Infinite script kill

Chapter 507 Team William

Chapter 507 Team William
Antu turned out to be Mrs. Anman's team leader. Xu Tong was actually surprised by this incident, and even a little caught off guard.

According to his initial thoughts, Mrs. Amman's team probably chose to cooperate with him because they valued his convenience as an honorary bishop.

But now it seems that it is not so simple.

"Then it seems that I have no more choices. In this case, please give me a good word, what benefits will I get if I join your team?"


Antu looked at Xu Tong with a half-smile: "That depends on what value you have. If you have no value, I can kill you now and take the life of an archbishop. I don't care about killing another honorary bishop."


Xu Tong said frankly: "I have money!"

That's right, I don't have anything else, but I am rich. Master Morgan's industries are the hottest industries at the moment, and every factory is making money for him day and night.

So in Xu Tong's words, I don't have anything, but just because I have money, the value is enough.

If it was before yesterday, when he said this sentence, he still needed to weigh it, but when he learned that it was the captain who turned out to be the judge, Antu, Xu Tong's intuition told him that this guy was very poor.

This poverty does not mean in reality, even if they are billionaires in reality, but in the script world, Antu may have power but he can only be a pauper.

Because that's what they play in the script.

As for the people under him, they may have a bit of rich family property like Mrs. Amman.

But compared with an asset tycoon like Mr. Morgan, it's just a drop in the bucket.

Maybe they have gold and jewelry that they have accumulated in their hands, but it is better to have a small number of these things. Once the quantity is too large, it will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles.

In Evelyn's church introduction to herself, there is a special introduction. Gold mines are exclusively owned by the empire and cannot be mined by private individuals. However, witches can use mysterious witchcraft to turn stones into gold to cheat money.

It is conceivable that if they dared to take out a large amount of gold of unknown origin, the Inquisition would arrest them.

Based on this, Xu Tong believes that among the players in the script world this time, there will never be anyone richer than himself.

The so-called wealth can reach the gods, Antu and the others are really short of money. Even if Mrs. Amman runs a luxury store, the revenue of that store cannot support the consumption of a team at all.

What's more, Mrs. Anman's clothing store, in the final analysis, has not opened for three years, and it has been open for three years. Even as time goes by, Xu Tong will doubt how much energy Mrs. Anman has, and he will run a store while completing tasks .

Sure enough, Antu's face gradually softened a lot.

"Your main mission should be to hunt demons. We know a place where there is a mid-level demon. After joining the team, we can help you kill it."

Antu threw out his own olive branch.

Xu Tong nodded, but continued without ending his topic.

"As you said, you are responsible for the murder of an archbishop. You are not sure if you are the murderer, but you are definitely a participant. Andre has always stayed in this place and refused to leave. There are nine out of ten Just spying on you.

Evelyn is investigating you outside. Once you find clues, your situation will be in danger. At this time, my status as an honorary bishop can be imagined. "

Xu Tong continued to show his importance.

This incident is also a thorn in Antu's heart. The income of certified players' rights and interests far exceeds that of ordinary players, but the difficulty of tasks is also escalating.

For example, the role he played was suspected of killing the archbishop from the very beginning.

But I don't have the slightest memory about this matter, so I need to find a way to investigate by myself.

Once the clues cannot be found early and the suspicion cleared, his position will be in jeopardy.


Antu thought for a long time, then took out an item card and handed it to Xu Tong:

"As a bonus for joining the team, after joining the team, I can open the team's welfare permissions for you. Even if you are only a temporary player, you can still enjoy the treatment of a full-time player."

Xu Tong didn't say any more this time, and obediently accepted the item card handed over by Antu.

An eyeball, called [Void Magic Eye], can place an eye hidden in nothingness in any place, and watch everything around him for him.

It lasts three hours and has no distance restrictions.

However, it is only used three times.

Although the things are not very good, but purely as a welfare, Xu Tong has nothing to criticize.

Of course, I still have a lot of advantages to talk about, but if I repeat it over and over again, smart people should learn to shut up at this time and give themselves a little room to advance and retreat.

Antu sent Xu Tong an invitation for a temporary team, and after Xu Tong confirmed his acceptance, a series of reminders followed.

[You joined the third-level certification team, William's team. 】

[After joining the team, you can share team tasks and gain exclusive team privileges. 】

[Reminder: Once you join the temporary team, in this scenario world, you cannot inflict any malicious damage on your teammates, otherwise you will be punished for clearing, 60% of your script points will be deducted, and you will be punished for 15 seconds of stiffness. 】

[Hint: After joining the temporary team, you cannot directly quit the team within 12 hours. After 12 hours, you can pay 1000 script points to apply for withdrawal, or pay 1500 script points to force quit the team. 】

[Captain Monar has increased your team authority and opened the team welfare system for you. 】

Compared with Yang Zixuan's team that he had joined before, the certified team in front of him not only had better benefits, but also had stronger punishment effects.

Especially for maliciously injuring teammates, the penalty of freezing for 5 seconds has been increased from the original 15 seconds of freezing. Even for certified players, this time is fatal.

But the perks are really good too.

All team members have a single skill [Team Guardian Shield]

After activation, it can reduce the damage by 20%.

If the core members of the team gather, you can activate the team skill [Blessing of the Eagle God] to make the team enter a bloodthirsty state for 30 seconds.

(The distance between team members cannot exceed 600 meters.)
In addition, all task lists of the team are neatly arranged and can be shared and completed.

In other words, as long as one person completes the above task, it will be assumed that all staff have completed it by default.

"Welcome to the team." At this moment, Amman's voice appeared in Xu Tong's ear.

This is a team-only channel, only certified teams can use it, and it is also one of the benefits of the team.

"Hey, it's great that the God of Wealth is here, God of Wealth, hurry up and give me some money, I'm going to be poor and crazy recently, my name is Damu, and I work as a small worker in the bullring, God of Wealth, come and save me, poor and crazy It's..."

"Zhao San, working as an undertaker in a funeral parlor."

Members of the team greeted each other one after another. From the tone of that Da Mushan, it was clear that these people had already set their sights on him, otherwise his background would not be so clear.

"Lee Bo, honorary bishop, if you are short of money, you can find a coachman named Gandalf outside Morgan's house and tell him that you are here to collect a deposit. After telling him the amount, he will give you the money."

Xu Tong tried to say in the team channel.

I thought that after finishing speaking, these guys would thank me for coming, but no one responded.

Antu explained that the chat frequency of the team channel can only be spoken once every 10 minutes.

Only the captain and vice-captain are not restricted, and they can be turned off at ordinary times. When there is important news, the captain can send a special reminder to ensure that everyone can receive the news.

I just heard Antu whispering in the channel: "Damu, Anman, you two will spare a day tomorrow to help Li Bo complete his main task first, how much money do you need, Damu, report the number, and let Li Bo give it to you tomorrow Take it with you."

After waiting for a while, the two also replied.

Damu said no problem, and another three hundred pounds was needed, and Amman said that he could come to her shop to gather.

Antu took a deep breath and looked at Xu Tong: "A word of advice, be careful of Andre, I always think this guy is very dangerous."

Xu Tong expressed his understanding and got up to leave.

At this time, he suddenly remembered something, and looked back at Antu: "You won't be the only team in this script."

Antu shook his head: "No, thanks to you, this time, although it's the killing background, only our team came in."

Antu's subconscious meaning was that if Xu Tong didn't join the team, they would go after Xu Tong, a quasi-certified player, without any leeway.

In this regard, Xu Tong can only express with gratitude that he is lucky.

After walking out of Antu's office, Xu Tong saw Yate leaning on the corridor waiting for him in the distance.

Seeing Xu Tong come out, Yate was relieved, for fear that Xu Tong would be embarrassed by Mr. Antu.

"It's okay, Mr. Antu is actually a good person who is willing to help others."

Xu Tong patted Yate on the shoulder and sent Antu a good person card.

The two walked out of the farm, and the car to take Xu Tong back was ready.

Before leaving, Yate said that they would be able to find news about the underground black market the day after tomorrow at the latest, and hoped that Xu Tong would act together with them.

Xu Tong was not very interested in this matter at first.

But seeing Yate's expectant eyes, he decided to go and see together.

The car started slowly and gradually drove out of the pasture.

Xu Tong looked at the scenery passing by quickly outside the window, but the expression on his face gradually became more serious.

He didn't agree with Antu's last sentence. If a group of certified players came to kill a non-certified player in the killing mode, it would be too much, and it would not give him a way to survive.

And it was too simple to do so, just like joining Antu's team at this moment, it easily resolved the possibility of hostility between the two parties.

If so, what is the point of this script? ?

and so……

Xu Tong took out the paper crane from the item book.

I remember that before coming in, Xu Tong gave Amei this paper crane, but Amei threw the paper crane back.

He held the paper crane on his fingertips, and there was nothing on it. Amei didn't even leave a single clue for herself. If she didn't want to remind herself of something, why would she throw the paper crane to herself? If she wanted to remind herself, why? There is nothing left on it... What is she afraid of?
At this moment, a gloomy black light jumped in from the car window in an instant, and it was seen drilling back to the entrance behind Xu Tong.

It was Jixiang, the mouse spirit who had been away for many days. As soon as this guy returned to the hall, he rolled on the ground and was trampled on his tail by the big girl: "Where have you been dead for so many days? I didn’t even have a letter, now I know I’m back?”

Ji Xiang paused, but then he didn't even change his human form, he opened his mouth and said, "Pfft!" A mouthful of black blood spat on Erya's feet, and he passed out immediately...

(End of this chapter)

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