Infinite script kill

Chapter 536 The chase begins

Chapter 536 The chase begins

The sun shone on the hospital's courtyard wall, but the white wall was now covered with blood.

When people rushed into the hospital, they were immediately stunned by the tragic scene in front of them.

There were mutilated corpses everywhere.

Especially the big wood at the door, the corpse is as if withered, and his flesh is as fragile as cracking with a little force.

This made both Zhao San and An Tu dumbfounded.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Antu and Mrs. Amman are definitely the main force of the team.

But in terms of lethality alone, Damu's Xinyin Liushen Slash is powerful enough to frighten ghosts and gods.

What's more, Oki not only has item cards, but also many special ninjutsu. Even if he encounters danger, he is by no means incapable of escaping.

But Damu died unexpectedly.

And he died so strangely that his knife fell by his hand.

Zhao San picked up the knife, wiped the blade with his fingers, frowned and said, "It's cold!"

Oki's special ability is Demon Flame Slash, which is his usual technique with the help of Shikigami's power. In addition to the special nature of this big jade steel sword, often after Oki uses it, there will be more than ten hours of residual heat.

But now the blade turned out to be cold.

It shows that Damu was killed before he had time to make a move. .

Zhao San and An Tu were shocked for a while, but luckily the item book did not come. The news of An Man and Li Bo's death showed that they were still alive.

But no matter how they called through the team channel, they still couldn't get a response from them.

When the two were looking for Xu Tong and Mrs. Amman in the hospital with anxiety, someone found the injured Qiao Qian in the backyard of the hospital.

Seeing the living people rushing forward, Josie cried and threw herself into Evelyn's arms, and took out a bunch of silver crosses, which were Andre's personal belongings.

In the last script world, when Xu Tong wanted to ask for his cross from the missionary Anritat, Anritat made it clear that the cross is the source of faith and a tool for preaching by clergy, just like the cross in the hands of monks. Like Buddha beads, they will never leave their side easily.

If there is no suitable inheritor, even if it is death, this thing will be brought into the coffin.

So when Josie took out Andre's cross, everyone was shocked.

During Josie's crying and accusations, everyone learned that the murderer was actually Bishop Kevin.

Now everyone is fried.

No one expected this to be the case, but Josie was sure that Kevin suddenly became demonized and became a lackey of the demon, killing the unsuspecting Andre and severely wounding Mrs. Amman.

The whole thing is told in great detail, and even kills her mother, Mrs. Morgan.

Having said that, Josie was in tears, the tears all over her face, the heart-piercing cry touched everyone's heartstrings.

It's just that anyone with a discerning eye can detect that there are some things that don't make sense in these words.

For example, Zhao San suspected that the death of Da Mu was not like Li Bo's method.

But when they called Xu Tong through the team channel, no matter how they shouted, there was no answer. Even Mrs. Amman didn't reply, so the two had to wonder what was going on.

Until Evelyn issued an order to deprive Kevin of his honorary bishop status, and demanded that all the Inquisition be mobilized, Xu Tong must be arrested.

At this time, Antu and Zhao San also received their main task, to arrest Xu Tong.

Main task 3: Capture Kevin.

Mission description: After Andre's death, Archbishop Evelyn is the supreme executive bishop of Amantes, and his orders can represent the church with full authority, even the Pope.

Mission objective: capture or kill Kevin.

Task time: three hours.

Mission failed: Randomly draw two item cards and one title card.

Looking at the task prompt given in the item book, Antu and Zhao San were dumbfounded for a moment.

Antu's first thought was to kick this kid out of the team first, but Zhao San seemed to have sensed Antu's thoughts, and hurriedly persuaded Antu.

"Don't, don't forget that Amman may still be in the hands of this kid, and now he may make a move. If you kick him out of the team, Amman will die!"

Zhao San's words quickly calmed Antu down. It is impossible to kick Xu Tong out now, but Antu also immediately closed some of Xu Tong's privileges, only retaining the right to use the team channel.

"Find him first! Find him no matter what, this bastard, if you knew it, you should have killed him first!"

Antu couldn't help feeling regretful in his heart.

In fact, according to the usual practice, when encountering this kind of promotion, they would kill as much as possible.

On the one hand, the promotion person has a separate promotion task, and there may be a lot of variables. On the other hand, it is also because the prop card and script points on the promotion person are well prepared.

But this time was an exception. Antu was concerned about Xu Tong's special status, so he didn't kill him and planned to recruit him.

But he didn't want to lead the wolf into the house, and the situation became complicated.

Zhao San can only call Xu Tong in the team channel, but it may not be easy to find him now.

At this moment, Tommy walked up to Antu: "I've smelled this guy before, it's not difficult to find him, but I need a few helpers."

As a demon hunter, tracking monsters is a basic skill, not to mention that Tommy and Xu Tong have met each other.

"no problem!"

The corners of Antu's eyes twitched slightly, and he thought, "How could I have forgotten him?"

With Tommy joining, finding Li Bo is definitely not a problem. The only worry now is the safety of Amman.

"Ding! You have been accused by Miss Josie and ordered by Archbishop Evelyn, and you have been stripped of the privilege of the title of honorary bishop of the church."

"Ding! Your identity has changed drastically, and the Inquisition has issued an arrest notice for you!"

"Ding! Tommy the Witcher has cast a demon mark on you!"

"Ding! The demon mark conflicts with Hei Biao's brocade robe passive skill Uncrowned King, judging..."

Passive Skill: Uncrowned King
The breath of the wearer will be hidden, cannot be captured by any tracking technique, and cannot be calculated by ordinary arithmetic.

"The judgment failed, the power level of the Uncrowned King is lower than the demon mark!"

"Ding! Your privilege level in the team has been lowered, and you will not be able to share tasks and team skills.

The team leader, Antu, has increased your withdrawal deposit to the highest point. It has been detected that your script score is lower than the minimum deposit, and you are temporarily unable to voluntarily apply for withdrawal from the team. "

(Note: If you maliciously attack team members, your penalty will increase!)
The reminders in my ears kept coming, but none of them was good news.

Xu Tong's expression was unusually calm, looking at the city in front of him with deep eyes, it was so quiet that it made people feel terrible.

He rode on Big Fatty's body, and under the constant teleportation of Big Fatty, he quickly shuttled between these roofs.

While flipping through the records of the team channel, he also quickly unbuttoned his clothes, discarded the flashy clothes on his body, and put on a low-key and loose robe.

At this moment, the voices of Antu and Zhao San kept coming from the team channel.

"Lee Bo, let's talk."

"Li Bo, we are players. In fact, we can discuss the tasks in the script world. Tommy has already locked your scent. No matter how far you run, he will find you soon."

"And we believe that you are definitely not the murderer, so the mission must have a follow-up, we can try to cooperate!"

Antu tried to communicate with Xu Tong.

But when Xu Tong didn't speak or respond, he heard Zhao San's scolding.

"Silly*, do you really think you can run? We are helping you, call back!!"

Whether facing threats or comforting, Xu Tong ignored them.

In fact, with his speed, in fact, he can use the fastest way to leave Amantes quickly. As long as he escapes from the range of Amantes, the sky and the earth are big, even if there is Tommy, a demon hunter, who wants to find It's not easy being yourself.

However, Xu Tong didn't do this, instead letting Big Fatty take him in the direction of the main city.

escape?That's definitely not Xu Tong's style.

But the thorny issue right now is the pursuit of Antu and others.

"Teacher, I may have a way to help you cover up your whereabouts." Da Ya also seemed to realize that Xu Tong's current situation was not good, so she suggested to Xu Tong that she could help.

"any solution?"

"Look at mine."

The big girl jumped out from the entrance of the hall, pulled off two hairs of Xu Tong carefully, then shook her tail, and opened her mouth to spit.


A puff of green smoke spit out from the big girl's mouth, only to see the green smoke billowing, suddenly, three identical clones appeared beside Xu Tong.

The appearance and breath of these avatars are exactly the same as Xu Tong.

Even if the opponent's tracking ability is very strong, don't try to find any difference from it.

But after exhaling the blue smoke, Xu Tong noticed that Da Ya's tail was shortened.

Speaking of it, Da Ya's morality is too low.

According to the classification, Da Ya's strength is actually not as good as that of Grand Master.

Even though Xu Tong gave her so much incense merit, the incense merit can only improve the bones, but it cannot improve their morality.

If it were the old fellows of the Big Ya Clan, it would be no problem for Xu Tong to have been divided into dozens of avatars by now.

But Xu Tong is already very grateful to Da Ya for making this step.

At least these three avatars can delay some time for themselves.

"What's next?"

Da Ya controlled the avatar to quickly flee in different directions, and asked Xu Tong at the same time.

Xu Tong saw not far away, the cross standing upright in the center of the city.

That is Amantes Cathedral.

Now the outside of the church has been built magnificently.

But most of the places inside are still unfinished.

It is precisely for this reason that Bishop Berent often needs Lord Morgan's generous donations.

To put it bluntly, at least half of the church was raised by donations from Mr. Morgan.

"Hey, karma, it's just that this church can't be built!"

Xu Tong curled his lips, he already had a countermeasure in mind, patted Fatty, and pointed in the direction of the cathedral: "Let's go into the cathedral!"

(End of this chapter)

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