Infinite script kill

Chapter 555 Casino

Chapter 555 Casino
Entering the exhibition, Xu Tong took a look at the luck above his head.

Sanyang Kaitai rises like the sun.

This is already the limit that ordinary people can achieve.

If the Master had such luck back then, he would have entered the Tao long ago, so why bother to accept the fate.

If the old man had such luck, even if it was only for a moment, this guy should become the last great man to become enlightened in 300 years.

Therefore, luck is also part of strength.

Some people are very capable, but they can't make it all the time. The bad thing is this luck.

You want to say, is there any more?


In addition to the state where the master took over the destiny, there are also lucks such as the red sun shining brightly, the purple air coming from the east, the coming of no extremes, and the prosperity of Tianbao.

But these lucks are no longer available to normal humans.

Especially Tianbao Chengxiang, people with this kind of luck, almost born as a bull, the God of Wealth walking in the world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this person can pick up treasures when he goes to the toilet, and a treasure will fall from the sky every time he sneezes.

When you meet this kind of person, remember to stay away from him, because he sneezes and drops a golden bump, which may hit you on the head.

It is said that only when Tianbao is born in auspicious manner, will there be people who are extremely happy.

Contrary to Tianbao Chengxiang's luck, this kind of person can't do anything, and he is unlucky wherever he goes. Nine out of ten bad luck in the world falls on his head, and the remaining one is also on the way.

Tianbao Chengxiang picked up a treasure, and he almost lost his life.

Two diametrically opposite kinds of luck, but what's interesting is that Tianbao Chengxiang has only one unlucky time in his life, and that one unlucky time will kill him.

Whether it is extremely peaceful, there will only be one lucky time in a lifetime, and once lucky, you can ride the wind and leap over the dragon gate.

Therefore, these unique lucks are not something that extraordinary people can have.

When it comes to Xu Tong, Sanyang Kaitai is already the ultimate in the world.

Time was limited, after Xu Tong entered the exhibition, he went directly to other trading areas, and began to sweep the sea shopping area as quickly as possible.

When he passed by a booth, he suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly, and a strange feeling came to his heart, as if something was holding his hand to guide him.

Following this feeling, Xu Tong looked at an item card on the booth.

【Basic Tai Chi Swordsmanship】

Like melee combat, it is a basic skill.

This kind of basic skill is actually very popular here. After all, the basic skill has no consumption and can quickly improve combat effectiveness. Even in reality, it can be used without any scruples.

It can often sell for 10 to 15 script points, no problem.

But this swordsmanship book was sold at a mere 5 script points.

Maybe it's because of the name of this basic skill card. After all, in people's traditional concept, what is linked to Tai Chi is basically a health exercise for the elderly.

Seeing this, Xu Tong was not polite, and directly gave the script points to complete the transaction.

Then he continued to walk forward, scanning the item cards in front of these booths from time to time.

I just glanced at it, didn't feel it, and left immediately.

Right now it's all about luck.

After shaking around for a while, Xu Tong had three more prop cards in his hand.

In addition to the Taiji swordsmanship book, there is also a Liangyi Weichenbu and Eighteen Kaishanzhang.

These things can just complement my melee ability, plus the item card [Chuan Wu] that I redeemed, I can completely practice all of these to the point of entering the room in a very short period of time.

After walking around, Xu Tong didn't stay any longer, but went to the advanced exhibition area that only certified players can enter.

The so-called high-level exhibition area does not refer to an area, but when Xu Tong thought about the high-level exhibition area silently in his heart, the surrounding space actually rippled like domino cards.

I saw the ripples instantly changing the world in front of me.

Brand new streets, towering towers.

Even the item card information that flashed above the head suddenly became dense. Various item card information kept appearing around Xu Tong, and as Xu Tong thought, they were continuously refreshed by category.

"Ding! As a player entering the advanced exhibition area for the first time, you get an assistant elf, and the assistant elf will provide you with better and more excellent guide services."

A notification sound came.

A palm-sized elf appeared beside Xu Tong.

"Welcome to the advanced exhibition area. Elf No. 404 is at your service. You can call me by my number, or you can give me a new name."

The little elf is not in the shape of a human, but a ball of cute looking fluffy balls. The light golden feathers feel quite comfortable in the hand.

There is also a pair of dragonfly-like wings on the back.

"If I want to buy some special item cards, what is the fastest way?" Xu Tong ignored 404's suggestion and asked straight to the point.

"You can bid a high reward and enter the reward list according to the reward amount. The top [-] reward list will be reported to every player in the advanced exhibition in the form of broadcast."

With a tap of 404's little paw, a series of reward lists appeared in front of him.

Xu Tong glanced at it and instantly realized what poverty is.

Good guy, the starting price for the content of the top [-] list rewards is [-] script points. Are certified players so rich?

Looking at it, I instantly felt that the [-] script points proposed by Mr. Tai at the beginning seemed to be less.

In fact, Xu Tong's thinking like this is completely a misunderstanding.

After all, the content he saw was the top [-] reward content on the reward list, just as people often see writers with a monthly salary of one million on the Internet, it will give people the illusion that writing novels is very profitable.

However, in fact, for the vast majority of authors, even food and clothing are a problem.

"Where should I go if I want to try my luck."

Seeing that the bounty offer is definitely hopeless, the little money in my pocket will soon be drowned in the release of the bounty, so it is better to use my strengths, luck.

"Yes! There is a casino in front of it. People who are lucky can get rich overnight, but people who are unlucky... often die miserably.

If you want to play a bit more exciting, there is a lost item book in the back of the casino, you can try to gamble. "

"Item book! Can this thing be gambled?"

This is the first time Xu Tong has heard of such a thing.

"Yes, after the death of the player, the item book will be recycled, but most of the item books will not disappear, but will be kept for unknown reasons. The casino has the right to sell the item book, but what is in it? How much is unknown."

After finishing speaking, the 404 elves whispered: "I advise you not to gamble. Once you gamble, you will suffer forever. Even if the casino will not intentionally cheat, you will lose nine out of ten bets!"

It's just that Xu Tong didn't hear the words. On the contrary, after hearing the words of the 404 elves, he had already accelerated his steps and walked forward.

I even ate the [Evil of Unexpected Death], at this time, I would still care about the advice of the 404 elves.

When I came to the gate of the casino, I saw figures in masks walking back and forth in front of the gate.

The huge entrance hall is resplendent and magnificent, but Xu Tong did not continue to walk forward, but looked at the gambling building with his eyes. An indescribable feeling made him stop involuntarily.

"This place..."

Xu Tong activates his life-sighted eyes, and sweeps his eyes away. The huge hall in front of him turns into a white-fronted tiger. The surrounding lights flicker on and off, and a curtain of black air forms. Sweeping on the body, every time after sweeping, the shimmering luck is swept away imperceptibly.

The number is not many, even extremely weak, but it can't stand the large number of these lights, a little at a time, and the accumulation is not a decimal.

Only some seemingly inconspicuous paths avoid the light, but when you enter the gate, your luck will be taken away inexplicably.

Just as Xu Tong was frowning and looking at the layout in front of the casino, he suddenly felt someone approaching beside him. When he squinted, he saw a figure wearing a frog mask and holding a walking stick in his hand.

Seeing Xu Tong looking at him, the other party let out a hoarse laugh instead: "Little brother is lucky, Sanyang Kaitai, this is luck that I haven't seen in many years, no wonder I dare to come here."

Hearing this, Xu Tong was a little surprised and said, "Can you watch luck?"

As he said that, he couldn't help but take a half step back vigilantly, and at the same time squinted at the other party's luck, and found that although the other party's luck was not as strong as his own, it was also a rare fortune.

The theory of luck is the most illusory.

Even a veteran who is proficient in the gossip of Zhouyi can't directly see other people's luck with the naked eye.

Xu Tong was also able to see his own luck intuitively because of his extraordinary eyesight of fate. Didn't he expect someone to be able to see his luck?
"Hey! Interesting!"

Hearing Xu Tong's words, the other party was stunned for a moment. He stretched out his hand and lifted a gap in the mask on his face, revealing a pair of cloudy eyes.

The gray pupils were obviously blind.

But what is surprising is that although the other party is blind, there are indeed two extremely small double pupils in the eyeballs, and the double pupils are obviously normal visible objects.

"Heavy pupils!"

This is the second time Xu Tong has seen Chong Tong. The first time was the mother and son he met in the beef offal soup restaurant in the master's script at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Xu Tong is still impressed now, the child's double pupils seem to have the mysterious power to communicate yin and yang.

Now I see double pupils again, but although this person has double pupils, the main pupil is blind, otherwise there is really no place in the world to stop him with this pair of double pupils.

"Come here, little friend!"

The other party called Xu Tong to a corner, and said in a low voice: "Since you can also watch luck, let's make a long story short. After all, good luck is limited, so don't waste time!"


It's rare to meet a fellow colleague, so Xu Tong can't help but feel like old friends at first sight with the blind man.

Besides, the other party seemed to be a veteran of casinos, Xu Tong also wanted to hear what he could do.

"In this place, the eight gates are locked tightly, which is the place where evil spirits gather. In front of the gate, there is a lotus fountain, where water evil spirits clash. It is precisely when the green dragon is sitting on the ground and the white tiger is attacking.

Although we are lucky, we will be cut by [-]% as soon as we enter the door. If you look at the lamps in the door, the lamp heads are like gourds, and there must be spells engraved inside.

As soon as a person enters, all eight hammers fall, and all luck is smashed.

So we can't go in like this. I was originally waiting for an unlucky guy here, and borrowed his bad luck, but there are too few unlucky guys.

It just so happens that you are here, I have an item card called Julongzhu, I will lend you this card, how about we go in together! "

As he said that, the other party first showed Xu Tong the item card.

As soon as Xu Tong looked at it, he immediately understood why he didn't use this item card.


It can transform the luck of the green dragon, the stronger the luck of the carrier, the stronger the dragon spirit.

Passive Skill 1: Luck of the Azure Dragon

The green dragon governs life, and all things grow in spring, which can generate a strong green dragon aura in itself, ignoring all feng shui patterns.

Active Skill 1: Spring Water Moisturizes All Living Things

Consumes 300 script points, after activation, the dragon will spit water, breaking the evil spirit in all directions.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Cooldown: Eight hours.

(Note: I am lucky, Yuanheng is lucky!)
There are really all kinds of prop cards, and this is the first time Xu Tong has seen such a strange prop card.

But what the blind man said was right, this place looks so evil no matter how you look at it, if you really go in muddle-headedly, even if you are protected by something, your luck will be broken.

Immediately hit it off with the blind man, the two signed a contract, Xu Tong paid 5 script points to rent the item card, and brought the other party in together, if Xu Tong activates the active skill of this item card, the consumed script will be divided between two people Shared equally.

After signing the contract, Xu Tong took this item card into his bag.

Immediately, the air above his head surged, and the three sheep raised their heads, and there was a huge surge of green energy faintly visible in Mount Tai.

Seeing that the green spirit was getting stronger and stronger, the blind man leaned on a walking stick and pulled Xu Tong's arm excitedly: "Hurry up, the green dragon has been formed, and all evils will not invade. Good luck, let's rush to the duck!!"

While talking, the two raised their legs and rushed inside.

As soon as he walked to the door, and the lights shone down, Xu Tong felt that luck was flickering on his head, but he was steady and did not move at all.

Followed by the two directly into the door.


As a result, as soon as he passed the gate, he heard a cracking sound. Looking back, he saw that the glass of the gate was broken.

"Hey, the white tiger of Qinglong Town, its teeth were broken."

Seeing this, the blind man who was holding Xu Tong tightly let out a sneer, and led Xu Tong inside.

Entering the lobby, the lights were brightly lit, and the gaming tables, large and small, were already full of people.

The blind man pointed to these gaming tables and said in a low voice: "Look at the design on these gaming tables, do they look like fishing net racks? It is called Tianluo Umbrella in Feng Shui, which means that gamblers will be trapped in the evil spirit, and the gamblers will be trapped." All the customers’ money is in the bag, but you have the green dragon spirit, this thing is useless to you.”

Xu Tong glanced at the gambling table, but he didn't intend to stay here.

"I'm going to try my luck and gamble on the item book, what about you!"

When the blind man heard this, he couldn't help beaming with joy: "Follow the God of Wealth, it's hard not to get rich, let's go together!"

Xu Tonghong's luck is soaring to the sky, and the blind man is also lucky in wealth. If he wants to gamble, he will bet the most.

Immediately, the two went straight to the second floor.

"Ding bang... clang clang clang..."

As soon as I went up the steps on the second floor, I heard a clanging sound of renovation, and I saw that the bathroom was being renovated.

The blind man has become accustomed to this, took Xu Tong's hand and explained: "Renovation means Zhuang Shou, but any big casino will be renovated here or there throughout the year, and it can't stop for a moment."

"You know this place quite well, do you come here often?"

Xu Tong looked at the blind man curiously. He had never heard of what the blind man said, but he seemed to know it well, which shows that this place is not uncommon.

"Hey, I'm nicknamed the God of Gamblers with Four Eyes. It's not an exaggeration to say that any casino in Southeast Asia will respectfully hand me the money if they see me. If they couldn't kill me, they would have dumped me a long time ago." Eight dollars."

The blind man raised his nose and said triumphantly.

In reality, all major casinos have blacklisted him long ago. Whenever he appears, the boss will directly ask him to go upstairs, asking money for money, asking women for women, eating and drinking well, and having a good time. He is not allowed to enter the casino to gamble.

It's not that these bosses found out with conscience, but that he used to gamble in Macau, and almost ruined a casino.

It is said that in just one night, the casino won 20 billion US dollars.

The big boss of the casino was forced to step down in person, came to buy him a drink and asked him to stop, and finally walked away with 20 billion US dollars. The deeds are still widely rumored in all major casinos.

Of course, the boss of the casino couldn't hold it anymore and asked someone to do it, but the next day the boss found a note and the killer's two fingers on his bedside, with only five words written on it: "If you don't accept it, continue to gamble!"

The boss was so scared that he didn't close his eyes for several days and nights.

However, winning in reality is too easy and not exciting enough. Fortunately, the appearance of the Script Killing Experience Hall has allowed him to find new joys in life.

It was here that he found the excitement that he had not felt for a long time.

But the feng shui pattern here is even more weird and mysterious than in reality.

Even certified players will often be tricked when they walk in.

The feng shui pattern does not belong to the attack damage to the player, so even the certified player can only pinch his nose to recognize it.

Passing through the gate, a small exhibition hall appeared in front of the two of them.

Compared with the people outside, the number of people in the exhibition hall is small, because although the gambling item book is exciting enough, not everyone is lucky enough to get rare treasures from the item book.

After all, these item books have been recycled by the script world, and most of the item cards in them have been recycled, and there are not many left.

Moreover, the item book is in a closed state, no one can see what is inside, which greatly enhances the difficulty.

So the risk is too great, and not many people actually play it.

Coming here to play is purely luck.

Several people looked at Xu Tong and the blind man, but they only took a glance, and then began to choose from the large number of props in front of them.

These prop books are neatly displayed in the display cabinet in front of you. If you look closely, you will find that the appearance of each prop book is slightly different.

Item books that have reached the certification level will have some special features.

Xu Tong's also has a black shell and some inexplicable patterns added to his item book.

Xu Tong himself didn't pay much attention to these small details.

But here, these details have become the key to many people's research.

"This one!"

Someone took a fancy to an item book. There are many light green textures on this item book. The outside of the item book is covered with a wooden shell. The owner should be a master of the natural department.

The price of this item book is not cheap, 3000 script points.

But if there are natural item cards in it, the money is not considered a loss.

After the other party handed in the money, he slowly opened the item book, and other people gathered around to watch.

There are still 1251 script points in the item book, but there are only two item cards in it. When everyone looked carefully, they lost interest in an instant.

Two item cards that are too ordinary to be more ordinary, even if they are thrown to the exhibition, are worth 300 script points to the sky.

Even with the addition of the item card in the item book, this time it would be a blood loss.

"Hahaha, third child, you are not very lucky!"

"Tch, it was just to try your luck."

In the face of ridicule, the other party just casually threw the item card in the item book into the exhibition recycling box on the side, and the recycling box will be recycled directly at the lowest price.

The price is not high, but convenient and fast.

A few people were chatting, Xu Tong had already pulled the blind man to the front of the display cabinet, and saw Xu Tong stretching out his hand slowly, not studying the detailed patterns on it at all, but closing his eyes, fingers lightly in front of these prop books across.

Since you are here to try your luck, then leave everything to the so-called luck.

After swipe across the prop book on the front row, Xu Tong asked the blind man in a low voice, "How many script points do you have?"

"Not much, twenty thousand!"

"Okay, give it all to me!"

The blind man was taken aback, but quickly understood what Xu Tong meant, and directly and decisively handed over all the [-] script shares to Xu Tong.

He wasn't worried either, if Xu Tong won the [-] script points, would he play the game of pocketing his own money, bet, if he didn't even have such a heart, it would be a fart.

After Xu Tong received the blind man's script scores, he quickly began to pick one after another in front of the showcase.

I saw him swipe his fingers quickly, as if he had already had a purpose long ago, with a light hook of his finger, an item book was hooked out.

The blind man on the side quickly caught the item book.

One after another, the speed is so fast that it is completely invisible. He is gambling, more like making a big purchase in front of the discounted container in the supermarket.


The few people who had just bought an item book also noticed Xu Tong's strange behavior.

Seeing the item books falling one after another from the blind man's arms, several people couldn't help but look at each other.

"Hehe, interesting, is this here to open the blind box?"

"I don't know, but it's rare for anyone to dare to play like this."

These prop books are counted one by one, and the price varies from high to low. Once they leave the shelf, script points will be automatically deducted, and it is difficult to return them.

Such as Xu Tong's is completely blind, either he is stupid and has a lot of money, or he is rich and powerful.

In the blink of an eye, eleven prop books fell into the arms of the blind man, and Xu Tong's script points were all used up.

The heavy eleven booklets of props were placed on the ground by the blind man, and everyone couldn't help looking sideways.

Compared with opening blind boxes, watching others open blind boxes is also a pleasure.

The two of them didn't talk nonsense, Xu Tong took five of them first, and the blind man wrapped up the remaining six.

"Hahaha, little friend, this time I am in your favor!"

The blind man let out a hoarse laugh, picked up an item book and opened it.

Everyone looked at it, and saw that after the item book was opened, a whole page of item cards appeared in front of the blind man.

"I suck!!"

When they saw the item card in the blind man's hand, everyone's breathing became short of breath.

"Ah, it's actually shipped, this...too..."

Someone had shortness of breath. The entire page of item cards was nothing compared to the poor two item cards in the item book just now.

"Don't worry!! Maybe they are all basic item cards, worthless."

Someone was comforting himself in a low voice, but the words were not confident at all. Even if they couldn't see the smile on the blind man's face, everyone could see his slightly trembling palms.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

I only heard a hoarse laughter from the blind man's mouth: "Okay, okay, I will get my money back on this page, little brother, I will earn the rest with blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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