Infinite script kill

Chapter 498 Honorary Bishop

Chapter 498 Honorary Bishop
In the middle of the night, when the yellow incense standing on the table gradually burned out, Xu Tong slowly opened his eyelids, and saw that he stretched out his hand, and he threw a black elixir into the item book.

【The Evil of Death】

The person who eats it will be blessed with a negative, and will encounter a catastrophe within three hours, and before the death, the luck of the person who eats it will increase by 70.00%.

If the eater can avoid this catastrophe of sudden death, the luck will be permanently increased by 30.00%.

This elixir was refined by a worm girl.

It can be said that blessing and misfortune depend on each other, a double-edged sword.

But it was not the pill that made Xu Tong look serious, but the words of Chong Nu.

This guy didn't say a word in front of the hall, no matter how big Ya used methods.

Until his will came to the hall, relying on his absolute authority in the hall and under the threat of hellfire.

The bug girl opened her mouth.

However, she did not explain why she killed Gruss and Staci, but told Xu Tong another piece of information with a grim face.

"The container has been prepared, and it won't be long before all the people in Amantes will become sacrifices!"

After saying this, Chong Nu wanted to destroy herself, so Xu Tong could only throw it directly into the fairy furnace, and finally got this thing in exchange.

What is a container? ?

Moreover, the entire Amantes people must be sacrificed!

This short sentence contained amazing information, and Xu Tong couldn't help but think of the two archbishops, Evelyn and Andre, who came here.

Maybe the archbishop who was killed was inextricably linked to this incident.


"No, that bitch can only be thrown into the trash can. She doesn't deserve to be buried in the same cemetery as our family's ancestors, and don't expect me to read the eulogy for her!"

"Anna! Her body is still in the funeral home..."

"Bang... bang..."

The sound of glass shattering came from downstairs. Listening carefully, it was the voices of the Morgans. The two seemed to be arguing about Staci's funeral.

I remember Josie said that this aunt was not very popular in their family, and now it seems that she really is.

Xu Tong shook his head. He shielded part of his perception, and didn't want to hear the quarrel downstairs. He has always had an attitude towards other people's family affairs, keeping his distance.

He couldn't help looking out of the window. Amantes was quiet in the night, only the chimneys of the factory in the distance were still emitting black smoke.

"Auspicious guy, why hasn't there been any news for so long!"

Since the last time I asked Ji Xiang to contact the local mouse to find out all the information about Amantes for himself, this guy is like a lost husky, and he hasn't even sent back any news.

Although I can use my status as the head teacher to forcefully summon it and order it to come back immediately, but after thinking about it, I still plan to wait for another two days to see.

"Bang bang bang..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Xu Tong opened the door, it was Qiao Qian.

Her hair was loose, she was only wearing a very thin pajamas, her eyes were fixed on Xu Tong's body, she stretched out her arms and hugged Xu Tong without saying a word.

I don't know if it was because of the cold or because of fear, but her arms were trembling slightly.

"Can I sleep with you, I dare not close my eyes."


There is also a Labrador squatting on the side.

One person and one dog stared at him pitifully, Xu Tong wanted to refuse, after all, he was a widow...but then he thought about it, since when did he start caring about this thing?
"I knew you would never forget her, that bitch is not worthy of being my sister!"

"You are simply unreasonable. It has been so many years. She is just a cold corpse now. What else can I do to the corpse! Anna is your sister with the same father and mother, don't you have the heart to let her Shall not even my soul rest in peace?"

The noise downstairs was still going on, Qiao Qian buried her head in Xu Tong's arms and hugged her hands much tighter.

"come in!"

Xu Tong could no longer refuse.

After closing the door, Xu Tong lay on the bed and let Qiao Qian hug him.

"Are you going?"

Qiao Qian still kept her eyes open and put her head on Xu Tong's heart, as if she would remember something terrible when she closed her eyes.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because you are an angel, all angels in the story will leave this world."

"Hey, actually, I prefer to be buried in the soil..."

In the dark room, two people were talking in whispers, and occasionally a light laugh could be heard.

Of course, it is not only a happy laugh, but occasionally Xu Tong's displeased complaint can be heard: "Stupid dog, don't press my leg, let me get down!"


Gradually the sound became smaller and smaller. Qiao Qian was pillowed in Xu Tong's arms and her ear was pressed against his heart. The strong and powerful heartbeat sounded like a lullaby, making her close her eyes and fall asleep slowly. go down.

At noon the next day.

Master Moses sat in a chair with dark circles under his eyes.

And Mrs. Moses' eyes were red and swollen, which made her look extraordinarily funny.

Neither of the two spoke. It must have been arguing all night, their throats were broken, and they couldn't speak at all.

Xu Tong and Qiao Qian were still eating.

At this moment, Shar came over.

"Master, Archbishop Evelyn is here and said he wants to see you." After speaking, she raised her head and looked at Josie: "And Miss Josie."


Everyone was stunned, and the Morgans couldn't help but look at Josie, with worried eyes.

After all, they had personally experienced the horror of Archbishop Evelyn last time. The terrifying power that suffocated all the living creatures in the entire Morgan family without saying a word or even moving a finger was seen by Master Morgan. Come on, that's God.

"Let's go."

Xu Tong wiped his mouth and stood up.

It is estimated that Evelyn's coming should be because her status in the church has been officially recognized, and the next step is to see the arrangement of the church.

As for why he wanted to see Qiao Qian, Xu Tong didn't know, but everyone had already come, so he would know if he asked her face to face.

Evelyn did not enter the house of the Morgans, but still sat under the fruit tree and waited for Xu Tong.

The armored guard beside him seemed to be standing behind him like a statue.

The difference is that Art and Bishop Berent were there last night, but unfortunately they could only stand obediently in front of Evelyn.

After seeing Xu Tong, a smile gradually appeared on Evelyn's face, and she stepped forward to carefully measure Xu Tong: "I haven't seen the pure dark breath for a long time."

The last time we met, Xu Tong used the power of no phase to temporarily change his dark physique into a divine physique, but the skills of no phase power have a time limit.

Now he came to see Evelyn in a state of dark physique.

That kind of pure, dark breath without any impurities, not only did not arouse Evelyn's doubts, but also convinced Xu Tong's dream before.

Because this is not the breath that low-level demons can have, at least the breath that high-level demons, or even those demon kings in hell, can have.

Only the soul under the blessing of the archangel can keep it from being polluted.

Such a delicate balance cannot be compared with a dirty bastard like Nefilim.

Facing Evelyn's praise, Xu Tong smiled back, and then sat down on the chair consciously.

Only then did Evelyn turn her eyes to Josie. In fact, Art and Berent who were on the side had been sizing her up a long time ago.

"Miss Josie, I feel very sorry for your family's misfortune. Bishop Brent is even willing to preside over her funeral in person. If you wish, Ms. Staci's body can also be buried in the church's exclusive mausoleum."

When mentioning Staci, Josie's eyes gradually turned red.

Lifting the skirt lightly, paying tribute to Evelyn and others.

"Your generosity is like the sun in the sky. I think my aunt's soul will rest in peace under your guidance."

Josie bowed deeply to Berent in thanks.

At the side, Yate wanted to take the opportunity to take out the sacred artifact at his waist, but Berent stopped him calmly and said with a smile: "This is what the Lord God taught us. If you have time If so, Miss Josie can come to my church and choose a cemetery for your aunt that she likes."

Josie nodded: "Thank you again for the gift of the Lord God."

After finishing speaking, Josie glanced at Xu Tong, and seeing him nodding towards her, she bowed to Evelyn and the others to leave.

This caused Yate to have a puzzled look on his face.

Don't you just say it's okay, you want to use the holy weapon to test it, why do you let people go? ?

Ignore the question marks on Art's face.

Evelyn took out a portfolio and handed it to Xu Tong.

After opening it, there is a sheepskin document with a cross imprinted in gold on the upper left corner of the document.

"The church has studied it many times. Due to your particularity, the church intends to let you follow us to the Vatican, but not now, after we finish what we are doing."

Xu Tong glanced at the contract in his hand.

This is a contract to appoint him as an honorary bishop. With this appointment, he is now a veritable bishop of the church.

At the same time, a reminder sound came from the item book.

"Your identity has been recognized by the church, and your reputation in the church has once again increased."

"You receive a provisional title, devotee."

"You have obtained bishop-level administrative powers, and you can mobilize any priest below the bishop to serve you."

"Please do not do anything that damages the honor of the church, otherwise you will be punished in an unpredictable way."

Dedicated: After activation, at the cost of igniting your body's lifespan, it can increase your overall quality by 20% in a short time, and all active skills +1
Duration: 3 minutes.

Hearing the reminder from the item book, Xu Tong raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn't expect the second step of his plan to be so smooth.

Evelyn's words are not over yet.

"In addition, I heard that you took the initiative to chase monsters last night. This is a very dangerous behavior, but considering your special physique, I hope you can enter the Inquisition to study for a period of time, which will be of great help to you."

As soon as Evelyn said this, Xu Tong waited for his second main task.

"Main Task 2: Demon Hunting Assessment"

As an excellent God Catcher, one must pass a whole set of demon hunting assessments to be considered successful.

Mission objective: Kill a middle-level demon, or three low-level demons, if you can kill a high-level demon, you will get an extra reward.

Task time: none
Intermediate level demon, Xu Tong felt a little regretful, he would have kept the girl if he had known earlier,
He nodded at Evelyn and smiled, "That's exactly what I was hoping for."

Xu Tong had been very upset with the Inquisition for a long time, and it was the best thing to let him pass this time.

I don't know why, when Yate heard the news, his heart skipped a beat. After squinting and seeing the smiling expression on Xu Tong's face, this ominous premonition became even stronger.

After explaining the matter clearly, Evelyn left in the carriage.

As for Art and Bishop Berent, they rode in black cars.

"My lord bishop, didn't you agree, the only thing missing in the whole hotel is Miss Josie, who didn't do the sensory induction."

As soon as he got on Cheyate, he couldn't help complaining in a low voice, and took out all the sacred objects from his waist, but neither Archbishop Evelyn nor Bishop Berent mentioned this matter.

Berent gave Art a blank look, and said in his heart, "You know what!"

Some things couldn’t be explained so clearly to this kid, so he just said: “Don’t worry about this matter, let’s talk about it later, in short, don’t touch Miss Josie, otherwise an honorary bishop wants to avenge his confidante, we Old bones can't stop it."

After speaking, Berent couldn't help muttering in his heart: "Fortunately, both of them have virginity, otherwise they will be in trouble again..."

(End of this chapter)

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