Infinite script kill

Chapter 553 Playing with a Heartbeat

Chapter 553 Playing with a Heartbeat

"Ding dong!"

The bell on the door of the store was pushed away, Xu Tong poked his head out ghostly, and looked inside through the crack of the door.

"Go in if you want, sneaky, are you afraid that I will eat you?"

A rare teasing came from the table, and Amei was lying on the counter looking at him with her chin dragging.


Xu Tong tiptoed into the house, looked left and right, and thought it was an adulterer who had entered the door.

"Don't look, Mr. Tai was arbitrated by you and buried in Endless Sea. You won't even want to see him for a while."

A-mei smiled sweetly, it was the first time Xu Tong saw her smiling so happily.

Xu Tong put the two paper cranes on the table and said with a smirk, "That's what he deserves, but where is Endless Sea? Why do I think this guy was thrown into the beach for vacation?"

"In the depths of nothingness, at the end of nightmares, in the sea of ​​pain, in the land of the bones of the old gods, the gods fall into it, their spiritual intelligence is lax, the five declines of heaven and man, and they are tortured by hundreds of diseases every day, endlessly until the godhead is annihilated."

A-mei talked about the harshness of the endless sea, but the smile on her face was extraordinarily bright.

"Oh, when you say that, I feel much better immediately."

Xu Tong took out two bottles of Coke from the props book and handed Amei a bottle: "I wish him a happy holiday!"

"I wish him a long and healthy life!" A-mei held up the Coke.

"Oh, what an adulterer, Pan Jinlian cheated Wu Dalang to death."

At this time, there was a joke, and Thalia was wearing a sexy and naked crimson cheongsam, coming out of the small door behind the counter.

Seeing the two of them holding up the Coke, they spread out their fans, covering half of their faces: "Mr. Tai has knowledge under the spring, and he will definitely hate you two to death!"

Saying that, Thalia snatched the Coke from Amei's hand, put it to her mouth and took a sip.


Seeing this, Amei covered her mouth and chuckled: "Then you can hope that he will come back soon. I am his creditor now, and he can't touch me. He has completed the certification, and there is nothing he can do. It's you!"

A-mei stretched out her slender fingers and poked a few times on Thalia's plump fleshy mountain: "Be careful when he comes back, he won't take your skin off yet!"


Thalia opened Amei's hand and leaned on the table: "If you don't tell me, I'll forget that I helped you so much, but in the end I couldn't get any benefits, and I ended up in a mess."

After speaking, he glanced at Xu Tong and said with a smirk: "Xiao Xu, you don't lack a wife, why don't you take me in."

"Hey, if you are willing to come, how about I call you grandma?"

After speaking, Xu Tong looked Talia's chest up and down, and muttered: "Master, resources were scarce in those days, and now it's time to improve."

"Screw you!"

Seeing that he couldn't get any cheap, Thalia gave Xu Tong a vicious look.

After confirming that Mr. Tai's wonderful trip will last for a long time, Xu Tong is in a good mood.

Redeem the two prop cards Qianjishen and Chuanwu that were mortgaged here last time.

Then he took out the bronze box he got from Wuxiantang and handed it over.

A-mei couldn't help being startled when she saw the box, and looked at Xu Tong suspiciously: "You really found it."

"I don't know if it is, but I met by chance."

Looking at the bronze box, Xu Tong couldn't help secretly looking forward to it.

Having obtained the Qianji Transformation, and now I have another part of the Qianji Transformation, my own luck is indeed a bit too good.

"600 appraisal fee."

Xu Tong didn't talk nonsense this time, and paid the money cleanly.

A-mei picked up the hammer and smashed it down, "Bang!!!" As soon as the hammer fell, the bronze box became an item card again.

Xu Tong picked it up and saw that it was indeed a component of Qianjishen.

【Thousands of Killing Machines】(Damaged)

For the script task, find the Mohist Mechanism Thousand Machine (Yu) and assemble it, and you can get a complete prop card.

Task time: unlimited.

Task time: unlimited.

Task background: Huaxia.

Passive skill; Mohist Yanshu
The holder gets a part of the inheritance of Mohist Yanshu.

Passive skill: Yanjia
The holder's wood carving skills have been upgraded to a master, and can be combined with mechanism techniques to create Yanjia soldiers.

Active Skill 1: Yan Ling

The spirit of the item can be used to make the item produce a unique spirit according to its own characteristics.

(This skill consumes script points, subject to the target of Yan Ling.)
Xu Tong looked at this item card and couldn't help but feel amused: "Okay, it's another little human-making skill!"

The so-called Yanshi is good at using Yanshu.

To put it simply, it is to use wood to create a living singing and dancing artist. The singing and dancing artist not only looks exactly like a person, but also knows how to flirt with beautiful women.

Yanshu is not unique to the Mohists, and the Gongshu family also has records of Yanshu.

But no one knows where the specific inheritance is. It is only known that it was first recorded in "Liezi·Tang Wen".

But when he saw Yanshu, Xu Tong found that it was similar to his paper control technique.

And regarding the introduction of Yanling, for some reason, Xu Tong had a particularly familiar feeling, and he unconsciously thought of that embroidered shoe in his mind!
"Is it such a coincidence? It seems that we should ask Master about this matter."

Looking at the task of this item card again, it is obvious that this item card is not enough for Qian Jishen to repair all of them, and there is still one [Qian Jiyu]

Thinking of this, he planned to try his luck later in the meeting.

But before the progress meeting, I still have one more thing to do.

"The script space gave me a compensation, called the wheel of fortune, how does this thing work."

Hearing this, Amei and Thalia couldn't help but look at each other, and then laughed like silver bells.

"Hahahaha, Taiwan guy, if he knows that you still have this compensation, he will definitely regret it."

The so-called big wheel of fortune is based on the collection in the script killing experience hall as a prize.

Unfortunately, Mr. Tai is a collector, and his collection is definitely the most abundant among all shopkeepers.

"I have a bottle of potion here. Drinking it can double your luck and has no side effects, but it's a bit expensive. It costs 3000 script points!"

Thalia knew that Xu Tong had a title, Fuxian, and if this title was activated, luck would increase to a higher level.

Plus this bottle of potion...

Thalia could already imagine that when Mr. Tai came back, he would see his collection being taken away by Xu Tong... "Hehehe." Thalia couldn't stop laughing.

That was so much fun.


Xu Tong slapped his thigh and got 3000 script points, and he is willing to do it now, if he can take out Mr. Tai’s treasure, no matter how useful it is or not, just making this guy feel extremely uncomfortable, I will be happy thinking about it .

Thalia smiled and took out a bottle of dark red potion and put it on the table.

【Lucky Potion】

After taking it, it can double the luck of the eater.

It really is a good thing, and the 3000 script points are worth it.

He didn't rush to drink it, but rummaged through the item book.

Because his current luck is not strong, it would be a waste to drink it directly.

First, he took out the lucky perfume Druid Lei sold to him, and after spraying it on himself, the luck on his head suddenly increased a lot.

Then Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat.

I saw a wisp of white smoke slowly rising from the top of my head.

The white smoke billowed, turning into a round little fat man. The little fat man was round and looked very cute.

Even Amei and Thalia couldn't help but want to reach out and hold the little thing in their arms.

It's a pity that this little fat man immediately hid away as if he was not close to women.

This little fat man is exactly the title skill of Xu Tong's title [Fuxian's Blessing], Dice of Destiny.

Consume 30 script points. After activation, you can summon a fate dice. After throwing the dice, according to the number you throw, you will get a fairy to sublimate your fate.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Cooling time: 8 hours.

Fate, good fate is not as good as good luck, but if fate is not good enough, even if it is lucky for a while, it is destined to not last long.

If luck is likened to water, fate is the vehicle that carries your luck.

The fate is strong enough, the more luck you accumulate.

Since it is a lucky wheel, Xu Tong naturally wants to push his luck to the extreme.

I saw Fuxian throwing a dice, and the dice rolled up above his head, "Da da da..." I saw the dice rolling slower and slower, and the three of Xu Tong stared straight at it.

The dice rolled, and when they were about to stop on the six dice, the three of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Da da da... da da... da...


Seeing the six points falling on the dice, Xu Tong couldn't stop being excited for an instant, but Amei and Thalia felt more excited than Xu Tong himself.

It seems that he has seen Mr. Tai kneeling and roaring with a mournful face.

"Liu Liu Da Shun, lucky stars shine!"

Fuxian patted his chubby belly, and there was a strong rhythmic drumbeat, which then turned into a golden light and merged into Xu Tong's luck.

Immediately, I saw the luck twisting on the top of Xu Tong's head, and a faint purple light shone down from the depths of luck.

"Hurry up, drink the potion and start the lottery draw!"

Thalia put the lucky potion on Xu Tong's mouth.

But Xu Tong hurriedly avoided, because he didn't want to start smoking now.

Since a gamble is a gamble, it might as well be more exciting.

I saw him take out another thing from the item book.

A little black pill.

【The Misfortune of Death】(Volume 14, Chapter [-])

This little pill is what I extracted from the soul of a demon in this script world.

The person who eats it will be blessed with a negative, and will encounter a catastrophe within three hours, and before the death, the luck of the person who eats it will increase by 70.00%.

If the eater can avoid this catastrophe of sudden death, the luck will be permanently increased by 30.00%.

This is a double-edged sword.

But the effect is undoubtedly powerful. If you can avoid the disaster of sudden death within three hours, your luck will increase permanently by 30.00%.

With such a powerful effect, anyone would be tempted.

It's just a random death, but it's not a joke. The so-called random death is something that ignores your fate and luck, and happens completely out of your expectation.

"Wait, you can think clearly, this matter is not a joke."

My sister stopped him and said.

Xu Tong took the lucky potion from Thalia's hand, but he was surprisingly calm when he heard the words: "It's just a heartbeat!"

As he spoke, he drank the pill and the lucky potion in one gulp...

(End of this chapter)

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