Infinite script kill

Chapter 511 Tamiya

Chapter 511 Tamia (start first and then change!)
The white robe cannot hide the perfect curve of her body.

The perfect combination of charm and holiness, not only makes people dare not profane, but also makes people unable to help but focus their eyes on her.

Even standing among a group of witches, it still gives people a feeling of overwhelming beauty.

It's just that when Xu Tong saw this face, he felt an urge to run away.

"Why is this woman here??"

Xu Tong was frantic for a while, a person who shouldn't and is least likely to appear, she shouldn't even appear in this script world.

"Damn it, when will the host come off in person?? Is this considered cheating?"

Xu Tong lowered his sense of existence as much as possible, and kept thinking in his heart. In an instant, a most terrifying problem was posed in front of him.

This script world is the killing mode, just as I was wondering before, since I have joined the team of certified players, what is the significance of the killing mode? ?

Now it seems that there is an answer, this bitch is here to kill them.

Although there is no real evidence for this conjecture, even if there is only a slight possibility, Xu Tong must consider it clearly. . .

After thinking about it, he finally gave up passing the news to the team, and just silently said to Antu on the team channel: "The situation has changed, let Andre go!"

After speaking, he closed the team channel, looked around, and wanted to find a place to hide as soon as possible.

But at this moment, Xu Tong's body froze suddenly, and he looked sideways, and saw a playful gaze staring at him.

The corners of her lips were raised slightly, and she blinked at Xu Tong. Although she was very cute, Xu Tong felt a burst of pain in his heart.

"You must have some secret way, let us leave!!"

The gang members around were still yelling to leave the castle, but their tone was obviously not as fierce as before. It was more like a request than a clamor.

"We don't intend to offend, but as the Haoke family, we have sacrificed too much to protect you. Please let us leave here immediately. We just want to go home and return to our loved ones."

An older family elder stepped forward, lowered his posture and begged.

Seeing this, the leading witch showed a sarcasm instead: "When you entered the bunker, you had already made a contract with us, have you forgotten now?"

Xu Tong watched silently with his eyes of fate, and found that except for the plug-in of the host, the aura of the rest of the witches was not strong, not even as strong as those guards, not even the level of a great master.

But he didn't dare to underestimate these women. If their aura is not strong, it doesn't mean that their strength is not strong. Otherwise, Andre and the others wouldn't work hard to bring them down.


The crowd looked at each other, they didn't know much about the so-called contract, but the old man who spoke and pleaded before knew it.

In order to share such a large space in the underground passage of Amantes, several major families and the witches' society signed a contract early on.

The content is that when the Church attacks, they will fight to the last man.

At that time, several families signed the contract very readily, but they secretly laughed in their hearts. No one really took it seriously, and even joked afterwards. When the church found out, their people had already escaped through the underground passages extending in all directions. up.

At that time, if you don't backhand a report, you will be doing your best.

It's just that who would have thought that if the church didn't make a move, it would be so swift and resolute when it made a move, almost mobilizing all the gods, killing them by surprise.

So much so that they realized that the situation was wrong, and it was too late when they wanted to escape, so they could only be forced to retreat to the Witch Guild.

It wasn't until this time that I remembered that there was still such a thing.

"That's their family's business, it has nothing to do with us, let us go!!"

Some people are not happy about it. Over the years, several smuggling families have controlled this place, and they have already made a lot of money. They are just people who come here to do business, and they are involved inexplicably. Of course, they don't want to end up with these families.

To this, the witch didn't answer what they meant at all, but looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

"There is still an hour. After an hour, you can leave anytime you want."

"I'll fuck your mother for an hour! Kill them!"

Don't say an hour, just the movement outside, maybe this place will be captured by the church in a second. Instead of dying at the hands of the church, it is more reliable to kill these witches first and take their heads to surrender to the church.

But before they could move, the witches' eyes glowed red.

Immediately, the imprints on everyone's foreheads began to flash, as if a steel needle had pierced their minds directly, causing them to lose consciousness instantly.

Several witches began to chant spells at the same time. As the spells were chanted, the spell patterns on everyone's bodies became more dazzling, and then Xu Tong heard a tearing sound in his ears.

Seeing that the bodies of these people were quickly swallowed by a dark force, they changed into a new appearance in the darkness, almost exactly the same as the guards outside, and even their strength was forcibly promoted to the level of a great master.

"Could it be..."

Xu Tong's eyes turned cold, and he instantly understood why he couldn't see through the five guards outside just now. These spells actually used the souls of these people as sacrifices in exchange for equivalent power.

"Huh?? Why is there another person?"

After the leading White Witch noticed Xu Tong hiding in the corner, she couldn't help showing a strange look.

The guards transformed by the dark power in front of them immediately looked at Xu Tong in unison, bloodthirsty light appeared in their scarlet eyes.


Seeing that he had been completely exposed, Xu Tong stopped hiding and cursed inwardly that he was unlucky. He didn't expect the situation to change so quickly.

With so many great masters staring at him right now, even he felt inexplicable pressure, but there was no fear on his face.

The worst result would be to be pushed down to the ground by the eldest princess and let her bite him hard.

The only thing that makes me feel afraid is the host who stands behind and smiles without saying a word!
This girl appeared here, no matter how I thought about it, I knew it would not be a good thing.

Seeing that Xu Tong was looking at him, the host took the initiative to say to the head White Witch with a smile on his face, "Wait, this person is my friend."

"Tamia? Is she your friend??"

Several witches looked between Xu Tong and Tamia with surprised eyes.

"Yes, we have had some special relationships, so please give me a chance."

Tamia nodded, walked down the steps, came to Xu Tong's side, and took his arm affectionately.

As for the special relationship, it is naturally clear at a glance.

"Hehe, Tamia, your taste is really unique."

Seeing this, the White Witch couldn't help showing a smile from someone who had come here: "Send him away."

"Thank you for your care, may you be with the goddess."

Tamia pulled Xu Tong and bowed to thank the white witches, then dragged Xu Tong up the steps without any explanation, and quickly left towards the depths of the fortress.

"Why do you want to help me!" The two walked further and further along the trail, Xu Tong finally couldn't help asking.

"I could kill you right now, but I didn't, because I hoped you would come to help me." Tamia didn't let go, but pulled it even tighter.

"Help you?" Xu Tong narrowed his eyelids.

"Yes, in this script world, there is something that is very important to me. I hope you can come and help me get it."

Tamia said, pushing open the door in front of her.


A corrosive sour smell came over the face, and the gate turned out to be connected to a sewer.

"Come on!"

Tamia didn't care about the rotten smell of this sewer, and after jumping down quickly, she took Xu Tong to the side, and said as she walked, "There is a gun under the Inquisition, I want you to pull out that long gun for me. !"

Hearing this, Xu Tong couldn't help flashing the figure under the abyss of the dungeon in his mind. He frowned and asked, "Why don't you go? With your strength, is there anyone in this script world who can stop you?"

This sentence is questioning and probing.

Xu Tong doesn't know how strong Tamia is, but as the host of the script world, her strength should be like a god, at least not something a small character like herself can fathom.

Hearing this, Tamia glanced back at Xu Tong, and said after a while: "You may have misunderstood, the script world was not created by us, we are just maintainers, entering the script world without permission is in itself a violation of the rules, so even if Someone is covering for me, but if I don't suppress my strength, it will cause repulsion and I will be kicked out at any time."


Xu Tong felt relieved. It seemed that the principle of equivalent exchange had not failed. Even if Tamia was the host, there would still be huge restrictions on entering without permission.

As if seeing Xu Tong's careful thinking, Tamia opened her hand, and a black lightning flashed and swam around her fingertips like a nimble little snake.

Seeing this thunder and lightning, Xu Tong couldn't help standing up with goosebumps all over his body. The seemingly inconspicuous electric current made him feel unprecedented pressure.

Tamia crushed the lightning with a pinch of her fingers, and stretched out her hand to pinch Xu Tong's face: "But it's more than enough for me to kill you."

"Of course, I won't let you cooperate with me for nothing. I will give you a gift later."

The corners of Tamia's bright red lips were slightly raised. After leading Xu Tong through the sewer in front of him, when the two came out again, they had already walked out of the underground black market, and even out of the urban area.

It was raining heavily outside.

The bean-sized raindrops hit the two of them, quickly turning them into drowned rats.

Tamia tore off the clothes on her body, exposed her perfect body in front of Xu Tong, put on a brand new dress without haste, and pointed to the clock tower in the distance: "Look, the gift has arrived! "

Xu Tong looked along Tamia's gaze, and saw a huge figure in the sky that was rapidly taking shape, and couldn't help being surprised: "It's a god!"

(End of this chapter)

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