Infinite script kill

Chapter 554 Lucky Wheel

Chapter 554 Lucky Wheel
At the entrance of the pill, the sea of ​​clouds was already surging above Xu Tong's head, luck presented a large blue cloud, and a ray of light came out from the depths of the cloud.

As the saying goes, Qingyun Wanli rises like the sun.

And when he drank the lucky potion in one gulp, the sea of ​​clouds suddenly turned into mountains, and a group of scorching sun hung in the sky, reflecting a huge mountain body of Mount Tai.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of sheep.

Three plump white sheep stand on the top of the mountain.

Sanyang Kaitai, good luck!

Luck has reached this point, and it has completely undergone a qualitative change.

At this time, Xu Tong felt that even if he went out and fell, he could pick up money.

Without wasting time, every second is like gold at this moment, he took a deep breath, and the messenger silently activated the lucky wheel according to the method Amei said.

Accompanied by silent prayers, a huge turntable actually appeared in front of Xu Tong.

There are three turns inside and outside the turntable. There are no physical objects and reward names marked on it, only a series of numbers.

These figures correspond to Mr. Tai's rich collection.

Xu Tong put his hand on it, and then tried to turn it gently. I don't know if it was because of the strong bonus of luck. Before Xu Tong's hand exerted any force, he felt an invisible force dragging his body. Hands to turn the turntable.


The turntable starts spinning. .

Now A-mei and Thalia couldn't help standing aside, holding their breath, and watching with wide-eyed eyes.

At the same time, the two were muttering in low voices: "Say, will you take out that knife?"

The two have worked under Mr. Tai for so many years, and it is clear that Mr. Tai is a collector, and his favorite is a horizontal knife called the Tiger Ben Zhiblade.

It is said that the knife has unique special effects, and was even once stained with divine blood.

It can be described as Mr. Tai's favorite.

If Xu Tong could pull out that knife, it is estimated that Mr. Tai will be in pain for a long, long time after returning from Endless Sea.


A-mei thought about it carefully, and felt that the probability was too slim.

Moreover, although the knife is very strong, it is too fierce, and the knife bears a powerful curse, which makes every master die miserably in the end.

A-mei vaguely remembered that when Mr. Tai was wiping the knife, he said that this is a blade of fate, and whoever becomes the master must fulfill the fate carried by this knife.

Therefore, Xu Tong's luck is overwhelming and unstoppable, so he may not be able to draw this murderous knife.

"Well, this is, according to what you said, is it to draw what he needs most??"

Talia thought.

"Not necessarily. There are no things that are most needed. There are only more powerful treasures. There are also many things in Tai's collection that he can't explain clearly. It is hard to guarantee that some of these things will be ignored by Tai."

While talking, the outermost layer of the wheel gradually stopped, and the three of them looked at the number, which was zero.


Immediately after, the second round of the runner begins to spin.

The numbers in this circle are also singular.

The turntable was turning very fast, and Xu Tong looked calm, but he couldn't help but began to look forward to it.

His luck is soaring, he is not worried that he will draw a garbage.

The only thing I worry about is that there is nothing really suitable for me in Mr. Tai's collection.

As the turntable began to slow down, the numbers on the pointer slowly stopped.

When the three of them saw it, it was still zero.

"There's a play!"

Amei's eyes lit up, and she deduced:
"Perhaps the numbers are arranged according to the level of these collections. The three-story turntable can't hold up to a thousand. Among the thousands of collections on the platform, only the treasures that can be ranked in the top [-] are eligible to be the objects of the turntable. Now the first two are zero, then at least the collection should be in the top ten!"

Hearing Amei's analysis, Thalia couldn't help but twitched her brows, and began to think in her heart that if it was in the top ten, then the range of options would be narrowed by a large circle.

The top ten middle schools are not only extremely precious treasures, but also suitable for Xu Tong.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly Thalia's heart skipped a beat, and when she looked up at the numbers on the turntable, her heartbeat started to speed up.

I saw that the third turntable had gradually slowed down at this moment.

"Da da da……"

As the numbers moved past the pointer one by one, the hearts of the three also rose to their throats.

In the end, when the number gradually stopped at the number nine, the three of them were immediately refreshed. Thalia even patted his chest and let out a big breath: "I knew it, it must be..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw that the wheel was still sliding, and the pointer slipped out of the nine characters with a slight gap, and landed on the zero.

Three zeros? ?

Suddenly Xu Tong looked back at Amei, Amei and Talia looked at each other, not knowing what the result was.

"Ding! You have drawn a special item in this lucky wheel, please pay attention to check it."

When the reminder sounded, Xu Tong felt a sudden sinking in his arms, and a black square appeared in Xu Tong's hand.

"what is this??"

He looked at the boxy things and couldn't help observing them curiously.

This thing is square and square, without the slightest gap, the key is that it is very heavy in the arms, even with Xu Tong's strength, it feels like it can't be picked up at this time.

He tried to throw the item into the item book, only to find that this thing actually occupied four slots alone, and the item book didn't even give him an entry.

Fortunately, he is now advanced to become a certified player, otherwise he would want to throw this thing away.

With his luck soaring, he just drew such a joker? ? ?

Immediately, Xu Tong could only take out the thing and give it to Daya and Thalia, let them see what it is.

As a result, the two looked at it for a long time, but they didn't find out why.

"Let me try."

A-mei took out her hammer head, ready to conduct a forced identification. The hammer head in her hand is called the hammer of wisdom, which can identify the source and essence of all items.

But when A-Mei raised the hammer, she put it down in embarrassment, and stretched out her hand to Xu Tong falteringly: "The appraisal fee... [-] script points!"


Xu Tong's face darkened, and he almost complained.

[-] script points, even if it is a [-]% discount, I can't get it out.

The point is that no matter how you look at it, it's not worth [-] script points.

"Can't you pay on credit first??"

Xu Tong looked at A-Mei with resentment all over his face.

"This is beyond my authority." A-mei is also quite helpless. If the script score is less than [-], she can make the decision in the blink of an eye.

But [-] script points is completely beyond her authority.

Without this script score, the hammer of wisdom cannot fall at all.

"Then don't you know the origin of this thing??"

"I've never seen it before." Thalia leaned over the dark cube to watch: "There are two possibilities, the first possibility is that this thing is not something in the script library, and the second possibility is that this thing is too precious , Taiwan is even so cautious that even we have to hide it."

"That's right, the appraisal fee of [-] script points is unusual no matter how you look at it. I think you should put it away for the time being, and then appraise it when you have a chance later. And don't look for anyone else, only me! "

My sister said with a solemn expression.

It's not for his appraisal fee. If even Taiwan has to deliberately hide the secret, once it is exposed, it will definitely cause huge disturbances.

Only at the level of certified players, killing each other will become the main theme.

At that time, I am afraid that Xu Tong will have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

"Is there no other way?"

This dark mass drove Xu Tong a little crazy. He knew it was a treasure, but he didn't know how to use it.

It's like keeping an antique from the Ming Dynasty at home, which has a price but no market, but it has been registered by the state and cannot be traded.

"Well, I can only try my luck in the script world."

My sister replied weakly.

"Okay!" Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't worry about it anymore, anyway, he was a baby, and he couldn't escape even if he threw it in his item book.

Now that he was lucky, he couldn't continue chatting here. After saying goodbye to Amitalia in a hurry, he turned around and rushed to the gate of the fair.

He planned to take advantage of his luck at this time and try his luck in the exhibition to see if he could find the item card Qian Jiyu.

"Hey, I was so happy for nothing. I thought I could get rid of the old bottom of the station."

Seeing Xu Tong leave, Thalia put her arms in her arms and expressed regret.

"The thing he got was even more unusual, but he took it away, and he didn't know what expression he would have when he came back."

After A-mei finished speaking, she squinted at Talia: "Endless Sea will be back in about three months after 17 years. Have you thought about how to get out?"

"Well...hehe, there is a way."

After finishing speaking, Thalia leaned close to Amei's ear with a smile, and she didn't know what to say, but Amei looked at Talia with a strange expression on her face.

"You crazy woman, are you serious??"

"Of course, after all, this is also a good way to get out of here, isn't it?"

After Talia finished speaking, she said with a smirk: "When you and this kid are married, look up, and I'll be sitting on it, waiting for you to offer me tea. Thinking about it, I think it's worth it!"

"I will eliminate harm for the people now!"

With a dark face, Amei raised the hammer in her hand and smashed it towards Talia's head.

"Bitch, you are serious! My old lady is blind and helps you, eat me with a sword!!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In front of the counter, there was a bang, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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