Infinite script kill

Chapter 506 Captain Antu! !

Chapter 506 Captain Antu! !

Amota's words made Xu Tong feel a fatal threat.

This is by no means just alarmist talk. I believe that if it is only his soul that dies, Amota will not remind him, and may even wish that he will die as soon as possible, so that he can justifiably occupy his body.

But now Amota warned himself, explaining that the guy below was so dangerous that even the big devil, Amota, felt afraid.

Xu Tong calmed down, resisting the urge to look back and follow Andre, until he walked out of the dungeon, the fatal feeling gradually subsided.

But he still didn't dare to look back, and asked Amata as he walked, "Is that guy strong?"

"Hmm~~ an abandoned and inferior demon king."

Amota's voice gradually began to relax.

"The devil? You are also the devil, can you fight?"

Xu Tong asked.

"If you sacrifice your body to me, I can twist him into a twist and use it as a swing for you."

Amota responded with disdain, full of contempt for this inferior demon king.

"I believe!"

Xu Tong grinned: "But I choose better ones!"

"better one?"

Amota was puzzled for a moment, and suddenly understood something: "Damn it, you better not count on that crazy bitch, you promise not to even think about leaving a bone in her mouth."

Ignoring Amota's roar, Xu Tong followed Andre to a library at the back of the farm.

"You can study here first, and the things in this box are the equipment given to you by the church."

Andre patted the wooden box on the table.

The box was opened, and inside was a set of uniforms that were the same as the usual god catcher.

Shoes, gloves, a dagger, and a revolver with a box of silver bullets.

"Because of the particularity of your body, the holy cross that you were supposed to wear has been temporarily removed, but you can put it back in if you need it."

Andre took out a small box, and inside the box was a shiny silver sacred emblem.

After Xu Tong took the badge, he threw it into the item book as if holding a red-hot soldering iron in his palm.

[Sacred Badge] (Temporary item card, cannot be taken out of the world of this script.)
The specially made sacred emblem possesses the powerful power of holy words, and the core holy light stone can provide energy for sacred equipment.

Passive Skill 1: Divine Blessing

The bearer's holy light skill +1, when suffering fatal damage from the dark system, can activate a super holy light shield once.

Super Holy Light Shield: Can be immune to one dark skill damage.

(After the super holy light shield is activated, the holy badge is also destroyed.)
This thing is the best. If it can be brought back, it may be able to sell a lot of script points.

After all, the effect of skill +1 is already strong enough, not to mention wearing a life-saving shield.

Andre wanted to see how he was burned by the sacred badge, but the thing was put into the pocket by this guy in the blink of an eye, and he was a little disappointed.

He patted the bell on the table "Dingling", and with the sound of the bell, a person walked in from outside the door.

"Any orders?"

The person who walked in was the stunned captain, Yate.

"I heard that Bishop Kevin helped you discover the demon summoning array."

Andre asked.

"Yes, thanks to Bishop Kevin, otherwise we might be remiss."

"Since this is the case, Bishop Kevin will belong to your team during this time, and carry out the mission with you."

"Ah!" Yate was startled at first, then nodded excitedly: "It's a great honor."

After Andre finished explaining, he turned and left with a dark face.

"Master Bishop, it is great that you can come to my team. If possible, I would like to introduce the members of our team now."

As soon as Andre left, Yate warmly greeted him and said to Xu Tong.

"Of course, but do as the Romans do, please let me change my clothes first, at least I don't want everyone to think that I am a young master who is here on vacation."

"Yes, Lord Bishop!"

Art blushed and stood upright.

For fanatics like him, Xu Tong's words are not only their recognition, but also a great encouragement.

I have to say that the benefits of the Inquisition are quite good.

Even though the clothes were standard equipment, they were much more comfortable to wear than my own clothes.

What satisfied him the most was the handling of the joints, allowing people to fully stretch out their muscles and bones in battle.

And this outfit also confirmed his previous guesses.

Shoes and clothes are inlaid into a special magic circle, which can isolate breath and footsteps.

This also explains why these guys always give people a feeling of coming and going without a trace before.

After putting on the equipment, under Yate's leadership, Xu Tong met the six catchers in Yate's team.

The two main players, Ice and Sagem.

Yisi and Sagem nodded, their equipment was quite different from the others. Not only were they equipped with daggers and short swords around their waists, but they also had sleeve blades and wall shields on their arms.

And the gloves on the arms of the two were also reinforced by heavy metal.

"Props master, Hugh."

Xio took off his hat and bowed to Xu Tong.

As a prop master, he is responsible for all equipment maintenance and trap placement in the team.

"Two gunmen, Bagu, who is in charge of heavy firepower, and Dorsey, who is in charge of light firepower."

Xu Tong saw the heavy-duty hand cannon in Bagu's hand. It weighed at least five hundred catties, and even if it didn't fire, it would still hurt to hit people with it.

There are also four grooves on it, which should be where the sacred emblem is inserted by visual inspection.

In contrast, Dorsey's equipment is much simpler. Two silver pistols are all he has.

Facing Xu Tong, Dorsey's eyes were sharp: "I have seen Samoda's body, and every shot avoided hitting the joint. If we have time, we can discuss it."


Arthur frowned.

Faced with the captain's glare, Dorsey said casually, "It's just a normal exchange."

Yate was still angry when he saw this, but Xu Tong said first: "If it's a stake driver, forget it, but if it's hunting demons, I don't mind discussing with you."

After Duoxi made a sign, he looked at Xu Tong meaningfully, nodded and said: "Then I will wait."

Yate immediately interjected, ended the topic, and introduced: "The last is Qin, who has mastered the magic of the holy light system. Her magic of the holy light system is the strongest among us."

Qin was the only woman in the team, dressed as a nun. When Xu Tong looked at her, Qin also looked at him.

Facing the bishop exuding a devilish aura in front of her, Qin hesitated for a moment, then bent slightly towards Xu Tong, and ended their exchange coldly.

It can be seen that not everyone is very enthusiastic about his honorary bishop.

Xu Tong could even feel Dorsey's hostility and Qin's murderous intent.

After a brief introduction, Yate entered the captain's state and began to arrange inspection tasks.

Because Miss Staci died in the hotel last time, the murderer has not been found so far, so Art decided to investigate from the materials of the monster summoning array.

Magic dust is needed to summon monsters, and it is a large amount of high-quality magic dust, at least the kind that only mid-level demons can carry.

This kind of spell-casting material is strictly prohibited by the church, so if you want to get the material, you have to go to some shady places, such as the underground black market.

But they only know that this kind of place exists, but no one knows where it is, so they can only let everyone inquire about it.

Of course, this kind of thing does not need Xu Tong to follow. After assigning the task, Xu Tong is in a free state.

Yate meant that if Xu Tong wanted to go back, he could just press the bell.

Just as Yate was about to leave, Xu Tong called him: "Wait."

"Huh?" Yate looked at Xu Tong.

"Where do I need to go if I want to look at the case files."

"The case file, that place is Master Antu's office. If you need it, I can take you there. Although Master Antu is not here, you still have the authority to read the file."

"That's work!"

The purpose of Xu Tong's coming here is not only to complete the main story line, but also to get the specific background of the story.

Since the two archbishops Andre and Evelyn came to Amantes because of the murder of an archbishop, this case is likely to be the key to the world of this script.

Yate led Xu Tong into Antu's office. After opening the door, huge file boxes were neatly lined up in several rows.

Rather than saying that it is Mr. Antu's office, it is better to say that Mr. Antu moved the office here.

The administrator who was originally responsible for managing the files was forced to move from his desk to the small chair next to the door, not to mention how depressed he was.

After hearing that Xu Tong wanted to call up the file about the murder of the archbishop, the administrator suddenly became embarrassed.

"This...this file was locked in the desk by Mr. Antu...I..."

The administrator wanted to excuse that he didn't have a key, but Yate exposed his careful thinking: "According to the regulations, no files should be kept privately, and they can be read if the main requirements are met. Damn, you are framing Mr. Antu for private Do you hide files!"

The administrator was stunned for a moment, and his face looked a little ugly, but when he thought of Mr. Antu's gloomy face, the administrator still mustered up his courage: "Sorry, I think... Sigh! What are you going to do?"

The administrator watched Xu Tong walk to Antu's desk in surprise.

"That cabinet." Xu Tong raised his head and asked.

"That's Master Antu's..."

The administrator's heart skipped a beat, startled by Xu Tong's indifferent eyes.

What is the cause of Samoda's death, others don't know, how can he not know.

Don't forget that Samoda's death benefit is still approved here.


"The third floor is not locked for you, take it."

Everyone suddenly raised their heads, only to see that Antu had walked in from outside the door.

Seeing Antu's face, the administrator immediately seemed to have found a backer, stood up and explained: "Master Antu, it's them..."

Antu waved his hand to signal that there is no need to say any more, "Got it, Matthew, it's getting late, go back and rest."

The administrator, Matthew, finally breathed a sigh of relief. After the courier packed up his things, he got up and left.

"Yate?" Antu looked at Yate: "Do you have anything else?"

"Uh...farewell, my lord judge."

Yate looked at Xu Tong and saw that he had already started to look through the files. Only then did he realize that he had to leave. His belated personality was really unpleasant, so he bowed slightly and hurried away.

After Antu closed the door, he looked back at Xu Tong.

Without speaking, he got up and walked to the kettle, poured two cups of boiling water and put them on the table.

Then he waited quietly, waiting for Xu Tong to read all the contents of the entire file.

I saw Xu Tong's expression gradually becoming dignified, and the content on the file gave him a strong sense of suffocation.

The majestic red-clothed archbishop Eletea was brutally dismembered, and his body was placed into a demon summoning array.

When Xu Tong saw the photo, Eletia's head and torso were placed in the magic circle, with a strange smile on his face.

Blood, body parts, magic circle, these weird elements are entangled together, which makes people feel strange like never before.

According to eyewitnesses, they saw a strange red light break through the sky that night, but the red light soon disappeared.

After looking for it, I saw this picture.

The church's investigation concluded that Alletia's blood was evaporated, and only her limbs and brain were cooked.

This represents that the summoning circle has been completed, and a powerful demon has been successfully summoned.

As for which demon it is, it is unknown.

"How about it! Are you surprised?"

Seeing that Xu Tong turned to the last page, Antu picked up the tea and took a sip.

"A little bit." Xu Tong nodded without denying it.

"Let's talk about those doubts."

"Many, such as the death of the archbishop."

According to his observation, the strength of the archbishop in red is basically no less than that of the princess.

Such a master, even if he can't fight, it is very easy to escape.

What's more, the place where the body was found was the outskirts of Amantes less than five kilometers away.

Why didn't the god catchers of Amantes notice such a big commotion?
These questions can not help but make people suspicious.

Faced with Xu Tong's doubts, Antu tapped his fingers on the table lightly: "So you suspect that the death of the archbishop was assassinated?"

"It's not all. Either he is old enough to live, or he has acquaintances who cooperate with each other."

These two possibilities are the only explanations that Xu Tong can think of.

Hearing this, Antu couldn't help but nodded: "That's right, you're right, and then I discovered something that confirmed your thinking."

"what's up?"

Xu Tong frowned slightly.

Antu took a sip of tea, slowly closed his eyes and said, "There is another person at the scene of Eletia's death."

Antu put down his teacup and looked at Xu Tong: "That's me! After I entered the space, the first time I opened my eyes, I stood in front of Eletia's body, although I had erased All traces about me, but when Eletia died, there was no evidence of my absence, this matter will be found on me sooner or later."

Xu Tong slowly picked up the teacup, held back the shock in his heart, and swallowed a sip of water down his throat.

He swallowed very slowly, as if he was savoring the taste of the tea and the amount of information in Antuhua.

Finally, after a while, a bitter smile appeared on his face: "So it's you, Captain."

Antu's words revealed two meanings. One was that the death of the archbishop Aletia had something to do with him.

Another, he also has a layer of identity, authenticating the player, only the player will use the word entering the space.

I have been thinking, with Mrs. Amman's strength, she is not the captain, so how strong will she be as the captain of the certified player team.

Now, after learning that Antu's identity is a certified player, Xu Tong can basically be sure that this guy is the captain Mrs. Anman said.


Antu didn't deny this, and he accepted Xu Tong's statement. He put his hands on his chin: "Anman has already told me your conditions. Since you have come, let's have a good chat."

(End of this chapter)

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