Infinite script kill

Chapter 499 Mrs. Amman

Chapter 499 Mrs. Amman
After sending Evelyn away, Xu Tong couldn't help secretly delighting in holding the contract.

The second step in his plan was easier than he had imagined.

In the final analysis, it is still the blessing of Archangel Michael.

Without her blessing imprinted on his soul, even if he successfully integrated into the Morgan family, he could only be a door-to-door son-in-law, a vase.

Even a business card.

Despite having a lot of financial resources, Master Morgan will not allow himself to squander.

But the church is different. Under the background of the supremacy of theocracy, possessing theocracy is simply reaching the sky in one step.

What's more, as an honorary bishop, even facing an archbishop like Evelyn, his status is only half a head short.

But he was not in a daze because of this. On the contrary, Xu Tong knew very well that his situation was still very bad.

Whether it's other certified players, or...

Just when Xu Tong's eyes were flickering, Shar walked up to Xu Tong, bowed slightly and said:
"Master, Mrs. Amman called and said that she was supposed to come today, but there is a new piece of high-quality fabric in the store, and she hopes you can come to her store to customize it on the spot."

Mrs Amman?

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, as if he remembered something.

When Mr. Morgan talked about the ball last time, he proposed to change into a custom-made suit. At that time, Mr. Morgan seemed to mention Mrs. Amman, saying that she was the best tailor.

"Let's go then."

After remembering this, Xu Tong nodded and said that he would go now.

Although the clothes Mr. Morgan prepared fit well, they were not suitable for fighting. When he fought the bug girl before, the clothes were torn apart by himself in many places.

"Okay, Gandalf is already waiting outside the door." Shar looked out of the yard.

From a distance, outside the gate, Gandalf's carriage was already guarding there.

After Xu Tong gave him one hundred soli last time, he asked Gandalf to go home and rest for two days. Gandalf came early this morning.

Shar originally wanted to go with him. After all, the details of the clothes are noble, and he has to personally control many details.

But Xu Tong didn't think so. After all, what he wanted was not some decent clothes, so he said, "No, I'll go and come back by myself. In addition, Mr. Morgan, please help teach the new housekeeper. To be honest, it will take a few days." Lunch arrangements seem a bit hectic, which I am not used to."

Speaking of the new butler, Shar frowned.

If the previous Angus was considered a qualified butler, then the new young butler was hardly an amateur.

I don't know how Master Morgan would choose such a fool to be his butler.

"Well, I'll try to teach him as much as I can."

Thinking that he and the young master still need to live in Morgan's house for a period of time, Shar agreed without any difficulty.

Xu Tong bared his teeth and smiled: "Then please."

"It is my honor, sir."

Shar bowed slightly, but as soon as he looked up, Xu Tong had already walked out of the courtyard gate and jumped into Gandalf's carriage.


A dog's head poked out from the window, watching Xu Tong's receding figure in the carriage, grabbed its ear with one hand, and pulled it back.

"Quiet! Deli."

Josie closed the window gently and pulled up the curtains together. After the light outside gradually disappeared in the room, she gently stroked Deli's head with her fingers.

Sighing: "Deli, I know you miss sister Kitty, but I can't kill him yet, at least not now, we still have a lot to do, and he will be our best cover."


Deli lowered his head aggrievedly.

Josie stood up and walked to the vanity mirror, and took out a pair of delicate tarot cards from the hidden compartment.

The black tarot cards had strange and weird ripples in the darkness.

Josie placed these tarot cards neatly on the table, and took out one of them casually.

flip over.

It is a demon with the body of a bull head, holding a long knife in his hand and piercing through the chest of a young man.

Josie picked up the tarot card, walked to the mirror in the room, turned around and walked four steps, and whispered in her mouth: "Judge of hell, please listen to my call..."

In an instant, the dark room was gradually shrouded in a bloody halo.

Deli, who was crawling in the corner, slowly raised his head, and the evil and distorted figure was reflected in the gray animal pupils, which was constantly enlarging in the room...

Mrs. Amman's tailor shop is on Queen Street, the main road of Amantes.

This is the busiest street in Amantes, where shops, high-rise buildings, and of course beggars on the roadside are all well-known.

This is also a consumption area where the rich are concentrated, and the prices of things in the shops are several times higher than in other places. Even a cake may cost one soli.

Gandalf was driving a carriage with a pipe in his mouth, and told Xu Tong about the wonderful experience of his two days back home.

"Master Kevin, I obeyed your words, I fell asleep after returning home, and when I woke up, I went to the most famous restaurant, the Sauron Barbecue Restaurant, and ate the most delicious food.

I swear, that was the best roast I've ever had.

There is also Shire Paradise, where the beauty is like an angel in the world, you may not believe it, with my wit and humor, I have successfully captured the heart of a beauty, her name is Frodo, she has a sexy figure , so that I can't pull it out until I'm exhausted..."

Obviously, in the past two days, Gandalf went on a mysterious journey that had never been done before, and at the same time squandered the hundred soli Xu Tong gave him.

The carriage gradually stopped at the corner of the street.

The words [Aman Tailor Shop] are written on the dark blue signboard.

The so-called golden corner and silver edge, the location of the business is always the first place, and often the location on the opposite corner of the street is the place with the largest traffic and the most conspicuous place.

In reality, this kind of place is often a geomantic treasure that large shopping malls must occupy.

Mrs. Amman's site selection is in such a position. If she can't make a lot of money every day, maybe a month's rent is enough to make her go bankrupt.

But looking around, Mrs. Amman's shop was so quiet that she didn't even see a single person.

Outside the gate, a sign stood at the door: "Do not enter unless you are invited. Obviously, Mrs. Amman's distribution route is not open to ordinary wealthy businessmen at all."


Xu Tong pushed open the door, and the bell on the door rang.

Behind the closet, a woman with long pink hair showed her head. After glancing up and down at Xu Tong, she said pleasantly, "Earl Kevin, you are younger and more handsome than I imagined."

Mrs. Amman looks very handsome. She wears a light blue overcoat, and when matched with her long pink hair, not only does it not make people feel different, but it has a youthful feeling.

Mrs. Amman enthusiastically dragged Xu Tong into her shop.

"I'm sorry Earl Kevin, I should have come to the door in person, but the new materials in the store can't stand the bumps, so I can only invite you to come here to tailor it for you."

Mrs. Amman said, and slowly opened the curtain in front of her, revealing a small room.

The room was full of scissors, measuring tapes, and tools that Xu Tong had never seen before.

All kinds of novelty fabrics are neatly placed there.

It looks like it should be Mrs. Amman's workshop.

"This time I plan to customize three sets of clothes for you, including your shoes."

Mrs. Amman walked into the room and opened a box: "This is the new leather I prepared for you."

However, when Mrs. Amman turned her head, she saw that Xu Tong did not come in, but looked at the glass cabinet in front of her.

"Are these shoes for sale? I really like the design of these shoes."

Xu Tong stared intently at the glass on the glass case.

Mrs. Amman turned around when she heard the words, took out a roll of silk from the box, and said without looking back: "This pair of shoes is my most satisfying work. It has won me many awards. It is not for sale, but if you like it, I can customize a pair for you."

Xu Tong didn't respond to Mrs. Amman when he heard the words. He just stretched out his white gloved hand and wiped it gently on the glass.

Even wiped a pinch of thin dust on it.

Seeing this, Xu Tong narrowed his eyelids, and said with a meaningful sneer at the corner of his mouth: "I see, that's really a pity."

While speaking, Xu Tong turned around and walked into the workshop as if nothing had happened.

Mrs. Amman picked up the tape measure, pulled it away with both hands, and stared at Xu Tong's throat: "Let's start with the collar."

Xu Tong nodded and stretched his neck over.

Seeing the blue veins clearly visible on Xu Tong's fair skin, Mrs. Amman narrowed her eyelids: "It is said that only those ancient noble blood can have blue blood. It seems that you are an undoubted nobleman."

As he spoke, he was about to put the tape measure on his neck around his neck.

But the moment she stretched out her hands, Xu Tong suddenly raised her hand and grabbed Mrs. Amman's wrist: "The blue blood is only because of the white skin. How could someone like you slip through the net under the nine-year compulsory education!"

At the same time that Xu Tong's words came out, the crimson hellfire exploded on Xu Tong's body.

 And at night

(End of this chapter)

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