Infinite script kill

Chapter 497 Devil Summoning Array

Chapter 497 Devil Summoning Array

Qiao Qian picked up Xu Tong's paper figurine, and the panic in her eyes gradually calmed down.

Xu Tong motioned to the two god catchers who had brought him upstairs to take Qiao Qian back first, then went upstairs to Staci's room.

The reason why he came up was to figure out some things.

Before it was Angus, now it's Stacy.

If the former is a coincidence, the latter has to be suspect.

But the problem is that before the two died, there was no sign of bloody disaster in their fate and luck.

This kind of situation would be called violent death in China.

Sudden death, sudden sudden death, the calamity does not show that fate should not be counted, cannot be known.

The ghosts who die violently often cannot get out of the underworld, and their souls can only drift in the world of the underworld. Only the great revenge can be avenged, or there is an expert who can save them, otherwise they will not be able to enter the underworld.

And there is only one condition to meet the condition of violent death, killing unconsciously.

The murderer probably had no intention of killing him at all, so his luck would not show signs of a bloody disaster.

But for some unknown reason, the murderer suddenly changed his mind.

If this is the case, why every murder case will appear by my side.

Did the deceased happen to be someone he knew? ?
At this moment Staci's body had been packed into a body bag.

There was blood and bloody handprints everywhere in the room. I am afraid that the business of this hotel will not be good for a long time in the future.

As for the poor woman, Staci, it can be seen from the report that her intestines were pulled out alive, and then her hair was tied with the intestines before her head was cut off and thrown out of the window.

Apart from those inhuman monsters, I really don't know who else could do such a thing to the beautiful Miss Staci.

"It was found in the room."

A catcher took out the clues found in the room, a transparent glass bottle with a pinch of black powder inside.

This is magic dust.

Seeing this thing, this case is a sure thing for monsters to kill.

The four captains who followed Xu Tong looked at each other. This was what they were most worried about.

The captain named Yate walked up to Xu Tong: "Count Kevin, I am very sorry for the fact that the monster blatantly killed people under your nose. I swear that I will solve the case as soon as possible."

Of course Xu Tong would not tell him that he had captured all the monsters, so he did not expect you to solve the case at all.

"It's okay, do your best, is there any other clues??"

Captain Yate looked back at his companions, and seeing them shaking their heads, he had no choice but to say:
"Not yet, but this case is likely to be against the Morgan family, or against you, otherwise why would the deceased be related to the Morgan family, every time you were present."

After finishing speaking, Art was stunned for a moment, and found that Earl Kevin was staring at him, and suddenly realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly explained what he meant.

"Don't get me wrong, I mean...uh...maybe the monster is here waiting for you to come in."

Now Count Kevin in front of him looked even more unkind, and reminded Art coldly:

"When Mrs. Staci died, I was still downstairs with Ms. Josie. Everyone can testify to this. Second, Staci is Ms. Josie's aunt. I hope you can use your brain to say something. "

Yate was turned pale by Xu Tong, and he didn't know how to explain it for a while, so he could only look at his companion for help.

As a result, without exception, they chose to ignore Art's request for help.

Just kidding, I pushed you out, isn't it just to take the blame.

In fact, I can't blame Art for thinking this way. After all, Mrs. Staci's hospitality and her hobby of 'opening bottle caps' for those noble young masters have long been known to everyone.

And in the confession they learned, there was indeed a section where Mrs. Staci and Earl Kevin danced. Afterwards, Mrs. Staci went upstairs and returned to the room to rest.

According to common sense, at this time, Mrs. Staci would have secretly left some information for Earl Kevin, waiting for Earl Kevin to come to the door?
So there may be no problem with Art's inference.

But when he told this matter, whether it was true or not, Xu Tong couldn't admit it, otherwise, with the big mouths of these people, he might put a label on himself.

"Any other clues??"

Arthur shook his head.

Seeing the dumb expressions of these guys, Xu Tong completely despaired of amateur players like them who couldn't even protect the scene.

These detectives are not as professional as ordinary police detectives in criminal investigation skills.

He looked around the room while activating the Eye of Fate.

In the world of black and white tones, those special things began to stand out, and Xu Tong even discovered the reason why these gods had no sound when they walked.

There seemed to be something strange under their shoes that blocked the sound.

In addition, there are many strange colors shining on the body. If there is no accident, it should be their equipment.

"Let your people go out first. This is the scene of the murder, not the vegetable garden on the street. Why do you let so many people in?"

After hearing Xu Tong's order, the catcher in the room obediently exited the room immediately.

Even Yate and his four captains could only stand obediently outside the door.

Xu Tong observed the direction of the blood in the room.

After reporting the death of Mrs. Staci, she silently walked to the bedside.

A large pool of blood on the ground can prove that Mrs. Staci's first fatal injury was here.

By the way the wound...

Xu Tong lowered his head and tried to bend down.

Feeling his defenseless chrysanthemum, he concluded that this posture should be correct, and then he looked at an earring that fell under the edge of the bed.

It's just that Xu Tong didn't look at the earrings, but looked at the bottom of the bed.

There was nothing under the black bed.

But if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that there are traces of candles at the bottom of the bed, and there seems to be some pattern carved on the bottom of the bed.

Seeing this, Xu Tong raised his head, beckoning the catchers outside the door to come in, and move the bed away.

When people moved the bed boards away, a black inverted five-star pattern appeared in front of everyone.

Now the faces of Yate and others suddenly became ugly.

"It's a demon summoning circle."

They rummaged around the room together, but no one found such an obvious place.

However, what made them feel even more stressed was that this turned out to be a demon summoning circle.

Obviously, someone was summoning a demon here, but was forced to stop after being interrupted by Staci.

Staci was also killed because she was going to pick up earrings and found this thing.

Now the matter is even more serious. Some people dare to summon demons in the city. This has touched the bottom line of the church. Once discovered, the whole family will be arrested and tortured in the Inquisition. Was sent to the gallows.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Yate and others immediately ordered the entire hotel to be sealed off, and they could only enter but not exit.

Everyone has to accept strict cross-examination, and even conduct sacred artifact induction.

Sacred artifact induction is to use the special sacred artifact to test. If this person is contaminated with a little bit of devil's breath, it will be sensed by the sacred artifact.

At that time, the Inquisition will not care what your reason is, throw it into the prison of the Inquisition first, and try the whole set of torture of the Inquisition before you can talk.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as Xu Tong.

Archbishop Evelyn has explained Xu Tong's dream to the church.

According to Xu Tong's dream, when he was helping the archangel, his body was polluted by the demon Lilith, and only a few days a month can temporarily eliminate the pollution of the demonic energy in his body.

It was also his sacrifice that allowed the archangel to defeat the demon Lilith and obtain the blessing of the archangel.

Hmm... Although it's shameless to put all the credit on myself, which is a bit bragging, but the approval of the archangel is an iron-like fact.

No one can refute this.

What? ?You do not believe?Then go up and ask yourself.

Therefore, the church has recognized Xu Tong's current state, and it is not up to Xu Tong to sense the sacred artifact.

The mess here, just leave it to the Inquisition to clean up.

After confirming the cause of Staci's death, Xu Tong returned to Morgan's house in a carriage.

As soon as Xu Tong entered, he found that the atmosphere in Morgan's house was very strange.

Mr. Morgan sat on the table with a downcast expression, while Mrs. Morgan smiled happily.

Do not!It should not be described as happy anymore, I can't wait to go outside and set off two strings of firecrackers to celebrate.

"what happened??"

Xu Tong asked Shar.


Shar was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to explain the complex relationship of this family.

After thinking for a moment, he whispered: "This is a family ethics drama."

Well, obviously I underestimated Mrs. Stacy's charm, no wonder Mrs. Morgan was so happy.

But this is a family matter, Xu Tong is not so gossip.

After saying hello to the Morgan couple briefly, he took Shar upstairs.

"Where's Josie?"

"Miss Josie locked herself in the door when she came back, and no one was allowed in except the family dog."

Shar was very sympathetic to what happened to Miss Josie.

They even had some doubts, whether they were the legendary broom stars, why the two of them died immediately when they came to Morgan's house.

Xu Tong nodded and signaled to Shar to take care of Qiao Qian for the next few days.

Then he walked into the room, locked the door, took out a yellow incense from the item book, pinched it with his fingers, lit the incense, and then sat cross-legged on the bed, with the help of the green smoke rising from the incense, his consciousness gradually entered the hall behind him. in the mouth.

He will study hard today, what are the Western ghosts in this world...

(End of this chapter)

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