Chapter 493
The god arrest, the judge, the bishop, the archbishop, these figures hovered in Xu Tong's mind, but Xu Tong was not surprised at all by the appearance of these people.

After all, you are the boss of the company, and you live a comfortable and comfortable life. Suddenly, a big leader comes in by air, and you don't even say hello, so you want to be happy?

So it is predictable that some people will make trouble for themselves, and even want to deal with themselves immediately when the situation is not clear.

I just didn't expect the action to be so fast.

But having said that, the presence of two archbishops in this place had to make him more careful.

The world of certified scripts will definitely not be less difficult than the scripts I have experienced.

This can be seen from the powerful auras of Andre, Antu, and last night's bishop Berent, as well as the fate above their heads.

Especially Antu, who was called the judge, made Xu Tong feel unprecedented pressure. This old man who seemed to be old and frail, his strength was unfathomable.

Xu Tong walked back to Morgan's house along the path, and saw the coachman waiting outside the gate.

Looks like Sal and Josie are back.

In addition to the coachman's carriage, there is also a red-topped carriage like Andre's that is parked outside the gate of Morgan's house.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't go in, but went to the coachman.

"Master? You are not..."

The coachman was startled, in his impression that those four-wheeled iron carts were often much faster than horse-drawn carriages, why did the young master appear here at this time.

Of course Xu Tong would not explain this question to the coachman. He looked at the coachman up and down. This was the first time he formally looked at the coachman in front of him who was fooled by Shar.

"What's your name?"

"Gandalf Arthur Merlin!"

Good guy, this name is also a must, and the auxiliary fighters and mages are all there.

Xu Tong coughed twice, and was also taken aback by this guy's name, so he rushed to this name, and he was about to order the driver.

He took out a money bag and threw it to the coachman. This money bag was taken from Angus's body by himself. Anyway, the dead don't need the money.

"These are your rewards for these two days."

There was a thick stack of purses, containing at least a hundred soli, such money as Gandalf had never seen in all his life.

If it was before, Gandalf might be crazy because of the money, but now seeing the money, his simple and honest face showed a worried expression.


Seeing his silence, Xu Tong couldn't help asking.

"No no no! God of light, I swear this money is enough for me to spend the rest of my life without any worries. It will allow me to return to my hometown to buy a large property, buy more than a dozen black slaves, and live as a landlord Master's life."

The salary in the city of Amantes is very high, and a skilled worker can get about one soli per month.

The corresponding prices are also very high, and the poor can hardly save any savings.

Just like the famous saying circulating in Amantes, Amantes makes money, Amantes spends, and don't even think about taking a penny home.

This situation is only limited to Amantes. For most of the empire's land, 100 soli is an astronomical sum.

In Gandalf's hometown, a black slave only cost 3 pence.

Therefore, Gandalf will never dislike the amount of money. What he worries about is whether he can still become the coachman of the Corleone family.

As a low-class coachman, Gandalf has never experienced the treatment of being looked at by those so-called high-class people in his life.

But in these two days, to be precise, since last night, even though he was just a coachman, he still became the focus of passing people on the street.

Even this morning, the owner of the bakery next to him kindly gave him a luxurious breakfast.

There are sausages, bread, vegetable salad and a glass of warm milk.

That's worth at least 3p.

Can you imagine how funny that mean guy is when he flirts with you.

Perhaps this money can allow him to return to his hometown to be a farmer, but it is absolutely impossible for him to experience this kind of attention wherever he goes, and he will even be greeted with a friendly smile.

After Gandalf expressed his worries, Xu Tong smiled and patted him on the arm: "Go back and have a rest, come back the day after tomorrow. I hope my coachman can dress more energetically."

It was definitely the most moving voice of encouragement Gandalf had ever heard.

After soothing Gandalf's emotions, Xu Tong walked back to the gate of Morgan's house.

The moment Xu Tong stepped into the gate, a strong sense of oppression hit like a tide, but when he sensed the radiant aura on Xu Tong's body, this sense of oppression immediately seemed to ebb again disappear as quickly as possible.

The tide ebbs and flows, leaving no trace like an antelope hanging horns.

When everyone saw that Master Kevin had returned safely, even the family's pet dog lay on the ground in relief.

"Thank you, Shengguang, you are finally back."

Master Morgan was so excited that he was about to cry. If Kevin didn't come back, no one in their family would survive tonight, oh, and the dog was no exception.

While waiting, the entire Morgan family seemed to be enveloped by an inexplicable force.

At first it was hot and you just felt a little bit hot.

And as time goes by, people find that every breath they take becomes extremely precious, and no one knows whether they will be able to breathe when they open their mouths in the next second.

The source of such a terrible sense of oppression was the figure sitting under the big tree on the lawn.

Archbishop Evelyn in red.

This man was more feminine than Xu Tong had imagined, and the slender corners of his eyes made his smile look even more sinister.

Even the gestures of hands and feet make people feel a strong sense of discomfort.

Compared with Andre, Evelyn's aura is sharper.

But all of this changed drastically when he saw Xu Tong himself.

Evelyn even walked forward quickly, raised Xu Tong's palm, and kissed him on the ring. Unlike Berent, he didn't need to kneel down to salute.

"Benevolent God, when Berent told me about you, I almost fainted from excitement. The church has not received contact from heaven for a long, long time."

As Evelyn said, she did not forget to stare at Xu Tong's body. Kevin's skin was already fair, and with the blessing of his sacred physique, Evelyn was like a living angel in Evelyn's eyes.

"I kept you waiting for a long time. In fact, I wanted to prepare some gifts for you, but unfortunately I encountered some unhappy things."

Xu Tong replied with a smile.

He believes that at this moment, Evelyn, who is also the archbishop, must already know what happened.

This is also his test of Evelyn, wanting to find out what this guy's attitude is.

If it's painting big cakes, then I have to consider running away.

Evelyn sighed, and said with a little regret: "Andre's character is too impatient, but no one will doubt his loyalty to the church, but as he grows old, he will inevitably be a little stubborn. Soon he will come and give you an explanation."

Having said that, Evelyn changed her voice: "But just like Andre's doubts, Berent's report last night said that your body seems to be..."

The church is very controversial about Xu Tong, and the reason is precisely because Berent's report clearly pointed out that this Earl Karen, who was blessed by the archangel Michael, has an unacceptable dark physique .

Angels and demons, these are incompatible enemies.

But occasionally there are some special cases, that is Nefilim.

It was the product of an angel's intercourse under the temptation of a demon.

Neither the Church nor the demons of Hell have much tolerance for the Nefilim.

But Berent couldn't be sure whether Kevin's identity was Nefilim, and it was this question that led to today's misunderstanding.

It wasn't until the moment when she saw Xu Tong herself that Evelyn was sure that the honorable Earl Kevin in front of her was a miracle belonging to their church.

Not dirty Nefilim.

Believe in this point, Andre has deeply realized his mistake.

So in order to avoid following in the footsteps of Andre, Evelyn needs to go further to understand the story of this miracle.

While the two were talking, they sat on chairs under the fruit tree.

At this time, Xu Tong noticed that behind Evelyn, there was still a warrior wearing armor standing all the time. pieces of sculpture.

But Evelyn didn't seem to intend to introduce Xu Tong.

So Xu Tong is not entangled in this issue.

As for the story... On this matter, Xu Tong talked too much.

He was silent for a moment, as if remembering something, and finally opened his mouth slowly under Evelyn's expectant eyes: "It all started with a dream I had..."



"Yes, Lord Antu, Archbishop Evelyn has submitted the report yesterday, and I believe the church will respond soon. This is another copy of the report we have obtained, as well as the identity information of Earl Kevin and the recent All relevant information."

"This explanation can also be explained. Even if the gods descend, mortals can't see them with their naked eyes. It's a dream but it seems to be the truth."

Antu glanced at the documents in front of him, his indifferent face showed a little solemnity.

"Master Antu, Samoda was killed by him just like that, is this just the way it is?"

Antu took a look at his subordinate. Obviously, for Samoda's death, as a god catcher, he would inevitably feel a kind of sadness in his heart.

"Martin, if you still admit that you are a servant of God, you'd better keep your mouth shut."

After Antu scolded Martin in a cold voice, he waved his hand to signal him to back down, turned around and approached the dilapidated church behind him, and lit the candles on the table.

"Really smart guy."

Antu picked up the document, put it on the candle and lit it, and when it burned, the ashes floated up, illuminating the faces of three men and one woman who were sitting and sitting.

"Pause the plan for a while, Isha, go and feel the bottom of this little guy. If he wants, he can invite him to join the team. If he doesn't want to, find a way to kill him."

The woman in the shadow stood up, gray fire drifted in front of her, just illuminating her long pink hair: "Understood, a little guy who hasn't completed the certification is easy to deal with, but this is extra work, remember to give I will add DKP..."

(End of this chapter)

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