Chapter 556
The blind man raised his hand, and saw that one-third of the item cards were collected, and the remaining item cards, together with the item book, were thrown into the recycling bin beside him.

Although everyone didn't see what the item cards that the blind man kept in his bag, but seeing that he put away one-third of the item cards, I am afraid that he has already made a lot of money.

Besides, this is only the first book, and the blind man still has five item books that have not been opened.

Combined with Xu Tong's anomaly when he was selecting the item book just now, everyone couldn't help but move closer, wanting to see if it was just a coincidence.

Even if you don't open the blind box, watching others open the blind box itself is a rare joy.

The blind man was also unambiguous, and opened the second item book extremely quickly.

There are no item cards in this item book, and it is empty, but sharp-eyed people find that there are actually [-] script points in this item book.

"Hey, Xiaozhuan!"

The blind man grinned, not disappointed by the result, he also has the ability to observe luck, knowing that although his luck is good, it is not as bad as the one next to him.

Being able to make a small profit is already a very satisfying result.

keep going.

The third book is 8000 script points.

The fourth book has 3400 script points, plus two prop cards that are barely worth it.

The fifth book has 698 script points, but there is a one-time item card, the effect is still very strong, and it is not a problem to get at least 4000 script points at the exhibition.

For a moment, everyone around watched with wide-eyed eyes. Even though the reward offered was not high, it was already a bloody profit.

Few people can open so many item books in a row, and each book has something to gain.

When the blind man opened the last item book, he suddenly stared blankly at the item card in the item book.

Seeing the blind man paused, everyone turned their heads to take a closer look.


Looking at the prop card lying quietly inside, the surroundings suddenly became quiet for a while.

There is only one item card lying quietly in this item book.

It was a high-level item card. The item card showed a dynamic image of a scimitar. The blade waved slightly, leaving layers of afterimages in the air. After the afterimages, a full moon rose.

This is a dynamic cover that only advanced item cards will have.

[Full Moon Scimitar] (Left Blade) (Resentment)
The small building listened to the spring rain all night.

Passive Skill: Quick Knife
Holder's knife speed increased by 70%
Active Skill 1: Crescent Moon Mirror Shadow

Consumes 30 script points. After activation, the unique feature of the full moon scimitar is activated. When used, it calls out the mirror image of the waning moon. Each shadow increases the lethality by 5%.

Active Skill 2: Full Moon Lament

Consuming 70 script points, all the mirror images overlap, bursting out with super explosive lethality, and each waning moon mirror image will increase the damage by 15%.

(Note: This skill needs to be used when Moon Mirror is activated)

Active Skill 3: All Gods and Ghosts Worry

At the cost of the user's lifespan, once it is released, the gods and ghosts will worry about it, and it will be extremely powerful and beneficial.

The lethality is based on the number of years of sacrifice life, 3 years can kill heroes, 5 years can cut rivers and rivers, 10 years can shake the earth, 30 years can scare ghosts and gods!
(Note: Who said longevity is not strength??)
Task: A lonely yin does not give birth to a lonely yang, and soon after a lonely yang, find the round moon scimitar (right hand).

This item is infected with resentment, please expel the resentment as soon as possible.

The user is haunted by resentment, and the skill consumption is increased by 20% each time he activates
Everyone looked at the entry of this knife, and their breaths became short for a while. Unfortunately, this is an exhibition, and it is a casino where the use of force is expressly prohibited.

Even looking at this awesome treasure that makes people jealous, they can only stare dryly with wide-eyed eyes.

"It's done! It's really done!!"

Someone finally opened his mouth, and let out a scream.

All of a sudden, everyone was boiling.

Even the blind man gradually came to his senses and hurriedly tried to cover it up. This kind of high-level prop card is still a complete set. Once the corresponding prop card is assembled, the power is enough to be comparable to a divine weapon.

But it was too late for the blind man to recover, and everyone could see clearly.

Even if they can't snatch it, they have already preserved all the information of this item card in various ways, and sent it out directly with the ability of the team channel.

This time, it was really shocking.

Everyone who received the message felt a little unbelievable.

For the vast majority of people, the gambling book is just an Easter egg game in the casino.

Although it is rumored that someone gambled out the top item card, the source of the information is vague.

There is no specific place to verify.

But today is different. Everyone in the item shop is a witness, and some people even spread the entry of this item card wildly through the screenshot of the screen.

Some people even made the news public directly.

The gamblers who were still at the gaming table just now, after hearing the news, dropped the cards in their hands and rushed over here immediately.

"Brother, let me make a price, [-] script points, how about selling this knife to me!"

"Go away! Thirty thousand is also worthy of bidding here, and I am sixty thousand!"

Someone has already started bidding on the blind man.

The price directly soared to [-] script points, and [-] script points can be exchanged for an item card. This price can already be called sky-high.

Compared with ordinary exhibitions for non-certified players, if an item card can exceed [-] script points, it is enough to make people talk about it for a long time.

But this price was quickly suppressed, and it was smashed down with a lot of money.

"One hundred thousand script points, twelve gold badges, and one diamond badge!"

Someone offered a price, and everyone fell silent immediately.

Naturally, no one could see his face, but the strong aura on his body when the bidder walked over made everyone make way for him.

This price is extremely rare even in high-end exhibitions.

Some people speculated that the opponent must be a master of the knife, and it is even very possible that he happened to have the matching item card.

If this is the case, the sky-high price of [-] script points is definitely worthy of this item card.

"The price is already sky-high! After all, it is contaminated with resentment, and it will cost a lot to dispel the resentment."

Someone whispered.

This is one of the risks of gambling with the book.

It is rumored that after the death of the owner of the item book, the strong resentment entangled in this item card, so that the item card was polluted, resulting in the script space not being recycled.

These grievances will add a lot of negative effects to prop cards.

What's more, because of too much resentment, once the item book is opened, it will even backfire on the spot.

Although this kind of thing is rare, it has happened before. Someone opened the item book and was caught off guard by the item card inside.

Although there is not much resentment on this item card, it is not so easy to get rid of it.

You need to use a diamond-level badge to exchange for blessing water, and the success rate is only 30%. Those who are unlucky need to exchange five or six bottles to successfully wash away their grievances.

The blind man shook his head, expressing that he did not intend to sell.

This item card, even if it cannot be matched, still has extremely fierce lethality. At critical moments, it is enough to kill powerful enemies.

Besides, although the blind man is only willing to spend [-] script points to gamble, it does not mean that he only has [-] script points. In other words, he does not lack script points at all. Although the price is high, it is not what he wants .

Unless it is a barter, he will not hand over this thing easily.

The other party frowned, seeing that the blind man was unwilling to make a deal, he stopped talking. After all, it was useless to talk too much.

When the others saw that the blind man was unwilling to make a move, they felt dull for a while, but no one left.

Because there is still one person who has not opened the item book.

"My friend, I'm sorry!"

Seeing that he had caused such a big disturbance, the blind man couldn't help apologizing to Xu Tong with some guilt.

If he hadn't reacted too slowly and took away the item card immediately, I'm afraid it wouldn't have caused such a big turmoil.

Now that so many people are watching, although it is impossible to do anything in the casino, it is a trouble after all.

"It's okay, it's just right!"

Xu Tong looked at the crowd, as if he wanted this effect.

He opened the first item book.

Seeing that the item book was empty, everyone couldn't help sneering, thinking that the luck of these two people was over.

However, someone subconsciously glanced at the script score in the item book.

When he saw it, his eyes almost popped out.

I saw that there were [-] script points in the item book.

How much is this prop book?The highest score will not exceed [-] script points. It can be said that this item book directly earned at least half of the profits.

Then Xu Tong opened the second item book.

There are still script points in it, [-] points.

"This guy!" Someone raised his neck, noticing that Xu Tong and the blind man seemed to be in trouble.

Opening two books in a row, they are all script points, and the amount is surprisingly large, which is a bit excessive.

With only the script points brought by the two prop books, I'm afraid it has been paid back, so the rest of the prop books are blood money.

The blind man was not surprised by this result at all, after all, Xu Tong's luck was much better than his.

The blind man can be sure that this kid must have used some special props to raise his luck to such a weird extreme.

At the same time, he also wanted to see what kind of earth-shattering surprises such a powerful luck could bet on.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Xu Tong continued to open the item book.

What puzzled everyone was that it was still script points, a full [-] points.

"Strange?? Could it be that this kid is the God of Wealth today?? Why is it that the script is divided as soon as he opened it??"

"It's hard to say, luck is something so mysterious sometimes!"

Everyone muttered, but their eyes were always on Xu Tong's movements.

The fourth book was opened, and there were another [-] script points.

Now everyone is a little numb, and feel that this kid's luck is too evil.

Seeing the opening of the fifth item book, everyone couldn't help holding their breath. This time it was finally not a script score, but an item card.

(End of this chapter)

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