Infinite script kill

Chapter 565 Chi Zhu

Chapter 565 Chi Zhu
Through the decaying ancient castle cities in the abyss.

Xu Tong strode to the gate in the deepest part of the abyss.


After the door was slowly opened with a gap, there was endless black water in front of him.

If the Eldest Princess summoned the black water before, it could barely be called a river, but now it can only be described as a sea.

And in the center of the Black Sea, countless skeletons were piled up to form an island.

On the island, the withered old crooked neck tree unexpectedly gave birth to immature green shoots.

And the eldest princess is like a phoenix that has landed on a branch, sitting cross-legged on it, her aura is getting more and more ethereal.

It seems that since the eldest princess became enlightened, her strength has almost doubled every day.

Even this vast black sea has become unfathomable, exuding an indescribable smell, anyway, Xu Tong felt numbness in his nose after taking a sip.

I didn't see the eldest princess opening her eyes, and a stone road appeared in front of her.

Xu Tong lowered his head and quickly ran over from under the eyes of the eldest princess. He always felt that although this girl had her eyes closed, her neck was always bright.

After walking through the Black Sea, a pergola appeared in front of me.

What is strange is that there is a piece of sheepskin hanging in the pergola.

Xu Tong walked in and saw that the wool of this sheepskin reflected different luster from different angles, so he couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch it curiously.


When your fingers touch the sheepskin, it feels icy cold.

The part of the sheepskin without the head, Xu Tong looked for it but couldn't find the head, instead he saw a pair of strange horns hanging on the pergola beside it.

The long horns look like the horns of sika deer, but they are much bigger than the long horns of sika deer.

There was a jet-black luster on it, and dots of star-like golden light shone on it.

Xu Tongzheng was fascinated by it.

I heard a shout from not far away; "Master, don't look, come in and eat quickly!"

I saw the old man holding a bunch of mutton skewers and shouting to Xu Tong while eating.

Good guy, I saw that the mutton skewers in the hands of the old man were still sizzling, and the smell had already hit Xu Tong's nose before he came over.

"Hiss, it smells so good, you guys are actually eating barbecue?"

Xu Tong walked over and looked at the mutton skewers in the hands of the old man, and reached out to pick one.

In the end, the old Taoist turned sideways and opened more: "Hey, young master, I will give you a bunch, and I will lose a bunch. You want to eat some in the backyard, but if you come two days later, I'm afraid you can only drink a bite of mutton." Soup."

Xu Tong curled his lips and walked into the yard without looking back.

Sure enough, he saw his master Song Lao sitting beside an earthen stove, waving a lot of spices, the smell... Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a little greedy.


Xu Tong walked over, smashed his mouth, looked at the grilled meat skewers, couldn't help stretching out his hand.

"Hey, these belong to your master, you send them over first, and the next batch will be yours."

Elder Song pointed to the meat skewers on the stove, and said mysteriously: "If your master hadn't counted on your coming today, we would have started eating it a long time ago. This is a good thing."

Xu Tong raised his nose, only to feel that the aroma became more and more fragrant, and he saw that the mutton skewers on the grill were sizzling in the charcoal fire, and the surface was slightly browned under the roasting and fat cooking.


A drop of mutton oil dripped on the charcoal, and immediately white smoke rose from the charcoal fire, and the tantalizing aroma of barbecue filled the air, Xu Tong was almost crying.

Immediately, he picked up the grilled meat skewers on the plate and ran to the master's yard.

Master didn't fish today.

Instead, he brewed a pot of tea, held a volume of ancient books, and sat in the yard with his legs crossed to read.

I saw Xu Tong coming up with a plate.

The master showed a smile on his face, and pointed to the chair beside him: "Sit down and eat together."

"Oh, I knew you loved me the most, Master."

Xu Tong has been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

Hearing this, he sat down immediately, picked up a bunch and sent it to the master first.

Then I picked up a bunch and put it in my mouth to eat.

One bite, the mutton is burnt on the outside, but soft and tender on the inside.

"good to eat!"

The mutton has no smell of mutton, but has a special smell of sand and grass. With the layer of seasoning on it, Xu Tong dares to pat his chest and promise that this is definitely the best mutton skewer he has ever eaten.

After the master ate two skewers, he stopped eating and pushed the plate in front of Xu Tong, motioning him to eat it all.

Sure enough, from the standpoint of singing a bad face, the master has never been stingy in caring for Xu Tong.

"Master, where did the mutton come from??"

Xu Tong ate so much that his mouth was full of oil, and he didn't forget to ask about the origin of the mutton.

"It was given to me by others. You can see the sheepskin and horns on the outside. You take the horns and keep the sheepskin. Let your master make you a sweater."

Xue Gui narrowed his eyes and said.

Xu Tong blinked his eyes and asked curiously, "What do I take the horn for?"

"Go back and grind it into powder. The next time you meet a god, take it out and sprinkle it on your body. As long as it's not a god of the great god position, nothing can do anything to you!"

"Is there still this effect??"

Xu Tong came to the spirit immediately.

One's own fighting power against enlightened people can also retreat completely, and even have a fight.

But if it is against those gods, it will be more troublesome.

Even if these gods are just a thought, they are very difficult to deal with. If Hecate is like last time, the godhead returns to his place, and the true god descends, he is definitely not an opponent.

The most reliable way to deal with this kind of god is to smash it with incense merits.

But after the Yin Yang Cave last time, his incense merit was gone.

Now that the master said this, Xu Tong was not only excited, but also became very curious about this sheep.

He picked up a string of mutton skewers and threw it into the item book.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but you are shocked when you look at it.

The name of this mutton skewer is not a sheep, but a dragon!
Chilong Mutton: (Exotic)

The nature of the dragon is inherently obscene, and it only looks like this after several generations of cross-breeding with Chilian goat beasts. Even so, it is still a dragon species.

Eater, physical fitness increased by 10%
Obtain the blessing of Dragon Qi, permanently increase luck by 15%, increase lifespan by 30 years,

Below the entry, there are two lines of dark entries.

Chiron Power: (6/100)

Chilong Soul: (6/1000)

This number corresponds to the number of mutton skewers he ate. Xu Tong estimated that he needs to eat enough mutton skewers to wake up.

Although I don't know what ability it is, but I can hear the name and feel that it is very powerful.

Good guy, what kind of mutton is this? It's obviously dragon meat!

Looking at the entry, Xu Tong instantly felt that the mutton skewers in his hand became heavy.

Swallowing the mutton in his mouth, Xu Tongcai looked at the master eagerly: "Master, whoever gave you the sheep, is there still a shortage of people? I just want to see what this sheep looks like?"

Who is the master Xue Gui? Of course, it can be heard that Xu Fairy's story is telling her own story.

But it's not his turn to be a bad guy.

"You like to eat. Next time I will continue to catch you. Anyway, there are still a lot of sheep in that place. It's no big deal to catch another one or two. It's just that the place is not easy to enter. There is no reason to get out once you go in. .”

Xu Tong's eyes rolled around, and when he heard this, he probably understood it in his heart.

After lowering his head and not speaking, the master threw a bead from his sleeve to Xu Tong after eating all the mutton on the plate in one go.

As soon as the beads dropped, Xu Tong found that the beads were scalding hot.

Holding it in your hand, it's as hot as holding a red-hot soldering iron.

Immediately throw it into the item book.

【Chi beads】(exotic)

Although the Chilong sheep is not a pure breed, it has the blood of the Chilian goat and the Chilong. It is just to the yang, and there is a bead in its lower jaw, which is as warm as fire and has a sweet taste.

It is edible, can be used for refining treasures, and can be used as medicine, with infinite magical uses.

"Go back, find an ice cellar, the colder the better, eat this thing, it will be of great benefit to you!"

The master said earnestly.


Xu Tong nodded and wrote it down, he happened to be going to find Mei Du himself, isn't their home a crematorium, he happened to borrow their freezer for use.

"By the way, master, do you know Yanshu?"

At this time, he remembered the doubts in his heart, and simply asked the master.

After all, the master has a lot of ink in his stomach. He has read scriptures and studied Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. It is best to ask him about this matter.

As soon as these words came out, Xue Gui raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Hey, you're asking the wrong person about this!"

As the voice fell, Xue Gui's eyes turned cold and he looked out of the arched door of the courtyard: "What are you still doing in a daze, come in and tell your apprentice, how did you release the female demon!"

I saw behind the courtyard gate, Master Song with a bitter face, and when he came over with a baked plate, he still gave Xu Tong a look, meaning: "Stinky boy, how dare you wear small shoes for me!"

Xu Tong cried out in his heart that he was wronged.

But Master Xue Gui snorted coldly, took the plate from Master, and placed it in front of Xu Tong.

Pointing to the two meatballs on the plate: "This is the lamb loin, the best place to eat it. It's been roasted for half an hour and eat it while it's hot!"


Xu Tong glanced at the grim-faced master from the corner of his eye, and silently picked up the big roasted kidney and gnawed it.

Not to mention, the taste actually makes Xu Tong's taste buds bloom. It looks like a thick layer of fat on the outside, but it turns out to be a dry burnt taste. The oily aroma is like a piece of hot butter. Inside the loin, the taste is simply amazing.

Immediately, he didn't care about his master's ugly face, and ate with great relish.

But at this moment, Elder Song was sitting helplessly on a small bench beside him, looking at Master with a mournful face: "Master, haven't I explained to you that Yanshu itself comes from the same lineage as our seven sects.

I didn't know that Yanshu was so dangerous. In addition, that night, the old monk came to ask for the scriptures, interrupted the summoning, and finally let the girl out in a daze. "

When talking about what happened that night, Elder Song's expression gradually turned serious, and Xu Tong tactfully brought the hookah tube filled with shredded tobacco to Elder Song's mouth.

Elder Song took it, took a sip slowly, and then said: "Actually, the so-called Yanshu was not created by us mortals. Strictly speaking, it is an immortal technique, and it is an extremely ancient immortal technique." , I also learned about this from your mistress..."

(End of this chapter)

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