Infinite script kill

Chapter 590 The City God Arrives

Chapter 590 The City God Arrives (Two Chapters In One)


Early the next morning, the sky was still hazy, and outside it had been raining all night.

Xu Tong stretched his waist, and walked out of the room as if he was full of sleep.

Strolling down the stairs to have a look, they found that Guo Yi and the others were already awake.

"Master! Did you sleep well last night?"

Seeing Xu Tong walking down, Guo Yi hurried forward and asked with concern.

"so so!"

Xu Tong responded casually, sleep?Sleeping like a big head ghost, I was dragged by the master to read the book all night last night.

Fortunately, I am a great master now, and I have the ability of photographic memory. After one night, I memorized the "Shen Tiao Lun" and "Xu Bo Wu Zhi" that my master asked me to read before.

As for whether you can understand what's inside, go to hell.

However, after memorizing books all night, Master Song still agreed to sit in the seat of the City God.

The master took three of them, and the rest belonged to Xu Tong.

Since the master agreed, Xu Tong will naturally do all the rest.

Sitting down, looking at the sparse porridge on the table, Xu Tong glared: "Just eat this?? The shopkeeper's!!"

"Young master, this is very good, very good, it's just a good thing to do in the morning."

Guo Yi saw that the son was angry, and immediately pulled his arm, indicating that the breakfast was arranged by him.

Xu Tong rolled his eyes at Guo Yi: "The emperor is still on the hunt for hungry soldiers, you follow me, how can you eat these, withdraw, withdraw, the shopkeeper serves meat and rice, those who can eat come!"

The shopkeeper was naturally eager to spend money. Hearing this, he immediately ran to the kitchen.

Guo Yi had a bitter face, but Xu Tong didn't give him a chance to speak. He looked around at the followers and said, "When I'm full, follow me to a place."

"The young master is going to the government office to report?"

Hearing these words, Guo Yi regained his energy immediately, thinking that after the prince reported for duty, they would be able to eat at the public house, and the prince would not need to spend money on food, drink, housing and transportation.

"No, there is no rush to report things!"

However, Xu Tong rejected his idea.

He didn't plan to report to the yamen so early. Now the river demon is obviously in collusion with Wang Bajing, so he ran over to show his death.

More importantly, Xu Tong also wanted to see how deep the water in Yuyang was.

Li Zheng is just an idiot, and he was appointed as a river inspector.

Reminiscent of when they came, they met Shenwuwei and people from the Moduo sect on the way.

I'm afraid Yuyang is just a big whirlpool, and it's hard to say whether there are people or ghosts under the water.

Under such circumstances, Li Zheng was appointed as a river inspector, obviously being used as a gun.

Can I obediently come to the door and serve as cannon fodder for these people? ?
Only fools rush to the door.

As the saying goes, build walls high, accumulate food widely, become king slowly,

Xu Tong already had a plan in mind, you wait for the cannon fodder, but I will not come to the door, whoever wants to be in a hurry will go in a hurry.

Guo Yi was very worried when he heard the words.

I know that my family's temperament likes to mess around, but how can this kind of thing be messed up casually, and if they stay in the hotel for one more day, they will spend an extra day's money...

Just when Guo Yi was anxious, the food was already on the table.

Xu Tong picked up a pancake: "Eat!"

Except for Guo Yi, the other attendants saw the pork rice served, so there was no reason not to eat it, so they immediately buried their heads in eating and drinking.

The strength of these followers is mostly third-rate goods today, but they are definitely first-rate in terms of food.

More than a dozen people ate with their stomachs open, and more than half of the food on the table went down immediately.

Seeing Guo Yi's heart ached, the pancakes in his hand were no longer fragrant.

"Guest officials, please come upstairs!!"

Everyone was eating, and when they heard the movement behind them, they couldn't help but look back.


Guo Yi glanced at it, then turned his head and looked at Xu Tong who was holding pancakes and gnawing on them.


Guo Yi winked but didn't speak.

Xu Tong followed Guo Yi's gaze and saw a group of men and women walking into the inn.

Three masters, one first-rate, four second-rate.

Just a glance, the strength of the eight people can be seen in full view, what surprised Xu Tong was that the woman among them was not the same woman who was almost given by the fat and thin Toutuo at the Pomiaokou before.

I originally thought that women were fighting alone and seeing injustices, but now it seems that I was wrong.

The woman's injury is still there, but it seems to have stabilized.

Looking up, she saw that her luck was very strange.

The three dead knots are intertwined. Although one has been untied, every time one is untied, the last button gets closer.


Nie Haitang seemed to be aware that someone was staring at him, and looked around, and happened to meet Xu Tong. Seeing this guy's eyes staring at him, Nie Haitang immediately became disgusted in his heart.

For some reason, the other party's eyes were staring at her, which made her feel a strong sense of discomfort.

Fortunately, Xu Tong then turned his gaze to the other two great masters. One was handsome and burly with a long sword on his back. People around him followed behind him invisibly, apparently on top of his head.

The other one is a little older, with a pair of triangular eyes looking around, looking very alert.

Looking over by himself, the triangle eyes were also looking at them. Seeing Xu Tong looking at them, the triangle eyes were startled, and then gave Xu Tong a vicious look.

Seeing this, Xu Tong immediately pretended to be timid and fearful, and lowered his head to eat the cake.

These people don't know their origins, but the sudden arrival of so many masters in the small Yuyang City inevitably made Xu Tong alert, so he deliberately concealed his aura.

Because of [Hei Biao Brocade Robe], I have to hide my aura, even an enlightened master may not be able to detect him without looking carefully.

This group of people is obviously also staying at the store.

However, the inn obviously didn't have so many rooms, so it could only arrange two rooms, one Datong shop.

When these people went upstairs, Guo Yi said solemnly: "My lord, those people just now are not simple, we must not provoke them."

The other attendants were still a little unconvinced, and said puzzledly: "Brother Guo, but I don't think they are a group of young men and women, they don't look like people from the world."

"What do you know!"

Guo Yi's face darkened, and the others' hearts tensed up, and they didn't dare to speak immediately.

Guo Yi is not only better than them in kung fu, but also an old Jianghu who has experienced many trials and hardships. They encountered a black shop along the way and were almost turned into human meat buns.

Everyone usually laughed and laughed at him, but seeing that Guo Yi was really angry, no one dared to say anything more.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Guo Yi slowed down his tone: "My lord, this group of people walks with wind under their feet, but there is not a single raindrop on their shoes. Look at the bad road outside. If it is not a top expert, at this time The soles of my feet are full of mud."

Everyone heard the words and looked down, only to find that the ground was wet, but there were only two pairs of muddy shoe prints, and the other shoe prints were only slightly watermarked, and disappeared after walking two steps.

Now everyone couldn't help being startled.

Xu Tong also pretended to be surprised: "It's so powerful!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help holding his chin, and sighed with regret on his face: "That girl just now looks so good..."


Guo Yi's face changed, and he quickly covered Xu Tong's mouth with his hand: "Speak carefully!"

"I know, I know, what's so great about a girl, there are plenty in the brothel, everyone eat quickly, and follow me when you're full..."

At the corner of the stairs, a man and a woman stood there with unfriendly expressions. Although they were far apart, Xu Tong and the others heard every word they said.

Nie Haitang's almond-shaped eyes widened, and one hand was on the hilt of the sword: "Frivolous!"

"Junior Sister!" Zhao Peng pressed Nie Haitang's sword-drawn hand with one hand, and shook his head at her: "Your injury is not recovering, so don't get angry with these people."


Nie Haitang squinted at the group of people below, and stared fiercely at the young man who was eating cakes. For some reason, the more he watched, the more he felt that this guy was not pleasing to the eye.

"Junior Sister, don't forget, we have other important matters!"

Zhao Pengsheng was afraid that Nie Haitang's willfulness would ruin their plan, so he could only comfort him: "Don't worry, as for this kid, I will naturally vent my anger on you, brother!"

When Nie Haitang heard this, the anger on her face dissipated a lot. At this moment, she suddenly felt something strange, and looked down, only to find that senior brother Zhao Peng's hand was still pressing on her own.

Instantly, his face became hot.

Zhao Peng also noticed something, and when he looked at his hand, he immediately realized that he was offended, and hurriedly withdrew his hand, with a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face, but his eyes did not move away from his junior sister Nie Haitang's face.

Seemingly aware of the fiery eyes of his senior brother, Nie Haitang's heart fluttered, and he hurriedly said back to the room to rest, and hurried away.

Looking at the junior sister who hid in the room, Zhao Peng stood where he was, raised his palm, put it under the bridge of his nose and sniffed lightly, with an intoxicated look on his face.

But in a blink of an eye, he raised his eyelids and squinted at Xu Tong's figure downstairs.


Immediately he gave a cold snort, went downstairs and came to the backyard, just in time to see his junior brother Liu Cai, Wang Yang, Dong Le and Zhao Xian coming out of the Tongpu room.

The strength of Liu Cai and the other four is not strong, but they can be regarded as third-rate masters in the arena.

In addition, having learned a lot of different skills from the master, the average person is definitely not a four-person opponent.

After seeing the four people, Zhao Peng frowned, stepped forward and called the four people to stop.

"Big Brother!"

Liu Cai and the others saw the elder brother coming, and rushed to meet them, only to see Zhao Peng put his arms around Liu Cai's shoulders, and said in a low voice, "You guys go out later, keep an eye on that guy outside, find someone This is a chance to teach them a lesson..."


After breakfast, Xu Tong took people out.

Instead of going elsewhere, I went straight to the Temple of the City God.

"My lord, what are we doing here?"

Xu Tong raised his head, looked at the Town God's Temple, and said to Guo Yi and the others: "This time, whether we can go back alive or not depends entirely on the City God."


Guo Yi looked up at the dilapidated City God Temple in front of him with doubts on his face.

Xu Tong didn't talk nonsense, and signaled a group of them to start cleaning, and the other group went to hire a carpenter and buy paint materials to repair the place.

"Young master! This money is counted."

Guo Yi saw that Xu Tong was going to build the Town God's Temple in a big way, and he was stunned for a while, not knowing what the son of the world was going to do.

"That's right, so let's use it wisely, and take some more money to make new clothes for Lord Chenghuang."

Xu Tong didn't care about Guo Yi's bitter face, and spent a lot of money.

This busy work lasted a whole night, and by the time the next day was already bright, the Town God's Temple had already taken on a new look.

Even the statues were painted with a layer of gold paint, and the entire Chenghuang Temple became brighter.

"Young master, why are we doing this?"

On the way back, the sky had already darkened.

After Guo Yi settled the accounts, he found that he had spent 300 taels a day today, and his heart ached.

Of course Xu Tong couldn't explain it, he couldn't let his master live in a ruined temple, besides, people want clothes and Buddhas want gold clothes, and you don't even have a decent appearance, so who can trust you.

At this moment, a cloud of gray smoke came out of the street, and the gray smoke slipped into the entrance of the hall through the night.

Seeing Jixiang's return, Xu Tong frowned slightly, glanced at the empty street behind him, raised his head thoughtfully, and saw a restaurant in front of him, grinning: "Brothers have worked hard today, just right, Let's have a good meal!"

"Thank you, son!" The other attendants didn't think so much like Guo Yi, and they immediately beamed with joy when they heard that the food was good.

"Young master! Young master! Oops!"

Guo Yi was so sad that he was about to cry.

But he could only follow in obediently.

"What to do, do you want to do it??"

Liu Cai popped up at the end of the street, and frowned when he saw them entering the tavern.

"Eldest Brother means that we don't want us to make a big mess, it's better to wait for them to come out before doing anything!"

After the four discussed it, they had no choice but to wait here.

The night was cold and windy, the stomachs of the four of them were empty, and their hairs were covered with cold.

Just when they were getting impatient, a person came out in front of the restaurant, it was the young man mentioned by the elder brother.

As soon as the young man went out, he looked around and walked towards the side alley.

"Ha, finally came out, let's go! Follow up, beat him up today, and give my sister a good way!"

Liu Cai's eyes lit up, and after saying this, he led the three of them to follow.

The four of them followed Xu Tong's figure and walked all the way into the alley. They were also bold and skilled, and they followed closer and closer without worrying about any trouble.

But I didn't know that I just walked out of the alley, and when I turned around, I realized that it was a dead end.

"What about people??"

The four of them were surprised for a while, and suddenly Liu Cai moved his ears, and his ears were pressed against the back of the wall.

Just listen to what seems to be behind the wall.

I wondered if someone had climbed over the wall and entered?
"Hmph, I just caught him and sent them to the government to be convicted of theft."

Thinking of this willow, he waved his hand, and the four of them jumped over the wall with ease.

As soon as it landed, it turned out that there was a rice warehouse behind the yard.

That rustling sound came from the rice barn.

The four searched for the sound and walked to the warehouse door, only to hear the sound inside getting louder.

Seeing this, the four of them looked at each other. Liu Cai took a deep breath and kicked the door open: "Stinky boy, how dare you steal... hiss!!!"

Just in the middle of speaking, Liu Cai's voice suddenly paused, and then he took a deep breath.

I saw a pair of red eyes staring at me in the dark rice warehouse, and it turned out to be densely packed with mice.

These mice were eating deliciously, they were startled by the four of Liu Cai suddenly, and then they screamed as if they were stimulated by something, and rushed down in a swarm.


Seeing the black mice pounced down, Liu Cai's face turned green, no matter how good his martial arts are, he can't hold so many mice pounced on him, one bite of a mouse is not enough for four of them to chew on.

Immediately screamed, turned and ran outside.

As soon as they ran, the mice behind rushed out in a swarm.

Good guy, are all the mice in Yuyang City holding a meeting here today? It was so dark, they rushed out in a swarm, like a torrent under the darkness of night.

This place was originally the government's rice warehouse, so there were people guarding it. Hearing the movement, he immediately rushed over here, and from a distance, he saw Liu Cai and the others running towards him in a panic.


The officers and soldiers held up their swords and wanted to call the four of them to stop, but at this time, how could the four of them control so much.

Seeing the officers and soldiers blocking the way, Liu Cai shouted, "Get out of the way!"

With a flick of the sword at the waist, the knives in the hands of the two officers and soldiers flew out, and the four of them flew over the wall, stepping on the heads of the officers and soldiers, and jumped more than ten meters away.

The two officers and soldiers didn't know what was going on, and when they saw this, they didn't care about the knife in their hands. They immediately turned their heads and chased after him, shouting as they ran, "Catch the thief!!"

At this moment, the whole granary became lively, and a large number of officers and soldiers rushed out from all directions.

Liu Cai and the others wanted to explain, but at this moment, there was a sudden scream from behind.

A group of officers and soldiers looked back, only to see the black rats coming out of nowhere. These rats had red eyes and bit anyone they saw.

The officers and soldiers were also in a mess. They had never seen so many rats in their entire lives.

"Set it on fire, set it on fire!!"

I don't know which clever idea came up with it, and actually proposed to set fire.


"It's out of the water!!"

The people of Yuyang City saw a flame soaring into the sky from a distance, and immediately rushed over with buckets.

At this moment, the governor of Yuyang City is drinking with several subordinate officials, discussing when the new river inspector will take office.

"My lord, the inspector of the river channel sent this time is said to be Prince Gong's heir."

"What kind of son is not a son, but a brat. When he comes, he can just fool around a few times. If he doesn't know how to praise, hum, it's not easy to deal with him!"

The governor Jiang Zhen was full of disdain, and he didn't pay much attention to the so-called son.

Who is behind him?It's the samurai.

If the Wu family does not fall, who would dare to move him? ?
Not to mention the death of a small river inspector, even if it is the death of a few low-ranking princes and princes, no one would dare to do anything to him.

"People from the Li family, does His Majesty still kill fewer people?"

Maybe he was drunk, but Jiang Zhen didn't know how to speak. Fortunately, the people who can sit here are all his confidantes, otherwise, if the words spread, ten heads would not be enough to cut off.

"My lord... my's not good!"

At this moment, someone rushed in from outside the door in a panic.

"You bastard, panic, it's my fault that Yuyang City is falling!"

Jiang Zhen smelled of alcohol all over his face, and he acted recklessly when he spoke.

He was talking excitedly, but the official who came to report couldn't care less, and hurriedly grabbed Jiang Zhen and said, "My lord, something serious happened, the granary, the granary is flooded!"

Jiang Zhen curled his lips when he heard the words, raised his hand and slapped his subordinate on the face: "Flood in the granary? Just go to put out the fire if the water leaks out. Tell Wuhou shop to put out the fire. What's the big fuss? What's wrong with it!"

"My lord, it is... the granary in Beicheng."

Beicheng granary, Jiang Zhen was taken aback by the four words, and then suddenly startled, his whole body trembled, and his whole body suddenly woke up from the smell of alcohol.

"Northern City Granary!!"

The expressions of the other subordinates also changed drastically.

Yuyang is an important place to garrison troops, and the granary in Beicheng is the ration for this year. If there is a mistake, it will be difficult for even the Wu family to protect him.

Even if it's not military rations, the warehouse is heavy, if there is a fire, if anyone in the court attends to him, he will not escape punishment.

Now Jiang Zhen panicked immediately, and immediately asked people to organize manpower to fight the fire.

When Jiang Zhen hurried over with his people, his heart sank, and he saw that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and it had begun to spread to the surrounding houses.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhenxin trembled, and he didn't bother to ask the cause of the fire. After thinking about it, he immediately called his confidant: "Quick, hurry up and invite the Great Sage of Jiuhe!"

The fire grew bigger and bigger.

Many of the firefighters among them, as soon as they rushed in, found that there were actually countless mice inside, and they rushed towards them in a dense mass, which scared people to death.

These rats rushed outside in groups, so that people did not dare to fight the fire.

"Teacher! Do you want to let these mice go to the rich man's house to make a fuss later?"

With the experience of Fuxian last time, Da Ya and the others have already summed up a set of their own methods.

As long as those rich people take the lead in donating money and goods, their reputation will soon spread.

This is the same as whether companies in reality can find angel investment.

Just as Xu Tong was about to nod his head, he suddenly noticed something and raised his head to have a look. At some point, thick dark clouds began to form in the sky.


Da Ya also noticed the abnormality at this moment: "The river demon is really capable, and he can even call the wind and rain!"

After finishing speaking, Da Ya couldn't help saying sourly: "It seems that this river monster has really eaten a lot of incense from the world. It won't be a few years if it goes on like this. Maybe he really has the possibility of cultivating the divine way."

"Hmph, if you want to become a god, you want to be beautiful!"

Seeing the heavy rain that had already fallen, Xu Tong jumped up, his figure was like a big roc, and he arrived at the Temple of the City God in a few steps.

"It's better to come early than coincidentally. Master, you should take up your post today."

Xu Tong took out the killing order from Beiyin, and saw a ray of soul behind the killing order, and Xu Tong pasted the killing order on the statue of the city god.

Immediately, the divine light blazed, and the originally dull statue suddenly gave people a sense of immobility and prestige under the divine light.

Then Xu Tong walked out of the gate, stood in front of the gate, opened his mouth and took a long breath, only to see the surrounding air flow surging, Xu Tong's chest muscles swelled up, and he yelled towards the sky: "The City God is here...!!"

 Sorry for getting up early in the morning to do nucleic acid, queuing for more than two hours, and going to bed after lunch when I came back, but I woke up a little late, and the update was a little late.

(End of this chapter)

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