Chapter 573
(Note: In the first two chapters, I accidentally wrote 魃 as 魃, uh...I'm dizzy, it has been revised)

After the stone tablet was erected back to its original position, a bright red light suddenly appeared on the dark stone tablet.

The red light flickered along the already blurred carvings on the stele, weaving the texture on it.

A giant with a grimacing face, with its hands outstretched, lifting reincarnation.

All of a sudden, the foot of the girl who was supposed to come from nothingness had just landed on the shoe, and the stone tablet was filled with red light, and a huge force that overwhelmed the mountains and the sea directly slapped the girl.

"Brat, you really think I dare not kill you!"

The woman's complexion changed suddenly, she let out an angry shout, sharp nails grew on her fingertips, and she grabbed at the nothingness in front of her.


There was a sharp friction sound in the air for a while, and even cracks visible to the naked eye spread in the air like spider webs.


The stone tablet on the chimney trembled, and the red light suddenly burst into flames. It turned into a red-haired ghost, raised its fist, and smashed it down towards the teacher's wife.

The gigantic fist shadow was majestic and irresistible, and the mighty power of the fist hit it, causing the teacher's wife who was already on the unstable footing to retreat even more, almost being smashed back into nothingness.

At the same time, Xu Tong was keenly aware that many things in the entire crematorium were disturbed, as if a chain reaction had taken place.

Hearing the wind chime on the wall, Xu Tong actually saw the banyan tree in the corner of the courtyard, the bark of which seemed to be alive, cracked open, revealing a tree hole.

There is even a temple enshrined in the tree hole.

Inside this temple is not the Buddha of the Three Qing Dynasties, the Heavenly Emperor and the Four Emperors, but an evil ghost with a red body, two horns on its head, and a mace in its hand.

The evil spirit was startled awake, and with a sharp and strange laugh, he swung the mace in his hand and hit the teacher's wife on the back of the head.

This mace is not an ordinary injury, when it is smashed down, there is actually a six-character motto on it.

Seeing this, Mistress let out a soft shout, and with a flick of her toe, the embroidered shoe flew up and quickly turned into a huge mountain in the air, pressing down on the void as if it collapsed, rumbling.

Then he stepped on the shoe, kicked on the mace, and kicked the mace flying.

"The mistress is mighty!!"

Xu Tong just clapped his hands as he watched, thinking in his heart that the strength of his cheap wife is really unfathomable, worthy of being an ancient god.

With such strength, if I don't use the Mountain Blessing button, I am afraid that the chances of winning will not be great.

Hearing Xu Tong's shouts and cheers, Ba Nu was furious, her eyes were as cold as a poisonous snake, and she glared at Xu Tong viciously: "I'll take your skin off later!"

"You'd better take care of yourself first."

Seeing the bright red light on the stele getting stronger and stronger, Xu Tong didn't dare to wait any longer, and immediately jumped down the chimney. He didn't trust this mistress from the beginning.

Even though she has been by Master's side for more than 30 years, it was because Master made a contract with her, and with Master's pressure, she dared not act recklessly.

Now that there is no master, this bitch might be planning something.

Xu Tong doesn't want to do the work of being a tiger's minion.

After finishing speaking, Xu Tong turned around and left.

It's not that he doesn't want to send his wife to reunite with his master, but because he feels that the towns arranged by the Mei family around him have been activated.

Ignoring his mistress dealing with those town objects outside, Xu Tong went straight to the morgue.

As soon as he entered the door, the surrounding temperature instantly dropped by more than ten degrees.

I saw a huge room with a huge freezer. The doors of the freezer were one by one. When opened, the space inside was just big enough for a person to lie in.

All corpses are stored separately in freezers.

There was an indescribable smell in the air. If a normal person was here, he might have the urge to vomit immediately after smelling this smell.

That's the smell that only dead people have, even if the corpses are sealed in the freezer, this smell will also be emitted.

But this smell is nothing to Xu Tong. After experiencing the zombie script, this smell is a small scene.

When I came here, I wanted to take advantage of the freezer here to eat the chi beads given to me by the master, so as to awaken the power and soul of the chi dragon.

Open the door of a freezer casually.


The freezer was opened, and inside was a corpse wrapped in a body bag and yellow cloth, covered with a thick layer of frost.

But if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that the yellow cloth is covered with blood, and it is not known what the corpse looked like before it was sent in.

Close and reopen a grid.

Hmm... It seems that Mei's business is still going well.

Change another frame, hey, she is a beautiful woman, why only the upper body? ?What about the lower body?
change again...

Xu Tong flipped through five or six grids before finally finding an empty freezer on the bottom floor.

He took out the chi bead that the master gave him from the props book, looked at the round bead that was as big as a baby's fist, Xu Tong smashed it, and thought that he should have brought some lard or something, it was so big It's not good to swallow it hard.

But now there is no time to make those preparations for him, open his mouth, and throw the beads into it.

I saw that the entrance of the beads was like a melting ice spring, turning into a stream of ice and swallowing it effortlessly along the throat.

Instead of feeling hot, it feels icy and cold, like the crushed ice I ate when I was a child.

Just when he was still wondering, the taste of this food was not only not hot, but cold and moistened his throat when he ate it, his abdomen suddenly started to feel hot.

Xu Tong had a pained look on his face, as if someone had punched his abdomen hard, and immediately felt the heat start to spread from his stomach to his limbs. He didn't dare to be careless immediately, and hurried to the freezer. He clasped the freezer with both hands and pulled himself into the freezer.

At the same time, on the small road behind the crematorium, a van was waiting there.

There were two people sitting inside, they were Mei Du and Gao Zhuo.

According to the plan they had discussed before, the two of them met outside, and went to eat hot pot after Xu Tong came out.

"Xiao Du, why is your Mei family's corpse refining method so complicated?"

On the back seat, Gao Zhuo held the manuscript of [Hundred Refining Without Stiffness] that Mei Du gave him and began to read it carefully.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

I thought that my own technique of refining corpses was already the best in the industry.

Apart from Maoshan, there should be no other family stronger than their Gao family, but after reading the contents of the book, Gao Zhuo realized that he was really watching the sky from the bottom of a well.

In this book, there is no specific method for refining corpses, but a detailed subdivision plan for refining corpses from beginning to end.

In the book, zombies are subdivided into twelve genres, which correspond to the twelve days, twelve genres, and subdivided into 24 outlines, which correspond to the 24 solar terms.

Then mix it with fate and crypt combination.

Good guy, this book alone is enough to study for a lifetime.

Gao Zhuo's head was getting bigger.

"Brother Gao, refining corpses is to go against the sky. Every detail must be learned in place. I will recite it at the age of three. Only by reshaping the corpse's fate according to the corpse's fate and using the earth's atmosphere and the weather can the corpse's energy be restored." Zombies have enough strength and potential."

Mei Du took out her fan, and began to point it out in the tone of someone who had come here.

Seeing Gao Zhuo's face full of pain, he felt secretly refreshed: "I told you to pretend to be my young master during the day!"

Just as she was thinking about it, Mei Du inadvertently glanced out of the car window.


On the van outside, Mei Du suddenly sat up from the ground, staring at the flickering red light in the crematorium: "Not good!"

"what happened?"

Gao Zhuo was startled and sat up from the chair.

I saw Mei Du's expression was serious, and he stared straight ahead: "Someone moved something in my house, and now things are getting serious, look!"

Gao Zhuo looked along Mei Du's fingers, and saw that the surrounding plum blossoms did not know when the petals gradually turned black.

In the blink of an eye, the woods that were originally breezy and refreshing were suddenly overcast, and the evil spirit was overwhelming.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look."

Mei Du didn't know what happened, and was worried that Xu Tong accidentally touched the mechanism. Although the Mei family was in decline, those town objects were passed down from generation to generation.

Some things even their Mei family can't tell the origin.

Even if it is a great master, if he accidentally touches it, his skin will peel off even if he is not dead.

Immediately, the two got out of the car, and instead of walking in the direction of the gate, they climbed the wall directly to enter.

With Meidu leading the way, Gao Zhuo didn't worry about triggering any formations.

It's just that the two of them didn't have the eye of fate. When they entered the crematorium, they felt that the surroundings were cloudy, but they couldn't see clearly what happened like Xu Tong.

"Why is there a red light on it?"

Gao Zhuo raised his head and looked at the slightly flickering red light on the big chimney, at first he thought it was a lamp, but after a closer look, it seemed that it was not.

"It's the reincarnation map of the sky!"

Mei Du yelled in his heart when he heard the words, but he didn't expect this thing to be alarmed.

"What picture??" Gao Zhuo still didn't understand what it was.

Mei Du grabbed his arm: "Don't ask, run! This thing has been alarmed, there must be a big mess."

Gao Zhuo secretly thought that it was weird, and let Mei Du drag him forward.

The two walked quickly to the office building, and Mei Du took out the key from his pocket and was about to open the door.

"You stay here, I will come out as soon as I go in, remember, in case something happens later, don't let anyone come in."

"Okay, you go in."

Gao Zhuo nodded, but felt that Mei Du was making a fuss out of a molehill.

In reality, what kind of scary ghosts can there be?

Mei Du was unable to explain to Gao Zhuo for a while.

After opening the door, he rushed into the office building in a hurry.

When Meidu rushed into the building, Gao Zhuo unhurriedly lit a cigarette and put it by his mouth. Looking at the dark energy rising from the crematorium in front of him, he couldn't help wondering whether he should go home and do one too. Places like crematoriums to refine corpses.

Just as he was thinking, Gao Zhuo's ears moved suddenly.

"Da da da da da..."

The crisp footsteps are getting closer.


Hearing the footsteps, Gao Zhuo's eyes sharpened suddenly, but when he followed the sound and looked over, he didn't see the shadow of the person, but the footsteps were already close at hand.

"What, get out!"

Gao Zhuo let out a loud roar, and for a moment a dazzling Buddha's light shone from his body.

The body quickly disintegrated, exuding a corpse gas visible to the naked eye, and a firefly burst out of the two eyeballs.

Unexpectedly, under the Buddha's light, there was a burst of laughter from the top of the head: "I don't want to be a good person, but I want to be a corpse, neither human nor ghost, is it fun?"


Gao Zhuo was startled, only then did he realize that the other party was actually on top of his head, and immediately raised his head to look, only to see an embroidered shoe stepping down towards him on the ceiling above his head.

(End of this chapter)

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