Chapter 566

At that time, the monk Xuan Mu of Guanghua Temple stole scriptures and gave them to Song Lao.

In fact, the original intention was just to comfort Mr. Song. After all, Song's family was undergoing great changes at that time, and he was afraid that he would be overwhelmed.

And although this scripture is said to be miraculous, none of the elders in the temple can comprehend it, so it was stolen for him, but it was actually just a thought for him.

But Monk Xuan Mu probably couldn't even imagine it in his dreams.

This scripture is not a scripture at all, but Yanshu hidden in the scriptures.

Even if it is not complete, it is enough for Song Lao who was born in seven schools.

Even though master Xue Gui didn't teach him to worship the mountain pass, but the seven paper techniques didn't hold back. Combining hagana and paper techniques, he fiddled with his wife in a daze.

Monk Xuan Mu also knew about this, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The origin of the teacher's wife is very strange. Mr. Song only found out her identity after several trials. It is not simple, she is an ancient god.

He was awakened by Song Lao in his deep sleep.

Attached to the paper figurine, but because Elder Song is the caster, the caster will not die, and she can't do whatever she wants.

In the following 30 years, Shi Niang stayed by Song Lao's side.

Make a paper man during the day, and at night...cover the bedding or something.

Even Song Laoyang's lifespan has already expired. If his wife hadn't cast a spell to cover his aura and prolong his life, he might have died long ago.

On the chair, Elder Song told what he knew one by one.

At the end, I couldn't help but rosy eyes, and looked at Master Xue Gui angrily: "You always go away happily, leaving me alone, why don't you let me find a companion by myself!"

The master heard the words and had no choice but to drink tea.

Speaking of the three of them, master, apprentice, grandfather and grandson, the one who had the hardest life was Master Song Lao.

The master opened his hand and killed it with all his heart.

The master is going to be a man with his tail between his legs, going up and down the four small vaginas, which family doesn't want to kill him.

If it weren't for the background of the great era, everyone would have a hard time, they would not be able to protect themselves, and people from the three religions spread the word that they should not deliberately retaliate, otherwise Master Song's life would be even more difficult.

In contrast, Xu Tong is completely standing on the shoulders of giants, and naturally cannot personally understand the pressure that Master is under.

Master Song Lao finished complaining about Master, turned his head and said: "Hanju has actually been lost a long time ago, and what survives is only a few corners, but the Qimen's paper technique is inherited by the Plum Blossom Taoist, but the Plum Blossom Taoist is not the creation. Or, there is a large part of the possibility that paper art evolved from Yanshu to some extent."

Yanshu is too weird and weird. After Mrs. Master, Mr. Song tried it a few more times.

But the results are not satisfactory.

"Why did you ask about this?"

After Mr. Song finished the matter, he looked at Xu Tong, wondering why Xu Tong would ask such a strange thing.

Xu Tong ate the roasted loin in two or three bites, and then waved his hand to summon Fatty out.

"I'll try to use Yanshu to see if it can be perfected!"

Fatty is a special summoner. He has a soul and can understand any order from Xu Tong, but his soul has not fully recovered. When he does not give orders, Fatty is like a puppet, unconscious.

Xu Tong tried many times on this matter to no avail.

Until I got Qianshenshi and the Yanshu inside, I couldn't help but start to think about it.

Since Yanshu and Zhishu can be combined, is it possible to completely perfect Big Fatty and let him have his own thinking completely.

"Well, you can try it, but before you try it, you'd better understand the paper craftsman's book thoroughly."

Master had seen Fatty before, and remembered mentioning that this paper figurine was very special.

Now the master observed carefully, and motioned Xu Tong to wait.

None of them are proficient in Yanshu, and Xu Tong, a paper craftsman, has not really applied it to his heart. Even the master himself has not reached the level of perfection in Qimen's craftsmanship.

In this case, the master still hopes that Xu Tong will try at least one of them thoroughly before trying it. This is the safest way.

Otherwise, if you try rashly like Master Song, it will backfire in the end.

"Okay, I'm leaving for Xiangxi tomorrow!"

It seems that if I want to upgrade Big Fatty, I can't get around the Qimen paper technique no matter what. In this case, I set off as soon as possible and head to Xiangxi.

After arriving at Meidu, after completing the paper craftsman's book, he can try to use Yanshu to completely upgrade Big Fatty.

But before leaving, I still have to go to Fenglai Tower.

Just as Xu Tong was thinking about his action plan for tomorrow.

Master coughed lightly: "Hey, by the way, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you."

"Hey, you can just say it directly, after all, this mutton must not be eaten for nothing."

Xu Tong looked at his master Song Lao with a smile.

I ate all the mutton in my stomach, and I couldn't spit it out. There must be something waiting for me.

"It's the sequelae of King Jiu'e Minggui last time. Do you know who is behind the Jiu'e Minggui King?"

Xu Tong shook his head.

He really didn't know that.

But if you think about it with your toes, you should understand that he must be one of the most important figures in the underworld, otherwise he could let the king of Jiue ghosts do evil in the world and reverse yin and yang.

Even Qin Tianjian dared not kill him.

"Have you ever heard of Jiuyou Basin Tianzun?"

Xu Tong continued to shake his head.

"Well... this guy has quite a few names, and there is another name you must have heard of, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, Beiyin."

"Oh~~~" Xu Tong opened his mouth as if suddenly enlightened, and when Master Song was about to continue talking, he shook his head and said, "I don't understand!"

Elder Song was so choked that his face turned black, and he glared at him fiercely: "I don't understand you, what, he is the second in command of Mingtu, he is the biggest under the Fujun."

"I understand now."

No wonder it's called Jiue Minggui King, the co-author is from the same department.

Xu Tong thought about it in his heart, and motioned for Master to continue.

"Although there is nothing wrong with your master about what happened last time, but the younger brother was slaughtered, he was unhappy after all, so he issued a warrant for your master. You can try it. If you have a chance, do it. If you don't have a chance, you can procrastinate."

Song Lao said, and handed a warrant to Xu Tong.

I don't know what material the golden warrant is made of.

Holding it in the hand gave people a heavy feeling. When he opened it, Xu Tong didn't know any of the characters inside, but at a glance, the meaning had already been reflected in his mind.

The Beiyin killing order ordered the local gods, land, mountain gods, and city gods to cooperate in the case.

This is a letter of decree, which can order a god to use it for oneself, and the content behind it is to kill the cult by oneself.

At the same time Xu Tong got the order, a mission reminder came from the item book.

"Ding: You got the big script world mission, kill evil!"

Mission requirements: Kill the [Moduo Sect] evil god, Moduoda.

Task background: (Tang, Yuan,)
Task time: none
Mission Penalty: None
Combined with the prompt issued by the item book and the meaning on the warrant, Xu Tong already understood the mission this time.

"Well, is there a reward for killing this guy??"

Xu Tong closed the order book in his hand, and looked at the master curiously.

"You haven't done anything yet, you want a reward!" Elder Song glared at him angrily.

The master looked at Xu Tong with a smile on his face: "What do you want!"

"Can I make a request?"

"Okay, it depends on what the request is, whether it can be fulfilled or not."

Master Xue Gui picked up the tea bowl, took a sip of tea, Xu Tong who didn't know then said, "Master, do you want a wife? I've already found someone for you, with big breasts and big buttocks, the most important thing is to be able to give birth."


Xue Gui took a sip of tea and looked at Elder Song with a strange expression. The deep eyes made Elder Song startled, picked up the hookah pipe in his hand, and threw it at Xu Tong: "You brat, look for a fight!! "

Xu Tong dared to say that, of course he was prepared, he took the hookah pipe and put it in the item book, then ran out.

While running, he shouted: "Master, you are full and don't know how hungry you are. You have a wife and someone loves you. What are you worried about if I find a companion for the master!!"

"Get over here and watch me tear your mouth apart!"

Song Lao didn't know where to bring out a leg of lamb, and threw it at Xu Tong, Xu Tong hurriedly took it behind him, grinning, knowing that Master still hurts him, he quickly put the leg of lamb away, and ran out of reality between.

Old Song chased him to the door angrily. Seeing that the kid had already crossed the Black Sea, he looked at his back leaving dumbfoundedly: "This kid is neither big nor small!"

After finishing speaking, the old Taoist who was sitting on the stone beside him sneered, "Is there any? Why do I feel that this kid has grown up all at once?"

"What do you mean?"

Although Mr. Song is shrewd, some things are far less clear than that of an old cunning and cunning like Lao Dao.

The old man grinned sneeringly, and instead of answering Mr. Song directly, he pointed around the question without answering the question:
"This is a good place. The back is connected to the Netherworld, and the front is connected to the world of the sun. You can enter and exit freely. With your master as the inspector, you can only open one eye and close one eye. How many people are there in such a good place?" If you want to come in, I'm afraid there is no way out."

When Song Lao heard it, he immediately understood, and slapped his thigh: "Good boy, you have learned to sell us the other way around!"

Now he finally understood why his master looked at him so strangely just now.

Immediately turned around and ran into the house: "Master, you can't promise him..."

Hearing Song Lao's shout, Lao Dao pouted a straw to pick his teeth, and said with a sneer, "Cut, this old man is eager to pull more people into this thief boat, young man!"

After the old Taoist finished speaking, he frowned suddenly, and muttered in his mouth: "No, this kid sold his master today, and maybe he will sell the poor Taoist tomorrow, so I need to find a reason to block this kid in advance." Q!"

Thinking of the thought of this old man, he immediately had an idea, just wait for this kid to come back next time, and let him stop thinking about selling himself...

(End of this chapter)

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