn't help being startled when he heard Josie's scream, but Shar's reaction was almost instinctively grabbing the crutch at hand and placing it across his chest. After making sure that there was no danger around him, he took the Follow Xu Tong to follow the sound and rush over.

When the two rushed to the scene, Angus was already out of breath.

Josie squatted on the ground trembling, her hands tightly covering her head.

Xu Tong hurried forward, hugged Qiao Qian in his arms, and glanced around at the same time. At the same time, the life eye was activated. In the gray-white world, the coffee shop in front of him was filled with a black atmosphere, but this The breath is disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

"what is that??"

Xu Tong asked in a low voice.

Of course I didn't ask Shar, but I was thinking of asking the three guys at the hall.

They are fairies, and they should be able to find something without the need for the Eye of Fate.

"Teacher, we... can only see something leaving."

Da Ya replied weakly.

It seems that the reason is that they are not acclimatized. Since they came to this script, they are particularly weak and feel uncomfortable all over.

Xu Tong was completely unaware of the black shadows he saw, and could only vaguely feel the breath of that thing.

"Master, call the police."

Shar was surprised by the strange things in front of him.

Xu Tong looked at the still-shocked Josie, nodded, and immediately asked Shar to take Josie back to the carriage, and then go to the police station, while he stayed here to see if there were any other clues.

Xu Tong's proposal undoubtedly terrified Shar, how could he let Master Kevin stay here with such a weird thing happening here, so he resolutely rejected his proposal.

He also suggested that Xu Tong and Miss Qiao Qian should leave first and stay here by themselves.

Xu Tong was not annoyed by Shar's refusal. Instead, he said in a slow tone, "Please believe me, Shar. I am not leaving your protection, but I need your help more now."

This sentence is to retreat to advance, not only to agree with Shar, but also to make Shar unable to refuse for a while.

After all, isn't his vocation to serve the Corleone family?

"Master Kevin!!"

Shar had to re-examine the gradually unfamiliar young master Kevin. Just like the conversation just now, the young master seemed to have really changed. He was no longer the child he sheltered, but more like the real master of the Corleone family. .

After struggling again and again, Shar quickly took Miss Qiao Qian back to the carriage, and took the coachman to call the police.

After Shar and the others went to call the police, Xu Tong walked up to Angus's body, checked carefully to make sure there were no fatal wounds, and then tried to take out the charm bell and activate the soul-snatching at the body.

The result was nothing.

His soul is gone.

Thinking of the black mist just now, Xu Tong frowned, got up and walked into the coffee shop.

This cafe should have not been used for a long time, there is a thick layer of dust on the walls, tables and chairs.

There were only clearly visible traces on the bar counter, which was obviously left by Anglo sitting on it.

At this time, Xu Tong noticed some black powder on the position of the bar, pinched it with his fingers and rubbed it between his fingers a few times.

It feels a bit like black charcoal powder. After rubbing it a few times, it turns into a black cloud of smoke and disappears without a trace.

Seeing this, Xu Tong casually picked up another one, threw it into the item book and got the information about it.

[Magic Dust]: The dust thrown away by low-level monsters may have some uses in the hands of witches.


Xu Tong was not surprised when he saw the entries in the item book. After all, this is the script world. Since there is a church that symbolizes light, there must be evil creatures that symbolize darkness.

It's just what it is, why I didn't notice it at all.

At this time, there was a prompt for the task in the item book.

"Sub-quest 1: Monster Mystery Case

Light and darkness have always been opposites, but few monsters dare to kill people so blatantly. This case seems to be just the beginning.

Mission objective: Find more clues to solve the cause of Angus' death.

Task time: none
Failure penalty: none"

Seeing the task prompted, Xu Tong pouted and patted the dust on his hands, not interested in this side task.

But on second thought, this might not be such a bad thing.

So they clapped their hands, and saw Jixiang jump out of the hall and land on his shoulder.

"Go ahead, use your strengths, I want to learn as much as possible about this city."

The purpose of my coming out this time is to understand the background of the world of this script. The monster is just an accident, but it does not hinder my further understanding of this world.

Jixiang nodded, and turned into a black wind and slipped into the cracks in the floor.

After waiting for about 10 minutes or so, the police detective who presided over justice finally arrived late.

Such a speed has already broken the new record for the speed of police dispatch in recent years.

The reason why it was so fast was because Miss Qiao Qian reported her identity.

Of course, what conclusions do you expect these detectives to come up with? I'm afraid it's fantastic. After a simple record, the detectives announced the closing statement on the grounds of illness.

For such a result, Josie naturally would not agree.

"No, I clearly saw two Angus, and his soul is still in the cafe!!"

Josie wanted to tell the truth aloud what she saw.

But these words only got a serious warning from a police detective: "Miss Josie, please don't spread such dangerous remarks."

"This is the truth!!"

Josie glared at the detective and said.

Seeing this, several police detectives looked at each other, and their expressions became a little impatient. Just as they were about to warn the young lady about the danger of these words, a man's voice came from behind.

"I want to hear the truth too."

The corners of Xu Tong's eyes twitched slightly, and he looked at the middle-aged man who appeared behind the police detective with some surprise, and he didn't even notice when the other party appeared.

A black cloak wrapped around the body, and a bowler hat inlaid with a silver cross came from behind.

Before the police detective came forward to ask, the other party lifted the black cloak to reveal the documents under the cloak.

Although it was just a quick glance, the detectives immediately backed away as if seeing a plague god.

The middle-aged man stepped in front of Xu Tong, his golden eyes noticed the ring on Xu Tong's finger, and then he bowed slightly:

"You can call me Samoda, the arrester of the Inquisition. I will be responsible for this case to the end, but before that, please go back immediately, because the archbishop has been waiting for you for a long time."

Samoda looked at Xu Tong with his eyes, then pointed to the black car parked not far behind, and motioned him to get in the car.

Shar's expression suddenly turned bad, because Samoda's actions offended him, and he instinctively wanted to step forward to stop Xu Tong, but just as he was about to take a step, Samoda turned his head and glanced at him.

Just glanced at it, but it made Shar gasp in his chest, feeling as if his heart was tightly held in the palm of one hand, and his body froze in place.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's eyes flashed a bright light, but he quickly hid it, and said to Shar: "Take the car faster, you go back first."

As he spoke, he walked to the car, opened the door, and saw a man dressed like Samoda sitting in the car. Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't stop and got into the car.

Samoda followed closely behind and closed the car door.

After the car started slowly, it quickly turned around and drove along a main road.

"I'm sorry to invite you in such a way, but I hope you'd better cooperate.

After all, because of you, the whole church is already in a quarrel. "

After Bishop Berent's telegram was sent to the church last night, the whole church was bombed. It is said that the 80-year-old Pope even rushed out of the room with his buttocks naked, and hurriedly summoned the seven serving archbishops of the church to discuss this matter. .

Because of the special nature of Xu Tong, his body obviously has a strong demonic nature, but his soul is extremely pure, and even has the blessing of an angel.

In the eyes of many people, this is simply incredible.

Some people even suspected that this little earl named Kevin was the product of the forbidden intercourse between angels and demons.

His existence is a disgrace to the church and should be executed immediately.

Fortunately, although there are many people who hold such an attitude, they have not formed an overwhelming advantage. Some people are still willing to accept the existence of Kevin, thinking that this may be a miracle.

Samoda slowly closed the curtains on the car window, gradually dimming the space inside the car.

But Xu Tong could still see the road ahead through the front windshield. Seeing that the car was heading towards the outside of the main city, he couldn't help frowning: "Where are you taking me?"

Samoda didn't answer Xu Tong directly, but just took out a letter from his pocket, slowly unfolded the letter and put it in front of Xu Tong, his face gradually became grim: "Stupid guy, the water prison of the Inquisition will be your life home."

Obviously, Samoda's view on the handling of the little Earl Kevin is more inclined to the former.

(End of this chapter)

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