Infinite script kill

Chapter 539 Rolling

Chapter 539 Rolling
[Zhumen Wine and Meat] This title is very strange

After activating this title, he can choose a player for financial PK, and compete for the number of script points.

The loser, according to the disparity between the two parties, will temporarily deduct a part of their own physique.

But again, if the opponent wins, the person who is suppressed is himself.

When Zhao San mentioned for the first time that he was going to be kicked out of the team, Antu didn't do that, but chose to resist.

From that time on, Xu Tong was sure that after Antu paid the huge compensation, he would definitely not get more script points than himself.

It's just that he didn't expect that the disparity would be so big.

Hearing the prompt, Antu was dumbfounded.

It never occurred to him that such a shameless thing existed in the world.

You killed my people, took my money, and finally used my money to kill me? ?

Is there such a despicable and shameless thing in the world? ?

Before Antu could recover, Xu Tong punched the Holy Light Shield in front of him.

Antu's overall strength has been weakened by half, and even the Holy Light Shield has become vulnerable. Obviously, his own divine power is not enough to maintain such a high-strength Holy Light Shield.

Under Xu Tong's heavy punch, the Holy Light Shield, which was able to withstand hundreds of sword qi, trembled violently.


Delicate cracks split open like a spider web.

And Antu and Zhao San could only watch helplessly. .

Because of the 3-minute protection period, the two of them couldn't do any harm to Xu Tong at all.

At the same time, a strong sense of weakness came over, making Antu feel his limbs became heavy, as if his whole body was tied with lead weights.


Fortunately, when Tommy saw this, he immediately pointed his gun at Xu Tong. Xu Tong sensed the danger, but he didn't dodge at all. Instead, he activated the power of the devil in an instant, and the devil came.

The dark armor of hell appeared on him, and at the same time when the devil came, his physique and strength were greatly improved again.


However, Tommy's bullet was a specially made demon-repelling bullet, and the Hell Armor's defense was limited. Immediately, blood burst in Xu Tong's abdomen, and the pain made Xu Tong's face tremble.

It's just that he activated the Demon King's Descending, not for defense, but for offense!

I saw billowing magic flames surging, following Xu Tong's fist hitting the Holy Light Shield in front of him.

"Kick, Kick, Kick..."

The cracks on the Holy Light Shield are getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing this, Tommy pointed the gun directly at Xu Tong's head.


The bullet flew out from the muzzle of the gun, Xu Tong just turned his head, and let the bullet punch a hole in his handsome cheek, his face was covered with blood, with a huge hole, it looked like he crawled out of hell of evil spirits.


Seeing this scene, everyone was frightened.

Even Antu was shocked by the murderous aura in front of him.

Seeing that he missed a hit, Tommy frowned, but before he fired the third shot, the demons from around had already rushed in front of him, forcing Tommy to withdraw his gun to parry.

During the time he was being entangled by these demons, Xu Tong's fists had been hitting the Holy Light Shield in front of him continuously.


The indestructible Holy Light Shield exploded, and the blood-stained palm grabbed Antu's throat from countless fragments. Several thoughts flashed in Antu's mind.

Dodging, parrying, and counterattacking, but these thoughts arose, but he found that his sore and heavy muscles were like a poisoned computer. The command key had been pressed, but there was no response for a long time. crazy.

In the blink of an eye, Antu felt a sharp pain in his throat, and Xu Tong lifted his body and hit the wall behind him heavily.


The tearing pain made Antu finally realize that the god of death was staring at him. He was startled, and instinctively called out a holy light to hit Xu Tong.

But the sword of holy light passed through Xu Tong's body. Instead of causing any damage, it turned the demon who had just stood up behind him into ashes.

Guard time!

Now Antu felt as bitter as if he had eaten a Coptis chinensis.

He lost.

But the defeat was extremely aggrieved, so aggrieved that he wanted to bang his head against the wall.

A certified player was defeated head-on by a non-certified player in the process of promotion. I am afraid that no one will believe this incident.

But it is.

If it is said that Xu Tong is straight and straight, relying on his own strong strength, he has achieved a positive crush.

Even if Antu died, he could only say that he was inferior to others.

But Xu Tong was not. This guy was taking advantage of the rules and loopholes from the very beginning, and even calculated step by step at the end. He didn't even launch his ultimate move, and was crushed and defeated abruptly.

This depressing feeling is like an old monk who has practiced boy kung fu all his life, thinking that his six faculties are pure, and he has no desires or desires.

In the end, he was defeated by a tycoon in women's clothing, and he was so aggrieved that it made people mad.

"Don't move! It's easy for me to kill you now!"

Xu Tong's fingers were clenched tightly around Antu's throat, and his fingertips had even dug into Antu's flesh.

At the same time, his body was completely hidden behind Antu, not giving a sharpshooter like Tommy the slightest chance.

"You are amazing, I admit it, I lost!"

Antu took a deep breath and quickly calmed down. He was depressed, but when he thought about it carefully, he even had to admire this guy.

In fact, Xu Tong's tactics are not difficult to decipher.

After all, that item card has a scope of application. As long as you distance yourself from Xu Tong, Xu Tong will naturally have no way to share the damage.

In particular, Zhao San could summon the black rooster, and it ran extremely fast. Even with eight legs, Xu Tong couldn't outrun the big rooster. They took full advantage of this and flew the kite from a long distance.

But it happened that Xu Tong had seen Zhao San's rogue methods, so he gave up running towards the open suburbs at the beginning.

Instead, he came to the church with complex terrain, which seemed to limit his chance of escaping, but also invisibly limited the possibility of the two of them wanting to fly a kite.

From the very beginning, Xu Tong had counted every step clearly. From this point of view, their defeat was not wronged at all.

Knowing that he has no chance of turning over at this moment, he has seen the crimson flame erupting from Xu Tong, which is hellfire. As long as he makes a little rash move, even if Xu Tong dies, he can inject hellfire into himself before he dies. throat.

Even a faint flame is enough to kill him completely.

Thinking of this, Antu couldn't help sighing in his heart, even if he became a certified player, sometimes he could still feel the fragility of life.

"Li Bo, we have surrendered. If you don't want to kill me, you can make a condition."

Zhao San said.

He still has a second hand, besides the Qianqiu Longsui Bird, he also has a move of "Long Guang Dust", but he knows better that Li Bo in front of him also did not use his full strength.

At least the old Taoist I saw last time did not appear.

In addition, now that they are all injured, if they continue to fight, they may lose their lives here. Since Li Bo did not kill, it means that there are still conditions for negotiation.

"Surrender order!"

Xu Tong said expressionlessly: "The condition is that you will help me complete the promotion task with all your strength. Only after completing the task can you return, otherwise you will die!"


Antu resolutely refused: "It's not that we don't want to help you. We can fail the mission, but it's meaningless to do so. The mission lines for promotion to certified players are often separate missions. Sometimes we can't intervene if we want to."

"Well, let's sign the surrender order. Wherever there is conflict with you, we will voluntarily give up, and we can no longer attack you in any form in this script world.!"

Zhao San suggested that this is already their biggest concession. Even if they surrender, there is still a bottom line in the negotiation. If the result of the negotiation is to drag them to another extreme, then they would rather die than die.

"Yes! But I have to add one thing, pull me into the team again, and give me the highest authority. When there is a situation that is not conducive to me, you must inform me."

Of course Xu Tong knew that Antu and the others would not agree to his invitation, so when they asked for second best, he showed his fox tail.

After all, negotiating such matters, in Xu Tong's understanding, is nothing more than a lion opening his mouth and sitting on the ground to pay back the money.

When they heard that Xu Tong was going to pull him into the team, An Tu and Zhao San couldn't help feeling a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

That damn support item card, no matter how you look at it, looks like team poison.

Especially in the hands of a lunatic like Xu Tong.

But his fate was held in the palm of Xu Tong's hand, and he couldn't help but talk about the conditions. He had already felt the heat gradually rising from Xu Tong's fingertips.

Apparently the 3-minute protection period is about to expire.

"make a deal!"

Realizing that he had no room to bargain, Antu reluctantly handed in the order of surrender.

"William Smith Doug handed you the order of surrender.

In this scenario world, members of William's team are not allowed to attack you.

Don't spread bad news about you.

No information harmful to you shall be withheld from you.

And pull you into the team again, sharing all the team's welfare skills.

Whether to accept! "

Xu Tong listened carefully to the prompts in the item book, and after confirming that there were no word games, he immediately chose to accept.

As soon as he chose to accept the surrender order, the protection time on his body was up.

3 minutes, not even a second timed out.

But Xu Tong just let go of Antu, and went straight to Tommy.

Tommy, who was fighting the devil, couldn't understand what Kevin and Judge Antu were talking about.

However, years of experience in hunting demons and the struggle between life and death made Tommy always learn to keep his hand.

When Tommy realized that Xu Tong was rushing towards him, a cold light flashed across Tommy's eyes. He stepped on a demon's head and jumped into the air. He was chanting an ancient spell to exorcise Xu Tong. Bash.

"There is no trace for thousands of years, and there is no stiffness for a long life!"

But at this moment, a deep and sneaky voice sounded quietly, which made Tommy's spirit shake. He only felt that he was missing something inexplicably, but he didn't know what was wrong.

If Tommy could observe his own luck, he would find that two birds landed on top of his head, one left and one right, opening their mouths to swallow up the energy above his head.

The two birds opened their mouths at the same time, spit out black disgusting fire again, and suddenly a heart-piercing pain hit, causing Tommy to let out a scream, as if his head was about to split open.

Before it was too late, Xu Tong had already rushed in front of Tommy.

He stretched out his hand to grab Tommy's shoulder, and the terrifying heat burst out, instantly making Tommy fall into hell.

(End of this chapter)

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