Chapter 580


Looking at the familiar number on the phone, Xu Tong thought for a moment, then hung up the phone, pulled out the calling card and crushed it.

This call comes in, and there are only two outcomes.

One is that Yang Zixuan is still alive, and he called to tell himself the news and ask for the location of his family.

The other is that Yang Zixuan is still alive, but is controlled by the shadow group.

As for me, no matter which one it is, I will not accept it. From the day I fulfilled my promise to Yang Zixuan, the Yang Zixuan in my heart has died.

If he is not dead, and he is free from the pursuit or control of the shadow group, then let him come to him.

Really stand in front of him, otherwise, at this moment, he is a dead person in his heart, and Xu Tong is not used to answering the phone calls of dead people.

"The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later..."

"Head, this kid doesn't answer the phone, we can't catch up with him now."

In a basement, several people looked up at the figure sitting on the sofa playing games.

"Da da da da da..."

There was a dead silence in the basement, and everyone was waiting quietly, except for the rattling sound of the handles.


Looking at the game ending screen on the screen, the man said: "It doesn't matter, the next script world will follow him."

With that said, the man put down the game controller in his hand.

Walking to the metal gate at the side, he opened the gate, and saw a bloody man hanging on the wall inside: "Take him with you, maybe it can be of some use..."

Time passes day by day.

Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo lived in Mei's house temporarily.

In the past few days, Xu Tong has been adapting to his brand new body.

He and Gao Zhuo conducted an experiment. After Gao Zhuo turned into a corpse, he punched Xu Tong's body, and unexpectedly injured his fingers.

Although there is no [Dark Physique] item card, but his current Dark Chilong body has almost completely inherited all the advantages of [Dark Physique].

Whether it's Gao Zhuo's physical attack, or his corpse poison, and curse, they can't do any damage at all.

You must know that even if he is a half-step grandmaster, Gao Zhuo's combat power after his corpse transformation will definitely not be inferior to that of ordinary grandmasters. His strength is so great that he can easily smash a stone the size of a millstone with one punch.

But when it hit Xu Tong, it only made him shake slightly.

While making Gao Zhuo call himself perverted, he couldn't help but desire to become a certified player even more.

I believe this result will not take long, Gao Zhuo got the corpse refining technique from the Mei family, and basically has to make up for the corpse technique he lacks.

And his ability is to absorb the power of zombies from the zombies he refined.

So in theory, as long as he can complete a complete version of Flying Yasha by himself, he can have the power of a grand master.

Xu Tong also gave him the body of the bearded man from the shadow group last time, the body of a certified player as a material, plus Plum Blossom's corpse technique and a corpse refining site provided, and became a master-level corpse refining person, which is already A sure thing.

The two took time to enter an exhibition.

The intention is to prepare to form a team.

But I learned from Amei that if Xu Tong wants to build a team, he needs to build a temporary team first, and only after completing the team tasks can he obtain the certification-level team qualification.

And even if the certified team is established successfully, Gao Zhuo will not be able to join the team if he is not a certified player.

In a word, non-authenticated players have no human rights.

Now Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were depressed, but Amei gave Xu Tong an idea.

It is to ask Gao Zhuo to apply for a script delay, and then trigger the authentication task as soon as possible, and Xu Tong will use the privilege of the authenticated player to forcibly come to the space where he is.

In this way, both of them can complete the certification task and the other complete the team building task in the certified script world without any delay.

This operation really surprised Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo.

Of course, this is also a routine operation. After all, after becoming a certified player, they are the real target of the script library.

If Xu Tong's certification level is higher, he can also unlock higher-level privileges.

Such as ultra-low prices, qualifications for internal purchase of special props.

Exemption of appraisal fees, etc.

These services, not to mention Gao Zhuo, made Xu Tong envious when he heard about them.

Especially for the appraisal fee, the [-] script points that he managed to gamble with, but [-] were evaporated in one fell swoop. Xu Tong felt distressed when he thought about it.

That money was used to appraise the magical item obtained from the lucky wheel.

Now it seems that this matter can only be delayed.

After the consultation, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo entered the exhibition and took a tour.

It's a pity that Gao Zhuo can't enter the high-level exhibition area, and the resources in the low-level exhibition area are pitifully scarce.

So the two of them just walked around in a hurry and didn't stay any longer.

I don't know if it was because of Xu Tong last time.

Now in the low-level exhibition area, the game of gambling book has also begun to rise.

Xu Tong also took Gao Zhuo to have a look, but when he went over there, he found that the so-called item book was old and worn out, and at first glance it looked like garbage that had been screened out in high-end exhibitions.

But even so, the business is still booming, because not long ago, someone gambled an extremely rare space-type item card in an item book.

As for whether it was entrusted or not, Xu Tong didn't know, but it is not necessarily true that these worn-out item books are all rubbish.

In short, this kind of thing is completely gambling on personal luck.

After the two left the exhibition, Gao Zhuo immediately went to retreat to refine the corpse.

When the Mei family heard that Gao Zhuo was going to refine Feitian Yasha, they found a good place for Gao Zhuo. This place was nowhere else but the Mei family's ancestral house behind Qingcheng Mountain.

This made Gao Zhuo very happy.

Where is Qingcheng Mountain? It is known as Tianshi Cave, the fifth cave of Taoism.

The status is not inferior to Longhu Mountain.

As for the Mei family's ancestral house, it is even more serious. It is located in the plum blossom forest in the depths of Qingcheng Mountain. The Taoist Plum Blossom's ashram there allows such a strange person as the Plum Blossom Taoist to open up an ashram here. It is conceivable that it must be a treasured place of geomantic omen.

So early in the morning, Gao Zhuo packed his things, got into the car with Xu Tong, and went straight to Mount Qingcheng.

Qingcheng Mountain is only about two hours' drive from Leiyin Village.

On the way, Mei Du was in charge of driving, and this time, he didn't have to take the hearse from last time, but a small RV.

"Xiaodu, are all these things prepared for us? There are too many of these, can't we finish them?"

On the way, Gao Zhuo looked at the back of the carriage, which was full of instant noodles, flour, rice and other food, and couldn't help asking Mei Du.

"No, it's easy for us to deal with. There are some food for sale under Qingcheng Mountain. These are prepared for the Taoists on the mountain. It's rare to go there. Of course, we must bring more."

Mei Du explained to Xu Tong while driving the car.

In fact, the current viewing areas of the avenues are no longer suitable for monks to practice.

Often in many scenic spots, half of them are contracted out, and half of them are left to prohibit tourists from entering.

The same is true for Qingcheng Mountain. Although Qingcheng Mountain is not big, it is said to be deep and secluded in the world. No one knows how many things are hidden in this place.

As the inheritors of the Mei family, the Taoist masters in Qingcheng Mountain also have a close relationship with their Mei family.

This time the Yin Demon was wiped out, and it was time for him to go up the mountain to report a letter to those Daoists.

The car did not drive into the gate of the Qingcheng Mountain Scenic Area, but turned a corner and made a detour to the direction of the back mountain of Qingcheng Mountain.

Xu Tong was sitting in the car, looking at the mountains in the distance, and couldn't help showing envy.

Even in contemporary times, the incense of Mount Qingcheng is still very strong.

The strange door of the eye of fate opened, and the whole mountain in front of him was glowing. The pure incense merits and the huge luck emanating from the mountain merged together. The golden brilliance flows like a fairy mansion in the sky.

This kind of power is so vast that one's heart trembles, and it cannot be measured at all. The entire mountain has long been deified, and every plant and tree has immortality, and is thoroughly nourished by the brilliance.

This is the accumulation of thousands of years and dynasties, and finally there will be such a magical and incredible picture today.

"As expected of the cave of the Three Religions, the blessed land of the gods."

Xu Tong looked thoughtfully at the fairy mansions and pavilions in the depths of the clouds, wondering if there were immortals living there.

This point made everyone cry.

It's really people comparing people to death, and people are throwing away things, and the luck of the Five Immortals is broken. How can they think that Qingcheng Mountain, the incense is still there, and the luck is like a mountain, which is almost unchanged from ancient times.

No wonder people from the Three Religions seldom get involved in disputes between right and wrong in the arena.

If I were guarding such a treasure mountain, I wouldn't go anywhere, wouldn't it be nice to concentrate on cultivation?

"Is it really okay to refine corpses here?"

Xu Tong looked at Mei Du.

After he saw clearly the enormous luck of Mount Qingcheng with the eye of fate, he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Refining corpses is not the right path after all.

To put it bluntly, it is crooked, you find a ravine where no one cares about you, but you run under the nose of others, even if it is the ancestral house of the Mei family, it seems a bit unreasonable.

"It's okay, don't worry, Daoists are not that hypocritical, my Mei family and Qingcheng Mountain have already made an agreement."

Mei Du knew what Xu Tong was worried about, so he opened his mouth to explain to him.

The mountain has two sides, one is yin and the other is yang. Originally, the Taoist priests of Tianshi Cave were on the sunny side, and the plum blossom Taoist was on the yin side.

In this way, the balance of yin and yang is achieved.

Later, the world changed, and the Mei family decided to conform to the changes of the times, and walked out of the mountains, vacating a part of the place for those Taoists to practice.

But there is a condition here, the ancestral house of the Mei family cannot be moved, and if the members of the Mei family want to come back to practice, as long as they are not doing something outrageous, Taoists have no right to interfere.

"I see."

Xu Tong felt relieved when he heard this.

The background of the Mei family is unfathomable, but compared to Qingcheng Mountain, it is far behind the boss.

I really don't know who gave her the courage to go to the Chunyang Palace of Quanzhen Sect.

I hope that the Taoist priests of Chunyang Palace can make my wife understand what is dangerous in the world.

Hey, if I think so, will Master be unhappy? ?

Just as Xu Tong was thinking wildly, the car gradually stopped. Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo felt a strange aura coming towards the car.

With a glance, I saw a young Taoist standing on the side of the road, waving at the car.

"Brother Zhang!"

Mei Du opened the car window, poked his head out and shouted enthusiastically. The young Taoist nodded to him with a smile, then looked at the car window, and moved his lips lightly. Although he didn't make a sound, the sound had already spread to Xu Tong and Gao In Zhuo's ear: "The poor Zhang Haisheng, I met two drama friends..."

(End of this chapter)

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