Infinite script kill

Chapter 496 Monster

Chapter 496 Monster
When the head was driven by the wind and hit the glass, Josie didn't even scream this time, she passed out directly.

Thanks to Xu Tong's sharp eyesight, he quickly hugged Qiao Qian into his arms.

He raised his head and looked at the head hanging outside the window: "Another one died!"

The last time it was Angus, this time it was Stacey. The two died one after another. What's even more strange is that I didn't see any signs of bloody disaster from the luck of the two.

Could it be that his own Fate Eye Qimen has failed?

Thinking of the dim light in Xu Tong's eyes, and the activation of the Fate Eye, the mottled world in front of him was instantly stripped of color and turned into a black and white world.

He looked up to see a dark shadow on the ceiling disappearing fast.

"It's this thing again!"

Xu Tong put Qiao Qian down first, and then quickly chased up the stairs and jumped up the steps. A waiter carrying a drink was about to bump into him. Xu Tong tipped his toes, but dodged lightly.

The black figure hiding in the ceiling of the eighteenth floor paused, and seemed to have sensed something, then accelerated and rushed towards the window.

The speed of the black shadow was extremely fast, and when Xu Tong caught up with it, it rushed out directly ignoring the glass of the window.

But what Heiying didn't expect was that Xu Tong didn't intend to stop at all. He stepped on the wall of the corridor with one foot and jumped up facing the window.

You must know that this is the eighteenth floor of the hotel, and the windows are directly facing the height of tens of meters, but Xu Tong doesn't care at all.


Broken glass surrounded Xu Tong, shining with silver light.

As soon as he raised his hand, a large piece of paper flew out of his hand, and these pieces of paper reorganized in mid-air, turning into a paper sword.

What is even more surprising is that he stepped on the paper sword and flew in the sky.

"Jingle Bell……"

With the charm bell in hand, the voice of charm is activated.

The Voice of Charm
Consuming 5 script points, you can use the Charm Bell to make a violent sound, and produce a mental attack on the target within 15 meters around.

Deals huge damage to ghost creatures.

There is a 20% chance that the ghost will be temporarily unable to act.

There is a 10% chance that the ghost will be dissipated.

The hollow ringtone echoed in the night sky, causing the black shadow to instantly lose its center of gravity and quickly fall from midair.

After the black shadow landed on the roof of the house downstairs, it quickly rolled on the ground, revealing a dark human silhouette.

She raised her left arm, put her right hand under the elbow of her left arm, and black starbursts appeared in her palm.

Suddenly, a dark red light spot appeared in front of Xu Tong out of thin air, and then exploded.

The violent explosion shattered the glass of the surrounding residents' homes.

Xu Tong shielded his body with both arms, and the dress on his body was blown apart. After rolling in mid-air, he landed firmly on the ground.

But the flying sword under his feet also turned into a fireball in the explosion and fell down. Under the light of the fire, the black shadow gradually emerged from his real body.

With pitch-black skin, most of his face was covered by a metal mask, only the left eye was exposed, staring at Xu Tong who jumped down in mid-air.

The most terrifying thing is her lower body, which is not a human body, but a worm-like body.

"Is this a monster?"

Xu Tong's eyes looked up and down on Chong Nu. It was completely different from the wandering spirits and ghosts he was familiar with. On the contrary, it was a bit like the ghosts in the Yin and Yang Dao.

But those low-level ghosts can't use magic attacks, and more importantly, the ghosts don't have a particularly high IQ.

This can be reflected in getting rich.

Seeing that she missed a hit, the worm girl continued to cast magic.

A strange black rune appeared on her arm, and with the appearance of the rune, Xu Tong felt the faint fluctuations in the space around her.


Seeing this, Xu Tong backed away quickly.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

In an instant, a steady stream of explosions exploded around Xu Tong.

The fire was as brilliant as fireworks, but the constant explosions also woke up the surrounding residents.

A burly man with a scar on his face poked his head out of the window. After apparently being disturbed to rest, he began to curse loudly: "Son of a bitch, I'm going to smash your head off with a hammer."

The worm girl raised her hand, and in the next second, a red flame exploded in front of the strong man's face, directly blasting his head into meat sauce.

Xu Tong kept dodging until a red flame suddenly appeared behind him.

"not good!"

It seemed that she didn't expect that Chong Nu's magic could still be used in this way, and it exploded unexpectedly, disrupting Xu Tong's position, and fell to the ground in embarrassment in the flames, and the lazy donkey rolled and fell from the ground.

Seeing this, Chong Nu jumped down almost without hesitation, and rushed towards him at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye. Her long red nails on her fingers grabbed Xu Tong's face.

Facing the decisive blow, Xu Tong suddenly raised his head and grinned. He hadn't exerted all his strength, and even deliberately suppressed his breath, just for this moment, waiting for her to attack on his own initiative.

A cold light flashed in Xu Tong's eyes, and after he stopped suppressing the breath on his body, the devilish energy gushed out from his skin.

All of a sudden, a terrifying aura made the worm unconsciously feel fear, as if there was something about the blond boy in front of her that made her feel afraid.

Demon blood LV1.

This is the skill brought by Lilith's heart.

All dark skills are upgraded by one level, and have bloodline suppression.

Bloodline Suppression: Low-level demons will have a natural fear of you, and even as long as you are strong enough, demons will become your slaves.

This kind of fear seemed to be engraved in her bones, causing her body to stiffen for a short time, even after just a second, the worm girl had forcibly expelled this fear from her mind.

But... it's too late.

A second difference between a master's move is already enough to determine life and death, not to mention that in Xu Tong's eyes, the bug in front of him is not even a master. If it wasn't for capturing her alive, he wouldn't have to go through such trouble. She hit the road.

I saw Xu Tong raised his hands, and two golden short swords appeared in the palms of his hands, intersecting with each other, bursting out an invisible sword energy, accompanied by the scream of the insect, two arms were cut off by Xu Tong .

The sword energy was activated, and the effect was even better than he thought.

At the same time as cutting off the arms of the woman, Fa Cai turned out to be like two golden snakes, wrapping around the body of the woman quickly. The two ropes were quickly wrapped around, and then merged into one, forming a square golden lump.

For a while, except for the head of the worm girl, the whole body was firmly bound.

"Bring it in and let me interrogate!"

Xu Tong noticed that the cut off arm of Chong Nu turned into ashes in an instant. With the effect of the charm bell, it can be concluded that she is not an entity. Since she is not an entity, it should be similar to a ghost. Take it into the entrance of the hall.

After all, there was a lot of movement just now, and Xu Tong didn't want to attract so much attention so soon.

I saw Da Ya wriggling her tail, stretching her arms out from the entrance of the hall, and she couldn't help but was grabbed into the entrance of the hall without resistance.

After capturing the monster Chongnv alive, Xu Tong returned to the hotel.

On the way, he also found a place with few people and changed into a set of cleaner clothes.

It's a pity that the expensive dress that Mr. Morgan prepared for him was ruined like this.

When they rushed back, the hotel was already surrounded by police detectives who arrived late.

Not only police detectives, Xu Tong also found a few familiar faces, who are the arresters.

These catchers seem to have had a face-to-face meeting with Xu Tong when they supported Samoda last time, and Xu Tong still has a little impression.

"Lord Kevin."

When they saw Xu Tong's figure appearing outside the gate of Tongte Hotel, these god catchers immediately trotted over, obviously heaving a sigh of relief.

So when they learned that a strange murder had occurred in Tongte Hotel, they didn't care at first.

There are things that happen in the murder case, nothing unusual.

If it's an abnormal event, the police patrolling the street or the police station will come to report it.

After learning that Earl Kevin was also at the scene, half of the arresters from the Inquisition rushed over.

Although the church has not officially notified it yet, the news has already been passed down.

The church is likely to directly give the teenage boy in front of him the position of senior bishop.

Don't underestimate this position. You must know that Berent has been teaching the Word for so many years, but he is only a senior bishop.

Although the two seem to be on the same level, one is the starting point and the other is the end point, which are completely different concepts.

A red-clothed archbishop died near Amantes before. This incident has cast a shadow over the entire church, and even caused two archbishops, Evelyn and Andre, to investigate the case.

This matter cannot yet be characterized as dereliction of duty by the Inquisition, but if Earl Kevin was harmed in Amantes, then they would not only be charged with dereliction of duty, but even the death of the previous cardinal might be Count it on their heads.

At one time, six captains, four of them rushed over with the team.

There are two more... One is Samoda who was killed by Xu Tong, and the other needs to be guarded by the Inquisition.

After rushing over, I realized that there was indeed a problem. Someone found the magic dust left by the monster.

What frightened them even more was that Earl Kevin chased them out.

Fortunately, Xu Tong had already rushed over at this time, otherwise they might be going crazy.

Escorted by two god arresters, Xu Tong returned to the seventeenth floor.

The scene here has been sealed off, and Qiao Qian was sitting on the sidelines and waiting helplessly. She didn't relax until she saw Xu Tong come back.

Xu Tong stepped forward, held her hand and whispered a few comforting words, then turned around and saw four middle-aged men standing aside and waiting.

"Wait here, I'll go take a look."

As he said that, he wanted to go up to have a look at the scene, but Josie's hand was tightly clutching her sleeve.

Staring at himself with terrified eyes, it seemed that he did not intend to let go.

For a teenage girl, no matter how precocious she is in the face of the tragic death of her relatives, it will be difficult for a while to recover.

"Don't worry, I'll be with you."

Xu Tong lowered his voice as much as possible, and at the same time opened his palm, and saw a small paper man appearing in his hand. The paper man was exquisitely made and held a sword in his hand. People like it just by looking at it.

"This is given to you by the dragon slaying warrior. He will protect you if you are in danger."

While Xu Tong was speaking, he secretly activated the spirit-enchanting technique to bless the paper figurine.

(End of this chapter)

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