Infinite script kill

Chapter 574 Yin Demon

Chapter 574 Yin Demon
"Da da da……"

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the corridor.

Mei Du's heart was pounding, almost jumping into her throat.

The reason why the Mei family built a crematorium here was definitely not because of the need to refine corpses. In fact, since the Mei family decided to adapt to the times, they almost abandoned all ways of practice and devoted themselves to construction and development.

That is to say, in his generation, the country is peaceful, the motherland is prosperous, and the people have completely shaken off the shackles of the old era.

Meidu, a rich man, chose the path of cultivation because of his hobbies.

The Mei family felt that it was not a bad thing for someone to inherit it.

Because of this, Mei Du knew very well that a Yin Demon was being suppressed under this crematorium.

The so-called yin demons are not included in the five elements, but within the three realms. They belong to heretical demons. There are annotations in the Buddhist Shurangama Sutra, which divides yin demons into five categories.

Whenever a practitioner reaches a certain bottleneck and forcibly breaks through, he will be harassed by Yin demons.

Once the will is not firm, the Yin Demon will directly swallow the primordial spirit and occupy the physical body.

The most troublesome thing is that these things are immortal, even gods can't do anything about them.

In the words of the Buddhist school, the yin demon is transformed by the karma of all living beings, just like the water of the sea of ​​bitterness, endless.

The vernacular means that yin demons are human selfish desires, evil thoughts and karma are entangled together, and the derived things cannot be eliminated at all.

Fortunately, although yin demons are terrifying, they don't come out casually. Most people don't even think about encountering them in eight lifetimes.

Even practitioners, if they don't have extremely high cultivation, they can't see it.

Ordinarily, this thing should not appear in the world.

But the world is so big, there are all kinds of strange brain circuits.

This thing was made by a naive Taoist priest.

It is said that Taoist priests used sorcery to call out yin demons in order to strengthen their own Taoism, in an attempt to test their own Taoism with yin demons.

Yin Demon was surprised by this strange request.

This is really Fa Haiyue Green Snake, who has the ball and must be hard.

So he readily agreed, not only eating up the soul of the Taoist priest, but also occupying the body of the Taoist priest, becoming a human demon and starting to kill.

There was a dead silence within a radius of fifty miles that day, and countless villagers were killed or injured.

In the end, the ancestors of the Mei family and the Taoist priest of the Tianshi Cave in Qingcheng Mountain were alarmed, and the two parties worked together to suppress the demon.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, someone smashed down the temple above, and as a result, many people died that day.

Fortunately, it was the Mei family who quietly suppressed it with town objects. Later, seeing that there was no hope of rebuilding the temple, they simply built a crematorium here.

Because the Yin Demon cannot be destroyed, so he can only use the power of Yin Scorching to slowly wear down the Yin Demon.

Right now, even Tuotian's reincarnation map is alarmed.

Mei Du didn't know what happened, but it definitely wouldn't be a good thing.

He quickly walked to the door of the innermost room, opened the door, and saw an altar and several urns inside.

Above the altar, hangs a very strange paper lantern.

"My ancestors, my ancestors, the situation is urgent. Just in case, please forgive Mei Du for being rude."

Mei Du said sorry, stepped on the table with her hand, took off the paper lantern on it and put it on her hand.

This is the Fanjing Lamp. It looks inconspicuous, but it has a lot of history. It is said that it was left in Mei's house by an eminent monk who attained Taoism when he was wandering. This lamp can reveal the Yin Demon to its original form and suppress it again.

Meidu took down the lantern, found a satchel, put the lantern in the satchel, and then walked out with the satchel on his back.

"Grandpa and the others don't know when they will be back. Isn't the fourth uncle on duty today? How come no one cares about such a big commotion?? And brother Xu, my good brother, what on earth are you doing to make such a fuss?" Trouble coming??"

Along the way, Mei Du kept muttering in his heart.

I don't know what happened, but I just feel that everything happened by coincidence.

I just hope that the net of heaven and earth arranged by the Mei family can calm the situation down as soon as possible, so that nothing goes wrong.

"Huh??? Where's Brother Gao??"

Going downstairs, Mei Du looked around, but Gao Zhuo was not there.

"Brother Gao?? Brother Gao??"

Mei Du tried to shout twice, but got no response, and couldn't help but secretly scolded Gao Zhuo for being unreliable.

Right now he didn't dare to wait here anymore, and looked up at the direction of the chimney, only to see that the stone tablet on it started to fade down.

Although Meidu is the direct heir of the Mei family, with unsurpassed talent, he is still a mortal body.

He couldn't see that the sky above his head was full of red light at this moment, and that huge giant had been suppressed by an embroidered shoe, unable to move, and would burst at any time.

What's even more frightening is that this embroidered shoe is continuously absorbing the giant's power, and it's getting bigger and bigger.

As a result, all the objects in the crematorium began to crumble, ready to burst at any moment.

Meidu called Gao Zhuo a few times, seeing that he couldn't be found, stomped his feet, and hurriedly walked in the direction of the unfinished building behind the lantern.

The unfinished building behind the crematorium was originally said to be a dormitory for employees, but it was actually just a cover.

The yin demons are suppressed below, how wicked to put the staff's dormitory on top.

In fact, it was just a coincidence to rebuild the old temple in the building to protect it.

The temple inside was rebuilt, and the building was left unfinished along with it. Anyway, there was no real plan to let the employees live in it.

Mei Du intends to go in and guard, no matter what happens outside, as long as there is no problem in guarding the Yin Demon, other things are not important, as long as he sticks to it until the rooster crows tomorrow, things will turn around.

Mei Du walked quickly towards the unfinished building, and when he passed by the door of the funeral parlor, he suddenly saw a shadow limping in.

Mei Du has good eyesight, and he can tell at a glance that it is Gao Zhuo.

Just as he was about to call Gao Zhuo, a light calling came from behind him: "Big brother, we meet again."

Mei Du turned her head and saw a little girl in a skirt standing behind her.


Mei Du recognized at a glance that this little girl was none other than the little girl she saw last time in the Yinyang Cave in Xiangxi, Tiannv.

"Why are you here!"

Mei Du stepped forward, the last time he brought Tiannv out of the Yin-Yang Cave, he wanted to wait for Xu Tong and the others outside the cave entrance.

As a result, suddenly an embroidered shoe flew over, and it directly smashed him in the air.

After waking up, the rescue team found it. At that time, when I looked around, I found that the goddess was gone.

This matter made Mei Du feel uncomfortable for a long time.

After all, a little girl, I don't know what happened to her.

Unexpectedly, I met her here.

Tiannv didn't explain why she appeared here, she just grabbed his arm, made a booing gesture, and pointed at Gao Zhuo's back with her little finger: "Big brother, look at his feet!"

Hearing this, Mei Du squinted at Gao Zhuo's feet, his body froze in place for an instant.

I saw Gao Zhuo's feet standing on tiptoe weirdly all the time, and what was even more surprising was that on his left foot was a familiar embroidered shoe.

"It's this damn thing again??"

When Mei Du saw this shoe, he felt a dull pain in his forehead.

Looking at Gao Zhuo's state again, I couldn't help but feel a little bit in my heart: "It's broken, this is being thrown!"

For a moment, Mei Du looked embarrassed, seeing Gao Zhuo walking towards the funeral parlor, whether he should follow and find a way to save him, or go to the ancient temple to guard the Yin Demon first, he was in a dilemma between the two.

After thinking for a moment, Mei Du gritted his teeth and decided to suppress the Yin Demon first.

So he turned to the goddess beside him and said, "Little sister, you are not safe here, hurry up, I have other things."

Said that Meidu was about to leave, but the celestial girl grabbed his hand and said, "Big brother, don't go, that thing has already come out."


As the voice of the celestial girl fell, Meidu's expression changed, and she heard a rumbling sound in the distance, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the unfinished building, and sure enough, a burst of smoke and dust was floating out of the unfinished building.


Mei Du stomped her feet anxiously, but she didn't expect this thing to come out anyway.

Seeing his unsightly look, the goddess smiled brighter on her little face: "Brother, don't worry, just follow me, and I'll guarantee you can clean up this thing."

"You??" Mei Du sized up Tian Nu suspiciously.

Although I don't know what kind of confidence this little girl has, but judging from her confident tone, maybe there is a way but I'm not sure.

Besides, this girl was adopted by King Jiu'e Minggui, and she claimed to be a heavenly girl, so maybe she really has something extraordinary.

Thinking of this, Mei Du struggled for a while, then nodded vigorously: "Okay, I'll go with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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