Infinite script kill

Chapter 495 Aunt Stacy

Chapter 495 Aunt Stacy

At night, Tongte Hotel.

Xu Tong came to the gate of the hotel in a carriage.

He stretched out his hand to help Josie get out of the car.

The two golden boys and girls got off the carriage, which naturally attracted the attention of the men and women in front of the hotel.

Many people didn't recognize Kevin and Josie, but when they walked into the hotel, they were already destined to be the focus here.

A dazzling blue gem was inlaid on the black tuxedo. He had blond hair, dark blue eyes, and a smile at the corner of his mouth. Because of the addition of his dark physique, he exuded a more captivating aura.

Josie on the side was equally astounding. The white long dress shone with trivial fluorescence in the night. If you look closely, there are tiny diamonds on the hem of the skirt, and her long shawl hair makes her At that time she looked like a delicate porcelain doll.

Xu Tong raised his arm, took Josie's hand beside him, and stepped on the bright red carpet into the hotel gate.

"I'm a little nervous."

Sensing the gazes from all around, Qiao Qian unconsciously clenched Xu Tong's arm tightly with her fingers.

This is the first time she has participated in such a ball, and it is still in the Tongte Hotel, a place where the rich and powerful gather.

Unlike other rich and powerful children who were able to stand out on various social stages since childhood, the particularity of the Morgan family prevented Josie from even being able to enter a top-notch aristocratic academy.

How could Josie get in a circle that even Master Morgan couldn't squeeze into.

"It's okay, I'm here!"

Xu Tong patted Qiao Qian's little hand without any trace, and led her to the special elevator, took out the invitation letter from Master Moses from his arms, and handed it to the doorman.

The doorman is not very old, even standing there is as tall as Xutong Qiaoxi.

Seeing this, he was stunned for a moment, his eyes seemed to have never been able to move away from the golden couple in front of him, until the supervisor not far away rushed over, raised his hand and slapped him on the shoulder hard, Only then did the doorman come back to his senses.

He hurriedly opened the elevator door, and was so flustered that he didn't even receive the invitation letter.

It wasn't until the supervisor with a smiling face hurriedly took the invitation letter from Xu Tong that Xu Tong took his hand back.

The two got on the elevator, and when the elevator door closed, they could still hear the supervisor cursing at the doorman.

"If my family didn't have money, I might be in a worse situation."

Josie's expression darkened. Perhaps it was because she failed to enter a noble school. Josie had been arranged to study in some ordinary public schools, so she had seen many students from poor families who were forced to drop out of school and work part-time.

Xu Tong looked at Qiao Qian and patted her palm to signal her not to be afraid.

The two took the elevator to the twelfth floor of the hotel.

This hotel has a total of thirteen floors, but the elevator can only reach the twelfth floor, because the rooms on the No. 13th floor are only eligible for the dance party.


After the elevator door was opened, there was already a professional cameraman who instantly pressed the shutter.

"Bang!!" White smoke was emitting from the spotlight.

After a brief flash, the sound of music and the gorgeous dance hall were revealed in front of the two.

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to the elevator door.

Whether it is a man or a woman, there is an amazing look in their eyes.

"Oh, Josie!!"

A woman in a dark blue dress came out of the crowd and shouted at Josie.

"Aunt Stacie"

Josie rolled up her skirt and bowed slightly.

"Oh, child, I've seen it since you were a child. Your beauty is enough to light up half the night sky in Amantes."

Stacy took Josie's little hand and praised.

Then, before Qiao Qian could speak, she looked aside at Xu Tong.

"Hey, what a handsome young man, you must be Earl Kevin."

The woman stared at Xu Tong first, and those fiery eyes scanned Xu Tong's delicate face. Xu Tong was very familiar with such eyes, and the eyes of the three little guys in the hall were also so impatient when they were eating.

On the way here, Josie had already mentioned this aunt to him, and it could be seen that she had a very good relationship with this aunt.

"Mrs. Staci, hello." Xu Tong stepped forward and nodded.

This made Stacie put her slightly raised hand on her skirt again in disappointment.

In fact, Mrs. Staci looks good, even though she is two years older than Mrs. Morgan, but her plump figure, fair skin and her charming eyes are simply the ultimate stunner for all ages.

At this time, the music sounded, and people had already started to enter the dance hall.

Staci immediately said to Josie, "This song is very suitable for face-to-face dancing, can Josie borrow your dance partner?"

Josie was taken aback, not knowing what to say for a moment.

But Staci didn't give her a chance to refuse, she put her hand in front of Xu Tong: "Then Earl Kevin must be fine."

The naked greed in Staci's eyes made Xu Tong instinctively want to refuse, but seeing Josie's reluctance and unwillingness in her eyes, she couldn't bear to refuse.

Xu Tong raised his hand and nodded in agreement.

It's not too lively to watch a play, and you can bear it if your aunt pries your wall in front of you?

Stand up quickly, and greet this old woman with the posture of grabbing a mistress.

I have something to worry about.

However, to Xu Tong's disappointment, Qiao Qian finally bowed her head and acquiesced.

"Earl Kevin, I noticed you last time at Morgan's house."

While talking, Staci had already dragged Xu Tong to the dance floor.

When they saw that Staci was so close to the water, the noble ladies standing aside stomped their feet angrily.

But there is also no lack of ambiguous eyes showing each other, although they are reluctant to let the bitch Staci get the first blood, this kind of thing only needs to be done once, then they can line up and walk into the little guy's room.

Xu Tong didn't respond, and looked at Staci with both eyes, as if he was still struggling with where to put his hands.

Because of the height difference, Kevin's height is a head shorter than Stacie's, and his hands don't seem to fit anywhere.

With his clumsy expression, he could tell he was a rookie.

"Put your hands here."

Staci pulled his hand and put it on her hip, while the other hand was held in Xu Tong's palm, and her fingertips swept back and forth in his palm, which was very provocative.

Accompanied by the sound of the music, Staci leaned forward, and because of the height difference, the pair of mountain peaks on her chest almost hit Xu Tong's nose.

Faced with such a blatant provocation, Xu Tong refused. He never liked sloped mountains, but Staci didn't seem to notice that Xu Tong was deliberately avoiding him, and she thought he was shy, so she kept talking. Try to stick the body up.

Seeing this, Xu Tong could only use his trump card, stepping forward with one foot.


The veins on Stacie's forehead tensed.

Xu Tong quickly took a step back and looked at Staci with an innocent face: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Staci, I... I didn't do it on purpose."

There was a nervous expression on that exquisite facial features, it was so cute that it made people feel distressed.

Stacy resisted the severe pain in her toes, and held Xu Tong's shoulders, as if she had found a balance to rely on, she twisted her body, softly approached her ears, and blew a breath of hot air on the base of his ears:
"It's all right, but don't call me Mrs. Stacy anymore...

call me aunt. "

This time, Staci was even bolder and caressed Xu Tong's shoulder with one hand, her fingers slipped from Xu Tong's shoulder to his chest as if boneless.

Feeling the solid muscles on the little guy's chest, Staci was excited to feel bursts of crispness on her chest...ah!!
Staci's scream finally attracted everyone's attention.

When everyone saw that Staci, who was already in pain and couldn't stand still, seemed to be wearing a painful mask on her face, but that Mr. Kevin was standing one meter away with an innocent expression on his face, they had already guessed what happened.

There were bursts of light laughter from everyone present, even Xu Tong could feel the mocking and mocking looks from all around.

"I'm sorry... Stasiv... Auntie!"

Getting stomped on twice at a dance was clearly off to a bad start.

Staci glared at Xu Tong with resentful eyes, but when she saw Kevin's concerned eyes, the resentment in Staci's heart disappeared instantly.

"Hehe, it's okay Kevin, it's just an accident, don't take it to heart, but I'm afraid I won't be able to continue dancing with you, I'll go back to the room to rest first, can you take me back to the room, Kevin."

Stacy said in a seductive tone.

This trick has been her tried and tested trump card, as long as she enters the room, she will have a hundred ways to turn this shy little milk dog into a violent teddy dog.

Xu Tong hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Qiao Qian who was sitting not far away: "I'm sorry, Aunt Staci, I swore when I went out that I would never let Josie out of my sight, I can't let her alone People are sitting there."

Faced with Xu Tong's refusal, Staci was extremely disappointed, but she knew very well the most sincere feelings in the hearts of children of this age.

Although very unwilling, she still nodded: "Of course, I don't worry about Josie being here alone."

After watching Staci leave, Xu Tong walked up to Qiao Qian.

Josie said with a half smile but not a smile, "I really thought you could dance."

It is very impolite to step on a female partner's toes at a dance, and if you step on it twice in a row, you will be laughed at.

Xu Tong looked around, and sure enough, many people had started whispering in the corner. Even in the noisy dance, Xu Tong could clearly hear those voices mocking him.

He didn't take it seriously, and the sound of the music gradually slowed down at this time.

Xu Tong smiled and didn't explain this issue. He just took Qiao Qian's hand, bowed slightly and said, "If you want to know, let's dance a piece of music together first."

Qiao Qian looked at the rose that Xu Tong handed over, and after a few seconds, she nodded and followed Xu Tong to the dance floor.

This caused the ladies who were hiding next to him to sigh again.

Clearly regretting this missed opportunity.

The piano plays a gentle accompaniment, which is a classic piece of music [Saxophone's Light]

It is very suitable for difficult dances such as ballroom dancing.

When everyone saw Xu Tong entering the dance floor again, they couldn't help but look sideways. They didn't know if someone arranged it deliberately, or they wanted to see Earl Kevin's jokes.

There was not even a single person beside the two of them, and a large space was specially vacated for them.

"Can you really do it?"

Josie was a little worried about her toes.

"Believe me, I once had a teacher who dominated the dance halls at one point."

"All right!"

Facing Xu Tong's kindness, Qiao Qian could only choose to believe it.

Accompanied by the melody of the music, the steps of the two began to dance on the dance floor.

Those who originally wanted to see Xu Tong's jokes gradually realized that the dancing posture of the little Earl Kevin did not look like a novice at all.

Not only that, but Xu Tong's dance moves became faster and faster, making Qiao Qian almost unable to keep up with her rhythm.

Now everyone will understand.

All of a sudden, the ladies looked at Staci in unison.

The co-author is not a novice, but he deliberately stepped on your toes because he didn't want to dance with you at all.

Stacie already had a cold face, looking at the two people on the dance floor, her eyes seemed to be about to burst into flames, she put down her wine glass angrily, turned around and walked back to the room upstairs.

At the end of the song, Xu Tong stopped Qiao Qian's waist with one hand, and the other hand snaked upwards. Suddenly, with a flick of his fingers, a paper rose appeared in his hand. As Xu Tong pinched it, the rose's The petals open slowly.

"It's for you!"

For a moment, the scene made the women present scream with jealousy.


The photographer was very keen to capture the scene in front of him. I believe this photo will be enough to hit the headlines of the newspaper tomorrow.

Qiao Qian picked up the rose with a blushing face, but after giving Xu Tong a hard look, the two finished their curtain call and exited the dance floor.

As soon as she got off the dance floor, Josie walked to the window with her head down.

"Why are you unhappy?"

Seeing Qiao Qian's disappointed expression, Xu Tong walked aside and asked.

"You shouldn't embarrass your aunt like this, she will be very sad."

Josie sighed and looked out the window: "Actually, she is a poor person, but she is not a bad person."

"Oh, are you really so sure?"

Xu Tong knew better than Qiao Qian whether Staci was suffering or not. She had seen Staci's fate when she was dancing just now, and she had a crush on her.

People with such a fate, whether male or female, are all skittish.

And in the end, there are often no good results.

"She just didn't have a choice."

Josie raised her head: "If I wasn't Miss Morgan's, you wouldn't treat me like this, would you?"

Xu Tong did not deny it, this is a fact, and there is no need to deny it.

Qiao Qian sighed: "Actually, in this era, many people have no choice."

She remembered very clearly that there was a female classmate with whom she got along very well in school, named Daphne, the two had a good relationship, and she even visited her home as a guest.

It's just that her family background is not good. There are seven children in the family. The mother needs to take care of her younger siblings all day long, while the father can only support them with a meager salary.

I remember that when I went to their house for the first time, Daphne's mother brought out a cake for her to eat.

That was the smell she could still remember until now, a burnt smell, the taste was so hard that she almost bit her tongue.

But this does not affect the friendship between the two.

Until one day, Daphne didn't go to school for several days.

I found Daphne's mother and asked, but Daphne's mother could only cry and tell her that Daphne had gone to work.

Where to go to work, Daphne's mother did not say.

When she said this, Josie's voice gradually trembled.

Fingers tightly clutching Xu Tong's arm, Xu Tong could feel the fear radiating from Qiao Qian's body.

"She died later, and when people found her, she had been devoured by wild dogs beyond recognition.

It is said that her father sold her to a brothel. She was disobedient and was tortured to death and thrown into the wild. "

Xu Tong patted her shoulder lightly.

"Aunt Staci is actually the same. She just wants to be more courageous and choose to pursue the life she desires. There is nothing wrong with her."

Josie could still recall that when she was a child, Aunt Staci would often bring her all kinds of delicious food, and even secretly took her to see the parade.

Josie also seemed to realize that she talked too much today, maybe because of the doorman in front of the elevator, she suddenly felt a little touched.

"Sorry, maybe I shouldn't have told you this."

"It's ok!"

Xu Tong handed over the handkerchief, wanting to divert this heavy topic, raised his head and looked out the window: "Look, the moon is quite round tonight."

Josie raised her head upon hearing this, but instead of seeing the moon, she saw a bloody human head hanging in the air.

Under the illumination of the light in the room, the head turned slowly, revealing that familiar face, it was Aunt Staci who loved her dearly...

 Don't wait for the next update, it will probably be later.

(End of this chapter)

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