Infinite script kill

Chapter 510 The Witches

Chapter 510 The Witches

More and more people are injured, and it seems that the battle ahead is becoming more and more tense.

This time, Andre was determined to completely remove the cancer buried in Amantes, and he didn't care if there were innocent people inside.

Xu Tong mixed among the wounded and entered the castle all the way. Outside the gate of the castle, five guards covered in black robes stood there, their scarlet eyes scanning the wounded.

Some wounded were stared at by five people at the same time, and their pale faces instantly became uglier. Under the focus of five people's eyes, a strange mark appeared on each of their foreheads.

I can't tell what shape it is, but the crimson texture is more like a curse mark.

It seems that it is not so easy to enter the fortress. Xu Tong guessed that those strange marks should be some kind of spiritual marks. Once someone wants to do something in the fortress, these marks will explode.

"Teacher, these guards are very strong!"

Xu Tong glanced at these guards, and found that all he saw was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything else.

It wasn't that he was weak, but that the souls of these guards were completely swallowed by the darkness. To put it bluntly, they were no longer living people, but more like puppets. . .

But it is undeniable that their strength is indeed very strong, at least at the Grandmaster level.

With five Grandmaster-level guards, what should the core of the Witch Council look like?

As the pace approached, the eyes of the five men in black finally focused on Xu Tong. Faced with the spiritual oppression of the five great masters, Xu Tong instead looked calm and walked into the gate of the castle without any timidity. .

At the same time, that strange mark appeared on Xu Tong's forehead, but it disappeared without a trace in just a moment.

His soul is blessed by an archangel and blessed with soul protection.

Immunity to spiritual attacks, soul strength increased by 200%"

Coupled with the curse of Lilith, he is immune to mind control below level [-], so even the powerful mental oppression of the five great masters is like drizzle to him.

Fortunately, Xu Tong had already entered the castle at this time, and these guys didn't turn back to check again. It seemed that they were overconfident in their abilities and felt that no one could escape their eyes.

The space in the castle was much larger than I thought, and the hall was already full of wounded people.

These wounded were placed around to rest, and some girls in black cloaks brought medicinal soup to bandage their wounds.

A man fell to the ground with blood all over his face, his eyes were smashed by a stone, and the stone fragments were still embedded in his eyes.

In this case, the stone inside must be taken out.

But the girl held the tweezers in her hand, but she still didn't dare to do it.

"Let me do it."

The girl raised her head to look at Xu Tong, but she saw that Xu Tong reached out and took the tweezers from her hand: "I am a doctor."

No matter when and where, the word doctor always carries the authority that cannot be questioned.

Especially when facing patients, the doctor's authority is even stronger.

Sure enough, after hearing the doctor's identity, neither the girl nor the man questioned it again, and even the man who was about to despair relaxed a lot.

The wound was actually very simple. The small tweezers were in Xu Tong's hands, as if some kind of magical power had been born, and quickly and steadily took out every gravel in the wound.

The professional approach undoubtedly added a bit of credibility to his identity.

"The eyes can't be kept, and they can only be infected if they stay."

Xu Tong looked at the wound and said expressionlessly.

The man's face changed slightly, but then he thought that it would be good to save his life, so he gritted his teeth: "Then dig it out!"

However, as soon as the words fell, a huge pain rushed through the man's body, causing his muscles to twitch involuntarily. It turned out that Xu Tong didn't mean to ask for his consent at all, but just to inform him.

After the eyes were removed, Xu Tong simply cleaned the wound and then sutured it with a needle and thread. However, the process was obviously much slower, and the girl beside him also had a strange expression.

It seemed like he wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud.

Soon Xu Tong bandaged the wound again with cotton cloth, and the operation was considered complete.

After wiping the blood on his hands with the remaining gauze, Xu Tong asked the girl, "I want to leave as soon as possible. Is there any other exit here?"

The girl shook her head and said no.

Then he took the plate and walked towards the next injured person.

Seeing this, Xu Tong followed and continued to act as a doctor.

Most of these people were traumatized, and it was very convenient to deal with them, and there was almost no difficulty for Xu Tong.

It's just that after Xu Tong sutures the wound, people are often surprised to find out why there is an extra animal shape on their wound.

Someone saw an extra turtle on his leg, and his face instantly became ugly.

"You bastard."

A strong man sensed that the atmosphere around him was not right, looked down, and saw that the guy was stitching up a wound on his chest to form a rabbit, he picked up an ax on the spot and chopped off Xu Tong's head.

Xu Tong didn't dodge either, he just grabbed the blade of the ax with one hand, his five slender fingers were like a vise, no matter how hard the big man tried, the ax didn't move at all.

And Xu Tong was still concentrating on sewing the wound, until he finished sewing up the rabbit on the big man's chest, then inspected it with his eyes, nodded in satisfaction, and then... With a twist of his fingers, he directly grabbed the big man's axe, and in the astonishment of everyone Under his gaze, he slashed the ax on the big man's head with his backhand.

In an instant, blood was splashed on the floor, and everyone looked at Xu Tong. After wiping off the blood on his hands with no expression on his face, he turned his eyes to the next injured person.

After seeing this scene, everyone who was furious immediately shut their mouths obediently.

The underground world is a world without laws, strength is the strongest rule, not to mention there are other people waiting for Xu Tong to save his life.

"You...why did you kill, I mean, why did you save him if you wanted to kill him??"

The girl followed behind Xu Tong, looking at the corpse whose head had been chopped off, she couldn't help but shudder.

Xu Tong didn't even look at her. He walked up to the other injured person and began to treat the wound quickly. When asked by the girl, he grinned and said, "I'm happy."

The girl was speechless for such a reply, but the others could accept it.

After all, in the underground world, such moody people are not uncommon.

There are fewer and fewer injured people outside, and most people have no chance to hide in to heal their injuries.

When the gunshots approached, the entire fortress trembled, and a huge flame exploded outside the fortress.

At this time, Mrs. Amman's voice came from the team channel: "Boss, we have found the place of the Witch Association, but this place looks like a turtle shell, and we may not be able to get in."

As soon as Amman's voice fell, Xu Tong replied: "I have already come in, try to make the noise as loud as possible, but delay for me."

"Ah, did you go in??" It was Damu who spoke.

The channel was quiet for a long time before I heard Zhao San say: "We will delay the time for you, and you will be responsible for delaying Andre, and leave the rest to us."

Not long after Zhao San ended the call, the rumble outside suddenly increased sharply.

For a moment the whole fort was shaking.

Someone stood outside the fortress and saw a large number of god arresters rushing out from all directions, and their faces were ashen for a moment. They had operated the underground kingdom for so many years, but they did not expect that it would be completely destroyed in such a short period of time.

Xu Tong reached out and grabbed the girl's wrist, frowned and said, "Are you sure there is no other exit here?"

His voice is so loud that others can hear it too.

Everyone immediately looked at the girls in cloaks beside them. Everyone was selfish at the moment of life and death. They didn't believe that the Witch Society had been operating here for so many years without leaving any behind.

"I...I don't know!"

The girl was frightened by Xu Tong's cold eyes. She knew that this guy would kill without blinking an eye, so she was pushed back again and again until she pressed her body against the wall.

Xu Tong continued to say annoyedly: "This time the church suddenly took action, it is because of your witches' association, you have annoyed the church, and the church will kill you!"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of everyone present were not friendly. They had all heard before that the church seems to have been looking for the whereabouts of the Witch Guild recently, but the Witch Guild and the Dungeon are closely related, and everyone is a grasshopper on the same boat. Naturally, no one will provide information.

Now that the situation has reached this level, Xu Tong's words are tantamount to making everyone feel that they have become victims. For a while, everyone naturally pointed the finger of anger at the Witch Council.


A girl screamed, blood dripping from her forehead.

Finally, some people couldn't hold back anymore, and the commotion outside became louder and louder. Even though the magic circle was reinforced around the fortress, it didn't look like it could last long.

Once the God Catchers are allowed to rush in, none of their people present will survive.

"Tell me, where did you hide the secret passage!"

These robbers didn't know what it means to be sympathetic to women, and viciously grabbed these girls' hair, pressed their heads against the wall and smashed their heads hard, forcing them to tell the so-called secret way.

Seeing the situation getting more and more chaotic, Xu Tong retreated silently instead, hiding himself in the shadow of the corner, silently staring at the turmoil.

It turned out that when he was treating these guys at the beginning, he had no good intentions. When people are desperate, they often choose to give it a go.

But healed their wounds by himself, which made these people's hope of survival infinitely magnified. At this time, they would do anything to survive.

Seeing these robbers becoming more and more unscrupulous, Xu Tong moved his ears slightly and looked at the stairs.

"Idiots, have you had enough trouble!"

Along with the sound of footsteps, came an impatient voice.

Everyone turned their heads after hearing the words, and saw a group of witches in white walking down the stairs. The difference from those girls was that these women were wearing white robes and gold jewelry on their hands.

Rather than saying that they are witches, it is better to say that they are more like saintesses on church murals.


At this time, hiding in the entrance of the hall, Jixiang stared directly at one of the witches in the group: "Master, it's her, this old lady wants to arrest me!"

However, when Xu Tong followed the direction pointed by Jixiang, the pupils in his eyes tightened suddenly, and a coldness surged up from the soles of his feet, and he said in surprise: "How could it be her!!"

(End of this chapter)

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