Infinite script kill

Chapter 492 Misunderstanding

Chapter 492 Misunderstanding
Samoda's gaze was fixed on Xu Tong's face all the time.

Kevin Corleone.

Direct descendants of the Corleone family.

A poor little guy.

Such a little ant actually tried to reach the sky in one step, he felt that it was time for him to understand the rules of the church.

However, to Samoda's disappointment, when he sent the arrest warrant to Xu Tong, Xu Tong didn't even move his brows. The quietness made people feel terrible. Such a calm look.

I saw Xu Tong glanced at the arrest warrant for a moment, and finally looked at Samoda, and then said in authentic Chinese dialect: "Dasha X!"

Samoda didn't understand the meaning of Xu Tong's words, but seeing the half-smile look on Xu Tong's mouth, he could guess that it should be a curse similar to greeting his mother.

His eyes gradually turned cold, no one had ever dared to be so disrespectful to him.

Just when Samoda was about to teach this little guy a good lesson, Xu Tong squinted out the window: "Compared with other colors, human eyes are better at finding shadows in green."

Sardar obviously did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

Xu Tong grinned, and then... punched Sardar in the face.

Maybe Samoda himself didn't expect that a boy with a teenage face would boldly attack him, and he was caught off guard, his whole face was deformed, and his head smashed the glass in an instant.

Seeing this, the catcher who was sitting on the other side of Xu Tong was about to pull out a pistol from his waist. Since Xu Tong made a move, of course he would not give him a chance to pull out the gun. On the chest, while the opponent bent over in pain, his fingers grabbed the opponent's shoulder like lightning, and the Five Birds Grabbing Hand was activated. With a twist and a shake of his fingers, Samoda heard the screams from his companion.

"Bitch, your audacity..."

Samoda raised his palm while roaring, and saw complicated tattoos flashing on his rough palm. After these tattoo charms flashed golden light, the dazzling holy light illuminated the carriage, and Samoda's fists Lit by the Holy Fire.

"In the name of God! Judgment!!"

"You have been damaged by the Holy Light, and your sacred physique is immune to holy light, spells, Dharma and other sacred damage by 60%"

Under the light of the holy flame, the whole carriage was brightly lit, but in the next second, a foot kicked heavily on Samoda's face, kicking him out with the door.


The car door slammed on the ground, and Samoda rolled on the ground under the inertia, and didn't stop until he hit a side street light.

The car also stopped slowly at this time, and the driver in the driver's seat looked pale, with the black muzzle of the gun pointed at his forehead.

Xu Tong got out of the car, and the sun shone on his skin, as if every inch of his skin was shining with holy light.

Even those dark blue eyes seemed to exude a sacred and solemn light.

Xu Tong raised the gun, pointed it at Samoda on the ground, and... pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Samoda rolled on the ground and tried to dodge as much as possible, but the bullet still hit him impartially, and in the blink of an eye, several bloody holes were made on Samoda's body.

But none of these wounds was a fatal wound, as if each bullet had eyes, hitting those joints that made Samoda.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that Samoda could no longer move that Xu Tong stepped forward and aimed the gun at Samoda's head: "Tell me, who gave the order for you."

Samoda stared at Xu Tong: "Bastard, the purity of the church will never be allowed to be defiled by you."


A signal bomb flew into the air, and the bright red signal bomb illuminated the air.

It was the arrester who was injured by Xu Tong before, climbed out of the car, took out the flare gun and fired a distress signal.

Seeing the signal of ascending into the air, Samoda gradually turned into a grim smile: "You will pay for your stupidity! You are attacking the church god catcher, and the church will definitely make you pay the price in blood!"

The speed of rescue was much faster than Xu Tong thought.

As soon as the signal flare was sent out, Xu Tong had already sensed that many special auras were moving towards this direction quickly.

"If you want to procrastinate, let's talk about who gave you this task."

Seeing this, Xu Tong sat in front of Samoda instead, dragging his chin with one hand, and asked casually.

Samoda didn't know what this guy was thinking at the moment, but as Xu Tong said, he needed time, so he hesitated for a moment and said, "It's Archbishop Andre, he's already waiting for you at the Inquisition."

Xu Tong nodded thoughtfully.

Then he pretended to be surprised and asked: "Can there be two archbishops in one Amherst? Could it be that the archbishops are traveling here together?"

Samoda didn't want to explain this issue to Xu Tong, but for some reason, he always felt that the time passed too slowly. He was afraid that Xu Tong would run away, so he could only continue:
"Not long ago, an archbishop died strangely. Unfortunately, his body was found in Amherst. His limbs and torso were cut open and placed in a hexagonal shape, as if he was offering sacrifices, so the church let The two archbishops have come together to investigate the case."

"It's that simple??"

Xu Tong looked into Samoda's eyes.

Samoda wanted to say something more, but at this time, someone on the street had already approached.

A white-haired old man in a shabby priest's robe appeared behind Xu Tong almost without a sound.

This strange appearance made Xu Tong very annoying, as if every god catcher had a similar ability.

But the old man didn't attack Xu Tong immediately, but stood there with a confused face.

"Master Antu!"

Seeing the old man, Samoda's eyes flashed brightly, and then he screamed with red eyes: "This bastard blatantly violated the church's arrest warrant and even launched an attack on the god arrester. According to Chapter 7 of the church's "Trial Regulations," he should be sentenced to death. !!"

This old man is a local judge. Although he is not a member of the Inquisition, his power is second only to the regional bishop.

Of course, in terms of strength, these judges are much stronger than the bishop. It is rumored that those who can serve as judges are all strongmen who failed to compete for the archbishop and retreated to the second line.

After hearing what Samoda said, the old man not only ignored him, but his eyes became more puzzled.

At this time, more and more god catchers rushed over.

But seeing Antu standing next to Xu Tong, he didn't make a move. He didn't understand the situation for a while, so he could only stand there and wait.

Xu Tong also took advantage of the opportunity and carefully sized up the old man with the help of his eye of fate.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it's startling when you see it.

I saw that the judge's body was billowing with holy light like wolf smoke. The powerful luck was almost suffocating, and his strength was simply unfathomable.

"Master Antu!!"

Seeing that Antu hadn't made any further moves, Samoda suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.


At this time, a black car came from a distance, the door opened, and an aura that was not inferior to that of Antu emerged.

The red bishop's robe, the collar that symbolizes the immaculate, and the yarmulke on the head have already explained the identity of the comer.

"Master Bishop!!"

When Samoda saw a familiar figure, he hurriedly shouted.

However, Andre's eyes did not stay on Samoda. When his eyes fixed on Xu Tong, there was a surprised look in his eyes.

Then he looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing that the Lord had arrived, Xu Tong stood up and patted the dust off his body, first bowed slightly to the archbishop in red, then turned around and bowed to Antu in the same way.

The difference was that, facing Xu Tong's salute, Antu took a half step back tactfully, and then squeezed out a stiff smile on his confused face and nodded to him.

"Master Andre, this gentleman said that you are going to throw me into the water prison of the Inquisition, is that so?"

Xu Tong turned around with a smile and pointed at Samoda at his feet, then looked at Andre.

"Sir Bishop..."

Samoda raised his neck with difficulty, hoping that the Archbishop would make the decision for him.

However, what surprised him was that just a quarter of an hour ago, the Archbishop, who had kindly patted him on the shoulder and promised him a bright future, took out a white glove from his sleeve and gently covered his mouth and nose.

He seemed to be worried about the gray air quality here, but as for him...he didn't even have a straight eye.

"I think it must be a misunderstanding. I didn't give any orders."

Andre simply denied it.

Suddenly Samoda was stunned, never thought that Archbishop Andre would deny it.

"I also think it's a misunderstanding."

Xu Tong smiled at Andre: "Just now we were attacked by monsters. Fortunately, this Mr. God Catcher desperately rescued me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will return to the embrace of God."

Andre frowned slightly, and a smile gradually appeared in the corner of his eyes.

However, in the next second, Xu Tong pointed the muzzle of the gun at Samoda's forehead, and said with a sad face: "It's a pity that this Mr. God Catcher sacrificed his precious life to save me. I hope there will be no heresies in heaven."

Samoda and Andre were startled at the same time.

Xu Tong's finger has pulled the trigger.


The ear-piercing gunshots rang out, and Samoda never dreamed that he would go to heaven in such a way of death.

And Andre's eyes were round, glaring at Xu Tong.

Xu Tong threw away the pistol in his hand, took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands: "Archbishop Evelyn is waiting for me, if there is nothing else, I will go first."

As he spoke, ignoring Andre's murderous gaze, he gracefully bowed and bid farewell to Antu behind him.

Antu didn't respond to this, but just watched Xu Tong leave indifferently.

For a moment, all the gods were stunned by this scene, and almost all of them subconsciously looked at Antu, the judge.

Killing the god arrester in the street, as a judge, isn't Antu going to say something?

Even Andre walked up to Antu with a livid face: "Antu, did you let him go like this?? You are dereliction of duty!"

Facing Andre's accusation, Antu said blankly: "Cultists who offend the gods are tantamount to betrayal!"

If Xu Tong has a problem with his physique, it can be used as an excuse for Andre, but when Xu Tong uses [Phaseless Power] to transform his dark physique into a light physique, he is the spokesperson from heaven, at least his soul carries The blessing of Archangel Michael is absolutely true, and no one can deny it.

The corner of Andre's mouth twitched, feeling the warning from Antu.

He could only turn his head angrily, looked at Samoda's body on the ground, and said unwillingly: "But this matter must always be reported to the church."

He didn't care about Samoda's death, but Samoda was beaten to death in front of him like this, which was definitely a great humiliation to his prestige.

Even though he has denied the order to arrest Kevin, everyone knows that Samoda must have received his own instructions.

Antu kept a cold face all the time, facing Andre's anger, he said unusually calmly.

"You type the report, I'll approve the note, and give him a death benefit..."

 Sorry, there are guests at home, so the code was suspended for a while, and the update is late
(End of this chapter)

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