Infinite script kill

Chapter 505 The Inquisition of Heresy

Chapter 505 The Inquisition of Heresy
In Mr. Morgan's car, Xu Tong did not go to the church, but got off at the corner not far from the church. Not long after, a black car stopped in front of Xu Tong.

There is no mark on the car, but the driver in the car is wearing the special uniform of God Catch

His destination today is not the church, but the Inquisition.

I say this because the Inquisition has a terrible reputation.

It is similar to Jinyiwei, or the sticky poles in the late Qing Dynasty, which makes people feel scary.

According to the requirements of the main task, I need to have a comprehensive understanding in the Heresy Trial, to put it bluntly, to attend classes.

And you need to kill the demon yourself to pass the test.

Get in the car of the referee, and the car goes all the way to the farm in the suburbs.

Surprisingly, the famous Inquisition Inquisition was actually located in a small village.

When the car drove into the farm, Xu Tong noticed that peeping eyes were scanning the car.

The villagers along the way, the farmers on the farm, and even the kissing couple sitting by the river, Xu Tong could feel the alert eyes of these guys.

Until the car stopped at a farm.

Soon, Xu Tong saw a familiar person, Archbishop Andre.

This slightly obese guy waved at him with a smile on his face.

Although he smiled sincerely, no matter how he looked at it, he seemed to have malicious intentions.

"Welcome, the youngest bishop in history, Earl Kevin."

When Xu Tong got out of the car, Andre couldn't wait to step forward. Before this guy got close, Xu Tong frowned.

I saw that Andre's body was shrouded in a layer of milky white shimmer, which was divine power. This guy moved himself closer to him like a light bulb, clearly wanting to take the opportunity to embarrass himself.

"You are too polite, Mr. Andre. Under your sun-like light, I dare not even get two meters closer to you. Otherwise, you may be charged with murdering a bishop and stay here forever."

Xu Tong said to Andre with a deep apology, but he quickly retreated with Andre's pace.

I don't want to do things that I suffer from being dumb. I would rather admit it directly than give Andre, an old thief, a chance to trick him.

It has to be said that such a cowardly attitude and speed made the corner of Andre's mouth twitch, as if he had punched nothing.

But Xu Tong made everything clear, he could only extinguish the holy light on his body, and kept smiling: "It was my negligence, come here, I will show you around. "

Although it looks like a farm here, it is actually a very large prison cell.

As he approached the door, Xu Tong felt a strong discomfort. This discomfort made his heart start to beat faster as if he had been stimulated by something.

"The stone here is the sacred rock of the Vatican. The pagans imprisoned here are just like ordinary people, and they have no ability to resist."

Andre squinted his eyelids and introduced Xu Tong with a half-smile.

Sure enough, as he went deeper, he was surrounded by a corridor made of huge white stones. Xu Tong's face became more and more ugly, his heartbeat became faster and faster, and a large amount of pure magic energy surged in his body, as if to collide with the surrounding stone walls. generate strong resistance.

This made Xu Tong suffer, and beads of sweat began to ooze from his forehead after a while.

The cell stretches all the way down.

Under the light of the candlelight, Xu Tong saw the lifeless prison cells.

The vast majority of cells are empty.

But judging from the bloody smell that filled the cell, there were definitely not a few people who had been imprisoned there.

Andre seemed to be deliberately slowing down, and began to introduce the history of this prison cell.

For example, in this prison cell, a stunning witch was once imprisoned. She was good at using curses to kill civilians. She died after being imprisoned here for about a hundred days.

Then he pointed to the cell on the side and said that there was a leader of a cult inside, whose strength was extremely terrifying. In order to capture him, the church paid the price of [-] arresters and a judge to get him in.

Unfortunately, when Andre came, the leader of the cult had been tortured to the point of committing suicide.

Xu Tong felt that every inch of his body was being torn, but Andre seemed to enjoy it, with a serious and responsible attitude, just like a dedicated teacher.

After introducing each cell, Andre took Xu Tong to the next floor.

Only then did the tearing pain subside a lot.

I saw that the original color of the cage wall on this floor had been covered by black dirt.

Even the light dimmed a lot here.

In the dim old room, pairs of eyes opened slightly, staring up and down at Xu Tong's body.


Suddenly a skinny hand stretched out from the cell and grabbed Xu Tong's arm.

But before this hand touched Xu Tong, a strong white light turned this arm into ashes.

For a moment, there was a shrill scream in the cell.

But what was strange was that there was a burst of ear-piercing laughter in the other cells.

It seems to be laughing at the guy in the cage for being unruly, and even trying to make a move in front of an archbishop.

For a moment, laughter, crying, and cursing became more and more lively in the cells on this floor.

These people have been in the dark dungeon for too long, and the time has no meaning. Some people have gone crazy, and some people are pretending to be crazy, but they are crazy and crazy, so they can't tell if they are really crazy. Still fake and crazy.

An ordinary person would definitely be frightened by the weird scene in front of him. However, after Xu Tong was stunned for a short time, instead of being frightened, a familiar scene came over him.

That's right!This is the feeling of home.

At this time Andre stopped and looked back at Xu Tong: "Have you seen a demon?"

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I've seen an angel before. The angel is so beautiful and even kissed me. Do you want to see it?"

Andre choked enough at this sentence.

But he couldn't refute what this kid said.

I can only scold myself in my heart that I am full and ask why? ?Knowing that the Archangel Michael left a mark on this kid, why would he ask such a question.

Damn, I have never seen an angel, let alone been kissed.

But Andre quickly regained his composure, ignoring what Xu Tong said just now, and pointed down: "Look, right below, August, the most ferocious demon in the past 200 years, has been imprisoned."

Xu Tong followed the direction pointed by Andre and looked down.

Below is a bottomless abyss pit, and the white walls on all sides of the pit have almost turned black.

With his dark vision, Xu Tong could see a human-shaped outline below, with a spear piercing through his chest.

It was directly nailed to the ground and could not move.

When Xu Tong tried to use the Fate Eye Qimen to look down, the picture that came into his eyes was shocking, and he saw that the entire pothole was covered by red mist.

And these blood-red mist are continuously gathering in the body of the humanoid creature below.

"It's still alive?"

"do not know."

Andre explained with a solemn expression: "This guy was nailed down by the holy spear of the church, but the Templar who threw the gun paid the price with his life, and since then, this place has been piled up with holy stones." The cell, where he's been locked up for 200 years now.

During this period of time, countless people wanted to go down to see what happened, but no one could go down. The dark power below was too strong, and some people's souls would be corroded and corrupted even halfway through. "

Having said that, Andre looked at Xu Tong and said meaningfully: "Maybe you can."

Devil's flesh, holy soul.

It has two contradictory characteristics, but it is more like a key.

Xu Tong immediately became vigilant when he heard the words, and raised his hand without any trace.

But Andre changed his voice at this time: "Of course, this is just a joke, come with me, I will take you to the library, I believe that the set of equipment customized for you is also ready, in the next few days, You may have to study there."

As Andre said, he took Xu Tong and prepared to leave.

But the moment Xu Tong turned around, his heart suddenly accelerated, and strong devilish energy poured into his body almost uncontrollably.

At the same time, Xu Tong's back felt a chill, and he almost didn't need to turn his head, he could clearly feel that a peep from under the abyss was tightly locked on his body.

"Don't look back!" was Amota's voice.

The abnormal change in Xu Tong's body stimulated him to wake up, and immediately devoured the demonic energy that was running away from Xu Tong's body, and at the same time warned Xu Tong in his mind: "Don't look back."

Xu Tong swallowed, pretended to be nonchalant and walked forward, while asking: "Is this guy really alive?"

"do not know!"

Amata whispered: "But I know that if you turn back, you will die, even your soul will perish..."

(End of this chapter)

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