Chapter 591
Last time at the Meijia crematorium, the goddess yelled to wake up the grandpa to come into the world.

This is called summoning the gods.

Just like the Taoist consecration ceremony, through complex rituals, the sculptures can inherit the aura of heaven and earth and bring about the well-being of all people.

A sculpture that has not been illuminated is a mud tire.

The difference is that no matter whether it is Taigong Lantern or Chenghuang Temple, neither of them need to be consecrated.

The origin of the Taigong Lamp itself is very mysterious. It was a monk who stayed in Mei’s house. He used the beams as the light pole, and the Taigong’s shadow was pierced on the lampshade, and the lamp was lit with the fire of Yuanshen.

The Town God's Temple is the sculpture that Emperor Taizong ordered the world to build. At the beginning of the construction, there was already a Shenxiu, but there was no City God.

So the two don't need complicated rituals, just a shout to reveal their identities is enough to wake up Shenxiu and connect with heaven and earth.

With a physique that surpassed that of a great master, Xu Tong raised his vitality and gathered his energy, and with a loud roar, a huge air current was formed, like a thunder that broke the sky and opened the earth.The whole Yuyang City resonated and trembled.

"The City God is here!!"

Immediately, the divine light surged from the statue of the City God, and strands of divine brilliance shot straight into the sky, and a huge divine power penetrated into the dark clouds in the sky.


There was a muffled scream in the clouds, and the dark clouds dispersed immediately, and the heavy rain stopped immediately, and a big river outside Yuyang City bubbled up.

For a moment, a huge tortoise poked its head out, and its two small eyes stared at the divine light in Yuyang City with resentment.

"The City God Lord has appeared!"

The people in the city stared at the divine splendor that broke through the clouds, and their eyes widened for a moment. Everyone knew that the city gods had all built temples everywhere under the decree of Emperor Taizong.

From time to time, there are rumors of the City God, but in Yuyang, few people have seriously paid homage to the City God.

"The gods have appeared!!"

An old lady knelt on the ground and kowtowed. The old lady may not know what the city god is, but she just needs to know that she is a god.

This time, other people followed suit.

"What are you praying for, put out the fire!"

Governor Jiang Zhen and several subordinates looked at each other face to face. Seeing the heavy rain and it dispersed after a while, he was so anxious that he was about to burn. At this time, what kind of city god, even the Jade Emperor, could not stand up to his black hat .

Suddenly, there was a bang, and the wall of the warehouse that was on fire collapsed, and a thick cloud of dust rolled up on the ground, which immediately suppressed the fire.

The fire is out! !

Everyone watched in amazement as the fire extinguished, it was really a manifestation of the city god.

"Oh, so many mice!!" At this time, someone saw countless densely packed mice coming out from under the ruins, and everyone turned pale with fright.

Even Jiang Zhen and the others were taken aback by this group of mice, and their faces turned pale when they saw the mighty mice rushing over.


Countless dense rats rushed out from the street, forming a torrent, but they did not hurt anyone, but turned around and ran towards the Town God's Temple.

Wait until all the people followed the mouse to the gate of the Town God's Temple.

I saw these mice crawling on the ground in unison, as if they were worshiping.

At a glance, I found that the Town God's Temple has been renovated at some point, and the dilapidated temple is as bright as new in the sun.

Looking inside again, I saw the Lord Chenghuang sitting in the middle, his golden body shining brilliantly in the sun.

"It's true that the city god has appeared!!"

Everyone immediately followed the mouse and knelt down.

Xu Tong hid behind the door and watched. Seeing the effect, he signaled the auspiciousness and let the mice disperse.

Ji Xiang shook his body, and the rat swarm dispersed immediately, and disappeared after entering the nearby mouse hole.

Without these rats, people became bolder, walked into the Town God's Temple one after another, and began to bow down, and after a while, the incense burner was already burning with high incense.

"Brother! Didn't the local city god take office? Besides, although the city god ordered the fifth department, when will he be able to order the mice again? I'm afraid someone used the name of the city god."

Not far away, Nie Haitang, senior brother Zhao Peng, and third senior brother Li Xinliang stood in the corner and watched.

As a member of the Huntian Supervisor, they are very aware of the particularity of this place in Yuyang, the City God has always been vacant, how suddenly the City God took office, it was so sudden that they felt very strange.

Moreover, controlling rat infestation is not what righteous gods should do.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the tricks of those cults to control people's hearts.

Reminiscent of the Moduo sect they were investigating recently, Nie Haitang's doubts were not unreasonable.

However, after careful observation, Zhao Peng denied Nie Haitang's idea.

"No, if someone pretended to be the City God, the Temple of the City God would have collapsed a long time ago. You can see that the statue of the City God is bright and upright. It is the appearance of an upright god returning to the throne, and it is definitely not something that ghosts and ghosts can have."

As soon as Zhao Peng said this, the three of them were also puzzled by the appearance of the City God.

But since they are righteous gods, they have no right to interfere.

Besides, it is also a good thing for them to return the righteous gods to their thrones. There is a city god in the city, but the town is peaceful.

To say nothing of dealing with the Moduo Sect, we still need to borrow the power of the City God.

As for this method of manipulating mice, Zhengshen would definitely not use such a method. Reminiscent of the roar just now, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which is not something that ordinary people can shout out.

It shows that there must be another expert manipulating behind this.

Zhao Peng's analysis was detailed. Although he didn't understand what happened, he probably figured out some ways.

The three of them were talking, when they saw Liu Cai and the others walking out of the street in a state of embarrassment, seeing the three senior brothers Zhao Peng, the four of them lowered their heads and hurried forward: "Senior senior brother!"

"What's the matter with you, look like this?"

The third senior brother Li Xinliang couldn't help asking when he saw the four of them in distress.

Liu Cai and the others made bitter faces and explained what happened last night.

"Sir, this..."

On the other side, Jiang Zhen and others stood outside the Town God's Temple and looked at each other for a while.

It was inevitable that these officials began to mutter in their hearts. They had an agreement with the Great Sage of Jiuhe.

If there are foreign teachers preaching locally, they must try their best to suppress them.

But this is the City God. Emperor Xuanzong personally issued an edict to elevate the City God, and ordered the whole world to build the City God Temple. They can't point to the City God Temple and say it is a demon way.

Besides, Jiang Zhen didn't have time to think about these things at the moment.

The granary in Beicheng was burned. Even though the fire was extinguished, the grain in the granary was probably burned out. It was all army rations.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhen's head was as big as a bucket, and he didn't care about the agreement with the Great Sage of Jiuhe, so he roared angrily: "What about this and that, go back to the house."

As they said that, the group walked back, but within two steps, they saw the officials from Beicang had been pushed over by two officers and soldiers in disgrace.

According to the current law, those who have houses in the government's treasury and warehouses are not allowed to light fire, and offenders are sentenced to three years in prison.

Those who cause losses will be punished as a crime of dereliction of duty and exiled for three thousand miles.

"My lord, I am wronged, I am wronged, we did not set the fire!"

The official in charge of Beicang was so frightened that he was about to pee his pants. It would not be an exaggeration to sentence him to beheaded for such a big responsibility.

"Not you??"

Jiang Zhen had evil fire in his eyes, and said coldly: "It's not you, could it be me, you idiot wait to die!"

Hearing this, the official was already about to cry.

In fact, the fire was actually caused by the officials below. Seeing the swarm of rats coming, they subconsciously took torches to drive them away. As a result, the lit rats ran around, which caused the fire.

As for who took the lead, he can no longer trace this matter, but if he doesn't want to find a way to excuse him now, he and the officials guarding the food will be exiled at least, and their heads will be killed at worst.

Thinking of this, from the corner of the eye of the official, he suddenly saw the figures of a group of people not far away on the corner of the street, and his eyes flashed, as if he had caught some life-saving straw:
"My lord, it was them, they set the fire, they sneaked into the granary last night and set fire to the grain!"

Jiang Zhen immediately took a closer look when he heard the words, and sure enough, he saw four people covered in black ashes, and at a glance they came out of the scene of the fire.

With a sword blade in his hand, it doesn't seem like a good thing at first glance.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhen narrowed his eyes into a slit, and said to his subordinates: "Go, notify the Yamen to arrest people..."

As Xu Tong continued to speak so loudly today, no one in Yuyang City did not know that the City God had appeared.

The enthusiasm that erupted from the people for a while exceeded Xu Tong's expectations.

In just one morning, the master has harvested a lot of incense merits. Although the amount is not as good as that of Fuxian, it is just the beginning.

Da Ya and the others looked at the pilgrims who kept coming in to offer incense, and they were almost crying.

They hadn't eaten incense for a long time, and when they thought that there would be incense to eat tonight, they all grinned and waited eagerly.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning. The huge Yuyang City has such a large population that no one can compete with us. The next step is to find a way to make it bigger and stronger, and create another glories."

"Teacher, you mean..." Da Ya understood and was about to say something.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside.

I saw a woman striding in holding a piece of paper filled with densely packed small characters. The people around saw the sign in the woman's hand, they couldn't help but froze for a moment, and immediately moved out of the way.

Xu Tong squinted his eyes and saw that the woman was not very old, but her skin was very dark, and her hands were covered with thick calluses and frostbite.

Woman holds a sign in her hand.

I saw the word "injustice" written in blood on the pleading paper.

As soon as he entered the door, he knelt down in front of the City God's Hall with a plop, staring straight at the City God in front of him without saying a word.

Seeing this, the others couldn't help sighing, and someone stepped forward to persuade: "Sanniang, this case is closed, what do you want?"

As a result, when Sanniang turned her head, her black and white eyes stared into panic, she gritted her teeth and said, "The heavens are unfair, and the officialdom is corrupt. I have nowhere to sue. Since the city god appeared, I ask the city god to uphold justice for me. If not, then the city god is unfair, and the women of the people will bump their heads against the south wall, even the Nine Nether Yin Cao who is suing must be fair!"

As he said that, he was about to throw the paper in his hand into the incense burner.

But at this time, one hand quickly took the pleading paper, swept it away, and said for a moment: "I have accepted this case, you go back, and you come back in three days."

Sanniang looked up and saw that the speaker was not only young, but also dressed as a rich man, she couldn't help but stare and said, "Who are you! What does this matter have to do with you!"

Xu Tong didn't answer, just said: "Believe it or not, it will be over in three days."

After finishing speaking, regardless of what Sanniang was thinking, she got up and walked out the door.

Putting aside the Sanniang case, Xu Tong had just walked out of the Town God's Temple and was about to join Guo Yi and the others.

As a result, as soon as he took two steps, he saw a large number of officers and soldiers suddenly pouring out around him.

These officers and soldiers rushed out and blocked the road in front of them in an instant, only to see that a group of people inside had been surrounded by groups. Xu Tong tiptoed to look inside. It was the four guys who followed behind him last night, as well as Nie. Haitang et al.

Seeing that there were melons to eat, Xu Tong looked around and saw a seller of dry goods beside him, so he simply walked over, threw a handful of copper coins, grabbed a handful of melon seeds, sat on the side and gnawed...

(End of this chapter)

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