Chapter 570
The car took Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo to Leiyin Village.

Although it is a village, the streets and surrounding houses have obviously been refurbished. Compared with the already desolate villages in the Northeast, this place is richer than the naked eye.

Mei Du slowed down the speed of the car and greeted the people in the village from time to time.

The villagers immediately showed a friendly smile when they saw Mei Du's face.

Some even half-jokingly called him Young Master.

Mei Du could only embarrassingly explain to Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo:

"When our Mei family moved here from Mount Qingcheng, eating in the village was a problem.

Later, my grandfather responded to the call and led the village to develop the handicraft industry, and gradually the people in the village became rich.

Of course, I really don’t have any skills, so I went to work in the crematorium of my family. Although most people think it is unlucky, it is still a good job. "

"No need to explain, if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world."

Gao Zhuo understands this very well. If it weren't for the ups and downs of luck of the two generations of the Gao family, so that there is no accumulation, maybe they will follow the transformation of the times like the Mei family.

It's not about stepping back, it's about following the trend.

As for those who refuse to keep up with the times...

Please look at Beiman Mountain from afar.

The Mei family’s house is at the end of the village. It is surrounded by thick walls, and even the door is made very small. You will notice that there is such a big house here.

There are a few old plum trees at the door who don’t know how old they are, with thick branches and luxuriant leaves. Now it’s the time when the flowers are blooming, and the plum fragrance bursts out, refreshing the heart and spleen.

When Xu Tong walked to the door, he suddenly felt a slight tremor in the top of his head.

"Jingle ding bell..."

Looking up, there is a red cinnabar gourd hanging in front of the door. There are seven copper coins and a bell hanging on the gourd, and the bell is jingling at the moment.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that when he entered the door, the gourd seemed to emit a burst of red light, which shone on his entrance, causing the three big girls to be on guard immediately.

The gourd didn't have any malicious intentions, it was just because Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo's aura was too evil, they instinctively made noises to remind their masters.

In this regard, Mei Du hurriedly patted his forehead, and handed them the two paper talismans that he had prepared earlier.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I almost forgot, there are a lot of things in my house, and you will save this trouble."

"Hey, suppress evil? Can you still suppress me??"

Gao Zhuo was a little unconvinced, feeling that Mei Du was exaggerating.

Although he did not become a grand master, he was still a half-step master. The few zombies he carried on his body had made great progress under his painstaking sacrifice during this period.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this era, apart from players, other alien families can hardly get him with one punch, and some mere feng shui players.

"Take it, you're the only one to talk!"

Xu Tong rolled his eyes at Gao Zhuo, and before entering the house, he felt a strong aura in this house. Even though the Mei family has been transformed and no longer develops in practice, the foundation is still there.

Don't accidentally suffer a big loss, then there will be no place to reason.

Seeing Xu Tong put on the amulet, Gao Zhuo obediently put the amulet on his body even though he was still a little dissatisfied.

It only takes one foot to enter, and it makes people feel the garden style of Jiangnan style.

The antique architectural style is completely different from the buildings in the village.

Three entrances and three exits, outside the courtyard wall and the gate, it is completely a group of antique villas.

Let alone Xu Tong, even Gao Zhuo was envious.

I knew this kid's family was rich, but I didn't expect to be so rich.

Xu Tong looked around, left and right, but he and Gao Zhuo saw it differently.

There is nothing to hide from all the mysteries under the eyes of fate.

The wind chimes hanging on the pavilions and the roosters carved on the roof beams are all carefully designed town objects.

Meidu also enthusiastically took the two of them on a tour, introducing them while visiting.

As soon as they got to the rockery in the garden, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo felt something was wrong.

The yellow talisman on his body jumped violently.

Gao Zhuo even felt the corpse energy surging in his body, and even felt a little unstoppable.

"Corpse refining place!" Immediately, Gao Zhuo's eyes lit up, and he fixed his eyes on the rockery in front of him.

When it comes to refining corpses, he can definitely be regarded as an expert among connoisseurs. With every hair on his body, he can feel the strength of the surrounding aura from the wind and whether it is suitable for refining corpses.

But at this moment, he looked at the rockery in front of him, and murmured in his heart.

It is obvious that there seems to be a strong corpse aura under the rockery, but when you get close to the rockery, you can't feel any corpse aura.

Not only could it not be sensed, but the closer it was to the rockery, the body began to itch, as if being repelled by a force.

"Strange?? This place is so full of corpse energy, why do I feel full of yang energy instead?"

Gao Zhuo studied for a while, but failed to find any way to do it, so he could only look back at Mei Du.

Seeing this, Mei Du hurriedly explained to him.

"Brother Gao, you are indeed an expert in corpse refinement. This place is indeed a corpse refinement site. Strictly speaking, it is a cave of great evil. It is said that there is a Raksha Dahan forged by my senior from the Mei family."

"Drought in Rakshasa!!"

When Gao Zhuo heard this, his eyeballs straightened.

If Feitian Yasha is equivalent to a great master, then Rakshasa is equivalent to a zombie who has entered the Tao.

Even if it is an expert who has entered the Tao, without three or five people joining forces, they are not the kind of opponents.

It's impossible to say that Gao Zhuo didn't care about such an awesome zombie being suppressed below.

But Meidu knew what Gao Zhuo was thinking from his expression, and coughed lightly: "Ahem, Brother Gao, I advise you not to think about this thing, my grandfather said, that thing has already been enlightened, if not The blood curse was laid early, and our family can't control this thing, otherwise why should it be suppressed below."

The implication of Mei Du's words is that this zombie below will only obey their Mei family's advice, and persuade Gao Zhuo not to think about this below thing.

Of course Gao Zhuo could understand, he curled his lips with dissatisfaction on his face: "Oh, it's as if I can't practice it. What I'm curious about is this fake mountain."

Gao Zhuo couldn't help but patted the rockery lightly with his hand.

As a result, the palm just touched the rockery, his eyes widened, his teeth grinned for a while, and he quickly took off his hand to have a look, only to find that the palm of his hand had been scalded with blood blisters.


Xu Tong rolled his eyes, not surprised by this result at all.

Fluorescence appeared in his eyes, and the rockery in front of him was like a furnace, with steaming yang energy surging straight to the sky.

With such a heavy yang energy, let alone Gao Zhuo, you don't even want to get close to it, so you still touch it with your hands?
"That's the Taishan stone, the stone transported from the top of Mount Tai, look over there!"

Mei Du led them forward, and there was an exquisite altar under the rockery. On the altar was a palace carved with exquisite care. Even though the palace looked small, the degree of sophistication was outrageous.

As small as a step, doors and windows, as large as the statue enshrined inside.

Without exception, it looks exactly the same as in reality.

There is also a plaque hanging on the gate: [Taishan Mansion]

Upon seeing this, Gao Zhuo immediately shut up.

Good guy, this is directly inviting Lord Taishan back, no wonder this place is so yang.

But after thinking about it, I don't think there is anything strange.

Rumor has it that Taoist Plum Blossom made a big fuss about Yin Cao, and finally became Yin Cao's agent instead.

It even has the right to specifically print Yin banknotes.

Therefore, it is reasonable for people to worship the Lord Taishan.

"Extremely yang...extremely yin!"

Gao Zhuo's heart skipped a beat, and he stared at Mei Du: "Your family wants to cultivate great longevity!"


Hearing this, Mei Du was also taken aback. He didn't expect such a confidential matter to be revealed by Gao Zhuo, and immediately covered Gao Zhuo's mouth: "Brother Gao, be careful!"

Gao Zhuo patted Mei Du's hand away angrily and said with a sneer, "Your Mei family is also dishonest. You dare to practice this kind of thing. Even if you cast the blood curse, you really achieve great longevity. I'm afraid your Mei family will not be able to suppress it." live!"

Mei Du's complexion changed drastically, and he clasped his hands together quickly: "Brother Gao, don't talk about it, don't talk about it, you can't make jokes about such things."

Seeing Mei Du's expression was not good, Gao Zhuo pouted his mouth, and stopped talking further.

Mei Du didn't dare to let the two of them stay here any longer, and hurriedly invited them to the main hall.

When he walked to the main hall, Xu Tong looked up at the beam, and saw a package hung with a red cloth on the beam, which was full of radiance and luck.

I don't know what's inside, but as soon as I entered the main hall, even the luck of myself and Gao Zhuo was imperceptibly improved a little bit.

Walking down a circle, Xu Tong couldn't help sighing, the background is profound.

In terms of money, although they don't have it, script points can be directly exchanged for wealth, or even directly exchanged for gold.

But no amount of money can exchange for the heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation.

On this point, looking at the whole nine streams and eight sects, I'm afraid there are not many that can really do it.

"Come here!"

Mei Du led the two of them into the incense hall on the side, where a painting was enshrined.

"This is Taoist Plum Blossom!"

Gao Zhuo looked up at the picture scroll, the shadow sitting under the plum tree, wanted to take a closer look, but found that he couldn't see the Taoist's cheek clearly in the painting no matter what.

Xu Tong was even more turbulent in his heart. Through the eye of fate, he saw that the figure in the painting seemed to come alive, holding the stove and playing chess with an ethereal expression.

The water in Mei's house is not so deep.

There is a Taishan stone in front of it, what kind of longevity is it going to do.

And the picture scroll enshrined later is even more remarkable.

It is said that immortals have no form, and the immortals on many murals often have a few sloppy shapes.

It is said that when the gods became immortals, their mortal bodies receded, and the immortals no longer had their true form when they ascended to heaven. Therefore, only the shape of the immortals at the moment of becoming immortals was preserved for the worship of the world.

Xu Tong has been to Bi Luotian, and even met Bi Luo Fairy, and it's like this, with no face on his face.

Could it be that the figure in this painting has become a fairy? ?

Xu Tong was fascinated.

At this time, the figure in the picture scroll suddenly paused, although it was only for a moment, but Xu Tong was shocked, and immediately lowered his head. He felt the figure in the portrait and looked towards him.

Even if it's just a hasty glance, it can't help but make Xu Tong's heart chill, as if he has been stripped of his clothes and looked at everything.

"You two, let's burn incense."

Fortunately, at this time, Mei Du gave the two of them long incense.

Although he is the ancestor of other people's family, Taoist Plum Blossom's status is unusual among the nine schools.

Qimen's paper technique, Gao's exorcising corpses, etc., all came from Plum Blossom Manor. Even if Plum Blossom Taoist was not the original creator, he was definitely a pioneer.

Just like Quanzhen Sect was founded by Wang Chongyang, but it was also promoted to the peak by Qiu Chuji in one fell swoop, and thus flourished.

If it really counts, I am afraid that the master Xue Gui will come, and he will honestly offer incense to Taoist Plum Blossom.

With respect to the joss sticks, this time coming to Mei's house can be regarded as a visit in the true sense.

"I'll take you to the guest room to rest first, and then get ready. Let's go to the Library Pavilion tonight." Mei Du knew the purpose of Xu Tong's coming to him, so of course he would pay special attention to this matter.

"Do you live here??"

Gao Zhuo actually didn't like this place very much, just like Xu Tong, he was too corpse-like and felt very uncomfortable here.

Mei Du obviously expected this.

"No, it's uncomfortable to live here, let alone you, sometimes I don't want to live at home, there are too many rules."

Mei Du shook his head, and led the two of them to the back. When they reached the back door, they opened it and saw that there was a street facing the door, which was an independent small courtyard.

There is a small road between Xiaoyuan and Mei's house, almost from the front door to the back door.

This is the place where their family specially receives those strangers in the rivers and lakes.

Two separate two-story buildings, hotel-style living items, and an additional kitchen, everything is perfect.

Even if the guests want to go out for activities alone, it doesn't matter. If you go out and walk along the street, you can walk to the entrance of the village.

Mei Du took the two of them to the room, put down the door key, and then went back to prepare the clothes she usually wears, so that Xu Tong could go out at night.

"Boss, you said that the Mei family is so big, we just came in like this, and we didn't even see a master?"

Lying on the bed, Gao Zhuo couldn't help complaining.

Although the Mei family has completely transformed.

But from the strength of Mei Du, it can be seen that at least the Mei family has not lost all those housekeeping skills.

They walked in and saw no one in the house, not even a gardener.

To be honest, Gao Zhuo was particularly unhappy about this.

Even though the Mei family is their original sect, but they have a grand master and a half-step master, and they officially came to the door without even a single reception.

So from the moment I entered the door, I couldn't help but feel weird.

"Hey, you are still putting on airs. We are here to beg for help and not to be guests. This is more convenient. If you feel uncomfortable, I will complete the paper craftsman's book tonight, and we will go tomorrow. It's just right, too. Time to apply to build a team."

Xu Tong was lying on the chair, but he couldn't help but think of the painting of Taoist Plum Blossom just now.

Is the shadow in that painting really a fairy? ?

If that is the case, the Mei family is so terrifying, but if it is replaced by those sects that have been passed down for thousands of years, even in this era, how terrifying will their background be?
It seems that the real world, although not as grotesque as in the scripted world, is not as simple as people see.

Xu Tong was thinking, if this is the case, should he also go to Quanzhen Sect, after all, he can be regarded as a half Quanzhen disciple.

"Bang! Boom!"

There was a sudden knock on the door.

The sound was very sudden, both Gao Zhuo and Xu Tong were taken aback, their eyes met, and their eyes gradually became alert.

With the strength of the two of them, ordinary people should have noticed it before they walked in the door. How could it be at this time that they heard the knock on the door.

Xu Tong walked to the door calmly: "Who is it?"

Called someone, but no one answered.

Instead, the knock on the door continued.

"Bang bang bang!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong looked out through the cat's eyes and found that there was no one outside, so he gently opened the door, Gao Zhuo stared like a copper bell, and it turned out that there was really no one.

"no one??"

Gao Zhuo came over, and when he was about to go out, Xu Tong pulled him back, and Xu Tong pointed to his feet: "The one who came is not a human being!"

Gao Zhuo looked down, and suddenly felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet, and saw an embroidered shoe embroidered with mandarin ducks in front of the door...

 Sorry, I just changed it today. It’s a bit stuck. This transition is not easy to write. I deleted a large part of it. I’ll take a look at it tomorrow to organize my thoughts and make it up for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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