Infinite script kill

Chapter 540 Saint Tias Spear Sword

Chapter 540 Saint Dias Spear Excalibur (Don't keep it, this script is almost over)

Tommy's strength is not weak, but he is still a mortal body after all. Facing the sudden heavy injury, he almost passed out.

Sudden! !When the hellfire burned on Tom's chest, a metal badge was exposed in the firelight.

The white badge is made of unknown material.

There are two keys and three crowns on it.

Is this the highest honor badge of the church? It is the emblem of the Pope, and the two keys represent the power of heaven and the power of the earth.

The three crowns represent that the pope enjoys the highest legislative, judicial and administrative powers in the world.

This badge was originally a reward from the Pope as Xu Tong, but Xu Tong didn't accept the badge because he was dissatisfied with Tommy's behavior of disowning him.

Originally, it was planned that this badge would be handed back to him by Tommy himself at night.

But Tommy quietly put the badge around his neck.

At this moment, the badge burst into a hot glare.

That nasty holy aura erupted into a white shock wave, which caught Xu Tong and the others by surprise. In an instant, Xu Tong felt as if he had been thrown into boiling water, and his body was blown away.

The original demons around them also turned into ashes and disappeared in the white light.

Only when the strong light gradually disappeared, Tommy shook his unsteady body and turned around with difficulty, trying to escape. .

"Tommy here!!"

Hearing the shout, Tommy turned his head and saw Art waving at him and rushing towards him.

But at this time someone moved faster than him.

Antu, the judge, suddenly rushed out and came to Tommy's side.

"I'll help you!"

Seeing this, Tommy was refreshed, but was horrified to find that Antu's slowly raised finger was pointing at him.

"Sanction·Blade of God!"

In an instant, a strange magic circle appeared at the bottom of Antu's feet, and then a dazzling light burst out and hit Tommy's body hard.

In an instant, Tommy's whole body was shattered, and he was sent flying towards Xu Tong like a kite with a broken string.

"Meet death Tommy!"

Xu Tong stretched out his hand into Tommy's chest expressionlessly, and the scorching hellfire pierced his chest with a hole the size of a bowl.

Maybe Tommy didn't understand until his death, why the judge Antu would kill him, isn't he with them?
But you may not understand that what players are best at is the change of identity, and quickly understanding their own situation is the basic skill of every player.

Now that Xu Tong has rejoined the team.

Then they are one, and anyone who threatens Xu Tong will also be their enemy.

Besides, since they have already boarded the pirate ship, the certificate of nomination is naturally indispensable.


Tommy's body fell heavily on the ground. Xu Tong immediately took out the bell, performed the soul-hunting technique, grabbed Tommy's body, and forcibly pulled his soul out of Tommy's body, and threw it into the entrance of the hall. Dan furnace to go.

Seeing this scene, Yate was dumbfounded immediately, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Why did the judge, Antu, who had been fighting with Kevin just now, suddenly turn against him?

"Holy Light and Order Prison!"

In a daze, Yate suddenly found that holy lights rose one after another under his feet.

The holy light formed a circle and directly trapped him inside.

When Yate's body touched the holy light, he was immediately bounced back heavily.

"Unfortunately, child."

Antu's face showed unbearable and regretful. In fact, he still likes Art very much, not only because he dared to submit the report, so that he could clear himself of the suspicion of killing Eretya.

It is in Yate that he saw the shadow of himself.

If I hadn't walked into the script killing experience hall by accident, then I should be doing my job as a pastor in the small town with peace of mind.

"Why? Why is this happening!!"

Watching Antu reach out to him again, Yate's mind suddenly started to speed up.

At this time, a hand was placed on Antu's arm: "Don't kill him, keep him, maybe it will be useful."

Xu Tong knew that his real enemy was not Yate and the others. He killed Tommy because this guy was too threatening, and he almost killed himself with just a few shots.

Besides, although the demon hunter and the church belong to the same family, the demon hunter has the right to act freely and is not under anyone's command. It is an uncertain factor and must be killed.

But Yate is different, as long as Antu is still a judge, to a certain extent, Yate is also their subordinate.

An Tu was startled, and turned his head to look at Xu Tong, with a somewhat surprised expression on his face.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not a murderer!"

Xu Tong shook his shoulders: Although he was smiling, there was a hole the size of a thumb on his face, dripping with blood, making him look more like a devil who likes to play with people's hearts.

"That's it!"

Antu put down his hand, but still shot out a holy light, which temporarily stunned Yate.

Then he threw a bottle of potion from the item book to Xu Tong, asking him to eat it first to recover.

Although it is very uncomfortable, after all, we are all grasshoppers in the same boat, and now it is time to improve our relationship.

Xu Tong covered his face and drank the medicine in one gulp, and signed the order of surrender. He was not worried that Antu would dare to play any tricks. The reason why he covered his face was because the hole in his face was too big, so he drank it in his mouth without covering it. , is about to flow from the cheek.

I drank the potion in one gulp. I don't know if the potion has added sugar, it's a bit sweet and choking to the nose.

However, the effect of the medicine is really good, and with his own [Dark Physique], the wound on his face has scabbed within a short time.

Although it is still far from healing, at least it is true that the words are not leaking.

Feeling almost recovered, Xu Tong walked to Tommy's body, took off the badge on his chest and threw it into the item book.

【Emblem of the Pope】

The Pope's personal treasure, it is rumored that it is made of angel bones, of course it is just a rumor.

It is rumored that holding this item can make a wish to an angel.

Passive Skill 1: Purification (0/500)

When encountering a crisis, all the holy power will be released at one time, and a holy shock wave will be launched.

(Note: The sacred power can be blessed and supplemented by monks praying day and night.)
Xu Tong was playing with this badge, and he had already guessed the origin of this thing in his heart, but it was a pity that the power in it had been released.

I don't have time to find someone to recharge myself, so I can only throw it into the item book for the time being.


The three of them took a short rest, but before they could catch their breath, they suddenly heard sharp roars from the corridor and the sound of falling from the wall.

"Those demons?" Zhao San frowned. After the bodies of these demons were destroyed, they couldn't really kill them. Their souls would quickly find suitable parasites nearby.

It is precisely because of this that people have a feeling of endless killing.

For a while, Zhao San looked at Xu Tong, but Xu Tong frowned and said, "It's easier to ask the gods than to send them away. Besides, their time is almost up, and it's not my power that keeps them alive!"

"Not you?"

"not me!"

After Xu Tonghua's voice fell, the three of them received another task reminder at the same time.

"Main task 4: Sacrifice to the evil god."

Mission description: The sacrifice of evil gods has begun, and the entire Amantes will be reduced to the place of evil gods. Scream, repent, and the fallen will pay the price in blood.

Mission objective: prevent the reunification of hell and the world, and end the sacrifice of evil gods.

Task time: 3 hours
Failure penalty: extremely high! "

Hearing the prompt of the mission, the three of them couldn't help but look at each other, as if they were also relieved.

Especially Antu and Zhao San, what they are most worried about is that the next main mission will continue to conflict with Xu Tong, so they can only bear extremely high punishment, use the privilege of certified players, and forcibly exit the script world.

When they submitted the surrender order to Xu Tong, they were judged to have failed the mission, but it was strange that the script space delayed the punishment.

It is not until they leave the world of this script that the calculation and punishment will start.

This is not the case, but very rare.

Often according to the nature of the script space, punishments are effective immediately.

In that case, if they forcibly leave the world of this script, they are doomed to bear the punishment of two missions and the high price of forcibly exiting.

Even certified players can't stand such a fine.

If the core item card is taken away, it will not be a serious injury to the vitality, but directly kill half of the life, how will you play in the script world next time?
So now it seems that the situation is better than they imagined. As long as the tasks do not conflict, they don't have to worry about being punished again.

It's just that the two of them didn't notice that Xu Tong's expression was a little strange at the moment.

Because in addition to the main task, he also received his final certification task, killing the evil god Josie.

Special task 3: Kill and worship the evil god Josie.

Mission description: At the cost of his own life, Archbishop Eretea summoned the evil god and signed a contract with him. The evil god successfully parasitized on Josie Morgan's body, and will soon complete the summoning ceremony according to the contract. Only by killing her can future troubles be avoided.

And the only thing that can kill Josie Morgan is the [Santias Spear Sword].

Mission objective: Kill the evil god Josie.

Task time: 3 hours.

Failure penalty: promotion failure.

Xu Tong looked at the hint given in the item book, and couldn't help raising his brows slightly: "Is [Santias Spear and Excalibur] the gun under the Inquisition!"

Antu frowned when he heard the words, then nodded immediately, looked at Xu Tong without knowing it, and said coldly: "If you are planning on that thing, I advise you to die as soon as possible. I dare not approach the pit easily, anyone who goes down will die."

Hearing Antu's words, Xu Tong couldn't help taking a deep breath. He could already feel the deep malice towards him from the script this time, so he spread his hands helplessly: "Then you wish me good luck..."

(End of this chapter)

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