Chapter 571

Seeing the shoes, Xu Tongxin recognized them at a glance. These shoes were the embroidered shoes of his wife.

"Why is she here??"

In doubt, the embroidered shoes in front of him moved by themselves, the uppers stood up from the ground, and then, like a dexterous mouse, they slid directly into Xu Tong's arms.

Looking at the shoes in his arms, Xu Tong hastily grabbed his waistband, and yelled strangely: "Hey, hey... Mistress, this is not a joke. My master knows it, but I can't explain it. coming."

At this time, the boots in his arms stopped on Xu Tong's chest, and turned into a piece of white paper, sticking tightly to his body.

"My dear disciple, it's been a while since I saw you. You've made great progress. After all, it's destiny's blessing that the seven gates have been passed on to you, so that the inheritance won't be broken."

The teacher's wife's voice came from my ear, it was so tender and tender, and she also had a somewhat lazy and teasing tone, which made my whole body feel numb.

Xu Tong glanced at Gao Zhuo beside him, and found that only he could hear the voice, so without struggling, he pulled Gao Zhuo into the room, closed the door, then lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and tentatively responded in his mind: : "Master? Is it your old man?"

"My dear student, Mrs. Xiangxi left in such a hurry last time that she didn't have time to chat with you."

The voice came again.

"That's right, Mistress left as soon as she said she wanted to leave last time. Disciple still wanted to ask Mistress for advice. It's just that it's not convenient today. Mistress should come back another day."

As Xu Tong said that, he planned to take out the piece of paper with embroidered shoes in his arms and throw it into the trash can in the toilet.

Seeing this, the girl hurriedly said: "Don't worry, my wife knows that you must be here for paper skills, but I'm afraid you won't understand the old books for so many years, so take my teacher's wife and let my wife teach you well." you."

"Thank you, Mistress, my master misses you so much during this period of time, why don't I invite you to reunite with my master first? It happens that my master is here, so you should serve tea to my master."

Xu Tong continued to ask tentatively in a low voice.

He knew in his heart that this old woman was not holding back any good farts. Last time she appeared in Xiangxi, this time she appeared in Mei's house. God knows what this woman is doing.

"Stinky boy, don't put your master and master on me. I will protect your master for the rest of my life. I have already fulfilled the agreement. Your master can't control me now. As for your master...

Hmph, do you really think that he is living a chic life, but he is just a knife in someone else's hand, which can protect you for a while, but not for the rest of your life. "

The girl replied with a sneer.

Xu Tong frowned and was about to continue to say something.

But the girl's voice changed: "Don't worry, I don't want you to do bad things, but I need to borrow some things to see. Our purpose is the same. If you call me Master, I will never harm you. Instead Will help you!"

Of course Xu Tong would not believe the words of his cheap wife, and asked, "Help me? How?"

"Teacher, have you heard of Yanshu..."


At night, the gate of the funeral parlor was closed, but the lights inside were still on.


A car honked its horn, and an old man walked out of the guard room.

"Master, get out of the car and open the door."

The driver poked his head out and waved to the old man in the guard room. The old man looked old, but he couldn't handle things at all. He picked up the registration book, recorded it against the license plate number, and asked the driver to sign it before taking it out. Remote key, open the door.

"Uncle Li, you are on the night shift every day, why are you still so energetic?"

Before the door was fully opened, the driver took out a cigarette and handed it to the old man taking advantage of the gap.

In my impression, this old man Li has been here for almost five years since I went to work, and now I have changed from a temporary worker to a regular worker for five or six years, and this old man is on duty every night.

Even those young people couldn't stand it like this.

But the uncle not only has a rosy complexion, but also is full of energy. Apart from a few gray hairs, he doesn't look old at all after so many years.

"Hey, I've been used to it for a long time, and I can't change it."

Old man Li took the cigarette and checked the time. It was already two o'clock in the morning, so he asked the driver, "Do you know what's going on here?"

"I know. It was a car accident. The two children were riding a motorcycle and hit the front of the truck."

The driver took a puff of cigarette and looked regretful: "It's a pity, these two kids are about to graduate from high school. After drinking a little wine, they will become lawless. The speed of the car has reached 160, and they asked me to bring a shovel on the phone."

Old man Li didn't say anything about it, but he heard the driver say that the two children died miserably, so he told the driver: "Drive slowly on the road, don't be lazy at the intersection where you should throw money."

People who are familiar with old man Li think that old man Li is good, but he is too superstitious.

Now that environmental protection and sanitation are strictly investigated, if they are caught, they will be criticized and educated, fined and points deducted.

However, the driver still complied and patted the black plastic bag on the passenger seat, which was full of guide money.

These guide money and the guide money made by Xu Tong seem to be the same, but the paper material is better than Xu Tong's. On the white paper money, there are patterns like snowflakes hot stamped.

Although those gods and ghosts are all feudal superstitions.

But working in a crematorium, even if you are an atheist, you will slowly start to believe in these things after a long time.

As the old saying goes, there is no way to get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river.

It would be weird to say that in this kind of place, nothing strange happened.

So the driver still kept the old man's instructions firmly in mind.

Seeing that the driver was ready, the old man stopped talking nonsense and drove back. As soon as the driver stepped on the accelerator, the car disappeared into the night.

Just when he was about to close the door.

The old man suddenly raised his eyebrows, and looked out, the black van that had just left turned back at this moment.

Waiting for the car to approach, the old man glanced at the license plate and confirmed that this was not the car that left just now.

"General Li, it's me!"

The window was lowered, and a delicate and immature face poked out from the window.

"Oh, it's the young master, what are you doing here so late?"

Old man Li asked with a smile.

"I read the scriptures at night, and on a whim, I was going to the library to light up the night battle. I don't know if my uncle will be here tonight? I'm afraid it will disturb his dream!"

Looking at the young boy in front of him who was making a playful voice towards him, old man Li felt kind from the bottom of his heart.

Among the descendants of the Mei family, if they are going to study abroad, or they want to start a business, or they are just wastes waiting to die, Meidu is the only one who is really willing to calm down and study their own craft.

Although old man Li is not from the Mei family, he has a bone-to-bones relationship with the Mei family. Seeing that there are people in the Mei family's successor, he is always very relieved.

Hearing this, he couldn't help smiling: "Don't worry, your uncle is not here tonight, probably he ran out and fooled around."

"Hey, I have neglected my duties. When my emperor comes back, I will definitely read a book for him, so that he can't eat and walk around!"

Seeing that the child was losing his tune again, the corners of Old Man Li's mouth twitched. This kid Meidu is good at everything, but his temper is too out of touch. If it weren't for someone he knew well, he wouldn't be able to keep up with his rhythm.

"Go, go, go in quickly."

Old man Li waved his hand, signaling Mei Du to leave quickly.

"General Li has worked hard and made great achievements. Next time I come, I will have a drink with the general. I will go, drive!"

Let's talk, the car drove into the parking lot with one kick of the accelerator.

"Hey, this kid is good at everything, but he is too playful."

The old man sighed, turned around and walked back to the house. Just as he was about to have a drink, he suddenly saw that the enshrined Vajra statue on the table was broken at some point.


Old man Li's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

When he was about to go out, he turned around and saw a little girl standing at the door. The little girl was delicate and cute. When she raised her hand, an embroidered shoe was thrown out of her hand.


Seeing the flying embroidered shoes, old man Li immediately raised his hand and slapped them, and a blue light appeared on his slender, white fingers.

This is the iron sand palm he has practiced hard for more than 30 years, and even a stone can be smashed to pieces.

But who would have thought that the flying embroidered shoes are good at facing the wind, waved in front of old man Li, stepped on the ground with one foot, and immediately knocked him unconscious.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, Sister Ba asked me to do it. You can just lie down and sleep for a while. With me here, no one can hurt you."

After the little girl finished speaking, she picked up the remote control on the table, tried to press it a few times, and then closed the gate of the crematorium.

On the other side, Xu Tong walked under an office building according to the map Mei Du gave him.

Looking around, ordinary crematoriums are often very cloudy. Even in summer, the temperature here is much lower than that in the city.

But in the crematorium of Mei's family, although Xu Tong could use the eye of fate to see the yin energy all around, but the yin energy was very thin and would not have any effect on ordinary people.

Presumably it has something to do with the plum trees they saw during the day.

"Don't look, the Mei family has set up a net here. If you don't have the yellow talisman that Mei Du gave you, the anger in your body will start to be restless when you come here. , your master will not be able to save you even if he comes."

The voice of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came out of my mind.

Hearing this, Xu Tong looked at his chest, but didn't say anything, he really wanted to see what this cheap wife of his was up to.

Take out the prepared key, open the door, and according to what Mei Du said, go to the third room on the left hand side of the second floor.

The door of the room was a thick metal door. Xu Tong tried to knock it lightly with his fingers, only to hear two muffled sounds of "bang bang!" The iron door was solid, at least [-] centimeters thick.

If I don't use the Chunyang Sword, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult to break open this door.

As for tearing down the wall to get in, it is even more impossible. The seemingly inconspicuous room is actually inlaid into the building with metal as a whole.

When Mei Du talked about this place, he reminded himself again and again not to try to use violence. This building looks ordinary, but it is actually a special trap.

The building has four floors. Except for the empty first floor, the third and fourth floors of the building are all lime and cinnabar, and there are two huge water storage tanks on the roof.

Although the building is very strong, if someone tries to open the door violently, the mechanism will be triggered, and the whole building will collapse in an instant, burying everyone underneath.

This design is extremely insidious, once triggered, almost no one can crawl out alive.

Xu Tong took out the key, entered the password, and the door opened slowly.

I saw the faint fluorescence in front of my eyes gradually illuminating the room.

In a room about the size of a football field, rows of neat bookshelves squeezed the space into an extremely crowded space. Looking around, it was like being in a maze of books.

From ancient books to rebound new editions, here is almost all the books of the whole side of the road.

Xu Tong randomly took one from the top, and he could recognize the words [Golden Sword Judgment] written on the cover. When he opened it, it turned out to be a practice method specially prepared for executioners.

Xu Tong put down the book, looked at the serial number on the shelf, and searched for the past step by step.

There are so many books here.

Three teachings, nine streams, five flowers, eight schools, and four yin practices, Xu Tong just glanced at the cover of the written book, and he knew that if these things were given to those alien families, it might be enough to drive these alien families crazy.

These are the originals of their ancestral strange arts.

Ever since Master Xue Gui made a big killing in Beimang Mountain and brought the old things from the old era to an end, these alien families have completely cut off their inheritance.

Even if there are geniuses in the family, there is nothing they can do.

If the originals of these strange arts are spread, I am afraid that many troubles will arise, no wonder they are kept so tightly.

"That's it!"

At this time, Xu Tong stopped and looked sideways at the third row.

Stretching out his hand to wipe it, a dim ancient book appeared in his hand. Looking at the handwriting on the [Paper Spiritual Scripture], the charm in Xu Tong's eyes gradually became hot...

(End of this chapter)

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