Chapter 595
The vermilion fire filled the river, bursts of white smoke rose, and most of the river was illuminated by the fire.


Large blisters appeared on the surface of the water, a shadow emerged from under the surface of the water with a "crash", and a huge turtle shell floated on the surface of the water.

Xu Tong tipped his toes and landed lightly on the tortoise shell. Looking carefully, he found that although the tortoise shell was full of scratches, it was not really cut.

It's just that the old turtle's head was exposed, exuding a pungent burnt smell.

Seeing this, Xu Tong tried to strike a few times with the Chunyang Sword.

"Clank~" came the sound of rubbing.

Xu Tong secretly rejoiced that with a divine weapon like the Chunyang Sword, it only left a shallow mark.

It seemed that his sword just activated a skill, but in fact, this sword almost hit him with all his strength.

The level of fire addiction, after passing the training ground, reached LV3.

The level doesn't seem high, but the Pure Yang Sword has added one level to the fire addiction, and the devil king's descending fire skill has increased by two levels.

At this moment, the level of fire addiction has reached level six.

Don't forget, the damage of fire addiction is based on the level of fire skill increase.

And the hellfire that the devil descended, together with the flame of corrosion, and the sword energy of the raging fire, contributed to the vermilion flame, and the power of the fire addiction has reached an appalling level.

Xu Tong felt incredible that such a sword did not split the tortoise shell.

The bad thing is that I was afraid of missing a single blow, so I did something in advance, so that the fortune-telling avatar stuck the turtle head that wanted to shrink in at a critical moment.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be a failure, and it will be difficult to kill this bastard.

Even in the future, when I pass by the river, I have to pay attention, maybe this bastard will sneak attack me.

Fortunately, the sacrifice of getting rich is worth affirming.

"Hey, with you, my master's city god can be secured."

Xu Tong narrowed his eyes and pointed to the scorched head of the turtle.

Get rid of this scourge, and the next thing for me will be much simpler.


At this time, there was a sound of toad, and the sound came from the scorched tortoise's head, and a fat golden toad was seen coming out of the tortoise's head.

Xu Tong saw that it was Fa Cai's avatar, but the avatar that was originally the size of a baby's fist was now only as big as an egg.

Although it is a little small, it is better to have some left over than nothing.


Toad kicked its legs and landed in Xu Tong's palm.

Tangkou's Fa Cai stretched out a slender tentacle, lightly patted the clone, and sucked the clone back.

However, Fa Cai took back the avatar, but left a thumb-sized green pearl on Xu Tong's hand.

"what is this??"

Xu Tong took a look, the thing was still warm in his hand.

It should be taken from the old turtle by making a fortune.

Afterwards, Fa Cai gave a simple explanation, and it turned out that this thing was a demon pill hidden by the old turtle in his jaw.

After being noticed by the remaining avatar of Fa Cai, he took out the demon pill.

Xu Tong threw it into the item book.

[Extreme Demon Pill] 360 years.

It is edible and can be refined into a special elixir. If it is eaten directly by a non-monster system, there will be a risk of demon poison.

(Note: Roosters are not the only ones who lay eggs!)

"Hey, this thing is really good. Although I am not a demon system, my dark dragon body should not be that bad. I just don't know what is the use of eating this thing. Let's keep it for now. If it is useless, just eat it." Give it to Da Ya and the three of them to share."

But besides the demon pill, there is one more thing that must be taken away.

As soon as Xu Tong beckoned, the Charm Bell appeared in his hand. As soon as the bell rang, the soul restraint technique was activated, and he grabbed the corpse of the river demon at his feet, and a group of primordial spirits the size of a baby's fist were forcibly taken into Xu Tong's hands.

It is worthy of being a river demon who has eaten the incense of the world and practiced for 300 years. It is as big as the thumb of other people's souls, but it is so big.

He casually threw it into the entrance of the hall and handed it to Jixiang for safekeeping. He waited for himself to go back, took some free time, practiced it, and saw what good treasures this thing could produce.

At this time, a strange sound sounded.

Looking for the sound, I found that there were thousands of fireflies floating out of the corpse.


After a person dies, if he still has concerns, he will not be able to enter reincarnation, reincarnate, and finally become a firefly, surrounding his loved ones.

Xu Tong looked at the thousands of fireflies in front of him, and he could imagine how many people this bastard had killed over the years.

"Let's go! I'll take you home."

Although this time the character in my script is an official fan.

But he didn't forget his duty as a member of the Seven Sects.

Xu Tong took out a stack of thick yellow paper and waved it towards the sky.


When hundreds of yellow paper fell on the water, it had been turned into a small boat.

From the tool book, I took out the set of tools that my master gave me, a leather tube, opened it and took out three yellow incense sticks.

"If you don't have an incense burner, just use this tortoise shell."

Xu Tong took a look and saw that among the cracks of different shades on the tortoise shell, there happened to be a crack of just the right length and depth, and three yellow incense sticks were inserted on it, and with a wave of his hand, the three yellow incense sticks lingered on the green smoke.

Xu Tong summoned Fa Cai again, turned Fa Cai into a paddle, and then stepped on the turtle under his feet and slid to the other side of the river bank.

The other hand sprinkled the guide money into the air, and raised his voice softly: "Go home!!"


The guide money sprinkled down like snowflakes, and thousands of fireflies landed on the paper boat on the water, and followed Xu Tong to swim to the other side of the river.

At this moment, the river bank is full of people.

Except for those diggers who were captured by Heshensi, many of them saw the movement in the city and ran out to watch the excitement.

Everyone looked at the vermilion river in the distance. They had never seen such a spectacular sight in their life. Everyone's heart was already in their throats.


Suddenly someone screamed and pointed his hand towards the water in the distance.

Everyone looked in the direction, and everyone's eyes were filled with an unforgettable brilliance in this life.

The river was full of vermilion, and under the sky, a thin young man, holding a paddle and stepping on a huge tortoise shell, walked from the water.

"My son!!"

Guo Yi shouted, clenched his fists, rushed down the embankment excitedly, stepped on the icy lake water, and jumped on the turtle shell: "My lord, are you okay, are you hurt?"

Faced with Guo Yi's concern, Xu Tong was still very moved, and patted him on the shoulder: "God of the City God bless you, I am fine."

"It's okay, it's okay!"

As Guo Yi said, his eyes continued to look at Xu Tong, until he was sure that Shizi was really not injured, and his hanging heart relaxed.

"Thank God, thank Master Li, the river demon is dead!!!"

On the river bank, an old man knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Xu Tong.

Someone recognized this old man. His name was Huang Jinggen, and people called him Lao Huang.

Three generations of their family fished for a living, but their son died in the mouth of the river demon.

After his son died, Lao Huang often dreamed that his son was calling his father underwater.

For this reason, Lao Huang sold all his coffins, and handed over all the money to Heshensi, hoping that Heshen would let his son's soul go home.

However, there was nothing more about this matter after that.

On the contrary, Lao Huang has experienced a lot of vicissitudes overnight. He would stand at the door of his house every morning and night, calling his son's name.

Someone persuaded Lao Huang to open it, but Lao Huang told others that his son hadn't come back yet, and he had to wait for his son to come back.

If you want to say hate, Lao Huang may be able to skin this bastard.

Now seeing that the river monster finally died, tears streamed down his face for a while, and he called out his son's name: "Son, look, this damned thing is finally dead, you have to avenge it~~my son~ ~ woo woo woo."

Lao Huang's cries echoed on the river bank, but the cries were not limited to one family.

The reason why Yuyang is called Yuyang is that every household does not live by fishing.

Ever since this river monster came, and since the damn Song relatives and friends became the magistrates, the people of Yuyang City haven't had a good day.

Now that God has opened his eyes, a good official came to Yuyang, arrested the river god, and killed the river demon. These two things are enough for the people of Yuyang to set up a monument of merit for him.

However, Xu Tong can't take this credit. Although this benefit is taken by himself, I believe that the incense merit will not be less, but this is not a long-term solution.

After completing the identity task, he must leave Yuyang City. Everyone says that people leave for tea. I don’t know how long I will stay in the script world this time, so in order to ensure the popularity, I should not give this credit to myself. Better.

What's more, from the perspective of my own personality, I'm just a son who is dedicated to being an official, slaying demons and demons, so don't let this kind of thing stop me easily.

"Fellow folks!!"

Xu Tong stepped on the corpse of the river demon and took a step forward.

For a moment, the common people on the river bank looked at the old master Qingtian.

I saw Xu Tong pretending to grope around in his sleeve, but he was signaling to get rich and turned into a golden document.

Everyone looked at the golden document in Xu Tong's hand, and only heard him read aloud:
"According to the order of the City God, the Yuyang River demons make trouble for the people, and imprison the living souls to disturb the yin and yang. The crime is extremely heinous. They should be punished with the punishment of heavenly fire. The souls will be scattered and never reborn. ..."

Xu Tong's voice was as loud as a bell, everyone could hear each word clearly, only Guo Yi looked at the document in Xu Tong's hand blankly, his eyes widened, and after looking for a long time, he didn't see a single word .

Good guy, now make up a hard hang.

But it doesn’t matter if it’s made up now, it’s true or not, just like what the old monk of Baima Temple said, even though it may seem foolish with skill, it’s also a good deed to soothe people’s hearts.

Everyone suddenly realized in their hearts, it turned out that it was the City God who sent down the sky fire, no wonder the movement was so loud.

Just when everyone was still amazed at how powerful the City God is.

Someone suddenly saw densely packed paper boats floating behind the river demon.

Faint fluorescent lights flickered on these paper boats, and after everyone wiped their eyes a few times and took a closer look, it turned out that there was actually a firefly on each of the small boats.

At this moment, a divine light suddenly rose from the Town God's Temple in Yuyang City, which ordinary people could not observe. The green rainbow flew in the direction of the Town God's Temple.

This is not what Xu Tong and Master discussed.

It is the responsibility of the City God. The City God is not only a god of yang, but also a god of yin. In addition to protecting one party's safety, he is also responsible for the affairs of the underworld in this area. What's more, the master himself is a member of the seven schools. If there is no responsibility, it will inevitably take over and help Xu Tong extradite these ghosts to Nether.

Therefore, it is most suitable for Master to sit on the seat of City God.

 I read a book a few days ago. It is quite good, and it is also of infinite genre. Although I am a newcomer, I wrote the title of the book "The Heavens: Starting from Shiliyangchang". If you are interested, you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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