Infinite script kill

Chapter 503 The Great Druid

Chapter 503 The Great Druid

Luke was dumbfounded for a moment when he looked at the church mark shining with golden light.

Then look again, the above content...


For a moment, Luke couldn't help taking a deep breath, and when he looked at Xu Tong again, he couldn't help but feel hairy all over his body. The small face with exquisite features was as wonderful as a face changing in a Sichuan opera.

"I... I didn't mean it, I thought you..."

Xu Tong took off the confession letter, stretched out his hand suddenly, pressed the phone on the table to his hand, and slowly turned the red dial key on it with his fingers.

Seeing this, Luke panicked.

Attacking church members is a felony.

If he attacked the bishop, he would basically have declared the death penalty, and the people of the Inquisition would let him experience what it was like to live rather than die.

What made Luke feel even more flustered was not just himself, but the entire clan's property, which might also be uprooted by the church.

"Is it intentional? You should go and explain to the judge."

As Xu Tong said, he was about to turn the dial button on the phone again.

"don't want!!"

Luke panicked, and quickly grabbed Xu Tong's palm: "Please, let me do whatever."

Facing the begging gaze cast by Luke.

The coldness on Xu Tong's face gradually subsided, and the corners of his mouth slowly lifted to reveal a smile. Gradually, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, and he let out a hey hey laugh.

Luke didn't know for a moment whether to laugh along with him, or...

Just when he was at a loss, Xu Tong let go of his hand on the phone, his eyes narrowed into a slit: "Look, this is the feeling of regret."

As he spoke, he took out a handkerchief and wiped away the blood that Luke had smashed at the corner of his mouth, and smashed his mouth: "Your fist is quite strong."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Bishop, it's all my fault, and I'm willing to make any compensation."

Luke didn't know how to describe his bad mood for a while, so he could only apologize continuously, hoping that the young bishop in front of him would forgive him.

I saw Xu Tong waved his hand: "Compensation?? Forget it. Although you are an airport, I am still stuck with gender. You have no chance."


Luke obviously didn't understand what Xu Tong meant, and Xu Tong pointed to the perfume in the showcase: "Can you introduce your work to me now?"

After hearing Xu Tong's words, Luke just woke up like a dream.

He hurriedly took out the perfume under the showcase and put it in front of Xu Tong.

The liquid in this bottle of perfume presents an attractive red color, but under the observation of Xu Tong's Fate Eye, he found that this bottle of perfume seems to have an unusual mysterious power.

Not only this bottle, but also the others, but the strength is different.

"This is not my work, it is the masterpiece of my sister Ashana. As you can see now, this is the color of this perfume bottle showing a strange bright red color, but it is not dye, but blood, which comes from a dark forest. A kind of thing called 蘼香鹿, the perfume has a special magical effect, which can delay the aging of people."

Luke hesitated, and pushed the perfume in front of Xu Tong.

Xu Tong looked at him: "What do you mean?"

"I think it seems to be more in line with your temperament, I's yours, my lord."

Xu Tong's face immediately turned cold when he heard the words, and there was a chill in his eyes, which made Luke's heart skip a beat, with a bad premonition.

"Stupid, I'll kill you, this shop is mine!"

Hearing this, Luke froze all over and even instinctively wanted to resist. Xu Tong even saw that the strong green ripples on Luke's body seemed to resonate with every bottle of perfume here.

is magic?
Just when Luke was stiff and didn't know what to do, an old man's voice came from behind Luke.

"Luke, you have neglected the distinguished guest, so please apologize to the child."

Hearing this kind voice, Luke's tense heartstrings were relaxed.

Xu Tong was even more startled. He followed the voice and found that it was an old man who was slowly coming down from the attic, but he couldn't see him because of his amazing eyes of fate.

Very strong!

Xu Tong's heart was full of turmoil, and he was definitely a cheating device.

But in front of this old man, it lost its effect.

It's not that she hides her fate like Grandma Li did, but she is truly and completely immune to the prying eyes of the Fate Eye.

If you look at it with the eye of fate, you will be completely transparent.

The unity of heaven and man?

After a thought popped into Xu Tong's mind, he was also taken aback.

There are three flowers on the top of the head, and the five qi are facing the Yuan. This is the state of great accomplishment for a monk.

If you go one step further, you can become a fairy and consummate. From then on, heaven and man are one, and people enter the Tao without traces to be found.

Since there is no trace to be found, his own Fate Eye Qimen will naturally not be able to see him, at least the current Fate Eye Qimen cannot see him. As for whether the highest level Fate Eye Qimen can be seen, Xu Tong is not sure.

The sudden appearance of such a legendary existence really surprised Xu Tong: "I didn't expect that in such a messy market, it is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

The old man walked to the showcase with a smile on his face, patted Luke on the shoulder beside him, and motioned him to relax and make a pot of tea.

Then he pushed the bottle of perfume back in front of Xu Tong: "The original price is [-] pounds, and I will give you a discount of [-] pounds."

Such a fairy-like old man is not vague at all when it comes to business.

In fact, Xu Tong was angry because Luke regarded himself as a piece of garbage that took the opportunity to blackmail people. As he said, if he really wanted to blackmail people, he could be arrested and sent to the Inquisition with just a phone call. The things here, Take as much as you want.

Since he didn't do this, Luke should understand his attitude.

Throw something worth sixty pounds into your arms, and let yourself go? ?Anyone who does this kind of thing will be very unhappy.

I lack your money? ?If I am happy, I will give you a punch, but if I am not happy, I will make you kneel on the ground and call Dad.

Xu Tong played with the perfume and nodded: "I bought it."

He readily took out four golden pounds and put them on the table.

The old man quickly took out the change from under the table. Two golden pound notes plus sixty solis added up to a bag full of change. The old man was a little embarrassed and said: "Sorry, it hasn't opened for a while. gone."

Xu Tong took the money and threw it into the item book along with the perfume.

I glanced at the entry for the perfume.

【Blood Rose Perfume】

The essence extracted by the druid's mysterious natural power, plus the luxury made by ancient techniques.

Each time the user sprays a little on the body, the self-recovery effect will be temporarily increased by 20%, and the physical fitness will be increased by 5%.

Duration: 3 hours.

Repeated spraying is ineffective.

Xu Tong saw that it was really a luxury.

This thing can still have such an effect.

However, such things are not so easy to obtain.

First of all, you must have money. Even for certified players, in this script world, it is very difficult to get rich quickly.

Robbery may come the fastest.

But the one who dies is the fastest, even certified players, facing the pursuit of the church and the entire empire, it is estimated that the end will not be easy.

Otherwise, it is to make money by relying on the identity of the script world.

Maybe this one will be safe, but unless you are an administrator at the level of the mayor, you can't even pay that much money even as a bishop.

Don't forget, the finances of the local church are constrained by the local administrative system. Otherwise, with the status of Bishop Berent, how could he attend the banquet invitation of a rich man like Mr. Morgan?
After all, it's not that Mr. Morgan gave too much.

If I casually took out sixty pounds to buy a bottle of perfume, whether from the perspective of the natives of the script world or players like them, this could be called a luxury.

After the transaction was completed, Xu Tong looked at the old man in front of him.

Long dark brown beard, white hair scattered casually on his shoulders, only a rough cloth robe draped over his body.

It's really a bit of a fairy-tale look.

"Let's go upstairs and chat, I believe the tea is ready."

The old man invited Xu Tong to go upstairs.

When I came to the attic, I saw that the decoration of the attic was also very simple, with two wooden beds and a dining table, the notation was simpler than those of ordinary working families.

It's hard to believe that this is actually a luxury store.

Although it was a little simpler, the place was cleaned extremely clean, not even a speck of dust could be seen on the ground, and Luke had already made the tea.

After the old man sat down, he formally introduced himself to Xu Tong.

"My full name is Ray Bradley. I am the great elder of the Druid Sect. You can call me Ray. This shop is the property of our Druid Sect and the main source of income for our village."

"Druid sect! Does the church allow it?"

Xu Tong was really surprised. He didn't expect that there could be other sects under the rule of the church.

Facing Xu Tong's doubts, Luke cast a suspicious look.

I thought to myself, you are a bishop anyway, and you don’t know this? ?This is too ridiculous.

But after thinking about it, a person who exudes a dark aura all over his body can become a bishop. What could be more absurd than this.

Lei also looked at Xu Tong suspiciously: "The church does not allow the existence of other sects, but it is very tolerant of native sects."

Druids are an ancient native sect. The most important thing is that Druids only spread among their own ethnic groups and will not preach to outsiders.

Such native sects, the church does not have the right to expel them.

Of course, suppression is indispensable. For example, native sects are not allowed to confuse the people to raise funds by means of fundraising, nor can they join emerging industries or invest in national industries.

In a word, it is to accommodate you in principle, but to block you in policy.

Therefore, the original sect can only rely on some businesses to earn money for the village.

"oh, I see."

After Xu Tong heard Lei's explanation, he put the letter of appointment on the table again, checked it for Lei, and then said that he had just joined the church and didn't know much about the church.

Lei looked at the time on the appointment letter, which was today, and couldn't help being surprised.

What made Lei even more curious was how such a person with such pure dark power could have such a pure soul.

His gaze seemed to be able to see through the body, and see that Xu Tong's essential soul bears the imprint of an archangel, and of course he can also see Xu Tong's heart, the heart of the devil.

(End of this chapter)

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