Chapter 588

The thick palm fell to the ground, holding the neatly severed vajra.

Nie Haitang widened her eyes, trying to see the identity of the visitor, but the injuries on her body had already blurred her consciousness.

In the haze, I only heard "Dingling!!" A bell rang, and the hollow sound stimulated Nie Haitang's consciousness. After his eyes blurred, he passed out.

"Begonia! Begonia!!"

I don't know how long it took, and there were waves of calling in my ears.

When Nie Haitang woke up, it was already dawn, and when he saw clearly that the person in front of him was his senior brother Zhao Peng, Nie Haitang finally relaxed from his tense mood.

"Haitang, what happened??"

Zhao Peng looked at the junior sister who had woken up, with a little tenderness in his eyes.

"Senior brother... Fat and thin Toutuo..."

Nie Haitang recalled what happened last night, but the pictures were all fragments, so it was difficult to explain clearly at the moment.

"Yes, they are already dead, who killed them?"

Zhao Peng and the others were also shocked. They had been tracking the two cult masters, Pangshou Toutuo, for a while.

It is not the first time the two sides have played against each other, and they have some understanding of each other.

These two are not only very strong, but also insidious and cunning. They have always cooperated with each other and never left alone.

They also got separated from Nie Haitang because of the plan of these two people to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Ordinarily, when the junior sister meets two people, it is inevitable that they cannot be opponents.

But when they arrived, they found that the fat and thin Toutuo was already dead.

Judging from the scars on the corpses, the two were almost killed by one blow. What is even more surprising is that the weapons used by the two were forged from fine iron from the Western Regions, but they were all broken.

Especially the vajra, the incisions are terribly neat.

To be able to make such an incision, the opponent must either be a top swordsman with extremely high dao, or hold a magic weapon in his hand.

And these two conditions, my junior sister obviously doesn't have it.

So he guessed that there must be some expert who saved his junior sister's life.

It's just... Although the fat and thin Toutuo died, the soul of the corpse disappeared.

This kind of soul-hunting technique does not seem to be the method of a righteous person.

With all kinds of questions, everyone looked at Nie Haitang, hoping to get an answer from her mouth.

However, to everyone's disappointment, Nie Haitang thought about it carefully for a long time before he said: "The other party is surrounded by Fat Toutuo's blue flames. Covered with a layer of black scales."

Hearing such an answer, everyone couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

But everyone didn't mean to blame Nie Haitang. As she said, the other party was covered by black armor, so it must be intentional to hide his face. Even if Nie Haitang could see clearly, he might not be able to see the other party's true face.

"Anyway, it's good that Junior Sister is fine. Master said that Junior Sister, you have three calamities, and now this is considered to be a safe passage through one calamity."

The junior brother behind him spoke.

Everyone nodded and congratulated.

On the contrary, Nie Haitang didn't know what to think of, and looked at Zhao Peng in front of him with a slightly flushed face.

Zhao Peng seemed to have also noticed the gaze of the junior sister, and immediately coughed twice with a somewhat unnatural expression, and said with a correct expression:
"Ahem, master often said that there is a mountain as high as a mountain. I didn't expect there to be such a master in Youzhou. This matter must be reported to the master. After all, most of these people are both good and evil. If you can't find out the heel , there is no guarantee that nothing bad will happen, so fly a pigeon to pass on the letter immediately."


A junior nodded and immediately walked out the door.

"Eldest brother, Fat and Thin Toutuo is dead, but the clues to trace the Moduo Sect have also been broken. Are we going to return to Luodu to return to our lives?"

This time they were ordered to track down the Motuo Sect, and they have been tracking down for three months. The clues they finally found were cut off like this. It will not be easy to track down again.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Peng shook his head: "I won't go back for the time being, my junior sister is seriously injured, and I can't stand the fatigue of the boat, and my majesty has ordered the master to thoroughly investigate the Motuo Sect. If the base of the Motuo Sect cannot be found, We can't go back and return to life."

After finishing speaking, he signaled a junior to take out the map.

After a glance, he said: "Yuyang is just not far away. Let's settle down in Yuyang first and wait for Master's letter. Besides, haven't you heard that there are water demons in Yuyang Town recently? Let's go and see if Let's get rid of the water demon together, so as to relieve the court's worries."


Everyone was immediately refreshed when they heard the words. It seemed that as long as the big brother Zhao Peng was there, they could find the backbone calmly no matter what time it was.

"My lord, Yuyang City is ahead!"

Guo Yi outside the carriage shouted to Xu Tong.


Xu Tong responded softly, and then signaled Guo Yi and the others to find an inn to rest after entering the city.

"Yuyang City!"

Xu Tong's eyes overflowed with a cold light.

Of the three river inspectors, one died and two committed suicide. It would be strange to say that they have nothing to do with the government of Yuyang City.

So he didn't plan to go to the government to report first, but to take a rest first. Anyway, the task time is three months, and he is not in a hurry for this time.

Also there is one more thing.


What happened last night, I didn't intend to intervene in the first place. Jianghu Wudou cares whether you are a man or a woman. It's normal for you to win and lose.

Isn't that a coincidence?

My master gave me a Beiyin execution order, and the one who killed was the Moduo Sect.

These two guys bumped into the muzzle of the gun themselves, so who can be blamed.

"Why don't you tell me?"

Thinking of this, he looked up at the hall above his head.

"I said it a long time ago. The confession is all written. Seeing that you were engrossed in your thoughts just now, the head teacher, you didn't bother you!"

The big girl at the entrance of the hall turned into a human form, with long white legs dangling in front of Xu Tong. This vixen went to the Five Immortals Hall and got the inheritance from the ancestor of the Fox Family in the Five Immortals Hall. It changed from the original Tuha to a cute Pomeranian.

Even when speaking, he had to speak with a pinched tone, which made Xu Tong very uncomfortable.

"I still like the rustic taste of the past, you can change it!"

"Teacher, I'm a fox, not a dog, and I want to change my name. My name will affect my practice."

"Stop talking nonsense, a cheap name is easy to support, you know a fart!"

Xu Tong and Da Ya quarreled for a while before they got the confession from Fat and Thin Toutuo.

Taking a closer look, the Moduo Sect is really in Youzhou.

It's just that the whereabouts of the leader of Mortuo are erratic, and the court is also chasing him, and they don't know where the leader of Mortuo is now.

However, the people of the Moduo Sect have already begun to gather in Youzhou, and I believe that it will not be long before they will start to spread rumors.

The secret code is to send the gods to the three inches of the Lingtai.

"Teacher, since they are worthless, why not..."

After Da Ya finished speaking, Fa Cai and Ji Xiang also regained their spirits.

Obviously, during this time, without the offering of incense, they were almost starved to death.

"Don't worry, let's take a look first. In case we find traces of the Moduo Sect, maybe they are still useful."

After Xu Tong comforted the three guys, he put away the confession in his hand, sat quietly in the carriage, and followed the convoy into the city.

According to Xu Tong's instructions, Guo Yi took his men and horses to find an inn to live in.

"Boss, there is one room in the upper room, and two rooms are connected to the shop!"

Guo Yi walked to the counter and said.

"Add two tables of wine and food!"

Xu Tong walked past Guo Yi and mentioned it casually.


Guo Yi wanted to refuse, but Xu Tong waved his hand: "It's almost enough for everyone to live, but the food can't be bad."

Seeing that Guo Yi was in a dilemma, Xu Tong took out an ingot of pimple from his sleeve and put it on the boss's desk.

"Use it first, let's talk when it's not enough!"

Although there is no blessing of wealth luck, he is still a relative of the emperor. It is impossible to say that he has no money in his pocket, but he is a little poorer by a little over a billion compared to when he was blessed with wealth luck before.

"Yes, yes, don't worry!"

When the shopkeeper saw the silver pimple, he couldn't take his eyes off for a moment. He took it and weighed it in his hand. It was 50 taels, and his heart was full of happiness.

In this era, money is not flooded like it was in the late Qing Dynasty, but the money in this society is a real hard currency.

The shopkeeper put the money in his arms happily, and immediately called the shop assistants to start making arrangements.

"My lord, the money that the master gave you is a lot!"

Guo Yi looked at his subordinates with smiles on their faces, but instead reminded them in a worried voice.

The so-called amount of money, of course, is that the money is used for Li Zheng's relationship. His father, Prince Gong, is not a fool. The son is the gunman.

It's a pity that he is just a marginal prince, with no power or power, and he doesn't even have a master under his command.

What can be offered is some of the money accumulated over the years, and it is given to Li Zheng in the hope that at a critical moment, the money can save his life.

Not much money, only 1000 taels "huge money!"

I have to say that my father still loves me very much, but his thinking is too naive.

Since they were determined to use him as a gunman, if this little money was given away, it might not even be enough to buy a coffin for them.

Seeing that Guo Yi felt sorry for Yinzi, Xu Tong grinned and added to the shopkeeper, "Add two jars of good wine!"

Now Guo Yi's expression became even more bitter.

Seeing that everyone had settled down, Xu Tong went upstairs to rest in the room.

Pushing open the door, Xu Tong clapped his hands, and saw a ray of black light jumping out from the entrance of the hall. This time, without Xu Tong's instructions, Ji Xiang rolled on the ground and slipped into the mouse hole under the bed to develop himself His disciples and grandchildren have gone.

Xu Tong was not idle either, and released Fa Cai to change him into his own appearance, pretending to lie on the bed and rest.

Then tiptoely jumped out of the window, landed firmly on his feet, and looked up at the distance between the alley and the street.

Put one hand on your pulse and count the heartbeat, and at the same time take a step, silently counting the number of steps.


three steps,

seven steps

nine steps,

Up to twelve steps, just walking out of the alley, I carefully calculated in my heart; [seeing the dragon in the field, benefiting to see the lord]

"Mom, I want to eat pancakes!"

"Silly boy, this is for the City God, if you want to eat it, mother will bake it for you!"

A mother and son happened to pass by Xu Tong, and Xu Tong frowned slightly: "It's just right, let's go see the Chenghuang first!"

(End of this chapter)

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