Infinite script kill

Chapter 500 Despair Mill

Chapter 500 Despair Grinding Disc ([-]rd update)

Mrs. Anman was stunned for a moment, obviously she didn't understand what Xu Tong's words meant, and the world in front of her was instantly engulfed in flames.


The fire of hell turned the entire studio into a high-temperature cremator in an instant.


With a scream, Mrs. Amman instantly turned into a walking torch. After struggling to get out of the workshop, she fell heavily to the ground without moving.

Under the fire of hell, within a short while, this plump Mrs. Amman has been burned beyond recognition, and oily flowers are even sprouting on her body. She only needs to sprinkle a handful of cumin before it can be served on the table. .

But Xu Tong's attack did not stop there.

Play dead?I am much more professional than her.

A sword aura burning with the flames of hell slashed down vertically, aiming directly at Mrs. Amman's head.

But an unexpected picture appeared.

A hand was torn from Mrs. Amman's chest, and the sword qi was shattered with a punch.

Under the surging flames, gray-blue cold light was reflected on the arms, which were densely packed with scales.

Immediately after Mrs. Amman's body began to be torn open, and issued a 'click-click' sound.

In a flicker of fire, a humanoid rose from her corpse.

It looks a bit like a lizard standing up, not only has thick limbs and body, but also a thick tail slapping the ground.

"How did you find me??"

Mrs. Anman's eyes have turned into animal pupils. With a height of nearly two meters, she looks more like a giant, who can look down on Xu Tong from a high position.

Xu Tong pointed to the glass cabinet next to Mrs. Amman: "Since it is a beloved work and placed in such a conspicuous position, the owner should cherish the contents very much, but things like glass look clean at first glance, but It is the place where dust is most likely to be contaminated. In order to maximize the ornamental value of this thing, glass cleaning is a compulsory course every day."

Mrs. Amman was a little surprised when she heard this.

But soon she laughed dumbly. Although Mrs. Amman's memory was plundered, the habits in life cannot be changed. She cleaned this glass cabinet every day for the past few days, but gradually she was too lazy to clean it. I don't feel the need to waste time on this.

"You want to be better than me, but I'm stronger than you!"

Mrs. Amman's tail suddenly rolled up, rolled up the glass cabinet and threw it at Xu Tong: "I like it, I will give it to you."

Xu Tong turned to avoid the smashed glass, and Mrs. Anman had already rushed up, without any skills, only a big fist full of scales, hitting his head directly.

Mrs. Amman is very satisfied with her lizard shape, and firmly believes that it is impossible for a small player who has not yet completed the certification to injure herself.

But what she never expected was that Xu Tong tapped his toes in the face of the attacking fist, and immediately saw four white tails grow out from behind him.

Please Xianshu.

This is a compulsory course for disciples, but the difference is that, as the head teacher of the class, Xu Tong doesn't need to shout slogans such as "Mrs. Fox, please come to me."

It's a shame, who knows why fairies like this one so much.

With Da Ya attached to him, Xu Tong's speed almost doubled.

At the same time, the active skill of [Master of Caixi] is also activated.

Color Play Lost Track: Consume 12 script points, after activation, get a color play step, can enter a semi-hidden state while moving, and leave an afterimage to confuse the opponent.

Suddenly, Xu Tong easily dodged Mrs. Amman's fist as the afterimage flashed by, but he did not continue to attack, but fled instead.

His own hellfire and sword energy have been blocked by Mrs. Amman lightly, which shows that this guy is the master of rough skin and thick flesh.

There is no need for me to go head-to-head with this kind of meat shield, so even if I win, the result will not be worth the loss.

What's more, putting aside his status as an honorary bishop, and fighting her desperately, he chose this way when his head was flooded.

Mrs. Amman seemed to have noticed Xu Tong's thoughts, and the lizard face spit out a slender tongue like a snake letter and laughed loudly:
"Since I killed you, how could I let you run out, fool, let me peel off your skin slowly, such delicate skin can add a few new underwear for me."

As if confirming Mrs. Amman's words, Xu Tong found that he couldn't rush out of the shop. He could clearly see through the glass that people outside were talking and laughing as they walked past the door, but with such a big commotion, they Didn't notice it at all.

Seeing this, Xu Tong frowned slightly, and some fluorescence appeared in his eyes.

After activating the Eye of Fate, it turned out that the store had a clear disconnection with the outside world, as if the space here had nothing to do with the outside world at all.

This is not between the virtual and the real of the great master, it is more like some kind of formation enchantment.

However, with the help of Mingyan Qimen, Xu Tong also noticed something different. There are obviously different strange fluctuations in the four corners of the store. Although he doesn't know what it is, it should be related to this enchantment. There are relationships.

"You can't run!"

Mrs. Amman rushed forward. It was obviously a big lizard, but it gave people a sense of oppression like a giant King Kong.

Seeing Mrs. Amman's two pairs of iron fists coming down, Xu Tong could only dodge sideways, while not forgetting to continue hitting Mrs. Amman's body with hellfire.

However, the strange thing is that the hellfire, which burns everything, quickly extinguished once it touched the scales on Mrs. Amman's skin.

Not only that, but Xu Tong also found that Mrs. Anman's originally blue-gray scales had turned reddish at this moment.

"Can you absorb my hellfire??"

Xu Tong stabilized his figure and looked at Mrs. Amman in surprise.

" found out!"

Mrs. Amman grinned. In this form, her defensive power is abnormally outrageous. Not only is her defensive power extremely strong, but she can also absorb a large amount of attribute damage to enhance her own strength.

To put it simply, it means being able to fill up the two items of physical resistance and magic resistance, and can also superimpose the power increase for oneself.

However, she was still a little surprised. Many people who fought against her often took a long time to discover this secret, and some people were even powerless when they discovered the secret.

Sometimes, simplicity to the extreme is also powerful.

Xu Tong also had to say that Mrs. Anman's perverted defensive power is simply the nemesis of herself who relies on skill bursts to output damage.

He was even more difficult than the guy who came by air in the master's script.

"There is a price!"

However, Xu Tong suddenly lowered his voice and asked a cold question. Mrs. Amman was taken aback by this sentence, and immediately sneered: "The price? Your life is the price!"

Speaking of Mrs. Amman's body began to swell again, but it was not her entire body that swelled, but her arms.

I saw that the arm, which was originally as thick as an adult's calf, swelled abruptly, and the arm almost fell to the ground.

"It's a pity that such a good leather as yours can't be my collection." Mrs. Amman showed her sharp teeth, and her arms began to rotate slowly.

Xu Tong stared, he is very familiar with this boxing technique.

I believe that anyone who has fought will...

The famous Wang Baquan.

Still the same sentence, as long as it is hard enough, any skill is useless.

Speak human words, vigorously perform miracles.

Mrs. Amman obviously understands the truth.

Use the simplest method to maximize the power, and the number of men who died under this trick can no longer be remembered.

Every time after the end, those pretentious guys are often smashed into meat by their own fists, yes, it is as delicate as fish balls.

With Mrs. Amman's swinging arms, a huge air current rolled up in the room.

Even the hellfire in the workshop behind Xu Tong was sucked in by this air current. Mrs. Amman's arms became redder and redder at first glance, like two pairs of huge hot wheels.

Mrs. Anman felt that it was almost done, and a grin appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she began to approach Xu Tong step by step.

Every step she takes is not big, and everything around her is twisted into pieces.

The space of this shop is very small, if it is placed in the wild, maybe this little guy escapes with the advantage of speed, and I really have nothing to do with him.

But in such a small space, even if he is possessed by Hermes, where can he dodge.

Faced with Mrs. Amman's pressing step by step, Xu Tong could only retreat.

"Teacher, use the false and the real!"

Da Ya reminded in a low voice, the power between the virtual and the real can completely extend the space in front of him infinitely, and then use the Yin soldiers to hold this guy back.

"No one is perfect, and there is no perfect jade. The stronger her body is, the weaker her soul will be. The head teacher just needs to find a way to make her stiff for a second, and I will have a way to severely damage her soul."

Da Ya is not just for nothing, as a fairy, she naturally has the methods of the fairy family.

Xu Tong ignored it, staring straight at Mrs. Amman's arm.

"Run! Hahaha, run quickly!"

Mrs. Amman's eyes became more and more ferocious. What she liked most was the prey curled up in the corner, watching the living space shrink a little bit, and the final expression of despair.

For this reason, she gave herself a very apt name for this trap, Mopan of Despair.

At this time, Xu Tong's eyes suddenly flashed a bright light, and he rushed up to meet Mrs. Amman.

"He's crazy??"

This move not only surprised Mrs. Amman, even Da Ya was taken aback.

Facing Mrs. Amman's surprised expression, Xu Tong just sneered: "You are too stupid!"

I saw him take out a gourd from the item book, it was [Cold Iron Gourd].

During the last trip to the Yinyang Cave, the energy of [Cold Iron Gourd] was also replenished on the tower. Although it was not fully charged, it was no problem to release the skill a few times.

The mouth of the gourd was opened to point at Mrs. Amman, and Xu Tong showed a playful look on his face: "I call you, do you dare to agree?"

Mrs. Amman was startled, she seemed to have heard of similar magical skills, and instinctively wanted to hide back.

But not only did the gourd not produce the terrible suction force as she thought, but it shot a mass of white and cold things in her face...

 The next update is before 12 o'clock tonight

(End of this chapter)

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