Chapter 589
People in Yuyang always like to say that there are nine rivers in Yuyang, and God will not be hungry.

In fact it is.

The fish and shrimps on the street are very cheap, but occasionally Xu Tong will see some common people kneeling on the edge of the river and setting up an altar. The altar does not enshrine the three pure gods, but instead writes the words of the Great Sage of the Nine Rivers.

"Hey, it's another family!"

The wonton vendor on the side of the road looked at the old man kneeling and howling in front of the altar, he couldn't help sighing, and muttered in a low voice.

"Have a bowl!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a noble young man appearing in front of him, pointing to the wontons in the pot and said.

"Okay, please sit down!"

Seeing that the business peddler was busy inviting people to sit down, the person who came was also surprised. He waved his hand and did not intend to sit down. Instead, he pointed to the crying old man under the altar over there: "Why are you crying here?"

"Hey, it looks like you are from another place."

The peddler glanced at Xu Tong, then deftly served a bowl of wontons, sprinkled some salt on it, and handed it to Xu Tong.

Xu Tong didn't feel his mouth was burning when he took it, so he held the bowl and put it to his mouth to taste it.

Although the taste is very ordinary, the stuffing inside is made of fish, and the soup is also stewed fish soup, sprinkled with a little salt and sesame oil, the taste is not only a bit weak, but also passable.

While eating, Xu Tong listened to the peddler explain:
"This is worshiping the god of the river. It is said that relying on the mountains to eat the mountains depends on the water to drink water, but guest officer, how can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river? No, when fishing encounters wind and waves, the boat capsizes, and the family members are afraid of their souls." If you can’t come back, you have to make an offering to the God of the River, and ask the God of the River to let his son come back, hey, it’s so difficult for this white-haired man to send a black-haired man!”

I don't know if it's because the people in Yuyang are so poor-mouthed, and the peddler's words are just like storytellers.

"It used to be fine, but in recent years, there have been floods every year, and accidents every month, which made people panic. Some people said that it was the God of the River who asked them for sacrifices. Those dog-eating things in the government, what else? What kind of river god department has been established, and every year you have to pay the offering money to the river god, and if you don't pay the money, you don't even think about fishing, what are you talking about, it seems like a joke."

The peddler raised his head after finishing speaking: "Oh?? People??"

Looking again, the bowl was placed on the edge of the table, and two copper coins were lost in it.

"Well, it's really fast to eat!"

The peddler collected the money with a mutter, and continued to yell: "Wonton, a big and delicious wonton..."

"What river god? He's just a river demon. Take this opportunity to collect incense!"

Da Ya kept complaining on the road.

Of course, his tone is full of jealousy. Xu Tong believes that if he kills the river monster and lets her become a river monster, even if she can't swim, she will never hesitate.

"Not only!"

Xu Tong looked at the river on the side of the road, and said that officials and officials protect each other, and officials and businessmen are in collusion.

But the officials colluded with the monsters, the officials took the money, and the monsters took the incense. This business is really profitable, but the honest people suffer.

It's just that, isn't it afraid that the people in the Huntian prison will know about this matter?
Huntianjian, the predecessor of Qintianjian, existed in all dynasties, but they were called differently.

But after thinking about it, he found the answer from Li Zheng's memory.

Now that the empress is old and her suspicions are getting worse, there will always be some voices in the court demanding that the empress abdicate and return to the Li family.

The source of the voice was unknown, no matter how the empress searched, she couldn't find out who was behind the scenes.

Whoever jumped out at this time was particularly dazzling.

The more this kind of time, the more sensitive the status of Hun Tianjian.

Even though Supervisor Hun Tian tried his best to keep a low profile, put his tail between his legs, and pretend to be confused as much as possible, he lived in fear every day.

I'm afraid that some heavenly book, stone, or celestial phenomenon will come out that day, and they will be required to interpret it.

If there is a slight mistake, it is good that the bones do not exist. Maybe it is possible for a whole family to copy and kill all the nine clans.

At this time, Hun Tianjian thought that more things are worse than less things, and he wished to put a layer of invisibility on himself, so it was impossible for him to take care of these trivial matters.

Don't ask for meritorious service, but ask for no faults.

I'm afraid that Yuyang's officials are interested in this point, so they dare to collude with the river monster so much and amass a lot of money.

However, the matter of the river demon is not difficult for him, and he is not in a hurry.

Strolling on the street, along the street path, to the edge of the city wall.

When I looked up, I saw a small temple standing there.

On the gate of the temple is written the words "City God's Hall".

Xu Tong used the eye of fate to take a look at the Qimen, and found that the luck on the ground of the Town God's Temple was not bad, but the temple was empty and there was no one there.

There were a few fresh pancakes on the altar table, presumably left by the mother and child just now, other than that, there were only a few moldy fruits.

Compared with the altar of the river demon that he saw just now, this City God is a bit too miserable.

Even Da Ya finds it inconceivable, how can a majestic city god, the head of a land, be able to get into such a field? ?

In fact, it can't be blamed for Chenghuang's misfortune.

Lord Chenghuang is the god of the city.

In charge of things such as local land, mountain gods, and ghosts and ghosts.

In Li Zheng's memory, the City God was originally only in the Jiangnan area, and his status was not high.

Until the imperial court published a "Writing on the City God of Hongzhou", Emperor Taizong issued an edict, and the God of City God was named "Huntian Jianguo Simin Shengfu Mingling King, and a first-rank Duke.

The city gods of other prefectures were awarded the second grade for the "City God of Inspection Simin, Mr. Wei Ling".

The City God of the City Mansion is the third grade of "Wei Linghou, the City God of the Simin".

The county town god "inspecting Simin City God Xianyoubo" is the fourth grade.

After this point, the status of Lord Chenghuang was officially confirmed and included in the ceremony.

It can be seen from this that the conferment of imperial power is so important to those gods.

It's normal that Nanshenbeizhuan will not be easily accepted for a while.

Besides, in the hearts of Yuyang people, the City God is not as good as the River God.

Even if it is canonized by the imperial court, no matter how powerful the City God is, he can't control the affairs of the river, but if the river god is annoyed, not only will they not be able to catch fish, but their lives will be in danger.

Xu Tong looked at the statue of the City God covered in cobwebs, and took out the Northern Yin Killing Order given by his master in his hand.

As soon as the words fell, the Beiyin Execution Order in his hand began to glow with divine light, and the divine light shrouded the hall. Xu Tong found that the luck on his head had an extra divine ring.

This is a sign of the blessing of theocracy, which means that holding this decree means that the gods of Beiyin can exercise part of the divine authority.

"The City God came out to see me!"

Xu Tong yelled, his voice was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and the divine ring in his luck even emitted a golden light that hit the statue of the City God. As a result, Xu Tong waited for a long time, but he did not see the City God appearing.

"not at home??"

Xu Tong looked around, but he did not see the City God, and he began to mutter in his heart.

But after thinking about it, I feel that it is not quite right.

As the lord of the city, how could Chenghuang not be at home? ?

Thinking of this, Xu Tong raised his voice, "Chenghuang come out!"

With a loud roar, the mud tiles on the top of the head were shaken, and strands of blue ash fell down.

Finally, Xu Tong seemed to have sensed something, and when he looked back, he saw an old beggar walking in with a cane.

The old beggar's eyes were dull and dull.

But the action was really neat. As soon as he entered the door, he immediately knelt on the ground and paid homage to Xu Tong after seeing the Beiyin killing order in Xu Tong's hand.

"Land of Yuyang, pay homage to the envoy of Beiyin!"

Xu Tong looked at the beggar, and saw an old man's phantom appearing behind the beggar.

Apparently, the land lord found a beggar on his body, so he reluctantly rushed over to pay homage to him.

It's just that the land is a righteous god anyway, even if it is a low-level god, it is still a real god, and it needs to borrow someone's upper body to appear, and Xu Tong suddenly has a bad feeling.

"You are the land of Yuyang? Let me ask you, where is the City God??"

"The little god is the land of Yuyang, as for the City God...has not yet returned to his place."

The land looked troubled, although the Emperor Taizong had granted the city god a god a long time ago, but when the incumbent city god heard that it was Yuyang, he stopped coming.

As a result, even though the Temple of the City God still exists, the position of the City God is still in vain.

The land also sensed the breath of Beiyin's killing order, so it hurried over to explain the situation.

"The City God is not here!"

Xu Tong narrowed his eyelids, as expected, the task given by the master was not easy.

Seeing that Xu Tong didn't speak, the land was afraid that he would blame him, so he continued to complain, "I would like to tell you, this Yuyang people only believe in the river god. Even my land is hungry."

Seeing that the land was also nagging like the peddler, Xu Tong hurriedly stopped the land and continued, asking, "What is the origin of the river god!"

"Hmph, what kind of river god is there? It's just Wang Bajing, who has been practicing for a hundred years. He has caused the fishermen to suffer because of his strong water skills. I don't know when he colluded with the government, set up a spirit card for him, and proclaimed himself as the master of the sky. Great Sage of Nine Rivers, if you’re in a good mood, you’ll eat human fireworks; if you’re in a bad mood, you’ll eat those fishermen!”

When the land saw that someone was making decisions for him, he immediately began to count the past years, what this bastard has done, his heart is so cruel, he can't wait to tear this bastard into pieces.

Xu Tong listened to him for a long time, and finally got a little impatient: "Then do you know where this Wang Bajing is?"

"Eh... this little god is the Lord of the Earth, and the nine rivers in Yuyang are deep and deep..."

The more the land speaks, the lower the voice.

Xu Tong rolled his eyes and thought, no wonder people don't believe you, the key is that it's not easy to believe you.

"Since the City God is not here..."

Xu Tong turned to look at the statue of the City God in front of him, frowning for a moment.

Seeing this, the land was afraid that the backer would leave just like that, his eyes rolled around in anxiety, and he didn't care whether the old beggar's old legs could bear it or not, so he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"The city god is not here, so the king can take his place. Please make the king care about the common people and uphold justice for the people of Yuyang. This is an act of immeasurable merit. The little god is willing to do the same for the king."

"This is okay??"

"Of course, the envoy holds the Beiyin God's Order, which already has the ability to act on behalf of the local divine power. You only need to separate a few primordial spirits, attach them to the God's Order, and stick the God's Order behind the statue."

The land seems confused, but in his heart he is clearer than the mirror.

Although the envoy looks young in front of him and may hold the Beiyin God Order, the backstage is probably astonishingly large. If he can take the opportunity to hug this thigh, his benefits will be indispensable in the future.

Even if there is no benefit, if he can use this to kill the bastard, it will be of no benefit to him.

Xu Tong can certainly guess what the land is thinking.

But this incident moved him.

Not only was his heart moved, even the big girl was dancing and urging Xu Tong to quickly occupy the god position. This is a good thing for nothing. If he can take the opportunity to collect incense merits, wouldn't it be...


However, facing Da Ya's proposal, Xu Tong pondered in his heart, and suddenly smirked.

For a moment, Da Ya and Land didn't know what Xu Tong was laughing at. After a while, Xu Tong's smile faded away, and he glanced at the Lord of Land: "You don't have to worry about this matter. Besides, since you are from Yuyang Land, you will naturally be open to outsiders." The movements of the attackers are well known.”

"Yes, I don't know who the envoy wants to find?"

For a while, the land couldn't figure out what the envoy was going to do.

Of course Xu Tong would not explain it to him.

I just told him to pay close attention to the people who entered Yuyang City during these times, especially those about the Moduo Sect, and report to him immediately if he found any traces.


Hearing the words, Tu Tu couldn't help but feel cold, knowing that the envoy might have other tasks and didn't intend to take care of the river god's affairs anymore, thinking of this, he crossed his hands dejectedly and made a cross-hand salute, and then hurriedly withdrew.

When the land exited the City God's Hall, the possessed beggar's legs suddenly went limp, and he sat down on the ground and screamed. His knees were all swollen, and he walked with difficulty on crutches while scolding his mother.

As soon as the beggar left, the outside suddenly became quiet.

At this time, Xu Tong couldn't wait to use the mountain button, jumped into the abyss of the crack, and jumped while running, shouting: "Master, City God, can you do it..."

(End of this chapter)

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