Chapter 572
【Paper Spirit Scripture】

According to rumors, the source of Qipingmen paper art.

(Special conditions are required for identification!)
Seeing that the entries in the item book were full of question marks, Xu Tong had no choice but to take out this book. This book needs to be authenticated before it can be used as an item card.

However, the higher authorities required special conditions, which made Xu Tong very embarrassed for a while. He vaguely guessed that this condition probably required the consent of the Mei family.

This thing is a lonely copy written by Taoist Meihua himself. Even if I have a friendship with Meidu and I helped them find the lost artifact of the Mei family, the Mei family will most likely be willing to copy a copy to him. It is definitely not possible to have a single copy.

Since you can't take it away, just look at it here.

Didn't there just happen to be a ready-made translator here to guide me?

"Ahem, teacher, what does it mean?"

"Turn over slowly, let me see first!"

I saw the white paper in my arms twisted a few times, and turned into the shape of embroidered shoes again.

Xu Tong followed the words of his wife, Yannv, and read slowly page by page. In addition to the text, some special paper symbols were drawn on it. Some Xu Tong could understand, while others could not.

Turning to the back, a picture suddenly made his eyes jump slightly.

There is even a template map of the money model!
This picture is exactly the template pattern for printing money molds.

The complex textures on the money mold are depicted in detail, and some places are specially annotated. Xu Tong patiently compared it with the money mold in his hand, and found that the broken hole in his hand happened to be the most complicated part of the money mold. The place.

The content in it did confirm part of his conjecture.

To carve such a money mold, it really needs a master-level carpenter to make it.

If it is not a great master, even if the skill is superb, if it is forcibly carved out, it will lose the charm in it, and it will also damage its own lifespan.

The content on the next page is what is needed to print money molds.

Xu Tong memorized every word in his heart, for fear of missing something.

There is not much content in this book. After Xu Tong read every page, he heard the voice of his teacher's wife and daughter saying: "It turns out that it is like this, it really remains the same forever!"

Xu Tong listened carefully with his ears pricked up, and hurriedly pretended to be a curious baby and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ba Nu didn't answer directly, but teased Xu Tong: "When your master was alive, he asked you to read more books. It seems that you still don't understand this."

"Forget it, I repay you a share of karma, do you still remember the Yanshu I told you about?"

"Is that the magical technique you mentioned today?" He continued to pretend to be stupid.

It turned out that the reason why Xu Tong was willing to bring Ba Nu in was because, on the one hand, he wanted to see what this lady wanted to do, and on the other hand, it was because Ba Nu taught Xu Tong a formula.

According to Yanu, in ancient times, magic was the mainstream.

In the original text, the word "shu" is very complicated.

But if you make a comparison, you will find that regardless of Buddha, Taoism, evil, magic, all the talismans have almost the same context as the original word 'shu'.

Just like this, there is a saying that the veins of the Dao are displayed in the form of art.

Later, in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, a hundred schools of thought rose up, but Lao Tzu and Li Er demonstrated the existence of Tao to the world in a more profound way.

Only then did many people realize that Taoism is a more advanced existence than art, and gradually people rejected art from the mainstream, and even called it a low-level trick, and finally fell into the low-level.

But it cannot be denied that the power of art is that it is easier to use and learn than the unattainable or even illusory Tao.

Even today, art is still the first choice for the cultivation of aliens in the world.

And the source of the technique is Yanshu.

The reason why Yanshu can endow grass and trees with human-like life is precisely because Yanshu ingeniously injects the subtle power between heaven and earth into these grass and tree puppets to shape their spiritual bones.

To put it bluntly, it means to use the power of heaven and earth to make plants and trees become fine.

This is the source of the art, and it is also why the incantations written and painted on the so-called talismans look like the outline of the words.

"Although the contents of this book are all paper techniques, there is one article that is genuine hagana, and it is the most important ability in hagana, soul-searching and bone-seeking!"

"So... the reason why Taoist Plum Blossom has continuously developed all kinds of strange techniques is precisely because of this Yanshu?"

Xu Tong's heart was shocked.

Now he finally understands why he used the huge amount of incense merits, combined with Plum Blossom Yishu and Fate Eye Qimen to calculate, but finally saw the box of [Thousand Machine God] and told him that this thing is very important to him.

I'm afraid it's because of the Yanshu hidden in Qianjishen.

But Yanu didn't know that she had already mastered part of the hagana, and she also taught herself the basic hagana formula.

"That's right! I think Taoist Plum Blossom must have obtained part of the true biography of Yanshu from somewhere, but only the true biography, but no moves. That's why he collected the world's strange arts and combined them to start again."

Bainv is actually not very familiar with Plum Blossom Taoist, and it was later that Daotu heard about some Plum Blossom Taoist deeds. At first, she was also very puzzled, how did Plum Blossom Taoist rise out of thin air.

Now everything has an answer.

"You combine the formula I taught you today, start reading along the fourth line on the third page, and slowly understand it, and you will naturally understand the mystery."

Taoist Plum Blossom hid Yanshu in the middle paragraph. Many people would never understand the meaning in it. They would only feel that they are not enlightened enough to comprehend the truth, so they can only learn it like a cat drawing a tiger.

But Ba Nu is a god from the ancient times, and she can see the little tricks of Taoist Plum Blossom at a glance, and she also instructed Xu Tong to reason backwards and pick out the most precious part of haganism.

Xu Tong tried to understand the meaning of that paragraph of text in the way of a girl.

As I read it, I couldn't help but compare the spirit-possessing technique of Papercraft Book with the Yanling technique of Yanshu.

Gradually, it was as if a lamp was lit in his mind.

The thoughts became clearer and clearer. There seemed to be countless veins lit up in the mind, and the stars flickered in the depths of the eyes, which quickly gathered together, and a word of spell appeared in Xu Tong's eyes.

Then the character was deduced from the simplified font, and the structure of the traditional script, regular script, cursive script, official script, and characters became more and more complicated, and finally stopped at the seal script.

A beautifully shaped word 'shu' full of unique charm appeared in the depths of his eyes.

Suddenly, Xu Tong felt an extremely strange feeling in his heart, as if everything around him had an invisible texture.

It's a pity that the girl attached to Xu Tong's body is not her real body, and she can't feel the strange changes in Xu Tong's body at this moment. Otherwise, seeing Xu Tong really enlightened, the core true inheritance of Yanshu, I don't know how I would feel.

I don't know how long it took, but the girl finally lost her patience, and urged: "Do you understand it? If you don't understand it, write down the words first, and then slowly go to enlightenment when you go back."

Xu Tong restrained his mind, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and put it back on the bookshelf.

This thing doesn't make much sense to me anymore.

Knowing the origin of Yanshu, combined with his own paper craftsman's book, it is only a matter of time to complete the paper technique. More importantly, the appearance of Yanshu finally allows Xu Tong to find a new direction for the future.

After all, it doesn't matter whether it's swordsmanship or worshiping mountains.

These can only be called means, they do not really belong to themselves.

Without the Chunyang Sword, without the master, without the item card, after the script is divided, these methods will gradually become far away from him.

If he wanted to become stronger and truly become a strong player, Yanshu was exactly what he needed most in the future, and it was something that belonged entirely to him.

Of course, Xu Tong will not easily expose this trump card before he has fully mastered Yanshu.

"What's next? What are you going to do?"

Xu Tong put the books away, walked out, and asked his wife what he was going to do while walking.

"It's very simple. On the chimney of the crematorium, there is a stone tablet inlaid with a picture of reincarnation engraved on it. Just take it down."

"Tuotian reincarnation map? What is that? Is it a baby??"

Xu Tong walked very slowly, and he had just reached the door when he spoke.

"It is a picture of reincarnation carved by Feng Xilu, a master sculptor in the Qing Dynasty. It was placed on the chimney of the incinerator and absorbed the smoke of countless corpses. Now it has become a terrible town. "

"Oh, so that's what it is."

Xu Tong nodded thoughtfully, turned around and walked out at a faster speed.

The direction of the incinerator is easy to identify, after all, it is a big chimney.

In a few strides, Xu Tong's figure was like a black cat, jumping lightly and silently on the chimney, and sure enough, he saw the shiny black stone tablet on the chimney.

Stretch out your hand and push hard on the stone tablet.


I saw the stele shake slightly a few times, then tilted up immediately.

Seeing the stele slowly fall down in Xu Tong's hands, a billowing haze suddenly rose under the entire crematorium, a gust of cool wind blew over, and the surrounding temperature dropped by more than ten degrees in an instant.

"Hahaha, good disciple, good disciple, you are really my lucky star!"

Sensing that the aura that could suppress him was gradually disappearing, the embroidered shoes in his arms immediately flew out of Xu Tong's arms, twisted a few times in mid-air, and a dazzling red light appeared on the shoes.

I saw that the red light seemed to have split a passage, and a figure silently traveled through the space, coming across from a distance.

"That's right, how can I not do my best to do things for my wife."

Looking at the snow-white slender foot, it stepped out of the red light and stepped on the embroidered shoe.

Xu Tong narrowed his eyes, and saw that the hand that hadn't let go of the stone tablet was pulled back violently.


The stele was lifted up again and stood in its original position.

(End of this chapter)

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