Infinite script kill

Chapter 537 Poisonous Milk

Chapter 537 Poisoned Milk ([-] words, two in one)

Amantes Cathedral.

"Bishop Kevin!!"

Accompanied by an exclamation, the surrounding monks put down their work one after another and gathered around, scrambling to kiss the ring surface on Xu Tong's finger.

The enthusiasm of these monks is different from that of the Inquisition. Most of the people in the Inquisition are murderers without batting an eyelid, and there are very few people who truly believe in the Church.

But these monks are another type of fanatics who believe from the bottom of their hearts.

In order to become a monk, they can give up their family, wealth, and even lifelong abstinence from women.

Dedicate your all to the Lord God and consider it an honor.

So when they saw Bishop Kevin, these fanatics wanted to crawl at his feet, just asking Kevin to put his hand on top of their head and bless themselves.

At this moment, they obviously don't know that Bishop Kevin in front of them has become the number one enemy of the church.

Xu Tong took advantage of this information gap to walk into the church swaggeringly.

"Children, the Lord God will be with you!"

Xu Tong imitated Berent's tone, and sent blessings to these monks. Although his age seemed extremely inconsistent with these words, no one felt that there was anything abrupt.

I even feel that this is the tone that should have been there.

Looking at the excited and flushed faces, Xu Tong slowly raised his hand and asked, "Where's Bishop Berent?"

"Bishop Brent went to the countryside to preach, and he may not be back until tomorrow."

Someone replied. .

Xu Tong frowned slightly when he heard this, he already had an idea in his mind, so he looked at the monks in front of him.

"Very good, now, please go to the street and spread the light of the Lord of God to everyone on the street. Before the first light of dawn tomorrow morning, I will personally come to listen to your preaching achievements."

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and went to the streets to preach. This was originally one of their compulsory homework, but this homework was usually only done on Fridays.

Because Friday is the day of the Lord's crucifixion, this day is called Black Friday. As a monk, you need to go to the streets to spread the gospel to everyone.

But everyone did not show any hesitation about this. The miracle Xu Tong showed last time has already made people regard him as the spokesperson of the God Lord.

What's more, they are fanatics, and they can't help but wonder if this is a test for them by Kevin.

So they put their hands together and put them flat on their chests: "Follow your wishes."

As he spoke, he immediately turned around and walked towards the door.

After sending these people away, Xu Tong opened the door and walked into the church.

Looking around at the unrenovated church in front of him, a smile appeared on his face.

Whether it's Antu and Zhao San, or Tommy the Demon Hunter.

If he didn't summon the eldest princess, he would never be their opponent on his own.

The time for the hunting mission is three hours.

And the only bargaining chip in his hand now is Mrs. Amman.

So an excellent battlefield will play a vital role, and this is the best place.

At this time, Da Ya suddenly sensed something coming, tilted her head and glanced towards the east: "Teacher, one clone has been destroyed!"

Although it was just a ray of Xu Tong's breath, it was precisely because there was only a cloud of air that could go up and down the earth and shuttle walls at will. It is said that it was not easy to catch it, but it was destroyed so quickly, which was beyond his reach. Da Ya's prediction.

"Wait, the second clone is also destroyed!"

At this time, Da Ya suddenly became nervous, and found that the clone far to the west was destroyed in an instant. Could it be that they were acting separately? ?

"It's ok!"

Xu Tong said something lightly, and he looked at the top of his head.

I saw that my luck at the moment was gloomy and very low, obviously it had reached the bottom.

Seeing this, Xu Tong not only didn't feel embarrassed, but his eyes became more and more hot.

Then he slowly raised his palm, and with the active skill of the item card [Master of Colored Plays], the Baixitai was activated.


Consume 30 script points. After activation, build a stage within 30 meters around yourself. On the stage, your control ability will increase by 40%, and all restrictions on the number of control skills will be lifted.

Suddenly, a large piece of paper flew up from Xu Tong's palm, covering everything in front of him.

"This is it?? Will he hide here??"

Outside the church door, a group of people looked at the cathedral in front of them, facing each other for a moment.

Even Antu and Zhao San felt a little weird.

If it were them, they should run outside at this time. As long as they run outside in the suburban forest, it will be extremely difficult for them to catch Li Bo.

But now Li Bo is hiding in the cathedral in the center of the city, which they never imagined.

"No mistake!!"

Tommy raised his nose and took a deep breath in the air. There was a faint smell in the air, even if he didn't sniff it carefully, it was hard to smell it.

But under his demon mark, this guy is as clear and dazzling as a bonfire in the dark.

"Then go in!"

Yate and the others who were following behind glanced at each other, and were about to rush in. In his heart, he did not believe that Bishop Kevin would become the devil, let alone that Bishop Kevin was the real culprit who killed Andre.

So he had to ask himself about this matter.

"and many more!"

Antu held down Yate, signaled him to wait a little longer, and then called Xu Tong through the team channel.

"Li Bo, we can discuss something. Our mission is to arrest you, not to kill you, and I think there must be a follow-up to this mission. There is no need for everyone to turn heads."

Facing Antuyu's sincere words, Xu Tong chose to ignore them.

Seeing that Xu Tong still refused to respond, Antu was also a little annoyed: "If you dare to kill Amman, we will die! I will wait for you for another 10 minutes. If you don't reply, we will rush in directly."

It's just that Antu can wait, but Tommy beside him can't wait.

"Don't wait, don't give this guy time, don't forget, he is the guy who can steal the fruit of the God Lord!"

Everyone was startled when they heard the words, and quickly understood what Tommy meant.

Last time, Hecate, wasn't it this guy who annihilated him with the help of his huge power of faith.

Although the power of faith is not very lethal to people, it can bring terrifying skill blessings, and the effect is very terrifying.

Thinking of this, Antu's heart was startled, his eyes became decisive in a moment.


After speaking, everyone in Antu gave a wink, Yate and the others immediately pushed open the door, and the God Catcher team who looked at them rushed into the church.

But when they pushed the door of the church open.

He was immediately surprised by the picture in front of him.

The statues of angels are exquisitely crafted, and each piece is exquisite.

The archangel Camille folded his hands and bowed devoutly in front of the statue of the Lord God. His devout demeanor is all moving.

Even those naive little angels are vivid.

These statues are not colored, but the pure whiteness and holiness can't help but make everyone feel that this is the original color of the angels.

"Even if it's the master sculptor of the empire, Vegana probably doesn't have such superb skills when he comes in person."

Someone sighed softly, for fear that his voice would disturb these angels.

"I don't think even the statues in the Vatican are so delicate. My God, how much does it cost?"

The god catchers were shocked by the delicate reliefs in front of them.

"Strange, isn't it said that it hasn't been decorated yet??"

While Tommy sighed, he couldn't help feeling suspicious, because when he met Archbishop Evelyn today, he casually asked about this church.

Archbishop Evelyn said that the church is now only finished on the outside, with no decorations at all inside.

A house often has absolutely no ceiling on the cost of decoration.

What's more, the cost of decorating a church, or even actually wanting to decorate a church, often exceeds the cost of building a church.

It is precisely because of the high cost and the empire's intentional reduction of the church's finances that the Amantes Cathedral has not been able to be completed for a long time.

"Find separately!"

Tommy drew his pistol from his waistband.

Dorsey on the side was attracted by the gun at once.

The quaint gun body is one size larger than ordinary pistols, with reliefs of battle angels inlaid on both sides, one holding a sword and the other holding a shield. The full silver front sight on the barrel makes the gun body look bulky.

But as a sought-after man, Dorsey knew very well that this was a murderous weapon.

When Tommy picked up the gun, his breath became sharper. As a demon hunter, hunting demons was his vocation.

Even if the other party is given the title of honorary bishop by the church, he will never show mercy.

"This way!"

Dorsey wanted to pay more attention, but Art still directed the team members to go straight to the second floor.

At the same time, An Man and Zhao San also started separate operations.

Although Li Bo's methods are very strange, this does not hinder the self-confidence of the two. Whether it is item cards or title skills, they are sure to kill each other quickly in one-on-one situations.

"How much money Bishop Berent raised, so many reliefs, we will fight later, if they are broken, we won't lose money."

It was Dorsey who spoke.

Not only the lobby has reliefs, but even the corridors on the second floor are covered with various exquisite reliefs.

Dorsey has never seen many relief shapes among them.

Qin followed behind and heard Dorsey's words, and couldn't help but sneered: "Losing money? Even if you break up and sell you, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it!"


At this moment, there was a sound of collision behind them, which startled everyone. They hurriedly turned around and found that it was Bagu, the heavy gunner.

I saw Ba Gu blushing, pointing to the relief at his feet and stammering: "Captain, I... I didn't mean it, I just turned around!"

When everyone looked at it, they saw that the relief was dented by the chest and the heavy cannon on Ba Gu's back.

I'm really afraid of what's coming.

Although they knew that they would not really lose money, they still couldn't help but feel sorry for the broken relief.

"and many more!"

At this moment, Xio, the prop master, walked up to the relief and stretched out his hand to take a closer look at the concave part of the relief, and his expression suddenly became weird.


The expression on Xio's face gradually became strange. He took out a dagger from his waist, and then lightly stroked on the relief.


The dagger cut the relief in half with ease.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and they walked over to take a closer look, only to find that these reliefs were actually made of paper.

"It turned out to be paper?"

Now Dorsey couldn't help laughing: "God, thanks to my tiptoe walking all the way, if I knew it was made of paper, I wouldn't have to worry so much."

Everyone immediately showed a relieved expression. If it was just paper, then it doesn't matter if it is destroyed.

"Hey, even if it's paper, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it. My handwork is very expensive!"

Suddenly, suddenly, a joke was heard.

Everyone was startled, and looked back, only to see Xu Tong folded his arms, leaning against the wall, looking at them with a smirk on his face.

"Bishop Kevin!"

Yate's eyes widened, and until this moment, he still did not change his address to Xu Tong.

"Bishop Kevin, what happened, I know you will never kill Archbishop Andre, you will never be a fallen person, tell me what happened, we will help you!"

From the beginning to the end, Yate refused to believe that Xu Tong was the real culprit of the hospital tragedy.

And there are many things in it that cannot be explained.

All this needs to be clarified by Bishop Kevin, who is willing to use his life to guarantee him.

Facing Yate's sincere eyes, Xu Tong frowned and curled his lips: "You idiot, you still talk so much nonsense!"


Seeing the captain being humiliated, Dorsey immediately raised his gun.

But without waiting for him to shoot, Xu Tong rushed up to meet the crowd. The speed was so fast that everyone didn't expect that this little guy who looked young could move so sensitively.

Fortunately, the God Catching Squad always acted in groups, and Ian and Sagem, who were the main team members, immediately stood in front of Xu Tong.

I saw Ian waved the metal glove in his hand, with a dazzling holy light shining from it, and hit Xu Tong head-on.

Facing the fiery iron fist in front of him, Xu Tong closed his pupils slightly, and his figure suddenly became blurred. Ian's iron fist went straight through Xu Tong's face, and it actually just hit a cloud of air.

It turned out that at just a moment ago, Xu Tong had activated the active skill of [Master of Caixi], and Caixi was lost.

Color Play Lost Track
Consume 12 script points, after activation, you will get a color step, you can enter a semi-hidden state while moving, and leave an afterimage to confuse the opponent.

However, the moment Xu Tong dodged Ian's fist, a dagger skillfully pierced out from under Ian's armpit. The matte dagger looked like a poisonous snake charging a blow in the dark corridor. Straight to Xu Tong's chest.

"go to hell!!"

The shooter was none other than another main player in the team, Sagem.

As the only two melee players in the God Catching team, the level of tacit cooperation between the two has reached the point where they are like ducks in water.

But what Sagem couldn't imagine was that the thin boy in front of him was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Facing the dagger piercing his chest, Xu Tong made a lightning move, his fingers were almost touching the dagger, and he grabbed Sagem's palm.

Five birds catch hands, cranes peck.

Before Sagem could struggle, Xu Tong poked Sagem's arm fiercely with his fingers, and under the severe pain, Sagem almost dropped the dagger in his hand.

Tiger pounce, bear leaning, close-to-body bunt, I saw Xu Tong punch to the flesh, combining the five-bird grasping hand and close-to-body bunt, grasping and hitting, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms falling on Ian's body.

"Bang bang bang..."

After finishing the set, Ian's body flew upside down, and even Sagem behind him fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing that the two were injured.

Dorsey immediately raised his gun and fired.


Under the sparks from the muzzle, a silver bullet flew from the muzzle.

But at the moment when the bullet flew out of the muzzle, Xu Tong raised his finger, and a sword energy invisible to the naked eye instantly split the bullet in half.

The bullet that split in two flew past Xu Tong's cheek and hit the wall of the corridor.

The sword energy remained strong, and at the same time as the bullet was cut, Dorsey felt a huge pain in his palm, and the muzzle and fingers separated at the same time.

For a moment, the fingers were dripping with blood, and all five fingers were chopped off by Xu Tong.


Looking at the fingers that were cut off by Qi Shushua, Dorsey's face paled instantly.

Xu Tong smiled coldly: "I won't play with you anymore, take your fingers slowly, this is a delicate job."

With that said, Xu Tong turned and ran away.

Art looked at Dorsey's bleeding wound, and he woke up with a start, his pupils gradually shrank, and a feeling of being deceived came to his mind.

"Qin! I leave it to you!"

Yate signaled Qin to stay, healed Dorsey and the others with a healing technique, and then hurried to Xu Tong's direction to catch up.

But Xu Tong's speed was too fast, Art could only see one afterimage at a time.

"Stop you son of a bitch!!"

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and looked back at Yate, who was chasing up, and couldn't help shaking his head: "Idiot, whoever stands still is the grandson!"

As he spoke, instead of slowing down, he sped up his pace, leaving Art behind in an instant.

However, just as Xu Tong let out a triumphant laugh, he speeded up and was about to completely get rid of the little idiot Yate.

Suddenly, Xu Tong sank directly.

An extremely uncomfortable feeling came to his heart, and then he felt a suffocating feeling.

Xu Tong turned his head suddenly, and saw a person standing about 20 meters away, which was Zhao San.

Zhao San's eyes were glowing, and on his shoulders stood two half-human tall strange birds.

Both birds are large, but their heads are more like owls.

What is even more surprising is that these two birds have only one wing.

One on the left and one on the right.

As if two birds should be one in themselves.

This is Zhao San's housekeeping skill. As soon as the two birds came out, Zhao San's luck changed dramatically in an instant, and eight characters appeared on the air cloud.

Thousands of years are immortal, long live without borders.

The moment the two birds opened their eyes, they saw Xu Tong making a strange human-like laugh. The two birds opened their eyes, spoke human words, and recited strange poems in their mouths.

"Come and come, creeping grass lingers on the bones, arches trees to entangle the soul, this is the end of life."

"Walk, walk, the way of heaven is covered with dust, and those who think about the past will die with hatred."

As the sound of the two birds fell, Xu Tong's eyes spun for a moment, and there were endless dry graves in his pupils, and his body seemed to be frozen.

This is Zhao San's unique skill of pressing the box, the long live bird for thousands of years.

Ge Hong wrote in "Baopuzi Nei Pian": "The thousand-year-old bird and the long-year-old bird have human faces and bird bodies, and their longevity is just like their names."

Once Qianqiu Longsui comes out, a soul attack will bloom indiscriminately. This is an indiscriminate attack.

Even teammates are no exception.

If Zhao San uses this move, even if Xu Tong is still a teammate of the same team, he will be frozen there, but he will not be judged to have maliciously harmed himself.

Xu Tong was obviously aware of this too, he was stiff when he saw Antu and Tommy quietly appearing from around the corner, Tommy raised the quaint revolver in his hand, pointed it directly at Xu Tong's chest and pulled the trigger.


The sound of that gun, like a thunderclap, instantly shattered the surrounding glass into powder.

It was more like a thunder that penetrated deep into his internal organs, making Xu Tong feel so sad that he wanted to vomit blood.

A ray of silver light cut through the air, and the moment it hit Xu Tong, a bloody light suddenly burst out from Xu Tong's body.

After a brief collision between the blood light and the bullet, a bloody flower still exploded heavily on Xu Tong's chest, and the huge force even directly knocked Xu Tong away.

But an unexpected picture appeared.

The people who flew out together were not only Xu Tong, but also An Tu and Zhao San. The two of them also exploded with blood in their chests. They were completely caught off guard by this blow and fell hard to the ground.

At the same time, a reminder of the death of a team member appeared in Antu's ear.

"The team member Amman suffered huge injuries and died!"

Antu was blinded by the sound of the reminder. He struggled to get up from the ground with red eyes, and saw that Xu Tong also got up, and his injuries were much lighter than his. Even his whole spirit changed suddenly. Got better than before.

It turned out that the moment the bullet hit Xu Tong, Xu Tong had already activated his title skill, Chapter of Slaughter.

Title Skill 1: Chapter of Slaughter (Enhanced Version)
Consume 30 script points to gain immunity to 80% mental damage and 30% physical damage. Every time you kill an enemy, you can temporarily gain a layer of blood resentment, and each layer of blood resentment can temporarily increase your 5 Point power, up to 100 floors.

"how so??"

Antu looked at his chest in horror, obviously attacking Li Bo, why was he also injured, why did Amman die? ?
Facing Antu's doubts, Xu Tong first sighed, feeling helpless for Mrs. Anman's death.

Then I saw Xu Tong change an item card to display status and send it to the team channel.


The brave man is so nameless.

Passive Skill 1: Guardian

When teammates appear within a range of 30 meters, your mental toughness increases by 25%
Passive Skill 2: Brave

When your teammate dies, you gain a 40% increase in all stats.

Duration: 1 hours
Active Skill 1: Righteousness

Consumes 30 script points. After activation, when there are more than 30 teammates within 2 meters around you, the damage you receive will be shared equally.

This prop card, no matter from which point of view, is a rare prop card of the team support system, whether it is passive or active, it is very powerful.

However, at this moment, this prop was stuck in Xu Tong's hand, and it turned into a piece of poisoned milk.

All the injuries he suffered must be apportioned to Antu and Zhao San.

This time, Antu's face instantly became extremely ugly: "Despicable!!"

"Is this despicable??"

Xu Tong frowned, and slowly opened his hands: "There are even more despicable ones!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

A gust of cold wind blew from nowhere, and a large piece of guiding money fell down like white snow. The smile on Xu Tong's face gradually faded, and there was a touch of madness in his eyes:
"God's descent!"

As Xu Tonghua's voice falls...

The surrounding temperature immediately began to drop.


I saw that the reliefs in the church were all alive!
 Sorry, I went to Nantong today, and the time was delayed on the way, so the update is a bit late. The two chapters are not suitable to be separated, so they are combined together.

(End of this chapter)

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