Infinite script kill

Chapter 579 Dark Chilong Body

Chapter 579 Dark Chilong Body

"News from this city, at 3:[-] am last night, an explosion occurred in the crematorium of the Chuanshu Crematorium. The investigation of the accident is suspected to be an employee's illegal operation, which caused the explosion of the incinerator. Training, this kind of illegal work is not advisable, and it must be implemented in place."

On the TV news, there was a picture of the aftermath of the crematorium last night.

Xu Tong was lying on the bed, enjoying the nourishing qi and nourishing soup that was delivered to his mouth.

The Mei family specially arranged for two little nurses to stand by Xu Tong's side and take care of him so meticulously that Xu Tong had to sigh, the crime of capitalists.

In contrast, Gao Zhuo was not treated so well.

This unlucky Hanhan woke up at dawn, got up and saw that he was thrown on the cemetery behind him.

I can only run back by myself in a daze.

The Mei family looked at this man who had no lack of arms or legs, and was able to move freely. They were very polite, but they didn't arrange a nurse for him.

After drinking the special nourishing qi soup, Xu Tong expressed that he wanted to rest, and asked the two nurses to go back to rest first, before Gao Zhuo sat up from the sofa: "Are we acting as a gunman?"

The Mei family must have known what was going to happen early in the morning, so they went out together to hide from the disaster.

Thinking about it now, Gao Zhuo couldn't help being a little upset.

"Relax, we didn't lose anything, did we? We picked up a favor for nothing, what else do you want?"

Xu Tong spoke in relief.

After all, last night, I was lying down almost the whole time, and my harvest was extremely rich.

After reading the Zhiling Book, I not only completed all the contents of the seven paper arts, but also obtained Yanshu.

This is a unique skill that truly belongs to oneself.

More importantly, it has great potential for extension and development. With Yanshu, I will embark on a path that is completely my own.

These are the benefits that are priceless.

The only bad thing is that he can only lie down now.

God knows what went wrong. I thought I could complete the advancement of the physical body in half an hour, but after a day, I still couldn't move.

In this regard, Amota also expressed his helplessness, and he himself could not tell what went wrong.

This made Xu Tong very depressed.

He even had some doubts, whether this guy, Amota, was deliberately tricking himself.

Gao Zhuo lay down on the sofa again. After Xu Tong said this, he thought to himself that it was the same reason, and his mentality immediately became much more relaxed.

The two were chatting.

Xu Tong suddenly closed his mouth and motioned for Gao Zhuo to open the door.

When Gao Zhuo opened the door, he saw Mei Du and his father just walked into the yard.

As soon as he entered the door, Father Mei walked up to Xu Tong and thanked Xu Tong again.

"I've heard what happened last night from Gouzi. Thanks to Senior, otherwise my Mei family might be in trouble."

Hearing this, Xu Tong couldn't help looking at Meidu.

Mei Du blinked at Xu Tong, meaning, just admit it, I couldn't explain clearly.

"Ahem, Uncle can call me Xu Tong, Mei Du and I are good brothers."

"Yes, yes, those who achieve first come first. We also heard about you not long ago. Speaking of which, the feats of Mr. Xue in Beiman Mountain back then were just the destiny. The person who reversed the car deserved to be buried in Beimang, but it's a pity that I was still a child back then, so I couldn't help much, otherwise I would have to help Mr. Xue."

Seeing Father Mei's expression filled with righteous indignation, Xu Tong thought to himself: "Don't be killed by my master by mistake, it will be fun."

Seemingly realizing that he was a little too excited, Father Mei hurriedly changed his voice:
"Last time at Yinyang Cave, you helped our family find the three plum blossom hairpins. Meidu has already told me about it. Today, the old man asked me to pass on a message. He has been in poor health recently, but the Mei family assures you , this favor, our Mei family will never forget."

"Uncle, you're being polite. Qimen and the Mei family came from the same school. Speaking of which, Taoist Plum Blossom is also our patriarch."

Xu Tong responded with a smile.

"Yes, yes, they are all one family. The family does not talk about each other. This is a little wish of the Mei family. As long as you are willing, come to the Mei family with this item. Any request, the Mei family will do its best."

Father Mei took out a box with a jade tablet inside.

Three plum blossoms are engraved on the jade plate, and the stone skin on the jade is used to make a clever color. The delicate carving gives people a vivid feeling.

"A master-level engraver!"

Xu Tong took a look and recognized the value of this thing.

"Yes, this jade tablet was made by a jade craftsman at the level of a grand master. Unfortunately, in this world, there are no craftsmen at the level of a grand master."

Father Mei was full of sighs when he said this.

The status of the Mei family in Jianghu, as well as the inheritance of the Mei family, if not for the reasons of the times, the achievements of the Mei family should never be lower than those of the three religions.

However, the situation of the times is changing, the dragon's veins have been broken, and the end of the Dharma is coming.

By the time of Xue Gui, the Mei family had not had a great master, even if it was his own father, the old man of the Mei family was only a half-step master.

Grand Master has become a title of the past.

After Mei's father simply thanked him, he didn't continue to disturb Xu Tong's rest here, and just said that Meidu should ask for everything, and then he got up, said goodbye and left.

Mei Du finally breathed a sigh of relief after sending off Father Mei.

Lie down on the bed: "I'm going, it's finally over, oh, yes, this is for you!"

Mei Du suddenly remembered something, took out a book from his arms, and handed it to Gao Zhuo.

Gao Zhuo took it over and took a look, he was so happy that his mouth almost went to the back of his head.

Isn't this exactly the Mei family's corpse refining technique that he has been thinking about, and now he can finally make up for the lost part of the Gao family's corpse refining technique.

Gao Zhuo was happy holding the book, Xu Tong who was sitting on the bed clenched his fingers into fists.

Looking at Gao Zhuo, he said, "Don't stay with me here, go out for a walk, I'll just sleep here by myself."

"Oh, okay, let's go out and have fun. It's a pity not to go out to have fun after finally coming to Chengdu."

Gao Zhuo stood up knowingly, and pulled Mei Du out.


Mei Du looked at Xu Tong and found that Xu Tong was nodding slightly to him. Seeing this, although Mei Du was suspicious, he still followed Gao Zhuo and left.

As soon as the two walked out of the door, Xu Tong's face began to be painful, and the severe pain made his body start to twitch violently.

I saw black scales began to grow under the skin, and sharp fangs spit out from the corners of the mouth.

A strong dark breath enveloped his body.

It was a real rebirth, but it was a kind of inhuman torture. His whole body was split open, and his internal organs seemed to have been displaced. The pain made him sweat profusely.

"Ding! Your chilong power and dark physique produced a fusion effect, evolving into a dark chilong!"

"Ding! The item card [Dark Physique] has been destroyed, your behavior may have touched the violation, and it is being judged..."

"You violated the rules and damaged the item card [Dark Physique], and you will be punished by deducting half of your script points!"

When the prompt ended, half of the script in the item book evaporated in an instant, making Xu Tong want to curse, but he had no strength at the moment.

The excruciating pain all over his body made his consciousness a little blurred.

I just feel that my body is constantly sending out bursts of tingling pain, especially the position of the heart, every beat seems to come out of the throat.

However, as time went by, the discomfort on his body gradually began to subside, replaced by a kind of comfort and relaxation that he had never experienced before.

"Ding! Your body has undergone a mutation, and you have obtained the physique of a dark dragon. Regarding the characteristics of the dark dragon, please think about it and develop it yourself."

"Ding! With the fusion of Lilith's heart, the devil's bloodline has been upgraded to LV5."

Dark Bloodline LV5:

"You can generate great bloodline suppression against high-level demons, and this effect is also effective for demon players."

"You have fused Lilith's heart, and Lilith will feel your existence coordinates and orientation at any time. If the distance is very close, there is a chance to have a spiritual connection!"

A series of continuous prompts came.

Xu Tong sat up straight slowly, looked at the black scales growing under his skin, opened his hands, and found that his fingernails became thick and sharp, emitting a cold light.

Trying to scrape on myself a few times, only to hear the metallic sound of "clang clang" and sparks shot out from the scales.

Glancing at the mirror in the corner, the self in the mirror has completely changed, his face is covered with scales, but fortunately there are no horns on his head, and he still looks like a human.

"Can this thing be put away?"

Accompanied by Xu Tong's thoughts, these scales actually retracted under the skin, and they returned to their normal appearance in a blink of an eye.

He pressed lightly, and the bed board under him collapsed.

At this moment, my body is completely different from before, and there is still a glint of light flowing under the skin that I have carefully looked at, and I carefully stand up from the bed.

He only felt that his body was incredibly light. He opened the gate of the yard and tried to walk in the sunlight, only to find that when the sunlight hit his skin, there was an invisible force that swallowed up the light.

At this time, he felt that his physical body had reached an unprecedented level. Even without relying on item cards, he was strong enough to fight against those players from the Shadow Group last time.

If you cooperate with your own prop cards, you can completely crush them.

Just when Xu Tong was trying to adapt to his brand new body, the mobile phone on the table suddenly rang.

Xu Tong walked to the table, picked up the phone, and couldn't help being startled, he saw a series of familiar numbers on the phone, and the owner of this number was Yang Zixuan who had been missing for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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