Infinite script kill

Chapter 504 Honor belongs to the dead

Chapter 504 Honor belongs to the dead

"I'm just curious. I came in to have a look. I bought some gifts for my friends. I didn't expect that this would be the industry of the Druids. Your perfume is very special. If there are better ones, I would also like to buy them."

Before fighting against Mrs. Amman, Xu Tong was sensitive to the fact that there was a whole team of certified players behind Mrs. Amman.

This is what I dread the most.

Just one Mrs. Amman made him so embarrassed. If a whole team of certified players killed him, he might really have to enter Lilith's iron pot or the embrace of the angel of heaven.

And Mrs. Amman did not continue to kill, on the one hand, she found that she was not so easy to solve, and on the other hand, she also took a fancy to her status advantage.

And they need to cooperate themselves.

Since I can't improve myself to the point where I can compete with them in a short period of time, I must consider using external forces.

For example, the great druid in front of him, who is one of nature and man, is a good target to win over.

"Is this..."

Lei thought for a moment in a bit of embarrassment and said: "These perfumes have absorbed the essence of animals and plants, and their lives have been integrated into these perfumes, so I cannot give you satisfactory convenience in terms of price."

Druids who advocate nature are not allowed to harm animals and nature excessively. Even if they are seeking a living, the amount of essence they ingest each time will not be large.

Coupled with the complicated process of production, Ray had to make this matter clear in advance.

"It's natural. The smell of money can never be compared with these moving works of art. There is no objection to the price. I only ask for quality."

Anyway, it's not spending my own money, so why should I feel bad about myself?

Master Morgan donated at least thirty to forty thousand pounds to the church every year, but even so, he still didn't get what he wanted.

I can give more to Master Morgan, this amount of money is not a big deal.

"Well, I can't refuse your generosity, but some special perfumes need to be brought out from the village. If you don't mind, come back in about a week."

"Then it's settled."

Xu Tong stood up: "I have other things to do, so I can't stay here for a long time. I will bring enough gold pounds to the store to inspect the goods in a week."

"May nature be with you."

"May the Holy Light bless you."

After the two said goodbye briefly, Xu Tong got up and left.

After all, this is the first time the two have met, and both sides don't know the basics, so everything they say is nonsense.

Say less and make less mistakes, and you will lose if you say too much. This is the most basic ability to communicate with people.

When there are more transactions in the future, the relationship will naturally become familiar.

"Master, why did you go in for so long?"

Gandalf looked at Xu Tong who was sitting in the carriage again, and couldn't help asking.

"There are a lot of things to pick, and there is nothing here. Come back next week."

After speaking, he glanced at the time, and it was still early: "Let's find a place to eat."

"Master, I remember that there is a pork chop shop in front of it, which is very good, and the taste is also very good. The quantity is large enough to fill the stomach, but pork chops, can you accept it?"

If Shar heard Gandalf's words here, he would definitely reject this proposal severely, and then told Xu Tong earnestly that, as a nobleman, steak is a basic card.

Things like pork are only for common people to eat.

So this was also the reason why I was determined not to allow Shar to follow.

Sincerity is precious, but the price of freedom is higher. If you can control your fullness, you can throw both.

Besides, the appointment letter in his hand is the best card.

With Xu Tong's affirmation, Gandalf was relieved, and the two walked slowly along the street in a carriage.

"Elder, aren't the goods in our warehouse downstairs?"

On the glass of the attic, it was seen that Xu Tong had gone far away, so Luke asked Lei.

Lei took a sip of tea, looked at Luke's childish appearance, and couldn't help sighing. If Ana hadn't been pregnant and had to go back to the village, he really didn't want Luke to be in charge of the perfume shop.

This immature little guy still has a long way to go to become a druid in the future.

"Honor is like a hero's tombstone. Only the dead can get the highest honor. Obviously the church accepted his soul, but not his body. Wait and see, if he can live in a week, we can talk It is necessary to go down."

"A week later??"

Luke seemed to have thought of something, and said in surprise, "Are you referring to the Witch Council??"

"It's not just the witches' association. I have a strong premonition recently, which makes me very uneasy. Something has enveloped this city. If there is no problem in a week, we will go back after clearing the goods on our hands. Go to the mountains."

Ray looked out the window.

In the sky outside, a vague figure could be vaguely seen, hovering left and right over the city with a scythe in hand.

Obviously, the god of death has already set its sights on this city, but it is unknown how many lives it will take away this time.

Not far from the end of the street, an aroma of barbecue filled the street.

The business of the pork chop shop seems to be very good, and there are already many people inside who are holding the grilled pork chops and munching on them.

"Oh, Gandalf! You have not been here for a long time."

The owner of the store is a bearded man. When he saw Gandalf, he warmly stepped forward and hugged him.

"Old Bart, your beard has been getting shorter and shorter since you opened this pork chop shop."

Gandalf joked.

"Please sit down, I have some rum here, do you want to try it?"

Old Bart warmly invited the two of them to the side table, and then his face was full of mystery.

Gandalf swallowed, but after thinking about it, he rejected the proposal: "If I change the time, I will definitely drink to my heart's content, but not today."

"Okay then, enough meat."

Old Bart took out a newspaper from his arms and put it in front of Gandalf, then walked into the kitchen to urge the chef to hurry up.

"No wonder the business here is so good, it turns out that's the case."

Xu Tong looked at the dining table at the side, several men who were already drunk and said meaningfully.

Because many alcoholics in the empire froze to death on the streets every year, and more and more people liked to drink and make trouble, the empire issued a prohibition on alcohol.

But this kind of thing, the more you prohibit it, the more it will spread, and even the price of alcohol will soar.

Speaking of which, the Corleone family made a fortune quickly by making wine privately and smuggling.

Therefore, places where alcohol can be sold are often not bad in business.

Gandalf obviously misunderstood what Xu Tong meant, and added with embarrassment: "But I guarantee that the pork chops here are absolutely clean."

Xu Tong waved his hand, signaling Gandalf to relax.

Then he picked up the newspaper on the table, opened the newspaper, and found that the contents of the newspaper were not news, but gambling reports.

The so-called gambling newspaper is a newspaper that provides gambling news.

Information about various gambling establishments, odds, and events such as horse betting will be clearly written on it.

This point is very similar to the horse racing post that is currently popular in the Amantes market.

Such newspapers consider themselves not formal channels.

But it is very popular in these small private restaurants. The boss distributes newspapers for free, and those gamblers like to read them, and they can also get a reward from the newspaper office, which can be regarded as an extra income.

Xu Tong picked it up and casually flipped through a few pages.

In addition to those small casinos, there was a bullfight event that was very popular recently, which was specially marked on the headlines of the newspaper.

The following is a detailed description of several contestants, as well as the big hit this time, a purebred bullfighting bull named Banli.

It is said that several matadors have died at the hands of Ban Li.

So the odds are also very high, reaching an astonishing [-] to [-].

In the lower left corner of the newspaper, there are some ambiguous news, which is also understandable. Gamblers have made money, so they naturally want to find a place to relax.

After a while, Old Bart brought the grilled pork chops to the table.

The grilled pork chops are covered with a layer of special sauce, the meat is not bad or rotten, and it is quite chewy, which is somewhat chewy.

But the taste was good. Xu Tong ate three whole servings by himself. You must know that Gandalf couldn't even finish one serving, so he was already a bit full.

After eating and drinking, it was completely dark outside.

Under the night, Xu Tong's skin was covered with a layer of shimmer. With the increase of his dark physique, the damage he suffered during the day began to recover quickly.

By the time the carriage returned to Morgan's house, the injuries on his body had almost fully recovered.

Faced with Xu Tong coming back so late, Shar couldn't help complaining.

After finally sending Shar away, he heard a knock on the door, and when he opened it, it was Josie.

Oh, and that Labrador named Deli.

Qiao Qian was still wearing the simple pajamas, and got into Xu Tong's bed as soon as she entered the door.

Even the stupid dog jumped on the bed consciously and looked at him with its tongue out.

"I've tried very hard, and when I close my eyes, I always think of Aunt Staci..."

Josie covered her face with the quilt, exposing her eyes, and looked at him pitifully.

Who can refuse such a lovely and pitiful look.

Walking to the bed, he threw the stinky dog ​​off the bed and got into the bed, where Josie had already stuck his head on.

"Can you tell me a story?"

"will not!"

"Please, any story will do."

"Once upon a time there was a monkey named Wukong Sun. The great god asked him to take care of the orchard. One day he met seven goddesses in the orchard..."

At breakfast the next day, Mrs. Morgan couldn't help looking at Josie, who had red eyes, and asked with concern, "Son, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Josie obviously hasn't recovered yet, she muttered, "Damn monkey grandson, why can't you marry all seven goddesses..."

Mrs. Morgan was startled, and frowned, "Josie, what are you talking about?"


Only then did Josie come back to her senses, she quickly shook her head and said that she had a nightmare last night.

"Hey, let's take a rest later, you have art class in the afternoon."


Josie nodded obediently, only then did she notice that Master Morgan was not at home, and Kevin did not come for dinner.

Shar walked to the table with the dinner plate, carefully opened the cover sideways to prevent the steam from hitting the host's face, and explained: "Master Kevin is going to give a report at church, and Master Morgan stopped by and left early. "


Hearing this, Mrs. Morgan's expression turned pale. She knew that Master Morgan had gone to the funeral home to pay for the full set of services that bitch would enjoy after his death.

Josie seemed to have noticed this too, and after a quick bite, she got up and went upstairs.

"Ma'am, this is your coffee, I added milk specially."

A thin young man stepped forward. He was the new butler Mrs. Morgan had chosen. Mrs. Morgan put the coffee in Mrs. Morgan's hand, glanced at Shar who had left outside the door, and casually pointed his fingers Swipe across the back of Mrs. Morgan's hand.

Immediately, Mrs. Morgan's hand shrank suddenly, and she glared at him angrily: "What's the hurry, you haven't gone out yet."

Langte put his face next to Mrs. Morgan's ear, and took a sip of the fragrance in her hair: "But I can't wait."

Speaking of which, Langte actually put his hand into Mrs. Morgan's neckline, and Mrs. Morgan blushed for a moment, and unconsciously twisted her body to cooperate.

Just when the two were getting closer, no one noticed that just outside the gate of the restaurant, Deli was staring at their every move intently.

(End of this chapter)

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